gdb: Add a directory of files with gdb macros
* gdb/: Directory to contain files with GDB macros. Organised by topic into
separate files.
* gdb/lib.txt: General OS API and Quagga lib macros:
(def_ntohs) convert big-endian short to host order.
(def_ntohl) convert big-endian long to host order.
(walk_route_table_next) Walk to next route_node in a table, according
to given top and current node arguments.
(walk_route_table) walk the given route table dumping non-null info pointers,
from the given root node.
(dump_timeval) timeval to human readable output
(dump_s_addr) Print IP address of given pointer to a (struct in_addr).s_addr
(dump_s6_addr) Ditto for IPv6.
(dump_prefix4) Dump a Quagga (struct prefix_ipv4 *)
(dump_prefix6) Dump (struct prefix_ipv6 *)
(dump_prefix) Dump a (struct prefix *).
(rn_next_{down,up}) left-down and up-and-right walks of a route_table
from a given route_node.
* gdb/ospfd.txt: ospfd specific gdb macros, depends on gdb/lib.txt
(dump_ospf_lsa_flags) LSA flags to text.
(dump_ospf_lsa_data) dump the data of a (struct lsa_header *) argument.
(dump_ospf_lsa) Dump the details of a (struct ospf_lsa *)
(walk_ospf_lsdb) Go through an LSDB, rooted at the
given (struct route_node *), and dump LSA details.
(ospf_backbone_lsdb_top) Get the LSDB top pointer for the given LSA type.
diff --git a/gdb/lib.txt b/gdb/lib.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b703808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb/lib.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# GDB macros for use with Quagga.
+# Macros in this file are not daemon specific. E.g., OS or Quagga library
+# APIs.
+# The macro file can be loaded with 'source <filename>'. They can then be
+# called by the user. Macros that explore more complicated structs generally
+# take pointer arguments.
+# E.g.:
+# (gdb) source ~paul/code/quagga/gdb/lib.txt
+# (gdb) break bgp_packet.c:613
+# Breakpoint 3 at 0x7fa883033a32: file bgp_packet.c, line 613.
+# (gdb) cont
+# ...
+# (gdb) cont
+# Breakpoint 3, bgp_write_packet (peer=0x7fa885199080) at bgp_packet.c:614
+# 614 if (CHECK_FLAG (adv->binfo->peer->cap,PEER_CAP_RESTART_RCV)
+# (gdb) dump_prefix4 &adv->rn->p
+# IPv4:
+# (gdb) dump_prefix &adv->rn->p
+# IPv4:
+define def_ntohs
+ set $data = (char *)$arg0
+ set $i = 0
+ set $_ = $data[$i++] << 8
+ set $_ += $data[$i++]
+document def_ntohs
+Read a 2-byte short at the given pointed to area as big-endian and
+return it in $_
+Argument: Pointer to a 2-byte, big-endian short word.
+Returns: Integer value of that word in $_
+define def_ntohl
+ set $data = (char *)$arg0
+ set $i = 0
+ set $_ = $data[$i++] << 24
+ set $_ += $data[$i++] << 16
+ set $_ += $data[$i++] << 8
+ set $_ += $data[$i++]
+document def_ntohl
+Read a 4-byte integer at the given pointed to area as big-endian and
+return it in $_
+Argument: Pointer to a big-endian 4-byte word.
+Returns: Integer value of that word in $_
+# NB: This is in more complicated iterative form, rather than more
+# conventional and simpler recursive form, because GDB has a recursion limit
+# on macro calls (I think).
+define walk_route_table_next
+ # callee saves
+ set $_top = $top
+ set $_node = $node
+ set $_prevl = $prevl
+ set $top = (struct route_node *)$arg0
+ set $node = (struct route_node *)$arg1
+ set $prevl = $node
+ # first try left
+ #echo try left\n
+ set $node = $prevl->link[0]
+ # otherwise try right
+ if ($node == 0)
+ #echo left null, try right\n
+ set $node = $prevl->link[1]
+ end
+ # otherwise go up, till we find the first right that
+ # we havn't been to yet
+ if ($node == 0)
+ set $node = $prevl
+ while ($node != $top)
+ #echo right null, try up and right\n
+ set $prevl = $node
+ set $parent = $node->parent
+ set $node = $parent->link[1]
+ if ($node != 0 && $node != $prevl)
+ #echo found node \n
+ loop_break
+ end
+ #echo go up\n
+ set $node = $parent
+ end
+ end
+ #printf "next node: 0x%x\n", $node
+ set $_ = $node
+ set $top = $_top
+ set $node = $_node
+ set $prevl = $_prevl
+document walk_route_table_next
+Return the next node to visit in the given route_table (or subset of) and
+the given current node.
