Initial revision
diff --git a/zebra/rtadv.c b/zebra/rtadv.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f4b377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zebra/rtadv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1112 @@
+/* Router advertisement
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 Kunihiro Ishiguro
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Zebra.
+ *
+ * GNU Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Zebra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Zebra; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ * 02111-1307, USA.  
+ */
+#include <zebra.h>
+#include "memory.h"
+#include "sockopt.h"
+#include "thread.h"
+#include "if.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "prefix.h"
+#include "linklist.h"
+#include "command.h"
+#include "zebra/interface.h"
+#include "zebra/rtadv.h"
+#include "zebra/debug.h"
+#if defined (HAVE_IPV6) && defined (RTADV)
+/* If RFC2133 definition is used. */
+#ifndef IPV6_JOIN_GROUP
+#define ALLNODE   "ff02::1"
+#define ALLROUTER "ff02::2"
+void rtadv_event (enum rtadv_event, int);
+int if_join_all_router (int, struct interface *);
+int if_leave_all_router (int, struct interface *);
+/* Structure which hold status of router advertisement. */
+struct rtadv
+  int sock;
+  int adv_if_count;
+  struct thread *ra_read;
+  struct thread *ra_timer;
+struct rtadv *rtadv = NULL;
+struct rtadv *
+rtadv_new ()
+  struct rtadv *new;
+  new = XMALLOC (MTYPE_TMP, sizeof (struct rtadv));
+  memset (new, 0, sizeof (struct rtadv));
+  return new;
+rtadv_free (struct rtadv *rtadv)
+  XFREE (MTYPE_TMP, rtadv);
+rtadv_recv_packet (int sock, u_char *buf, int buflen,
+		   struct sockaddr_in6 *from, unsigned int *ifindex,
+		   int *hoplimit)
+  int ret;
+  struct msghdr msg;
+  struct iovec iov;
+  struct cmsghdr  *cmsgptr;
+  struct in6_addr dst;
+  char adata[1024];
+  /* Fill in message and iovec. */
+  msg.msg_name = (void *) from;
+  msg.msg_namelen = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6);
+  msg.msg_iov = &iov;
+  msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
+  msg.msg_control = (void *) adata;
+  msg.msg_controllen = sizeof adata;
+  iov.iov_base = buf;
+  iov.iov_len = buflen;
+  /* If recvmsg fail return minus value. */
+  ret = recvmsg (sock, &msg, 0);
+  if (ret < 0)
+    return ret;
+  for (cmsgptr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsgptr != NULL;
+       cmsgptr = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsgptr)) 
+    {
+      /* I want interface index which this packet comes from. */
+      if (cmsgptr->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IPV6 &&
+	  cmsgptr->cmsg_type == IPV6_PKTINFO) 
+	{
+	  struct in6_pktinfo *ptr;
+	  ptr = (struct in6_pktinfo *) CMSG_DATA (cmsgptr);
+	  *ifindex = ptr->ipi6_ifindex;
+	  memcpy(&dst, &ptr->ipi6_addr, sizeof(ptr->ipi6_addr));
+        }
+      /* Incoming packet's hop limit. */
+      if (cmsgptr->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IPV6 &&
+	  cmsgptr->cmsg_type == IPV6_HOPLIMIT)
+	*hoplimit = *((int *) CMSG_DATA (cmsgptr));
+    }
+  return ret;
+#define RTADV_MSG_SIZE 4096
+/* Send router advertisement packet. */
+rtadv_send_packet (int sock, struct interface *ifp)
+  struct msghdr msg;
+  struct iovec iov;
+  struct cmsghdr  *cmsgptr;
+  struct in6_pktinfo *pkt;
+  struct sockaddr_in6 addr;
+  struct sockaddr_dl *sdl;
+#endif /* HAVE_SOCKADDR_DL */
