Installing VOLTHA

The following describes how to install VOLTHA (configured with the EdgeCore OLT device) into R-CORD.

Note: VOLTHA is not officially included in the release, but it can be configured manually, as described below.


The starting point is a physical CORD POD with the rcord profile, at which point the manual fabric configuration steps outlined below can be performed. Make sure your fabric has Internet access (i.e., vRouter has been configured).

The ONOS cluster controlling the fabric is located on the CORD head node. We will deploy VOLTHA and a separate single-instance ONOS cluster for running the OLT control apps on one of the CORD compute nodes. It doesn’t matter which compute node is used at this stage, given that we are communicating with the OLT out-of-band over the management network.

In R-CORD, each PON is identified by a subscriber VLAN tag, and each customer on a PON is identified by a customer VLAN tag. You will need to decide on an s-tag for the OLT and a c-tag for each subscriber that you want to provision.

You will also need to take note of the OpenFlow port numbers of the fabric switch port where the OLT is connected, as well as the fabric switch port where your compute node is connected. These port numbers are needed for fabric configuration later on.

Note: Currently there is a restriction that the OLT and the node hosting the vSG serving the customers on that OLT need to be attached to the same fabric leaf. In a small 1-node/1-switch setup this will obviously be the case, but if running on a larger setup it is necessary to be aware of the fact that vSG placement is constrained.

Bring Up OLT Device

Install the OLT in your POD. Connect the 1G copper Ethernet port to the management switch, and connect the top left NNI uplink to one of your fabric leaf switches.

In CORD 5.0, the EdgeCore ASFvOLT16 OLT is able to PXE boot and have its OS image automatically installed. Once the OLT is connected to the management network, start the OLT in ONIE boot mode and the CORD automation will will take it from there.

You can see the progress of this process in cord prov list. The default username is root and default password is onl.

Install ONL, BAL, and VOLTHA Software

Once the OS is ready, there is a set of software that needs to be installed on the device. Unfortunately, as of the CORD 5.0 release, ONF is unable to distribute this software, due to licensing issues with the Broadcom SDK. If you have a relationship with Broadcom, then you can obtain this software yourself and proceed with the rest of this guide. If not, you will have to wait until we have clearance to distribute this software.

Assuming you have the software, then simply copy it over to the OLT and install it:

scp bal.deb root@<olt_mgmt_ip>:
ssh root@<olt_mgmt_ip>                #password: onl
dpkg -i bal.deb

Configure NNI Speed

Depending on the switch that the OLT is connected to, you might need to change the NNI speed. The NNI port on the OLT will default to running at 100G. If it is connected to a switch that can support 100G then nothing further needs to be done. If, however, it is connected to a switch that can only support 40G, then you need to downgrade the speed of the NNI port on the OLT.

On the OLT box itself, edit the file /broadcom/qax.soc. Find the lines with port … and add the following line underneath:

port ce128 sp=40000

Then reboot your OLT.

Bring Up a vSG Instance

Browse to the XOS UI in a web browser:


Log in with your admin credentials.

On the menu on the left hand side, click on Volt, then on vOLT Tenants, and then click the button on the right labelled Add. Fill out the form with values for the new vSG that you want to create.

  • C tag: the c-tag for this subscriber
  • Creator id: Select ‘1’
  • Master serviceinstance id: can leave blank
  • Name: can leave blank
  • Owner id: Select ‘volt’
  • S tag: the s-tag for the OLT PON that the subscriber is attached to
  • Service specific attribute: can leave blank
  • Service specific id: put the c-tag number in here as well

Now click Save and a vSG will be created in the background on a compute node. This will take a few minutes to fully come up. Again, make sure your fabric has access to the internet when you do this, because the vSG needs to reach out to the internet in order to fully come up.

Configure Fabric ONOS

Once an OLT has been connected to the fabric, the fabric needs some configuration to forward the data traffic from the OLT to the right compute node running the vSGs. All vSGs serving customers on a particular PON will be located on the same compute node.

Recall that the fabric controller ONOS is located on the HEAD node The steps in this section are done on the CORD head node.