+1st: (struct route_node *) to the top of the route_table to walk
+2nd: (struct route_node *) to the current node
+Returns: The (struct route_node *) for the next to visit in $_
+define walk_route_table
+ set $_visited = $visited
+ set $_node = $node
+ set $top = $_top
+ set $node = (struct route_node *)$arg0
+ set $top = (struct route_node *)$arg0
+ set $visited = 0
+ while ($node != 0)
+ printf "Node: 0x%x", $node
+ if ($node->info != 0)
+ printf "\tinfo: 0x%x", $node->info
+ set $visited = $visited + 1
+ end
+ printf "\n"
+ walk_route_table_next $top $node
+ set $node = $_
+ # we've gotten back to the top, finish
+ if ($node == $top)
+ set $node = 0
+ end
+ end
+ printf "Visited: %u\n", $visited
+ set $top = $_top
+ set $visited = $_visited
+ set $node = $_node
+document walk_route_table
+Walk through a routing table (or subset thereof) and dump all the non-null
+(struct route_node *)->info pointers.
+Argument: A lib/thread.h::(struct route_node *) pointing to the route_node
+under which all data should be dumped
+define dump_timeval
+ set $tv = (struct timeval *)$arg0
+ set $day = 3600*24
+ if $tv->tv_sec > $day
+ printf "%d days, ", $tv->tv_sec / $day
+ end
+ if $tv->tv_sec > 3600
+ printf "%dh", $tv->tv_sec / 3600
+ end
+ if ($tv->tv_sec % 3600) > 60
+ printf "%dm", ($tv->tv_sec % 3600) / 60
+ end
+ printf "%d", $tv->tv_sec % 3600 % 60
+ if $tv->tv_usec != 0
+ printf ".%06d", $tv->tv_usec
+ end
+ printf "s"
+document dump_timeval
+Human readable dump of a (struct timeval *) argument
+define dump_s_addr
+ set $addr = (char *)$arg0
+ printf "%d.%d.%d.%d", $addr[0], $addr[1], $addr[2], $addr[3]
+define dump_s6_addr
+ set $a6 = (char *)$arg0
+ set $field = 0
+ while ($field < 16)
+ set $i1 = $field++
+ set $i2 = $field++
+ printf "%x%x", $a6[$i1], $a6[$i2]
+ if ($field > 2 && ($field % 4 == 0))
+ printf ":"
+ end
+ end
+document dump_s6_addr
+Interpret the memory starting at given address as an IPv6 s6_addr and
+print in human readable form.
+define dump_prefix4
+ set $p = (struct prefix *) $arg0
+ echo IPv4:
+ dump_s_addr &($p->u.prefix4)
+ printf "/%d\n", $p->prefixlen
+document dump_prefix4
+Textual dump of a (struct prefix4 *) argument.
+define dump_prefix6
+ set $p = (struct prefix *) $arg0
+ echo IPv6:
+ dump_s6_addr &($p->u.prefix6)
+ printf "/%d\n", $p->prefixlen
+document dump_prefix6
+Textual dump of a (struct prefix6 *) argument.
+define dump_prefix
+ set $p = $arg0
+ if ($p->family == 2)
+ dump_prefix4 $p
+ end
+ if ($p->family == 10)
+ dump_prefix6 $p
+ end
+document dump_prefix
+Human readable dump of a (struct prefix *) argument.
+define rn_next_down
+ set $node = $arg0
+ while ($node != 0)
+ print/x $node
+ if ($node->link[0] != 0)
+ set $node = $node->link[0]
+ else
+ set $node = $node->link[1]
+ end
+ end
+document rn_next_down
+Walk left-down a given route table, dumping locations of route_nodes
+Argument: A single (struct route_node *).