+  char adata [sizeof (struct cmsghdr) + sizeof (struct in6_pktinfo)];
+  unsigned char buf[RTADV_MSG_SIZE];
+  struct nd_router_advert *rtadv;
+  int ret;
+  int len = 0;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  u_char all_nodes_addr[] = {0xff,0x02,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
+  listnode node;
+  /* Logging of packet. */
+    zlog_info ("Router advertisement send to %s", ifp->name);
+  /* Fill in sockaddr_in6. */
+  memset (&addr, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6));
+  addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+#ifdef SIN6_LEN
+  addr.sin6_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6);
+#endif /* SIN6_LEN */
+  addr.sin6_port = htons (IPPROTO_ICMPV6);
+  memcpy (&addr.sin6_addr, all_nodes_addr, sizeof (struct in6_addr));
+  /* Fetch interface information. */
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  /* Make router advertisement message. */
+  rtadv = (struct nd_router_advert *) buf;
+  rtadv->nd_ra_type = ND_ROUTER_ADVERT;
+  rtadv->nd_ra_code = 0;
+  rtadv->nd_ra_cksum = 0;
+  rtadv->nd_ra_curhoplimit = 64;
+  rtadv->nd_ra_flags_reserved = 0;
+  if (zif->rtadv.AdvManagedFlag)
+    rtadv->nd_ra_flags_reserved |= ND_RA_FLAG_MANAGED;
+  if (zif->rtadv.AdvOtherConfigFlag)
+    rtadv->nd_ra_flags_reserved |= ND_RA_FLAG_OTHER;
+  rtadv->nd_ra_router_lifetime = htons (zif->rtadv.AdvDefaultLifetime);
+  rtadv->nd_ra_reachable = htonl (zif->rtadv.AdvReachableTime);
+  rtadv->nd_ra_retransmit = htonl (0);
+  len = sizeof (struct nd_router_advert);
+  /* Fill in prefix. */
+  for (node = listhead (zif->rtadv.AdvPrefixList); node; node = nextnode (node))
+    {
+      struct nd_opt_prefix_info *pinfo;
+      struct rtadv_prefix *rprefix;
+      rprefix = getdata (node);
+      pinfo = (struct nd_opt_prefix_info *) (buf + len);
+      pinfo->nd_opt_pi_type = ND_OPT_PREFIX_INFORMATION;
+      pinfo->nd_opt_pi_len = 4;
+      pinfo->nd_opt_pi_prefix_len = rprefix->prefix.prefixlen;
+      pinfo->nd_opt_pi_flags_reserved = 0;
+      if (rprefix->AdvOnLinkFlag)
+	pinfo->nd_opt_pi_flags_reserved |= ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_ONLINK;
+      if (rprefix->AdvAutonomousFlag)
+	pinfo->nd_opt_pi_flags_reserved |= ND_OPT_PI_FLAG_AUTO;
+      pinfo->nd_opt_pi_valid_time = htonl (rprefix->AdvValidLifetime);
+      pinfo->nd_opt_pi_preferred_time = htonl (rprefix->AdvPreferredLifetime);
+      pinfo->nd_opt_pi_reserved2 = 0;
+      memcpy (&pinfo->nd_opt_pi_prefix, &rprefix->prefix.u.prefix6,
+	      sizeof (struct in6_addr));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      {
+	u_char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+	zlog_info ("DEBUG %s", inet_ntop (AF_INET6, &pinfo->nd_opt_pi_prefix, buf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN));
+      }
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      len += sizeof (struct nd_opt_prefix_info);
+    }
+  /* Hardware address. */
+  sdl = &ifp->sdl;
+  if (sdl != NULL && sdl->sdl_alen != 0)
+    {
+      buf[len++] = ND_OPT_SOURCE_LINKADDR;
+      buf[len++] = (sdl->sdl_alen + 2) >> 3;
+      memcpy (buf + len, LLADDR (sdl), sdl->sdl_alen);
+      len += sdl->sdl_alen;
+    }
+  if (ifp->hw_addr_len != 0)
+    {
+      buf[len++] = ND_OPT_SOURCE_LINKADDR;
+      buf[len++] = (ifp->hw_addr_len + 2) >> 3;
+      memcpy (buf + len, ifp->hw_addr, ifp->hw_addr_len);
+      len += ifp->hw_addr_len;
+    }
+#endif /* HAVE_SOCKADDR_DL */
+  msg.msg_name = (void *) &addr;