The file /opt/cord_profile/fabric-network-cfg.json should contain the base fabric network configuration that you created earlier. In this step we will edit this file to add some additional configuration to add a tagged VLAN on two fabric switch ports: the port facing the OLT, and the port facing the compute node where the vSGs will be hosted.

Create a new section in the ports section for the port facing your OLT. For example:

“ports” {
    "of:0000cc37ab6180ca/9": {
        "interfaces": [
                "vlan-tagged" : [ 300 ]

The port facing your compute node will already have an interface config from the earlier provisioning of the fabric. We now need to add a new interface config under the same existing port config for the data traffic from the OLT:

"of:0000cc37ab6180ca/5": {
    "interfaces": [
            "ips": [ "" ],
                "vlan-untagged" : 1
                "vlan-tagged" : [ 300 ]

Run the following command on the head node to refresh the config in ONOS:

$ curl -H "xos-username:" -H "xos-password: `cat /opt/credentials/`" -X POST --data-binary @/opt/cord_profile/fabric-service.yaml http://localhost:9102/xos-tosca/run

Now it is best to log in to the fabric ONOS and verify that the config was received properly:

$ ssh karaf@localhost -p 8101      #password=karaf

Run the interfaces command and verify that your new vlanTagged interfaces are there:

onos> interfaces
(unamed): port=of:0000cc37ab6180ca/5 vlanTagged=[300]
(unamed): port=of:0000cc37ab6180ca/9 vlanTagged=[300]

It’s also best to restart the segment routing app to make sure it picks up the new config:

onos> app deactivate org.onosproject.segmentrouting
onos> app activate org.onosproject.segmentrouting


VOLTHA comes with a Docker stack file that runs a full single-node ensemble of VOLTHA. This means we will run a single copy of all the VOLTHA containers, plus a single copy of all the infrastructure services that VOLTHA needs to run (e.g., consul, kafka, zookeeper, fluentd, etc). The stack file will also run an ONOS instance that we will use to control the logical OpenFlow device that VOLTHA exposes.

Prepare ONOS Configuration

Before we run VOLTHA, we’ll need to prepare our ONOS configuration. This is because the stack file will bring up ONOS at the same time as it brings up VOLTHA, and ONOS needs to be configured at system startup.

Create a config file that looks like this in ~/network-cfg.json

  "devices": {
    "of:0001000000000001": {
      "basic": {
        "driver": "pmc-olt"
      "accessDevice": {
        "uplink": "129",
        "vlan": "300"

Prepare the Node for Swarm

Prepare the node as a single-node docker swarm (substitute the dataplane IP address of the node on which you are running VOLTHA):

$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr

Run a Released Version of VOLTHA

Download the VOLTHA run script:

$ curl >
$ chmod +x

Then you can start voltha like this:

$ ONOS_CONFIG=~/network-cfg.json REPOSITORY=voltha/ TAG=1.2.1 ./ start

Now we have started a single-node VOLTHA stack. You can use the following command to see the various containers that are runnning as part of the stack:

$ docker stack ps voltha

Provision the OLT + ONU

Access VOLTHA's CLI with:

$ ssh voltha@localhost -p 5022

Run the health command and verify you get this output:

(voltha) health
    "state": "HEALTHY"

Now we can provision our OLT:

(voltha) preprovision_olt -t asfvolt16_olt -H <olt_mgmt_ip>:59991
success (device id = 0001f6f4595fdc93)

(voltha) enable 0001f6f4595fdc93
enabling 0001f6f4595fdc93
waiting for device to be enabled...
waiting for device to be enabled...
waiting for device to be enabled...

This will start to provision the device and will take approximately two minutes. During this time you should see logs scrolling by in the bal_core_dist and voltha_bal_driver apps on the OLT. The "waiting for device to be enabled" message will stop once the device has finished being provisioned.

Next, add the OLT configuration. The following is a series of commands that need to be entered into the VOLTHA CLI in order to configure an OLT and ONU. Pay attention to the device ID in the channel termination command, (0001bb590711de28) as this will need to be changed to match your OLT's device ID.