+define rn_next_up
+ set $top = (struct route_node *)$arg0
+ set $node = (struct route_node *)$arg1
+ while ($node != $top)
+ echo walk up\n
+ set $prevl = $node
+ set $parent = $node->parent
+ set $node = $parent->link[1]
+ if ($node != 0 && $node != $prevl)
+ echo found a node\n
+ loop_break
+ end
+ echo going up\n
+ set $node = $parent
+ end
+ output/x $node
+ echo \n
+document rn_next_up
+Walk up-and-right from the given route_node to the next valid route_node
+which is not the given "top" route_node
+1st: A (struct route_node *) to the top of the route table.
+2nd: The (struct route_node *) to walk up from
diff --git a/gdb/ospf.txt b/gdb/ospf.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..984104b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdb/ospf.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# GDB macros for use with Quagga.
+# Macros in this file are specific to ospfd/. Definitions here depend on the
+# lib.txt macros file, which must also be loaed.
+# The macro file can be loaded with 'source <filename>'. They can then be
+# called by the user. Macros that explore more complicated structs generally
+# take pointer arguments.
+define dump_ospf_lsa_flags
+ set $flags = $arg0
+ printf "%u: ", $flags
+ if $flags & 0x1
+ echo Self,
+ end
+ if $flags & 0x2
+ echo Self-checked,
+ end
+ if $flags & 0x4
+ echo Recvd,
+ end
+ if $flags & 0x8
+ echo Apprvd,
+ end
+ if $flags & 0x10
+ echo Discard,
+ end
+ if $flags & 0x20
+ echo Local-Xlt,
+ end
+ if $flags & 0x40
+ echo Premature-Aged,
+ end
+ if $flags & 0x40
+ echo In-Maxage,
+ end
+ echo \n
+define dump_ospf_lsa_data
+ set $lsad = (struct lsa_header *)$arg0
+ echo ID / AdvRtr: \t\t
+ dump_s_addr &$lsad->id.s_addr
+ echo \ : \
+ dump_s_addr &$lsad->adv_router.s_addr
+ echo \n
+ def_ntohs &$lsad->ls_age
+ printf "Type: %2u Age: %4u,", $lsad->type, $_
+ def_ntohs &$lsad->length
+ printf " length: %2u", $_
+ def_ntohl &$lsad->ls_seqnum
+ printf " Seqnum: 0x%08x", $_
+ def_ntohs &$lsad->checksum
+ printf " csum: 0x%04x\n", $_
+ # return the age
+ def_ntohs &$lsad->ls_age
+define dump_ospf_lsa
+ set $lsa = (struct ospf_lsa *)$arg0
+ #print/x *$lsa
+ dump_ospf_lsa_data $lsa->data
+ set $relage = $_ + (relative_time.tv_sec - $lsa->tv_recv.tv_sec)
+ printf "Relative age: %4u\n", $relage
+ dump_ospf_lsa_flags $lsa->flags
+ echo tv_recv: \
+ dump_timeval &$lsa->tv_recv
+ echo \ tv_orig: \
+ dump_timeval &$lsa->tv_orig
+ echo \n
+ printf "lock %2u", $lsa->lock
+ printf " stat %2d", $lsa->stat
+ printf " rtx count: %u", $lsa->retransmit_counter
+ printf " rfsh list: %d", $lsa->refresh_list
+ printf "\n\n"
+define walk_ospf_lsdb
+ set $node = (struct route_node *)$arg0
+ set $top = (struct route_node *)$arg0
+ set $visited = 0
+ while ($node != 0)
+ set $prevl = $node
+ if ($node->info != 0)
+ dump_ospf_lsa $node->info
+ set $visited = $visited + 1
+ end
+ walk_route_table_next $top $node
+ set $node = $_
+ # we've gotten back to the top, finish
+ if ($node == $top)
+ set $node = 0
+ end
+ end
+ printf "Visited: %u\n", $visited
+document walk_ospf_lsdb
+Walk through an OSPF LSDB (or subset thereof) and dump all the LSAs
+contained there-in.
+Argument: A (struct route_node *) pointing to the top of the
+LSDB route-table which should be dumped.
+define ospf_backbone_lsdb_top
+ set $type = $arg0
+ set $ospf = ospf_master->ospf->head->data
+ output/x ((struct ospf *)$ospf)->backbone->lsdb->type[$type]->db->top
+ echo \n
+document ospf_backbone_lsdb_top
+Dump location of the LSDB in the backbone area for the given LSA type
+Argument: Integer LSA type