+  msg.msg_namelen = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in6);
+  msg.msg_iov = &iov;
+  msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
+  msg.msg_control = (void *) adata;
+  msg.msg_controllen = sizeof adata;
+  iov.iov_base = buf;
+  iov.iov_len = len;
+  cmsgptr = (struct cmsghdr *)adata;
+  cmsgptr->cmsg_len = sizeof adata;
+  cmsgptr->cmsg_level = IPPROTO_IPV6;
+  cmsgptr->cmsg_type = IPV6_PKTINFO;
+  pkt = (struct in6_pktinfo *) CMSG_DATA (cmsgptr);
+  memset (&pkt->ipi6_addr, 0, sizeof (struct in6_addr));
+  pkt->ipi6_ifindex = ifp->ifindex;
+  ret = sendmsg (sock, &msg, 0);
+  if (ret <0)
+    perror ("sendmsg");
+rtadv_timer (struct thread *thread)
+  listnode node;
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  rtadv->ra_timer = NULL;
+  rtadv_event (RTADV_TIMER, 1);
+  for (node = listhead (iflist); node; nextnode (node))
+    {
+      ifp = getdata (node);
+      if (if_is_loopback (ifp))
+	continue;
+      zif = ifp->info;
+      if (zif->rtadv.AdvSendAdvertisements)
+	if (--zif->rtadv.AdvIntervalTimer <= 0)
+	  {
+	    zif->rtadv.AdvIntervalTimer = zif->rtadv.MaxRtrAdvInterval;
+	    rtadv_send_packet (rtadv->sock, ifp);
+	  }
+    }
+  return 0;
+rtadv_process_solicit (struct interface *ifp)
+  zlog_info ("Router solicitation received on %s", ifp->name);
+  rtadv_send_packet (rtadv->sock, ifp);
+rtadv_process_advert ()
+  zlog_info ("Router advertisement received");
+rtadv_process_packet (u_char *buf, int len, unsigned int ifindex, int hoplimit)
+  struct icmp6_hdr *icmph;
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  /* Interface search. */
+  ifp = if_lookup_by_index (ifindex);
+  if (ifp == NULL)
+    {
+      zlog_warn ("Unknown interface index: %d", ifindex);
+      return;
+    }
+  if (if_is_loopback (ifp))
+    return;
+  /* Check interface configuration. */
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  if (! zif->rtadv.AdvSendAdvertisements)
+    return;
+  /* ICMP message length check. */
+  if (len < sizeof (struct icmp6_hdr))
+    {
+      zlog_warn ("Invalid ICMPV6 packet length: %d", len);
+      return;
+    }
+  icmph = (struct icmp6_hdr *) buf;
+  /* ICMP message type check. */
+  if (icmph->icmp6_type != ND_ROUTER_SOLICIT &&
+      icmph->icmp6_type != ND_ROUTER_ADVERT)
+    {
+      zlog_warn ("Unwanted ICMPV6 message type: %d", icmph->icmp6_type);
+      return;
+    }
+  /* Hoplimit check. */
+  if (hoplimit >= 0 && hoplimit != 255)
+    {
+      zlog_warn ("Invalid hoplimit %d for router advertisement ICMP packet",
+		 hoplimit);
+      return;
+    }
+  /* Check ICMP message type. */
+  if (icmph->icmp6_type == ND_ROUTER_SOLICIT)
+    rtadv_process_solicit (ifp);
+  else if (icmph->icmp6_type == ND_ROUTER_ADVERT)
+    rtadv_process_advert ();
+  return;
+rtadv_read (struct thread *thread)
+  int sock;
+  int len;
+  u_char buf[RTADV_MSG_SIZE];
+  struct sockaddr_in6 from;
+  unsigned int ifindex;
+  int hoplimit = -1;
+  sock = THREAD_FD (thread);
+  rtadv->ra_read = NULL;
+  /* Register myself. */
+  rtadv_event (RTADV_READ, sock);
+  len = rtadv_recv_packet (sock, buf, BUFSIZ, &from, &ifindex, &hoplimit);
+  if (len < 0) 
+    {
+      zlog_warn ("router solicitation recv failed: %s.", strerror (errno));
+      return len;
+    }
+  rtadv_process_packet (buf, len, ifindex, hoplimit);
+  return 0;
+rtadv_make_socket (void)
+  int sock;
+  int ret;
+  struct icmp6_filter filter;
