Initial revision
diff --git a/isisd/topology/sprand.c b/isisd/topology/sprand.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28b58b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/isisd/topology/sprand.c
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <values.h>
+#include "random.c"
+#define DASH '-'
+#define VERY_FAR 100000000
+/* generator of random networks for the shortest paths problem;
+ extended DIMACS format for output */
+main ( argc, argv )
+int argc;
+char* argv[];
+char args[30];
+long n,
+ n0,
+ source,
+ i,
+ i0,
+ j,
+ dij;
+long m,
+ m0,
+ mc,
+ k;
+long *p,
+ p_t,
+ l,
+ lx;
+long seed,
+ seed1,
+ seed2;
+int ext=0;
+FILE *fout;
+/* variables for lengths generating */
+/* initialized by default values */
+int l_f = 0, ll_f = 0, lm_f = 0, ln_f = 0, ls_f = 0;
+long ll = 10000, /* length of the interval */
+ lm = 0; /* minimal bound of the interval */
+double ln = 0, /* l += ln * |i-j| */
+ ls = 0; /* l += ls * |i-j|^2 */
+/* variables for connecting cycle(s) */
+int c_f = 0, cl_f = 0, ch_f = 0, c_random = 1;
+long cl = 1; /* length of cycle arc */
+long ch; /* number of arcs in the cycle
+ n - by default */
+/* variables for artifical source */
+int s_f = 0, sl_f = 0, sm_f = 0;
+long sl = VERY_FAR, /* upper bound of artifical arc */
+ sm, /* lower bound of artifical arc */
+ s;
+/* variables for potentials */
+int p_f = 0, pl_f = 0, pm_f = 0, pn_f = 0, ps_f = 0,
+ pa_f = 0, pap_f = 0, pac_f = 0;
+long pl, /* length of the interval */
+ pm; /* minimal bound of the interval */
+double pn = 0, /* l += ln * |i-j| */
+ ps = 0, /* l += ls * |i-j|^2 */
+ pap = 0, /* part of nodes with alternative dustribution */
+ pac = -1; /* multiplier for alternative distribution */
+int np; /* number of parameter parsing now */
+#define PRINT_ARC( i, j, length )\
+l = length;\
+if ( p_f ) l += ( p[i] - p[j] );\
+printf ("a %8ld %8ld %12ld\n", i, j, l );\
+ /* parsing parameters */
+if ( argc < 2 ) goto usage;
+np = 0;
+strcpy ( args, argv[1] );
+ if ( ( args[0] == DASH ) && ( args[1] == 'h')
+ )
+ goto help;
+if ( argc < 4 ) goto usage;
+/* first parameter - number of nodes */
+np = 1;
+if ( ( n = atoi ( argv[1] ) ) < 2 ) goto usage;
+/* second parameter - number of arcs */
+np = 2;
+if ( ( m = atoi ( argv[2] ) ) < n ) goto usage;
+/* third parameter - seed */
+if ( ( seed = atoi ( argv[3] ) ) <= 0 ) goto usage;
+/* other parameters */
+for ( np = 4; np < argc; np ++ )
+ {
+ strcpy ( args, argv[np] );
+ if ( args[0] != DASH ) goto usage;
+ switch ( args[1] )
+ {
+ case 'l' : /* an interval for arc length */
+ l_f = 1;
+ switch ( args[2] )
+ {
+ case 'l': /* length of the interval */
+ ll_f = 1;
+ ll = (long) atof ( &args[3] );
+ break;
+ case 'm': /* minimal bound */
+ lm_f = 1;
+ lm = (long ) atof ( &args[3] );
+ break;
+ case 'n': /* additional length: l*|i-j| */
+ ln_f = 1;
+ ln = atof ( &args[3] );
+ break;
+ case 's': /* additional length: l*|i-j|^2 */
+ ls_f = 1;
+ ls = atof ( &args[3] );
+ break;
+ default: /* unknown switch value */
+ goto usage;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c' : /* connecting cycle(s) */
+ c_f = 1;
+ switch ( args[2] )
+ {
+ case 'l':
+ c_random = 0;
+ cl_f = 1;
+ cl = (long) atof ( &args[3] );
+ if ( cl < 0 ) goto usage;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ ch_f = 1;
+ ch = (long) atof ( &args[3] );
+ if ( ch < 2 || ch > n ) goto usage;
+ break;
+ default: /* unknown switch value */
+ goto usage;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's' : /* additional source */
+ s_f = 1;
+ if ( strlen ( args ) > 2 )
+ {
+ switch ( args[2] )
+ {
+ case 'l': /* upper bound of art. arc */