(voltha) xpon
(voltha-xpon ) channel_group create -n "Manhattan" -d "Channel Group for Manhattan" -a up -p 100 -s 000000 -r raman_none
(voltha-xpon ) channel_partition create -n "WTC" -d "Channel Partition for World Trade Center in Manhattan" -a up -r 20 -o 0 -f false -m false -u serial_number -c "Manhattan"
(voltha-xpon ) channel_pair create -n "PON port" -d "Channel Pair for Freedom Tower in WTC" -a up -r (voltha-xpon ) down_10_up_10 -t channelpair -g "Manhattan" -p "WTC" -i 0 -o class_a
(voltha-xpon ) traffic_descriptor_profile create -n "TDP 1" -f 100000 -a 500000 -m 1000000 -p 1 -w 1 -e additional_bw_eligibility_indicator_none
(voltha-xpon ) channel_termination create -i 0001bb590711de28 -n "PON port" -d "Channel Termination for Freedom Tower" -a up -r "PON port" -c "AT&T WTC OLT"

Then for every ONU that you want to bring up, run the following commands in the VOLTHA CLI. The value of the ONU serial number (BRCM12345678) needs to be changed to match your ONU's serial number.

(voltha-xpon ) vont_ani create -n "ATT Golden User" -d "ATT Golden User in Freedom Tower" -a up -p "WTC" -s "BRCM12345678" -r "PON port" -o 1

# Wait for 5 sec for ONT to come up
(voltha-xpon ) ont_ani create -n "ATT Golden User" -d "ATT Golden User in Freedom Tower" -a up -u true -m false
(voltha-xpon ) tcont create -n "TCont 1" -r "ATT Golden User" -t "TDP 1"

# Wait for 5 sec for scheduler configuration to finish.
(voltha-xpon ) v_enet create -n "Enet UNI 1" -d "Ethernet port - 1" -a up -r "ATT Golden User"
(voltha-xpon ) gem_port create -n "Gemport 1" -r "Enet UNI 1" -c 2 -a true -t "TCont 1"

At this point the ONU should have been provisioned and ready to have its subscriber VLANs programmed by ONOS.

Provision a Subscriber in ONOS

Now we need to provision a subscriber in ONOS. ONOS will then send flow rules to forward the subscriber’s traffic to the VOLTHA logical device, and VOLTHA will take these flow rules and configure the PON accordingly.

On the node where VOLTHA is running, you can access the ONOS CLI using:

$ ssh karaf@localhost -p 8101           #password=karaf

In the previous step we already provisioned VOLTHA with an OLT, so it should have automatically connected to this new ONOS instance. Running devices and ports should show one OLT device with two ports, an NNI port and a UNI port.

onos> devices
id=of:0001000000000001, available=true, local-status=connected 34m43s ago, role=MASTER, type=SWITCH, mfr=cord project, hw=n/a, sw=logical device for Edgecore ASFvOLT16 OLT, serial=, driver=pmc-olt, channelId=, locType=geo, managementAddress=, name=of:0001000000000001, protocol=OF_13
onos> ports
id=of:0001000000000001, available=true, local-status=connected 34m45s ago, role=MASTER, type=SWITCH, mfr=cord project, hw=n/a, sw=logical device for Edgecore ASFvOLT16 OLT, serial=, driver=pmc-olt, channelId=, locType=geo, managementAddress=, name=of:0001000000000001, protocol=OF_13
  port=21, state=enabled, type=fiber, speed=0 , portName=Enet UNI 1, portMac=00:00:00:01:00:15
  port=129, state=enabled, type=fiber, speed=0 , portName=nni, portMac=00:00:00:00:00:81

If this is all correct, then the final step is to use the ONOS CLI to provision subscriber VLANs on the PON:

onos> add-subscriber-access <olt_dpid> <uni_port> <c_vlan>
e.g., add-subscriber-access of:0001000000000001 21 400

If all is going well, traffic should be able to flow through the PON, to the vSG and out to the Internet. If you place a client behind the ONU it should be able to DHCP and get an address from the vSG, then reach the Internet using the vSG as its default gateway.


If you ever need to reset the system, then you can stop VOLTHA like this:

$ ./ stop

Then reboot the OLT to ensure that it is in a fresh state to be reprovisioned.