+  sock = socket (AF_INET6, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMPV6);
+  /* When we can't make ICMPV6 socket simply back.  Router
+     advertisement feature will not be supported. */
+  if (sock < 0)
+    return -1;
+  ret = setsockopt_ipv6_pktinfo (sock, 1);
+  if (ret < 0)
+    return ret;
+  ret = setsockopt_ipv6_checksum (sock, 2);
+  if (ret < 0)
+    return ret;
+  ret = setsockopt_ipv6_multicast_loop (sock, 0);
+  if (ret < 0)
+    return ret;
+  ret = setsockopt_ipv6_unicast_hops (sock, 255);
+  if (ret < 0)
+    return ret;
+  ret = setsockopt_ipv6_multicast_hops (sock, 255);
+  if (ret < 0)
+    return ret;
+  ret = setsockopt_ipv6_hoplimit (sock, 1);
+  if (ret < 0)
+    return ret;
+  ret = setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_ICMPV6, ICMP6_FILTER, &filter,
+		    sizeof (struct icmp6_filter));
+  if (ret < 0)
+    {
+      zlog_info ("ICMP6_FILTER set fail: %s", strerror (errno));
+      return ret;
+    }
+  return sock;
+struct rtadv_prefix *
+rtadv_prefix_new ()
+  struct rtadv_prefix *new;
+  new = XMALLOC (MTYPE_RTADV_PREFIX, sizeof (struct rtadv_prefix));
+  memset (new, 0, sizeof (struct rtadv_prefix));
+  return new;
+rtadv_prefix_free (struct rtadv_prefix *rtadv_prefix)
+  XFREE (MTYPE_RTADV_PREFIX, rtadv_prefix);
+struct rtadv_prefix *
+rtadv_prefix_lookup (list rplist, struct prefix *p)
+  listnode node;
+  struct rtadv_prefix *rprefix;
+  for (node = listhead (rplist); node; node = nextnode (node))
+    {
+      rprefix = getdata (node);
+      if (prefix_same (&rprefix->prefix, p))
+	return rprefix;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+struct rtadv_prefix *
+rtadv_prefix_get (list rplist, struct prefix *p)
+  struct rtadv_prefix *rprefix;
+  rprefix = rtadv_prefix_lookup (rplist, p);
+  if (rprefix)
+    return rprefix;
+  rprefix = rtadv_prefix_new ();
+  memcpy (&rprefix->prefix, p, sizeof (struct prefix));
+  listnode_add (rplist, rprefix);
+  return rprefix;
+rtadv_prefix_set (struct zebra_if *zif, struct rtadv_prefix *rp)
+  struct rtadv_prefix *rprefix;
+  rprefix = rtadv_prefix_get (zif->rtadv.AdvPrefixList, &rp->prefix);
+  /* Set parameters. */
+  rprefix->AdvValidLifetime = rp->AdvValidLifetime;
+  rprefix->AdvPreferredLifetime = rp->AdvPreferredLifetime;
+  rprefix->AdvOnLinkFlag = rp->AdvOnLinkFlag;
+  rprefix->AdvAutonomousFlag = rp->AdvAutonomousFlag;
+rtadv_prefix_reset (struct zebra_if *zif, struct rtadv_prefix *rp)
+  struct rtadv_prefix *rprefix;
+  rprefix = rtadv_prefix_lookup (zif->rtadv.AdvPrefixList, &rp->prefix);
+  if (rprefix != NULL)
+    {
+      listnode_delete (zif->rtadv.AdvPrefixList, (void *) rprefix);
+      rtadv_prefix_free (rprefix);
+      return 1;
+    }
+  else
+    return 0;
+DEFUN (ipv6_nd_suppress_ra,
+       ipv6_nd_suppress_ra_cmd,
+       "ipv6 nd suppress-ra",
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Suppress Router Advertisement\n")
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  if (if_is_loopback (ifp))
+    {
+      vty_out (vty, "Invalid interface%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+      return CMD_WARNING;
+    }
+  if (zif->rtadv.AdvSendAdvertisements)
+    {
+      zif->rtadv.AdvSendAdvertisements = 0;
+      zif->rtadv.AdvIntervalTimer = 0;
+      rtadv->adv_if_count--;
+      if_leave_all_router (rtadv->sock, ifp);
+      if (rtadv->adv_if_count == 0)
+	rtadv_event (RTADV_STOP, 0);
+    }
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ALIAS (ipv6_nd_suppress_ra,
