Creating new Org with VCS

To create a new Organization and VCS, call the script

If you want to add at startup, instead add them to the values.yaml under grafana.orgs.

Call the script like: <ADMINUSER> <ADMINPASS> <umbrella-chart-name> <grafana-server> <dashboard-folder> orgs...


PATH=$PATH:. admin Ts8k0hvsZZD058JsqOl8w332YUNs8GAAEpYWCmJu aether-roc-umbrella localhost:8183/grafana \
  ../dashboards/vcs "siemens[siemens-munich-cameras siemens-mannheim-cameras siemens-mannheim-labs]"
  1. cd in to this scripts directory

  2. specify the Org and VCS's like "org1[vcs1 vcs2]" "org2[vcs1 vcs2]"

  3. To get the Grafana password use

    1. kubectl get secret --namespace micro-onos aether-roc-umbrella-grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
  4. Port forward aether-roc-gui to get grafana on localhost:8183/grafana

    1. kubectl -n micro-onos port-forward $(kubectl -n micro-onos get pods -l type=arg -o name) 8183:80