Aether-3082 Move PTR inside of slice

Also made MBR/GBR a choice

And changed "id"s to a consistent naming scheme

Made a grouping for "description" and "display-name"

Change-Id: I99492fd371a687469a08f1216b2cd729cc940fd4
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/Chart.yaml b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/Chart.yaml
index 0121655..34d1959 100644
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/Chart.yaml
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/Chart.yaml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 apiVersion: v2
 name: config-model-aether-2
-version: 2.0.4
+version: 2.0.5
 kubeVersion: ">=1.18.0"
 appVersion: 2.0.0
 description: Aether config model
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/aether-2.0.0.tree b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/aether-2.0.0.tree
index 845cf7d..0065ab6 100644
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/aether-2.0.0.tree
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/aether-2.0.0.tree
@@ -1,47 +1,49 @@
 module: onf-connectivity-service
   +--rw connectivity-services
-     +--rw connectivity-service* [id]
-        +--rw id                    connectivity-service-id
-        +--rw display-name?         string
-        +--rw description?          at:description
-        +--rw core-5g-endpoint?     inet:uri
-        +--rw acc-prometheus-url?   inet:uri
+     +--rw connectivity-service* [connectivity-service-id]
+        +--rw connectivity-service-id    connectivity-service-id
+        +--rw display-name?              string
+        +--rw description?               description
+        +--rw core-5g-endpoint?          inet:uri
+        +--rw acc-prometheus-url?        inet:uri
 module: onf-enterprise
   +--rw enterprises
-     +--rw enterprise* [ent-id]
-        +--rw ent-id                  enterprise-id
+     +--rw enterprise* [enterprise-id]
+        +--rw enterprise-id           enterprise-id
         +--rw display-name?           string
-        +--rw description?            at:description
+        +--rw description?            description
         +--rw connectivity-service* [connectivity-service]
-        |  +--rw connectivity-service    -> /cs:connectivity-services/connectivity-service/id
+        |  +--rw connectivity-service    -> /cs:connectivity-services/connectivity-service/connectivity-service-id
         |  +--rw enabled?                boolean
-        +--rw application* [app-id]
-        |  +--rw app-id          application-id
-        |  +--rw display-name?   string
-        |  +--rw description?    at:description
-        |  +--rw address         ietf:host
+        +--rw application* [application-id]
+        |  +--rw application-id    application-id
+        |  +--rw display-name?     string
+        |  +--rw description?      description
+        |  +--rw address           ietf:host
         |  +--rw endpoint* [endpoint-id]
         |     +--rw endpoint-id      yg:yang-identifier
+        |     +--rw display-name?    string
+        |     +--rw description?     description
         |     +--rw port-start?      ietf:port-number
         |     +--rw port-end?        ietf:port-number
         |     +--rw protocol?        at:protocol
         |     +--rw mbr
         |     |  +--rw uplink?     at:bitrate
         |     |  +--rw downlink?   at:bitrate
-        |     +--rw traffic-class?   -> ../../../traffic-class/tc-id
-        |     +--rw display-name?    string
-        +--rw traffic-class* [tc-id]
-        |  +--rw tc-id           traffic-class-id
-        |  +--rw display-name?   string
-        |  +--rw arp?            at:arp
-        |  +--rw qci?            at:qci
-        |  +--rw pelr?           at:pelr
-        |  +--rw pdb?            at:pdb
-        |  +--rw description?    at:description
-        +--rw template* [tp-id]
-        |  +--rw tp-id               template-id
+        |     +--rw traffic-class?   -> ../../../traffic-class/traffic-class-id
+        +--rw traffic-class* [traffic-class-id]
+        |  +--rw traffic-class-id    traffic-class-id
         |  +--rw display-name?       string
+        |  +--rw description?        description
+        |  +--rw arp?                at:arp
+        |  +--rw qci?                at:qci
+        |  +--rw pelr?               at:pelr
+        |  +--rw pdb?                at:pdb
+        +--rw template* [template-id]
+        |  +--rw template-id         template-id
+        |  +--rw display-name?       string
+        |  +--rw description?        description
         |  +--rw sst?                at:sst
         |  +--rw sd?                 at:sd
         |  +--rw mbr
@@ -50,102 +52,104 @@
         |  |  +--rw uplink-burst-size?     at:burst
         |  |  +--rw downlink-burst-size?   at:burst
         |  +--rw default-behavior    at:behavior
-        |  +--rw description?        at:description
         +--rw site* [site-id]
-           +--rw site-id                  site-id
-           +--rw display-name?            string
+           +--rw site-id            site-id
+           +--rw display-name?      string
+           +--rw description?       description
            +--rw small-cell* [small-cell-id]
            |  +--rw small-cell-id    yg:yang-identifier
+           |  +--rw display-name?    string
+           |  +--rw description?     description
            |  +--rw address?         inet:host