+       no_ipv6_nd_send_ra_cmd,
+       "no ipv6 nd send-ra",
+       NO_STR
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Send Router Advertisement\n")
+DEFUN (no_ipv6_nd_suppress_ra,
+       no_ipv6_nd_suppress_ra_cmd,
+       "no ipv6 nd suppress-ra",
+       NO_STR
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Suppress Router Advertisement\n")
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  if (if_is_loopback (ifp))
+    {
+      vty_out (vty, "Invalid interface%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+      return CMD_WARNING;
+    }
+  if (! zif->rtadv.AdvSendAdvertisements)
+    {
+      zif->rtadv.AdvSendAdvertisements = 1;
+      zif->rtadv.AdvIntervalTimer = 0;
+      rtadv->adv_if_count++;
+      if_join_all_router (rtadv->sock, ifp);
+      if (rtadv->adv_if_count == 1)
+	rtadv_event (RTADV_START, rtadv->sock);
+    }
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ALIAS (no_ipv6_nd_suppress_ra,
+       ipv6_nd_send_ra_cmd,
+       "ipv6 nd send-ra",
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Send Router Advertisement\n")
+DEFUN (ipv6_nd_ra_interval,
+       ipv6_nd_ra_interval_cmd,
+       "ipv6 nd ra-interval SECONDS",
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Router Advertisement interval\n"
+       "Router Advertisement interval in seconds\n")
+  int interval;
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  interval = atoi (argv[0]);
+  if (interval < 0)
+    {
+      vty_out (vty, "Invalid Router Advertisement Interval%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+      return CMD_WARNING;
+    }
+  zif->rtadv.MaxRtrAdvInterval = interval;
+  zif->rtadv.MinRtrAdvInterval = 0.33 * interval;
+  zif->rtadv.AdvIntervalTimer = 0;
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (no_ipv6_nd_ra_interval,
+       no_ipv6_nd_ra_interval_cmd,
+       "no ipv6 nd ra-interval",
+       NO_STR
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Router Advertisement interval\n")
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  zif->rtadv.MaxRtrAdvInterval = RTADV_MAX_RTR_ADV_INTERVAL;
+  zif->rtadv.MinRtrAdvInterval = RTADV_MIN_RTR_ADV_INTERVAL;
+  zif->rtadv.AdvIntervalTimer = zif->rtadv.MaxRtrAdvInterval;
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (ipv6_nd_ra_lifetime,
+       ipv6_nd_ra_lifetime_cmd,
+       "ipv6 nd ra-lifetime SECONDS",
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Router lifetime\n"
+       "Router lifetime in seconds\n")
+  int lifetime;
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  lifetime = atoi (argv[0]);
+  if (lifetime < 0 || lifetime > 0xffff)
+    {
+      vty_out (vty, "Invalid Router Lifetime%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+      return CMD_WARNING;
+    }
+  zif->rtadv.AdvDefaultLifetime = lifetime;
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (no_ipv6_nd_ra_lifetime,
+       no_ipv6_nd_ra_lifetime_cmd,
+       "no ipv6 nd ra-lifetime",
+       NO_STR
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Router lifetime\n")
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  zif->rtadv.AdvDefaultLifetime = RTADV_ADV_DEFAULT_LIFETIME;
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (ipv6_nd_reachable_time,
+       ipv6_nd_reachable_time_cmd,
+       "ipv6 nd reachable-time MILLISECONDS",
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Reachable time\n"
+       "Reachable time in milliseconds\n")
