AETHER-2234 move and update aether-roc-umbrella

Change-Id: I7ca845b92dff1fce5fd87d42053a43d80cc55f34
diff --git a/aether-roc-umbrella/files/scripts/ b/aether-roc-umbrella/files/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a6e14e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aether-roc-umbrella/files/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Open Networking Foundation <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-ONF-Member-Only-1.0
+# script to create Grafana Orgs
+# Usage:
+# <ADMINUSER> <ADMINPASS> <umbrella-chart-name> <grafana-server> <dashboard-folder> orgs...
+# where org is a quoted string containing org name and then in square brackets a list of vcs
+# e.g. "acme[acme-chicago-robots acme-chicago-cameras]"
+set -e
+#set -x
+set -o pipefail
+set -u
+if [ "$#" -lt 6 ]; then
+  echo "At least 6 args are needed. Got $#"
+  exit 1
+for orgWithVcs in "$@"
+  ORGASCII=${orgWithVcs%%map\[*\]} # Drop the [*] off the end
+  echo "Creating $orgWithVcs as $ORGASCII"
+  VCSLIST=${orgWithVcs##${ORGASCII}map\[*\]\ vcs:\[} # Drop everything off the front until "] vcs:["
+  VCSLIST=${VCSLIST%\]\]} # Drop the ]] off the end
+  DGLIST=${orgWithVcs##${ORGASCII}map\[devicegroup:\[} # Drop everything off the front until "devicegroup:[map["
+  DGLIST=${DGLIST%\]\ vcs:*\]\]}
+  DGLIST1=${DGLIST//" map["/";map["} # Replace all occurrence of " map["
+  IFS=';' read -r -a DGARRAY <<< $DGLIST1
+  for idx in ${!DGARRAY[@]}; do
+    DGARRAY[$idx]=${DGARRAY[$idx]// /;} # Replace all instances of space with ;
+  done
+  ORGID=-1
+  # Commented out for the moment - keeping everything in the Main Org. - see aether-roc-gui/docs/
+  #      echo "Calling /usr/bin/curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"$ORGASCII"}' http://$ADMINUSER:####@$SERVICE/api/orgs"
+  #      while [ $SUCCESS -ne 0 ];
+  #      do
+  #        DATA={\"name\":\"$ORGASCII\"}
+  #        echo "Creating Org $ORGASCII"
+  #        /usr/bin/curl -o /tmp/curlout -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$DATA" http://$ADMINUSER:$ADMINPASS@$SERVICE/api/orgs
+  #        SUCCESS=`echo $?`
+  #        echo "SUCCESS $SUCCESS"
+  #        if [ $SUCCESS -ne 0 ]
+  #        then
+  #          sleep $SLEEP
+  #          echo "Waiting $SLEEP seconds for Grafana to start"
+  #        else
+  #          ORGID=$(grep -o "[0-9]*" /tmp/curlout)
+  #          echo "Successful! Result $ORGID"
+  #        fi
+  #      done
+  #      echo "Calling /api/user/using/$ORGID"
+  #      /usr/bin/curl -s -X POST http://$ADMINUSER:$ADMINPASS@$SERVICE/api/user/using/$ORGID
+  #      SUCCESS=`echo $?`
+  #      echo "SUCCESS $SUCCESS"
+  echo "Creating folder in $ORGASCII"
+  FOLDER={\"uid\":\"$ORGASCII\",\"title\":\"$ORGASCII\"}
+  /usr/bin/curl -o /tmp/curlout -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$FOLDER" http://$ADMINUSER:$ADMINPASS@$SERVICE/api/folders
+  SUCCESS="$?"
+  cat /tmp/curlout
+  echo "Creating datasource in $ORGASCII"
+  DATASOURCE={\"name\":\"datasource-$ORGASCII\",\"type\":\"prometheus\",\"url\":\"http://$SOURCE\",\"access\":\"proxy\",\"basicAuth\":false}
+  /usr/bin/curl -s -o /tmp/curlout -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$DATASOURCE" http://$ADMINUSER:$ADMINPASS@$SERVICE/api/datasources
+  SUCCESS=`echo $?`
+  cat /tmp/curlout
+  echo "now create Dashboards with "$VCSLIST