Merge "Clean up duplicate logic in subcmds/"
diff --git a/ b/
index d496337..3c8fadd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 from git_config import GitConfig
 from git_refs import R_HEADS, HEAD
 from project import RemoteSpec, Project, MetaProject
-from error import ManifestParseError
+from error import ManifestParseError, ManifestInvalidRevisionError
 MANIFEST_FILE_NAME = 'manifest.xml'
 LOCAL_MANIFEST_NAME = 'local_manifest.xml'
@@ -568,10 +568,11 @@
                         gitdir = gitdir,
                         objdir = gitdir,
                         worktree = None,
-                        relpath = None,
+                        relpath = name or None,
                         revisionExpr = m.revisionExpr,
                         revisionId = None)
       self._projects[] = [project]
+      self._paths[project.relpath] = project
   def _ParseRemote(self, node):
@@ -845,3 +846,40 @@
       raise ManifestParseError("no %s in <%s> within %s" %
             (attname, node.nodeName, self.manifestFile))
     return v
+  def projectsDiff(self, manifest):
+    """return the projects differences between two manifests.
+    The diff will be from self to given manifest.
+    """
+    fromProjects = self.paths
+    toProjects = manifest.paths
+    fromKeys = fromProjects.keys()
+    fromKeys.sort()
+    toKeys = toProjects.keys()
+    toKeys.sort()
+    diff = {'added': [], 'removed': [], 'changed': [], 'unreachable': []}
+    for proj in fromKeys:
+      if not proj in toKeys:
+        diff['removed'].append(fromProjects[proj])
+      else:
+        fromProj = fromProjects[proj]
+        toProj = toProjects[proj]
+        try:
+          fromRevId = fromProj.GetCommitRevisionId()
+          toRevId = toProj.GetCommitRevisionId()
+        except ManifestInvalidRevisionError:
+          diff['unreachable'].append((fromProj, toProj))
+        else:
+          if fromRevId != toRevId:
+            diff['changed'].append((fromProj, toProj))
+        toKeys.remove(proj)
+    for proj in toKeys:
+      diff['added'].append(toProjects[proj])
+    return diff
diff --git a/ b/
index 73a9781..aa7a49d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1100,6 +1100,23 @@
     for copyfile in self.copyfiles:
+  def GetCommitRevisionId(self):
+    """Get revisionId of a commit.
+    Use this method instead of GetRevisionId to get the id of the commit rather
+    than the id of the current git object (for example, a tag)
+    """
+    if not self.revisionExpr.startswith(R_TAGS):
+      return self.GetRevisionId(self._allrefs)
+    try:
+      return self.bare_git.rev_list(self.revisionExpr, '-1')[0]
+    except GitError:
+      raise ManifestInvalidRevisionError(
+        'revision %s in %s not found' % (self.revisionExpr,
   def GetRevisionId(self, all_refs=None):
     if self.revisionId:
       return self.revisionId
@@ -2187,6 +2204,43 @@
   def _allrefs(self):
     return self.bare_ref.all
+  def _getLogs(self, rev1, rev2, oneline=False, color=True):
+    """Get logs between two revisions of this project."""
+    comp = '..'
+    if rev1:
+      revs = [rev1]
+      if rev2:
+        revs.extend([comp, rev2])
+      cmd = ['log', ''.join(revs)]
+      out = DiffColoring(self.config)
+      if out.is_on and color:
+        cmd.append('--color')
+      if oneline:
+        cmd.append('--oneline')
+      try:
+        log = GitCommand(self, cmd, capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True)
+        if log.Wait() == 0:
+          return log.stdout
+      except GitError:
+        # worktree may not exist if groups changed for example. In that case,
+        # try in gitdir instead.
+        if not os.path.exists(self.worktree):
+          return self.bare_git.log(*cmd[1:])
+        else:
+          raise
+    return None
+  def getAddedAndRemovedLogs(self, toProject, oneline=False, color=True):
+    """Get the list of logs from this revision to given revisionId"""
+    logs = {}
+    selfId = self.GetRevisionId(self._allrefs)
+    toId = toProject.GetRevisionId(toProject._allrefs)
+    logs['added'] = self._getLogs(selfId, toId, oneline=oneline, color=color)
+    logs['removed'] = self._getLogs(toId, selfId, oneline=oneline, color=color)
+    return logs
   class _GitGetByExec(object):
     def __init__(self, project, bare, gitdir):
       self._project = project
diff --git a/subcmds/ b/subcmds/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0599868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/subcmds/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from color import Coloring
+from command import PagedCommand
+from manifest_xml import XmlManifest
+class _Coloring(Coloring):
+  def __init__(self, config):
+    Coloring.__init__(self, config, "status")
+class Diffmanifests(PagedCommand):
+  """ A command to see logs in projects represented by manifests
+  This is used to see deeper differences between manifests. Where a simple
+  diff would only show a diff of sha1s for example, this command will display
+  the logs of the project between both sha1s, allowing user to see diff at a
+  deeper level.
+  """
+  common = True
+  helpSummary = "Manifest diff utility"
+  helpUsage = """%prog manifest1.xml [manifest2.xml] [options]"""
+  helpDescription = """
+The %prog command shows differences between project revisions of manifest1 and
+manifest2. if manifest2 is not specified, current manifest.xml will be used
+instead. Both absolute and relative paths may be used for manifests. Relative
+paths start from project's ".repo/manifests" folder.