+ sl_f = 1;
+ sl = (long) atof ( &args[3] );
+ break;
+ case 'm': /* lower bound of art. arc */
+ sm_f = 1;
+ sm = (long) atof ( &args[3] );
+ break;
+ default: /* unknown switch value */
+ goto usage;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'p' : /* potentials */
+ p_f = 1;
+ if ( strlen ( args ) > 2 )
+ {
+ switch ( args[2] )
+ {
+ case 'l': /* length of the interval */
+ pl_f = 1;
+ pl = (long) atof ( &args[3] );
+ break;
+ case 'm': /* minimal bound */
+ pm_f = 1;
+ pm = (long ) atof ( &args[3] );
+ break;
+ case 'n': /* additional length: l*|i-j| */
+ pn_f = 1;
+ pn = atof ( &args[3] );
+ break;
+ case 's': /* additional length: l*|i-j|^2 */
+ ps_f = 1;
+ ps = atof ( &args[3] );
+ break;
+ case 'a': /* bipolar distribution */
+ pa_f = 1;
+ switch ( args[3] )
+ {
+ case 'p': /* % of alternative potentials */
+ pap_f = 1;
+ pap = atof ( &args[4] );
+ if ( pap < 0 ) pap = 0;
+ if ( pap > 100 ) pap = 100;
+ pap /= 100;
+ break;
+ case 'c': /* multiplier */
+ pac_f = 1;
+ pac = atof ( &args[4] );
+ break;
+ default: /* unknown switch value */
+ goto usage;
+ }
+ break;
+ default: /* unknown switch value */
+ goto usage;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default : /* unknoun case */
+ goto usage;
+ }
+ }
+/* ----- ajusting parameters ----- */
+n0 = n; m0 = m;
+/* length parameters */
+if ( ll < lm ) { lx = ll; ll = lm; lm = lx; }
+/* potential parameters */
+if ( p_f )
+ {
+ if ( ! pl_f ) pl = ll;
+ if ( ! pm_f ) pm = lm;
+ if ( pl < pm ) { lx = pl; pl = pm; pm = lx; }
+ }
+/* path(s) parameters */
+if ( ! ch_f ) ch = n;
+mc = n + (n-2) / (ch-1);
+if ( mc > m )
+ { fprintf ( stderr,
+ "Error: not enough arcs for generating connecting cycle(s)\n" );
+ exit (4);
+ }
+ /* artifical source parameters */
+if ( s_f )
+ { m0 += n; n0 ++ ;
+ if ( ! sm_f ) sm = sl;
+ if ( sl < sm ) { lx = sl; sl = sm; sm = lx; }
+ }
+/* printing title */
+printf ("c random network for shortest paths problem\n");
+printf ("c extended DIMACS format\nc\n" );
+/* name of the problem */
+printf ("t rd_%ld_%ld_%ld_", n, m, seed );
+if ( l_f )
+ printf ("%c", 'l');
+if ( c_f )
+ printf ("%c", 'c');
+if ( s_f )
+ printf ("%c", 's');
+if ( p_f )
+ printf ("%c", 'p');
+printf ("\nc\n");
+/* printing additional information */
+if ( l_f )
+ printf ("c length -> min: %ld max: %ld k1: %.2f k2: %.2f\n",
+ lm, ll, ln, ls );
+if ( c_f )
+ {
+ if ( c_random )
+ printf ("c cycle -> number of arcs: %ld arc length: random\n", ch);
+ else
+ printf ("c cycle -> number of arcs: %ld arc length: %ld\n",
+ ch, cl );
+ }
+if ( s_f )
+ printf ("c length of arcs from artifical source -> min: %ld max: %ld\n",
+ sm, sl );
+if ( p_f )
+ {
+ printf ("c potentials -> min: %ld max: %ld k1: %.2f k2: %.2f\n",
+ pm, pl, pn, ps );
+ if ( pa_f )
+ printf ("c potentials -> part of alternative distribution: %.2f k: %.2f\n",
+ pap, pac );
+ }
+printf ("c\n" );
+printf ("p sp %8ld %8ld\nc\n", n0, m0 );
+source = ( s_f ) ? n0 : 1;
+printf ("n %8ld\nc\n", source );
+if ( p_f ) /* generating potentials */
+ {
+ p = (long*) calloc ( n+2, sizeof (long) );
+ seed1 = 2*seed + 1;
+ init_rand ( seed1);
+ pl = pl - pm + 1;
+ for ( i = 0; i <= n; i ++ )
+ {
+ p_t = pm + nrand ( pl );
+ if ( pn_f ) p_t += (long) ( i * pn );
+ if ( ps_f ) p_t += (long) ( i * ( i * ps ));
+ if ( pap_f )
+ if ( rand01() < pap )
+ p_t = (long) ( p_t * pac );
+ p[i] = p_t;
+ }
+ p[n+1] = 0;
+ }
+if ( s_f ) /* additional arcs from artifical source */
+ {
+ seed2 = 3*seed + 1;
+ init_rand ( seed2 );
+ sl = sl - sm + 1;
+ for ( i = n; i > 1; i -- )
+ {
+ s = sm + nrand ( sl );
+ PRINT_ARC ( n0, i, s )
+ }