            |  +--rw tac              at:tac
            |  +--rw enable?          boolean
-           |  +--rw display-name?    string
            +--rw monitoring
            |  +--rw edge-cluster-prometheus-url?      inet:uri
            |  +--rw edge-monitoring-prometheus-url?   inet:uri
            |  +--rw edge-device* [edge-device-id]
            |     +--rw edge-device-id    yg:yang-identifier
            |     +--rw display-name?     string
-           |     +--rw description?      at:description
+           |     +--rw description?      description
            +--rw imsi-definition
            |  +--rw mcc           at:mcc
            |  +--rw mnc           at:mnc
            |  +--rw enterprise    at:ent
            |  +--rw format        string
-           +--rw description?             at:description
-           +--rw device* [dev-id]
-           |  +--rw dev-id          device-id
-           |  +--rw imei?           at:imei
-           |  +--rw description?    at:description
+           +--rw device* [device-id]
+           |  +--rw device-id       device-id
            |  +--rw display-name?   string
+           |  +--rw description?    description
+           |  +--rw imei?           at:imei
            |  +--rw sim-card?       -> ../../sim-card/sim-id
-           +--rw priority-traffic-rule* [ptr-id]
-           |  +--rw ptr-id           priority-traffic-rule-id
-           |  +--rw display-name?    string
-           |  +--rw device           -> ../../device/dev-id
-           |  +--rw application      -> ../../../application/app-id
-           |  +--rw endpoint         -> ../../../application/endpoint/endpoint-id
-           |  +--rw mbr
-           |  |  +--rw uplink?     at:bitrate
-           |  |  +--rw downlink?   at:bitrate
-           |  +--rw gbr
-           |  |  +--rw uplink?     at:bitrate
-           |  |  +--rw downlink?   at:bitrate
-           |  +--rw traffic-class?   -> ../../../traffic-class/tc-id
-           |  +--rw description?     at:description
            +--rw sim-card* [sim-id]
            |  +--rw sim-id          sim-card-id
-           |  +--rw iccid?          at:iccid
-           |  +--rw description?    at:description
            |  +--rw display-name?   string
+           |  +--rw description?    description
+           |  +--rw iccid?          at:iccid
            |  +--rw imsi?           at:imsi
            +--rw upf* [upf-id]
            |  +--rw upf-id             upf-id
+           |  +--rw display-name?      string
+           |  +--rw description?       description
            |  +--rw address            inet:host
            |  +--rw port               inet:port-number
            |  +--rw config-endpoint?   inet:uri
-           |  +--rw display-name?      string
-           |  +--rw description?       at:description
            +--rw slice* [slice-id]
-           |  +--rw slice-id            slice-id
-           |  +--rw display-name?       string
+           |  +--rw slice-id                 slice-id
+           |  +--rw display-name?            string
+           |  +--rw description?             description
            |  +--rw device-group* [device-group]
-           |  |  +--rw device-group    -> ../../../device-group/dg-id
+           |  |  +--rw device-group    -> ../../../device-group/device-group-id
            |  |  +--rw enable?         boolean
-           |  +--rw default-behavior    at:behavior
+           |  +--rw default-behavior         at:behavior
            |  +--rw filter* [application]
-           |  |  +--rw application    -> ../../../../application/app-id
+           |  |  +--rw application    -> ../../../../application/application-id
            |  |  +--rw priority?      at:priority
            |  |  +--rw allow?         boolean
-           |  +--rw upf?                -> ../../upf/upf-id
-           |  +--rw description?        at:description
-           |  +--rw sst                 at:sst
-           |  +--rw sd                  at:sd
+           |  +--rw upf?                     -> ../../upf/upf-id
+           |  +--rw sst                      at:sst
+           |  +--rw sd                       at:sd
            |  +--rw mbr
-           |     +--rw uplink?                at:bitrate
-           |     +--rw downlink?              at:bitrate
-           |     +--rw uplink-burst-size?     at:burst
-           |     +--rw downlink-burst-size?   at:burst
-           +--rw device-group* [dg-id]
-           |  +--rw dg-id            device-group-id
-           |  +--rw description?     at:description
-           |  +--rw display-name?    string
+           |  |  +--rw uplink?                at:bitrate
+           |  |  +--rw downlink?              at:bitrate
+           |  |  +--rw uplink-burst-size?     at:burst
+           |  |  +--rw downlink-burst-size?   at:burst
+           |  +--rw priority-traffic-rule* [priority-traffic-rule-id]
+           |     +--rw priority-traffic-rule-id    priority-traffic-rule-id
+           |     +--rw display-name?               string
+           |     +--rw description?                description
+           |     +--rw device                      -> ../../../device/device-id
+           |     +--rw application                 -> ../../../../application/application-id
+           |     +--rw endpoint                    -> ../../../../application/endpoint/endpoint-id
+           |     +--rw (bitrate)?