+The --raw option Displays the diff in a way that facilitates parsing, the
+project pattern will be <status> <path> <revision from> [<revision to>] and the
+commit pattern will be <status> <onelined log> with status values respectively :
+  A = Added project
+  R = Removed project
+  C = Changed project
+  U = Project with unreachable revision(s) (revision(s) not found)
+for project, and
+   A = Added commit
+   R = Removed commit
+for a commit.
+Only changed projects may contain commits, and commit status always starts with
+a space, and are part of last printed project.
+Unreachable revisions may occur if project is not up to date or if repo has not
+been initialized with all the groups, in which case some projects won't be
+synced and their revisions won't be found.
+  def _Options(self, p):
+    p.add_option('--raw',
+                 dest='raw', action='store_true',
+                 help='Display raw diff.')
+    p.add_option('--no-color',
+                 dest='color', action='store_false', default=True,
+                 help='does not display the diff in color.')
+  def _printRawDiff(self, diff):
+    for project in diff['added']:
+      self.printText("A %s %s" % (project.relpath, project.revisionExpr))
+    for project in diff['removed']:
+      self.printText("R %s %s" % (project.relpath, project.revisionExpr))
+    for project, otherProject in diff['changed']:
+      self.printText("C %s %s %s" % (project.relpath, project.revisionExpr,
+                                     otherProject.revisionExpr))
+      self._printLogs(project, otherProject, raw=True, color=False)
+    for project, otherProject in diff['unreachable']:
+      self.printText("U %s %s %s" % (project.relpath, project.revisionExpr,
+                                     otherProject.revisionExpr))
+  def _printDiff(self, diff, color=True):
+    if diff['added']:
+      self.printText('added projects : \n')
+      for project in diff['added']:
+        self.printProject('\t%s' % (project.relpath))
+        self.printText(' at revision ')
+        self.printRevision(project.revisionExpr)
+    if diff['removed']:
+      self.printText('removed projects : \n')
+      for project in diff['removed']:
+        self.printProject('\t%s' % (project.relpath))
+        self.printText(' at revision ')
+        self.printRevision(project.revisionExpr)
+    if diff['changed']:
+      self.printText('changed projects : \n')
+      for project, otherProject in diff['changed']:
+        self.printProject('\t%s' % (project.relpath))
+        self.printText(' changed from ')
+        self.printRevision(project.revisionExpr)
+        self.printText(' to ')
+        self.printRevision(otherProject.revisionExpr)
+        self._printLogs(project, otherProject, raw=False, color=color)
+    if diff['unreachable']:
+      self.printText('projects with unreachable revisions : \n')
+      for project, otherProject in diff['unreachable']:
+        self.printProject('\t%s ' % (project.relpath))
+        self.printRevision(project.revisionExpr)
+        self.printText(' or ')
+        self.printRevision(otherProject.revisionExpr)
+        self.printText(' not found')
+  def _printLogs(self, project, otherProject, raw=False, color=True):
+    logs = project.getAddedAndRemovedLogs(otherProject, oneline=True,
+                                          color=color)
+    if logs['removed']:
+      removedLogs = logs['removed'].split('\n')
+      for log in removedLogs:
+        if log.strip():
+          if raw:
+            self.printText(' R ' + log)
+          else:
+            self.printRemoved('\t\t[-] ')
+            self.printText(log)
+    if logs['added']:
+      addedLogs = logs['added'].split('\n')
+      for log in addedLogs:
+        if log.strip():
+          if raw:
+            self.printText(' A ' + log)
+          else:
+            self.printAdded('\t\t[+] ')
+            self.printText(log)
+  def Execute(self, opt, args):
+    if not args or len(args) > 2:
+      self.Usage()
+    self.out = _Coloring(self.manifest.globalConfig)
+    self.printText = self.out.nofmt_printer('text')
+    if opt.color:
+      self.printProject = self.out.nofmt_printer('project', attr = 'bold')
+      self.printAdded = self.out.nofmt_printer('green', fg = 'green', attr = 'bold')
+      self.printRemoved = self.out.nofmt_printer('red', fg = 'red', attr = 'bold')
+      self.printRevision = self.out.nofmt_printer('revision', fg = 'yellow')
+    else:
+      self.printProject = self.printAdded = self.printRemoved = self.printRevision = self.printText
+    manifest1 = XmlManifest(self.manifest.repodir)
+    manifest1.Override(args[0])
+    if len(args) == 1:
+      manifest2 = self.manifest
+    else:
+      manifest2 = XmlManifest(self.manifest.repodir)
+      manifest2.Override(args[1])
+    diff = manifest1.projectsDiff(manifest2)
+    if opt.raw:
+      self._printRawDiff(diff)
+    else:
+      self._printDiff(diff, color=opt.color)
diff --git a/subcmds/ b/subcmds/
index 471e88b..098d8b4 100644
--- a/subcmds/
+++ b/subcmds/
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 import sys
 from command import Command
+from error import GitError
 CHANGE_RE = re.compile(r'^([1-9][0-9]*)(?:[/\.-]([1-9][0-9]*))?$')
@@ -87,7 +88,12 @@
         for c in dl.commits:
           print('  %s' % (c), file=sys.stderr)
       if opt.cherrypick:
-        project._CherryPick(dl.commit)
+        try:
+          project._CherryPick(dl.commit)
+        except GitError:
+          print('[%s] Could not complete the cherry-pick of %s' \
+                % (, dl.commit), file=sys.stderr)
       elif opt.revert:
       elif opt.ffonly: