Initial revision
diff --git a/isisd/modified/memory.c b/isisd/modified/memory.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49ff321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isisd/modified/memory.c
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+ * Memory management routine
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Kunihiro Ishiguro
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNU Zebra.
+ *
+ * GNU Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
+ * later version.
+ *
+ * GNU Zebra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNU Zebra; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
+ * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+ * 02111-1307, USA.  
+ */
+#include <zebra.h>
+#include "log.h"
+#include "memory.h"
+void alloc_inc (int);
+void alloc_dec (int);
+struct message mstr [] =
+  { MTYPE_THREAD, "thread" },
+  { MTYPE_THREAD_MASTER, "thread_master" },
+  { MTYPE_VECTOR, "vector" },
+  { MTYPE_VECTOR_INDEX, "vector_index" },
+  { MTYPE_IF, "interface" },
+  { 0, NULL },
+/* Fatal memory allocation error occured. */
+static void
+zerror (const char *fname, int type, size_t size)
+  fprintf (stderr, "%s : can't allocate memory for `%s' size %d\n", 
+	   fname, lookup (mstr, type), (int) size);
+  exit (1);
+/* Memory allocation. */
+void *
+zmalloc (int type, size_t size)
+  void *memory;
+  memory = malloc (size);
+  if (memory == NULL)
+    zerror ("malloc", type, size);
+  alloc_inc (type);
+  return memory;
+/* Memory allocation with num * size with cleared. */
+void *
+zcalloc (int type, size_t size)
+  void *memory;
+  memory = calloc (1, size);
+  if (memory == NULL)
+    zerror ("calloc", type, size);
+  alloc_inc (type);
+  return memory;
+/* Memory reallocation. */
+void *
+zrealloc (int type, void *ptr, size_t size)
+  void *memory;
+  memory = realloc (ptr, size);
+  if (memory == NULL)
+    zerror ("realloc", type, size);
+  return memory;
+/* Memory free. */
+zfree (int type, void *ptr)
+  alloc_dec (type);
+  free (ptr);
+/* String duplication. */
+char *
+zstrdup (int type, char *str)
+  void *dup;
+  dup = strdup (str);
+  if (dup == NULL)
+    zerror ("strdup", type, strlen (str));
+  alloc_inc (type);
+  return dup;
+#ifdef MEMORY_LOG
+  char *name;
+  unsigned long alloc;
+  unsigned long t_malloc;
+  unsigned long c_malloc;
+  unsigned long t_calloc;
+  unsigned long c_calloc;
+  unsigned long t_realloc;
+  unsigned long t_free;
+  unsigned long c_strdup;
+} mstat [MTYPE_MAX];
+mtype_log (char *func, void *memory, const char *file, int line, int type)
+  zlog_info ("%s: %s %p %s %d", func, lookup (mstr, type), memory, file, line);
+void *
+mtype_zmalloc (const char *file, int line, int type, size_t size)
+  void *memory;
+  mstat[type].c_malloc++;
+  mstat[type].t_malloc++;
+  memory = zmalloc (type, size);
+  mtype_log ("zmalloc", memory, file, line, type);
+  return memory;
+void *
+mtype_zcalloc (const char *file, int line, int type, size_t size)
+  void *memory;
+  mstat[type].c_calloc++;
+  mstat[type].t_calloc++;
+  memory = zcalloc (type, size);
+  mtype_log ("xcalloc", memory, file, line, type);
+  return memory;
+void *
+mtype_zrealloc (const char *file, int line, int type, void *ptr, size_t size)
+  void *memory;
+  /* Realloc need before allocated pointer. */
+  mstat[type].t_realloc++;
+  memory = zrealloc (type, ptr, size);
+  mtype_log ("xrealloc", memory, file, line, type);
+  return memory;
+/* Important function. */
+mtype_zfree (const char *file, int line, int type, void *ptr)
+  mstat[type].t_free++;
+  mtype_log ("xfree", ptr, file, line, type);
+  zfree (type, ptr);
+char *
+mtype_zstrdup (const char *file, int line, int type, char *str)
+  char *memory;
+  mstat[type].c_strdup++;
+  memory = zstrdup (type, str);
+  mtype_log ("xstrdup", memory, file, line, type);
+  return memory;
+  char *name;
+  unsigned long alloc;
+} mstat [MTYPE_MAX];
+#endif /* MTPYE_LOG */
+/* Increment allocation counter. */
+alloc_inc (int type)
+  mstat[type].alloc++;
+/* Decrement allocation counter. */
+alloc_dec (int type)
+  mstat[type].alloc--;
+/* Looking up memory status from vty interface. */
+#include "vector.h"
+#include "vty.h"
+#include "command.h"
+/* For pretty printng of memory allocate information. */
+struct memory_list
+  int index;
+  char *format;
+struct memory_list memory_list_lib[] =
+  { MTYPE_TMP,                "Temporary memory" },
+  { MTYPE_ROUTE_TABLE,        "Route table     " },
+  { MTYPE_ROUTE_NODE,         "Route node      " },
+  { MTYPE_RIB,                "RIB             " },
+  { MTYPE_NEXTHOP,            "Nexthop         " },
+  { MTYPE_LINK_LIST,          "Link List       " },
+  { MTYPE_LINK_NODE,          "Link Node       " },
+  { MTYPE_HASH,               "Hash            " },
+  { MTYPE_HASH_BACKET,        "Hash Bucket     " },
+  { MTYPE_ACCESS_LIST,        "Access List     " },
+  { MTYPE_ACCESS_LIST_STR,    "Access List Str " },
+  { MTYPE_ACCESS_FILTER,      "Access Filter   " },
+  { MTYPE_PREFIX_LIST,        "Prefix List     " },
+  { MTYPE_PREFIX_LIST_STR,    "Prefix List Str " },
+  { MTYPE_PREFIX_LIST_ENTRY,  "Prefix List Entry "},
+  { MTYPE_ROUTE_MAP,          "Route map       " },
+  { MTYPE_ROUTE_MAP_NAME,     "Route map name  " },
+  { MTYPE_ROUTE_MAP_INDEX,    "Route map index " },
+  { MTYPE_ROUTE_MAP_RULE,     "Route map rule  " },
+  { MTYPE_ROUTE_MAP_RULE_STR, "Route map rule str" },
+  { MTYPE_DESC,               "Command desc    " },
+  { MTYPE_BUFFER,             "Buffer          " },
+  { MTYPE_BUFFER_DATA,        "Buffer data     " },
+  { MTYPE_STREAM,             "Stream          " },
+  { MTYPE_KEYCHAIN,           "Key chain       " },
+  { MTYPE_KEY,                "Key             " },
+  { MTYPE_VTY,                "VTY             " },
+  { -1, NULL }
+struct memory_list memory_list_bgp[] =
+  { MTYPE_BGP_PEER,               "BGP peer" },
+  { MTYPE_ATTR,                   "BGP attribute" },
+  { MTYPE_AS_PATH,                "BGP aspath" },
+  { MTYPE_AS_SEG,                 "BGP aspath seg" },
+  { MTYPE_AS_STR,                 "BGP aspath str" },
+  { 0, NULL },
+  { MTYPE_BGP_TABLE,              "BGP table" },
+  { MTYPE_BGP_NODE,               "BGP node" },
+  { MTYPE_BGP_ADVERTISE_ATTR,     "BGP adv attr" },
+  { MTYPE_BGP_ADVERTISE,          "BGP adv" },
+  { MTYPE_BGP_ADJ_IN,             "BGP adj in" },
+  { MTYPE_BGP_ADJ_OUT,            "BGP adj out" },
+  { 0, NULL },
+  { MTYPE_AS_LIST,                "BGP AS list" },
+  { MTYPE_AS_FILTER,              "BGP AS filter" },
+  { MTYPE_AS_FILTER_STR,          "BGP AS filter str" },
+  { 0, NULL },
+  { MTYPE_COMMUNITY,              "community" },
+  { MTYPE_COMMUNITY_VAL,          "community val" },
+  { MTYPE_COMMUNITY_STR,          "community str" },
+  { 0, NULL },
+  { MTYPE_ECOMMUNITY,             "extcommunity" },
+  { MTYPE_ECOMMUNITY_VAL,         "extcommunity val" },
+  { MTYPE_ECOMMUNITY_STR,         "extcommunity str" },
+  { 0, NULL },
+  { MTYPE_COMMUNITY_LIST,         "community-list" },
+  { MTYPE_COMMUNITY_LIST_NAME,    "community-list name" },
+  { MTYPE_COMMUNITY_LIST_ENTRY,   "community-list entry" },
+  { MTYPE_COMMUNITY_LIST_CONFIG,  "community-list config" },
+  { 0, NULL },
+  { MTYPE_CLUSTER,                "Cluster list" },
+  { MTYPE_CLUSTER_VAL,            "Cluster list val" },
+  { 0, NULL },
+  { MTYPE_TRANSIT,                "BGP transit attr" },
+  { MTYPE_TRANSIT_VAL,            "BGP transit val" },
+  { 0, NULL },
+  { MTYPE_BGP_DISTANCE,           "BGP distance" },
+  { MTYPE_BGP_NEXTHOP_CACHE,      "BGP nexthop" },
+  { MTYPE_BGP_CONFED_LIST,        "BGP confed list" },
+  { MTYPE_PEER_UPDATE_SOURCE,     "peer update if" },
+  { MTYPE_BGP_DAMP_INFO,          "Dampening info" },
+  { MTYPE_BGP_REGEXP,             "BGP regexp" },
+  { -1, NULL }
+struct memory_list memory_list_rip[] =
+  { MTYPE_RIP,                "RIP structure   " },
+  { MTYPE_RIP_INFO,           "RIP route info  " },
+  { MTYPE_RIP_INTERFACE,      "RIP interface   " },
+  { MTYPE_RIP_PEER,           "RIP peer        " },
+  { MTYPE_RIP_OFFSET_LIST,    "RIP offset list " },
+  { MTYPE_RIP_DISTANCE,       "RIP distance    " },
+  { -1, NULL }
+struct memory_list memory_list_ospf[] =
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_TOP,           "OSPF top        " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_AREA,          "OSPF area       " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_AREA_RANGE,    "OSPF area range " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_NETWORK,       "OSPF network    " },
+#endif  /* NBMA_ENABLE */
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_IF,            "OSPF interface  " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_NEIGHBOR,      "OSPF neighbor   " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_ROUTE,         "OSPF route      " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_TMP,           "OSPF tmp mem    " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_LSA,           "OSPF LSA        " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_LSA_DATA,      "OSPF LSA data   " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_LSDB,          "OSPF LSDB       " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_PACKET,        "OSPF packet     " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_FIFO,          "OSPF FIFO queue " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_VERTEX,        "OSPF vertex     " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_NEXTHOP,       "OSPF nexthop    " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_PATH,	      "OSPF path       " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_VL_DATA,       "OSPF VL data    " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_CRYPT_KEY,     "OSPF crypt key  " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_EXTERNAL_INFO, "OSPF ext. info  " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_DISTANCE,      "OSPF distance   " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_IF_INFO,       "OSPF if info    " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF_IF_PARAMS,     "OSPF if params  " },
+  { -1, NULL },
+struct memory_list memory_list_ospf6[] =
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_TOP,          "OSPF6 top         " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_AREA,         "OSPF6 area        " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_IF,           "OSPF6 interface   " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_NEIGHBOR,     "OSPF6 neighbor    " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_ROUTE,        "OSPF6 route       " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_PREFIX,       "OSPF6 prefix      " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_MESSAGE,      "OSPF6 message     " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_LSA,          "OSPF6 LSA         " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_LSA_SUMMARY,  "OSPF6 LSA summary " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_LSDB,         "OSPF6 LSA database" },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_VERTEX,       "OSPF6 vertex      " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_SPFTREE,      "OSPF6 SPF tree    " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_NEXTHOP,      "OSPF6 nexthop     " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_EXTERNAL_INFO,"OSPF6 ext. info   " },
+  { MTYPE_OSPF6_OTHER,        "OSPF6 other       " },
+  { -1, NULL },
+struct memory_list memory_list_isis[] =
+  { MTYPE_ISIS,               "ISIS             : %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_TMP,           "ISIS TMP         : %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_CIRCUIT,       "ISIS circuit     : %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_LSP,           "ISIS LSP         : %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_ADJACENCY,     "ISIS adjacency   : %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_AREA,          "ISIS area        : %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_AREA_ADDR,     "ISIS area address: %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_TLV,           "ISIS TLV         : %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_DYNHN,         "ISIS dyn hostname: %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_SPFTREE,       "ISIS SPFtree     : %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_VERTEX,        "ISIS vertex      : %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_ROUTE_INFO,    "ISIS route info  : %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_NEXTHOP,       "ISIS nexthop     : %ld\r\n" },
+  { MTYPE_ISIS_NEXTHOP6,      "ISIS nexthop6    : %ld\r\n" },
+  { -1, NULL },
+struct memory_list memory_list_separator[] =
+  { 0, NULL},
+  {-1, NULL}
+show_memory_vty (struct vty *vty, struct memory_list *list)
+  struct memory_list *m;
+  for (m = list; m->index >= 0; m++)
+    if (m->index == 0)
+      vty_out (vty, "-----------------------------\r\n");
+    else
+      vty_out (vty, "%-22s: %5ld\r\n", m->format, mstat[m->index].alloc);
+DEFUN (show_memory_all,
+       show_memory_all_cmd,
+       "show memory all",
+       "Show running system information\n"
+       "Memory statistics\n"
+       "All memory statistics\n")
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_lib);
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_separator);
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_rip);
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_separator);
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_ospf);
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_separator);
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_ospf6);
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_separator);
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_bgp);
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+ALIAS (show_memory_all,
+       show_memory_cmd,
+       "show memory",
+       "Show running system information\n"
+       "Memory statistics\n")
+DEFUN (show_memory_lib,
+       show_memory_lib_cmd,
+       "show memory lib",
+       SHOW_STR
+       "Memory statistics\n"
+       "Library memory\n")
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_lib);
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (show_memory_rip,
+       show_memory_rip_cmd,
+       "show memory rip",
+       SHOW_STR
+       "Memory statistics\n"
+       "RIP memory\n")
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_rip);
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (show_memory_bgp,
+       show_memory_bgp_cmd,
+       "show memory bgp",
+       SHOW_STR
+       "Memory statistics\n"
+       "BGP memory\n")
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_bgp);
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (show_memory_ospf,
+       show_memory_ospf_cmd,
+       "show memory ospf",
+       SHOW_STR
+       "Memory statistics\n"
+       "OSPF memory\n")
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_ospf);
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (show_memory_ospf6,
+       show_memory_ospf6_cmd,
+       "show memory ospf6",
+       SHOW_STR
+       "Memory statistics\n"
+       "OSPF6 memory\n")
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_ospf6);
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+DEFUN (show_memory_isis,
+       show_memory_isis_cmd,
+       "show memory isis",
+       SHOW_STR
+       "Memory statistics\n"
+       "ISIS memory\n")
+  show_memory_vty (vty, memory_list_isis);
+  return CMD_SUCCESS;
+memory_init ()
+  install_element (VIEW_NODE, &show_memory_cmd);
+  install_element (VIEW_NODE, &show_memory_all_cmd);
+  install_element (VIEW_NODE, &show_memory_lib_cmd);
+  install_element (VIEW_NODE, &show_memory_rip_cmd);
+  install_element (VIEW_NODE, &show_memory_bgp_cmd);
+  install_element (VIEW_NODE, &show_memory_ospf_cmd);
+  install_element (VIEW_NODE, &show_memory_ospf6_cmd);
+  install_element (VIEW_NODE, &show_memory_isis_cmd);
+  install_element (ENABLE_NODE, &show_memory_cmd);
+  install_element (ENABLE_NODE, &show_memory_all_cmd);
+  install_element (ENABLE_NODE, &show_memory_lib_cmd);
+  install_element (ENABLE_NODE, &show_memory_rip_cmd);
+  install_element (ENABLE_NODE, &show_memory_bgp_cmd);
+  install_element (ENABLE_NODE, &show_memory_ospf_cmd);
+  install_element (ENABLE_NODE, &show_memory_ospf6_cmd);
+  install_element (ENABLE_NODE, &show_memory_isis_cmd);