+           |     |  +--:(mbr-case)
+           |     |  |  +--rw mbr
+           |     |  |     +--rw uplink?     at:bitrate
+           |     |  |     +--rw downlink?   at:bitrate
+           |     |  +--:(gbr-case)
+           |     |     +--rw gbr
+           |     |        +--rw uplink?     at:bitrate
+           |     |        +--rw downlink?   at:bitrate
+           |     +--rw traffic-class?              -> ../../../../traffic-class/traffic-class-id
+           +--rw device-group* [device-group-id]
+           |  +--rw device-group-id    device-group-id
+           |  +--rw display-name?      string
+           |  +--rw description?       description
            |  +--rw device* [device-id]
-           |  |  +--rw device-id    -> ../../../device/dev-id
+           |  |  +--rw device-id    -> ../../../device/device-id
            |  |  +--rw enable?      boolean
-           |  +--rw ip-domain?       -> ../../ip-domain/ip-id
+           |  +--rw ip-domain?         -> ../../ip-domain/ip-domain-id
            |  +--rw mbr
            |  |  +--rw uplink      at:bitrate
            |  |  +--rw downlink    at:bitrate
-           |  +--rw traffic-class    -> ../../../traffic-class/tc-id
-           +--rw ip-domain* [ip-id]
-              +--rw ip-id            ip-domain-id
+           |  +--rw traffic-class      -> ../../../traffic-class/traffic-class-id
+           +--rw ip-domain* [ip-domain-id]
+              +--rw ip-domain-id     ip-domain-id
               +--rw display-name?    string
+              +--rw description?     description
               +--rw dnn              at:dnn
               +--rw dns-primary?     inet:ip-address
               +--rw dns-secondary?   inet:ip-address
               +--rw subnet           inet:ipv4-prefix
               +--rw admin-status?    at:admin-status
               +--rw mtu?             at:mtu
-              +--rw description?     at:description
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-aether-types.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-aether-types.yang
index 908c8b2..e0d655d 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-aether-types.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-aether-types.yang
@@ -174,4 +174,19 @@
     description "The typedef for description";
+  grouping desc-display-name {
+    description "reusable leafs for description and display-name";
+    leaf display-name {
+      type string {
+          length 1..80;
+      }
+      description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
+    }
+    leaf description {
+      type description;
+      description "long description field";
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-application.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-application.yang
index c81c501..31aa19d 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-application.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-application.yang
@@ -39,26 +39,16 @@
     description "The application grouping";
     list application {
-      key "app-id";
+      key "application-id";
         "List of applications";
-      leaf app-id {
+      leaf application-id {
         type application-id;
         description "ID for this application.";
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this application";
-      }
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       leaf address {
         type ietf:host;
@@ -74,6 +64,9 @@
               "Id of this endpoint";
+        uses at:desc-display-name;
         leaf port-start {
           type ietf:port-number;
@@ -105,17 +98,12 @@
         leaf traffic-class {
           type leafref {
-            path "../../../traffic-class/tc-id";
+            path "../../../traffic-class/traffic-class-id";
             "Link to traffic class";
-        leaf display-name {
-          type string {
-              length 1..80;
-          }
-          description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-        }
         description "list for endpoint";
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-connectivity-service.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-connectivity-service.yang
index 183be39..33c63a1 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-connectivity-service.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-connectivity-service.yang
@@ -37,26 +37,16 @@
     description "The connectivity-services top level container";
     list connectivity-service {
-      key "id";
+      key "connectivity-service-id";
         "List of connectivity services";
-      leaf id {
+      leaf connectivity-service-id {
         type connectivity-service-id;
         description "ID for this connectivity service.";
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this connectivity service";
-      }
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       leaf core-5g-endpoint {
         type inet:uri;
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-device-group.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-device-group.yang
index 2e01e17..41f0b70 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-device-group.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-device-group.yang
@@ -46,32 +46,22 @@
     description "The device-group grouping";
     list device-group {
-      key "dg-id";