+ PRINT_ARC ( n0, 1, 0 )
+ }
+/* initialize random number generator */
+init_rand ( seed );
+ll = ll - lm + 1;
+/* generating connecting cycle(s) */
+if (c_random)
+ cl = lm + nrand ( ll );
+PRINT_ARC ( 1, 2, cl )
+if (c_random)
+ cl = lm + nrand ( ll );
+PRINT_ARC ( n, 1, cl )
+for ( i = 2; i < n; i ++ )
+ {
+ if (c_random)
+ cl = lm + nrand ( ll );
+ if ( ( (i-1) % (ch-1) ) != 0 )
+ PRINT_ARC ( i, i+1, cl )
+ else
+ { PRINT_ARC ( i, 1, cl )
+ if (c_random)
+ cl = lm + nrand ( ll );
+ PRINT_ARC ( 1, i+1, cl )
+ }
+ }
+/* generating random arcs */
+for ( k = 1; k <= m - mc; k ++ )
+ {
+ i = 1 + nrand ( n );
+ do
+ j = 1 + nrand ( n );
+ while ( j == i );
+ dij = ( i > j ) ? ( i - j ) : ( j - i );
+ l = lm + nrand ( ll );
+ if ( ln_f ) l += (long) ( dij * ln );
+ if ( ls_f ) l += (long) ( dij * ( dij * ls ) );
+ PRINT_ARC ( i, j, l );
+ }
+/* all is done */
+exit (ext);
+/* ----- wrong usage ----- */
+ usage:
+fprintf ( stderr,
+"\nusage: %s n m seed [ -ll#i -lm#i -cl#i -p -pl#i -pm#i ... ]\n\
+help: %s -h\n\n", argv[0], argv[0] );
+if ( np > 0 )
+ fprintf ( stderr, "error in parameter # %d\n\n", np );
+exit (4);
+/* ---- help ---- */
+ help:
+if ( args[2] == 'h') goto hhelp;
+fprintf ( stderr,
+"\n'%s' - random network generator for shortest paths problem.\n\
+Generates problems in extended DIMACS format.\n\
+ %s n m seed [ -ll#i -lm#i -cl#i -p -pl#i -pm#i ... ]\n\
+ %s -hh\n\
+ #i - integer number #f - real number\n\
+-ll#i - #i is the upper bound on arc lengths (default 10000)\n\
+-lm#i - #i is the lower bound on arc lengths (default 0)\n\
+-cl#i - #i is length of arcs in connecting cycle(s) (default random)\n\
+-p - generate potentials \n\
+-pl#i - #i is the upper bound on potentials (default ll)\n\
+-pm#i - #i is the lower bound on potentials (default lm)\n\
+-hh - extended help \n\n",
+argv[0], argv[0], argv[0] );
+exit (0);
+/* --------- sophisticated help ------------ */
+ hhelp:
+if ( argc < 3 )
+ fout = stderr;
+ fout = fopen ( argv[2], "w" );
+if ( fout == NULL )
+{ fprintf ( stderr, "\nCan't open file '%s' for writing help\n\n", argv[2] );
+ exit ( 2 );
+fprintf (fout,
+"\n'%s' - random network generator for shortest paths problem.\n\
+Generates problems in extended DIMACS format.\n\
+ %s n m seed [ -ll#i -lm#i -ln#f -ls#f\n\
+ -p -pl#i -pm#i -pn#f -ps#f -pap#i -pac#f\n\
+ -cl#i -ch#i\n\
+ -s -sl#i -sm#i\n\
+ ]\n\
+ %s -hh file_name\n\
+ #i - integer number #f - real number\n\
+ Arc length parameters:\n\
+-ll#i - #i is the upper bound on arc lengths (default 10000)\n\
+-lm#i - #i is the lower bound on arc lengths (default 0)\n\
+-ln#f - multipliy l(i, j) by #f * |i-j| (default 0)\n\
+-ls#f - multipliy l(i, j) by #f * |i-j|^2 (default 0)\n\
+ Potential parameters:\n\
+-p - generate potentials \n\
+-pl#i - #i is the upper bound on potentials (default ll)\n\
+-pm#i - #i is the lower bound on potentials (default lm)\n\
+-pn#f - multiply p(i) by #f * i (default 0)\n\
+-ps#f - multiply p(i) by #f * i^2 (default 0)\n\
+-pap#i - percentage of alternative potential nodes (default 0)\n\
+-pac#f - if i is alternative, multiply p(i) by #f (default -1)\n\
+ Connecting cycle(s) parameters:\n\
+-cl#i - #i is length of arcs in connecting cycle(s) (default random)\n\
+-ch#i - #i is length of connecting cycles (default n)\n\
+ Artificial source parameters:\n\
+-s - generate artificial source with default connecting arc lengths\n\
+-sl#i - #i is the upper bound on art. arc lengths (default 100000000)\n\
+-sm#i - #i is the lower bound on art. arc lengths (default sl)\n\
+-hh file_name - save this help in the file 'file_name'\n\n",
+argv[0], argv[0], argv[0] );
+exit (0);