+  u_int32_t rtime;
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  rtime = (u_int32_t) atol (argv[0]);
+    {
+      vty_out (vty, "Invalid Reachable time%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+      return CMD_WARNING;
+    }
+  zif->rtadv.AdvReachableTime = rtime;
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (no_ipv6_nd_reachable_time,
+       no_ipv6_nd_reachable_time_cmd,
+       "no ipv6 nd reachable-time",
+       NO_STR
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Reachable time\n")
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  zif->rtadv.AdvReachableTime = 0;
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (ipv6_nd_managed_config_flag,
+       ipv6_nd_managed_config_flag_cmd,
+       "ipv6 nd managed-config-flag",
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Managed address configuration flag\n")
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  zif->rtadv.AdvManagedFlag = 1;
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (no_ipv6_nd_managed_config_flag,
+       no_ipv6_nd_managed_config_flag_cmd,
+       "no ipv6 nd managed-config-flag",
+       NO_STR
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Managed address configuration flag\n")
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  zif->rtadv.AdvManagedFlag = 0;
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (ipv6_nd_other_config_flag,
+       ipv6_nd_other_config_flag_cmd,
+       "ipv6 nd other-config-flag",
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Other statefull configuration flag\n")
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  zif->rtadv.AdvOtherConfigFlag = 1;
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (no_ipv6_nd_other_config_flag,
+       no_ipv6_nd_other_config_flag_cmd,
+       "no ipv6 nd other-config-flag",
+       NO_STR
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Other statefull configuration flag\n")
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  zif->rtadv.AdvOtherConfigFlag = 0;
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (ipv6_nd_prefix_advertisement,
+       ipv6_nd_prefix_advertisement_cmd,
+       "ipv6 nd prefix-advertisement IPV6PREFIX VALID PREFERRED [onlink] [autoconfig]",
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Prefix information\n"
+       "IPv6 prefix\n"
+       "Valid lifetime in seconds\n"
+       "Preferred lifetime in seconds\n"
+       "On link flag\n"
+       "Autonomous address-configuration flag\n")
+  int i;
+  int ret;
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zebra_if;
+  struct rtadv_prefix rp;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zebra_if = ifp->info;
+  ret = str2prefix_ipv6 (argv[0], (struct prefix_ipv6 *) &rp.prefix);
+  if (!ret)
+    {
+      vty_out (vty, "Malformed IPv6 prefix%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+      return CMD_WARNING;
+    }
+  if (argc == 1)
+    {
+      rp.AdvValidLifetime = RTADV_VALID_LIFETIME;
+      rp.AdvPreferredLifetime = RTADV_PREFERRED_LIFETIME;
+      rp.AdvOnLinkFlag = 1;
+      rp.AdvAutonomousFlag = 1;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      rp.AdvValidLifetime = (u_int32_t) atol (argv[1]);
+      rp.AdvPreferredLifetime = (u_int32_t) atol (argv[2]);
+      if (rp.AdvPreferredLifetime > rp.AdvValidLifetime)
+	{
+	  vty_out (vty, "Invalid preferred lifetime%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+	  return CMD_WARNING;
+	}
+      rp.AdvOnLinkFlag = 0;
+      rp.AdvAutonomousFlag = 0;
+      for (i = 3; i < argc; i++)
+	{
+	  if (! strcmp (argv[i], "onlink"))
+	    rp.AdvOnLinkFlag = 1;
+	  else if (! strcmp (argv[i], "autoconfig"))
+	    rp.AdvAutonomousFlag = 1;
+	}
+    }
+  rtadv_prefix_set (zebra_if, &rp);
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ALIAS (ipv6_nd_prefix_advertisement,
+       ipv6_nd_prefix_advertisement_no_val_cmd,
+       "ipv6 nd prefix-advertisement IPV6PREFIX",
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Prefix information\n"
+       "IPv6 prefix\n")
+DEFUN (no_ipv6_nd_prefix_advertisement,
+       no_ipv6_nd_prefix_advertisement_cmd,
+       "no ipv6 nd prefix-advertisement IPV6PREFIX",
+       NO_STR
+       IP_STR
+       "Neighbor discovery\n"
+       "Prefix information\n"
+       "IPv6 prefix\n")
+  int ret;
+  struct interface *ifp;
+  struct zebra_if *zebra_if;
+  struct rtadv_prefix rp;
+  ifp = (struct interface *) vty->index;
+  zebra_if = ifp->info;
+  ret = str2prefix_ipv6 (argv[0], (struct prefix_ipv6 *) &rp.prefix);
+  if (!ret)
+    {
+      vty_out (vty, "Malformed IPv6 prefix%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+      return CMD_WARNING;
+    }
+  ret = rtadv_prefix_reset (zebra_if, &rp);
+  if (!ret)
+    {
+      vty_out (vty, "Non-exist IPv6 prefix%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+      return CMD_WARNING;
+    }
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+/* Write configuration about router advertisement. */
+rtadv_config_write (struct vty *vty, struct interface *ifp)
+  struct zebra_if *zif;
+  listnode node;
+  struct rtadv_prefix *rprefix;
+  u_char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+  if (! rtadv)
+    return;
+  zif = ifp->info;
+  if (! if_is_loopback (ifp))
+    {
+      if (zif->rtadv.AdvSendAdvertisements)
+	vty_out (vty, " no ipv6 nd suppress-ra%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+      else
+	vty_out (vty, " ipv6 nd suppress-ra%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+    }
+  if (zif->rtadv.MaxRtrAdvInterval != RTADV_MAX_RTR_ADV_INTERVAL)
+    vty_out (vty, " ipv6 nd ra-interval %d%s", zif->rtadv.MaxRtrAdvInterval,
+	     VTY_NEWLINE);
+  if (zif->rtadv.AdvDefaultLifetime != RTADV_ADV_DEFAULT_LIFETIME)
+    vty_out (vty, " ipv6 nd ra-lifetime %d%s", zif->rtadv.AdvDefaultLifetime,
+	     VTY_NEWLINE);
+  if (zif->rtadv.AdvReachableTime)
+    vty_out (vty, " ipv6 nd reachable-time %d%s", zif->rtadv.AdvReachableTime,
+	     VTY_NEWLINE);
+  if (zif->rtadv.AdvManagedFlag)
+    vty_out (vty, " ipv6 nd managed-config-flag%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+  if (zif->rtadv.AdvOtherConfigFlag)
+    vty_out (vty, " ipv6 nd other-config-flag%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+  for (node = listhead(zif->rtadv.AdvPrefixList); node; node = nextnode (node))
+    {
+      rprefix = getdata (node);
+      vty_out (vty, " ipv6 nd prefix-advertisement %s/%d %d %d",
+	       inet_ntop (AF_INET6, &rprefix->prefix.u.prefix6, 
+			  buf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN),
+	       rprefix->prefix.prefixlen,
+	       rprefix->AdvValidLifetime,
+	       rprefix->AdvPreferredLifetime);
+      if (rprefix->AdvOnLinkFlag)
+	vty_out (vty, " onlink");
+      if (rprefix->AdvAutonomousFlag)
+	vty_out (vty, " autoconfig");
+      vty_out (vty, "%s", VTY_NEWLINE);
+    }
+extern struct thread_master *master;
+rtadv_event (enum rtadv_event event, int val)
+  switch (event)
+    {
+    case RTADV_START:
+      if (! rtadv->ra_read)
+	rtadv->ra_read = thread_add_read (master, rtadv_read, NULL, val);
+      if (! rtadv->ra_timer)
+	rtadv->ra_timer = thread_add_event (master, rtadv_timer, NULL, 0);
+      break;
+    case RTADV_STOP:
+      if (rtadv->ra_timer)
+	{
+	  thread_cancel (rtadv->ra_timer);
+	  rtadv->ra_timer = NULL;
+	}
+      if (rtadv->ra_read)
+	{
+	  thread_cancel (rtadv->ra_read);
+	  rtadv->ra_read = NULL;
+	}
+      break;
+    case RTADV_TIMER:
+      if (! rtadv->ra_timer)
+	rtadv->ra_timer = thread_add_timer (master, rtadv_timer, NULL, val);
+      break;
+    case RTADV_READ:
+      if (! rtadv->ra_read)
+	rtadv->ra_read = thread_add_read (master, rtadv_read, NULL, val);
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  return;
+rtadv_init ()
+  int sock;
+  sock = rtadv_make_socket ();
+  if (sock < 0)
+    return;
+  rtadv = rtadv_new ();
+  rtadv->sock = sock;
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_nd_suppress_ra_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &no_ipv6_nd_suppress_ra_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_nd_send_ra_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &no_ipv6_nd_send_ra_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_nd_ra_interval_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &no_ipv6_nd_ra_interval_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_nd_ra_lifetime_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &no_ipv6_nd_ra_lifetime_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_nd_reachable_time_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &no_ipv6_nd_reachable_time_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_nd_managed_config_flag_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &no_ipv6_nd_managed_config_flag_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_nd_other_config_flag_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &no_ipv6_nd_other_config_flag_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_nd_prefix_advertisement_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &ipv6_nd_prefix_advertisement_no_val_cmd);
+  install_element (INTERFACE_NODE, &no_ipv6_nd_prefix_advertisement_cmd);
+if_join_all_router (int sock, struct interface *ifp)
+  int ret;
+  struct ipv6_mreq mreq;
+  memset (&mreq, 0, sizeof (struct ipv6_mreq));
+  inet_pton (AF_INET6, ALLROUTER, &mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr);
+  mreq.ipv6mr_interface = ifp->ifindex;
+  ret = setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, 
+		    (char *) &mreq, sizeof mreq);
+  if (ret < 0)
+    zlog_warn ("can't setsockopt IPV6_JOIN_GROUP: %s", strerror (errno));
+  zlog_info ("rtadv: %s join to all-routers multicast group", ifp->name);
+  return 0;
+if_leave_all_router (int sock, struct interface *ifp)
+  int ret;
+  struct ipv6_mreq mreq;
+  memset (&mreq, 0, sizeof (struct ipv6_mreq));
+  inet_pton (AF_INET6, ALLROUTER, &mreq.ipv6mr_multiaddr);
+  mreq.ipv6mr_interface = ifp->ifindex;
+  ret = setsockopt (sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP, 
+		    (char *) &mreq, sizeof mreq);
+  if (ret < 0)
+    zlog_warn ("can't setsockopt IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP: %s", strerror (errno));
+  zlog_info ("rtadv: %s leave from all-routers multicast group", ifp->name);
+  return 0;
+rtadv_init ()
+  /* Empty.*/;
+#endif /* RTADV && HAVE_IPV6 */