HACKING: Add required reading section & commit should give full rights details
* HACKING.tex: (COMMIT MESSAGES) It's pretty critical that commit messages
give all the detail required to figure out what authorship/copyright
claims might come into play.
(REQUIRED READING) Add a section on what people are implicitly agreeing to
when they contribute. It's fairly obvious, common sense stuff. Spell it
out though. Note that COMMIT MESSAGES are also required reading.
(Cover page) Draw attention to REQUIRED READING.
A previous version was:
Acked-by: Vincent Jardin <vincent.jardin@6wind.com>
diff --git a/HACKING.md b/HACKING.md
index 0a178e0..9c84fb4 100644
--- a/HACKING.md
+++ b/HACKING.md
@@ -6,13 +6,45 @@
toc: true
date: \today
- \large This is a living document. Suggestions for updates, via the
+ \large This is a living document.
+ \large This is a living document describing the processes and guidelines
+ for working on Quagga. You *must* read Section
+ ["REQUIRED READING"](#sec:required), before contributing to Quagga.
+ Suggestions for updates, via the
[quagga-dev list](http://lists.quagga.net/mailman/listinfo/quagga-dev),
are welcome. \newpage
+REQUIRED READING {#sec:required}
+Note well: By proposing a change to Quagga, by whatever means, you are
+implicitly agreeing:
+- To licence your contribution according to the licence of any files in
+ Quagga being modified, _and_ according to the COPYING file in the
+ top-level directory of Quagga, other than where the contribution
+ explicitly and clearly indicates otherwise.
+- That it is your responsibility to ensure you hold whatever rights are
+ required to be able to contribute your changes under the licenses of the
+ files in Quagga being modified, and the top-level COPYING file.
+- That it is your responsibility to give with the contribution a full
+ account of all interests held and claims in the contribution; such as
+ through copyright, trademark and patent laws or otherwise; that are known
+ to you or your associates (e.g. your employer).
+Before contributing to Quagga, you *must* also read
+[Section COMMIT MESSAGES](#sec:commit-messages). You _should_ ideally read the entire
+document, as it contains useful information on the community norms and how
+to implement them.
@@ -166,8 +198,8 @@
Note that the former approach requires ensuring that SOME\_SYMBOL will
be defined (watch your AC\_DEFINEs).
+COMMIT MESSAGES {#sec:commit-messages}
The commit message requirements are:
@@ -198,6 +230,18 @@
changes to the code are intended (and hence be able to spot any accidental
unintended changes).
+- The commit message *must* give details of all the authors of the change,
+ beyond the person listed in the Author field. Any and all affiliations
+ which may have a bearing on copyright in any way should be clearly
+ stated, unless those affiliations are already obvious from other
+ details, e.g. from the email address. This would cover employment and
+ contracting obligations (give details).
+- If the change introduces a new dependency on any code or other
+ copyrighted material, please explicitly note this. Give details of what
+ that external material is, the copyright licence the material may be
+ used under, and the nature of the dependency.
The one-line summary must be limited to 54 characters, and all other
lines to 72 characters.