upload: Support uploading to Gerrit over https://

If SSH is not available, Gerrit returns NOT_AVAILABLE to the /ssh_info
query made by repo upload. In this case fallback to the /p/$PROJECT URL
that Gerrit also exports and use that for uploads.

Change-Id: I1e3e39ab709ecc0a692614a41a42446426f39c08
diff --git a/project.py b/project.py
index 8b9a3fc..f48472b 100644
--- a/project.py
+++ b/project.py
@@ -866,31 +866,30 @@
       branch.remote.projectname = self.name
-    if branch.remote.ReviewProtocol == 'ssh':
-      if dest_branch.startswith(R_HEADS):
-        dest_branch = dest_branch[len(R_HEADS):]
+    url = branch.remote.ReviewUrl(self.UserEmail)
+    if url is None:
+      raise UploadError('review not configured')
+    cmd = ['push']
+    if url.startswith('ssh://'):
       rp = ['gerrit receive-pack']
       for e in people[0]:
         rp.append('--reviewer=%s' % sq(e))
       for e in people[1]:
         rp.append('--cc=%s' % sq(e))
-      ref_spec = '%s:refs/for/%s' % (R_HEADS + branch.name, dest_branch)
-      if auto_topic:
-        ref_spec = ref_spec + '/' + branch.name
-      cmd = ['push']
       cmd.append('--receive-pack=%s' % " ".join(rp))
-      cmd.append(branch.remote.SshReviewUrl(self.UserEmail))
-      cmd.append(ref_spec)
-      if GitCommand(self, cmd, bare = True).Wait() != 0:
-        raise UploadError('Upload failed')
+    cmd.append(url)
-    else:
-        raise UploadError('Unsupported protocol %s' \
-          % branch.remote.review)
+    if dest_branch.startswith(R_HEADS):
+      dest_branch = dest_branch[len(R_HEADS):]
+    ref_spec = '%s:refs/for/%s' % (R_HEADS + branch.name, dest_branch)
+    if auto_topic:
+      ref_spec = ref_spec + '/' + branch.name
+    cmd.append(ref_spec)
+    if GitCommand(self, cmd, bare = True).Wait() != 0:
+      raise UploadError('Upload failed')
     msg = "posted to %s for %s" % (branch.remote.review, dest_branch)
     self.bare_git.UpdateRef(R_PUB + branch.name,