+      key "device-group-id";
         "List of device groups";
-      leaf dg-id {
+      leaf device-group-id {
         type device-group-id;
         description "ID for this device group.";
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this device group";
-      }
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       list device {
         key "device-id";
         leaf device-id {
           type leafref {
-            path "../../../device/dev-id";
+            path "../../../device/device-id";
              "Link to device";
@@ -87,7 +77,7 @@
       leaf ip-domain {
         type leafref {
-          path "../../ip-domain/ip-id";
+          path "../../ip-domain/ip-domain-id";
           "Link to ip-domain settings that determine the pool of IP addresses,
@@ -113,7 +103,7 @@
       leaf traffic-class {
         type leafref {
-          path "../../../traffic-class/tc-id";
+          path "../../../traffic-class/traffic-class-id";
         mandatory true;
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-device.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-device.yang
index ce49e2c..b79844a 100644
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-device.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-device.yang
@@ -30,34 +30,24 @@
     description "The top level container";
     list device {
-      key "dev-id";
+      key "device-id";
       unique "imei";
         "List of devices";
-      leaf dev-id {
+      leaf device-id {
         type device-id;
         description "ID for this device.";
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       leaf imei {
         type at:imei;
            "IMEI for this device";
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this device";
-      }
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
       // TODO: Device Type
       leaf sim-card {
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-enterprise.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-enterprise.yang
index 4cb25fa..7b83595 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-enterprise.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-enterprise.yang
@@ -54,32 +54,22 @@
     description "The top level enterprises container";
     list enterprise {
-      key "ent-id";
+      key "enterprise-id";
         "List of enterprises";
-      leaf ent-id {
+      leaf enterprise-id {
         type enterprise-id;
         description "ID for this enterprise.";
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this enterprise";
-      }
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       list connectivity-service {
         key "connectivity-service";
         leaf connectivity-service {
           type leafref {
-            path "/cs:connectivity-services/cs:connectivity-service/cs:id";
+            path "/cs:connectivity-services/cs:connectivity-service/cs:connectivity-service-id";
             "Link to connectivity services where configuration should be pushed for this enterprise's devices";
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-ip-domain.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-ip-domain.yang
index b5fb974..287122e 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-ip-domain.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-ip-domain.yang
@@ -37,21 +37,16 @@
     description "The ip-domain grouping";
     list ip-domain {
-      key "ip-id";
+      key "ip-domain-id";
         "List of ip domains";
-      leaf ip-id {
+      leaf ip-domain-id {
         type ip-domain-id;
         description "ID for this ip domain.";
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       leaf dnn {
         type at:dnn;
@@ -86,11 +81,6 @@
         type at:mtu;
         description "maximum transmission unit";
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this ip domain";
-      }
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-priority-traffic-rule.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-priority-traffic-rule.yang
index f8fe5bd..e73cdf7 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-priority-traffic-rule.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-priority-traffic-rule.yang
@@ -33,26 +33,21 @@
     description "The top level container";
     list priority-traffic-rule {
-      key "ptr-id";
+      key "priority-traffic-rule-id";
       unique "device endpoint";
         "List of priority traffic rules";
-      leaf ptr-id {
+      leaf priority-traffic-rule-id {
         type priority-traffic-rule-id;
         description "ID for this priority traffic class.";
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       leaf device {
         type leafref {
-          path "../../device/dev-id";
+          path "../../../device/device-id";
         mandatory true;
@@ -61,7 +56,7 @@
       leaf application {
         type leafref {
-          path "../../../application/app-id";
+          path "../../../../application/application-id";
         mandatory true;
@@ -70,55 +65,51 @@
       leaf endpoint {
         type leafref {
-          path "../../../application/endpoint/endpoint-id";
+          path "../../../../application/endpoint/endpoint-id";
         mandatory true;
           "Link to endpoint in application";
-      container mbr {
-        description "Maximum bitrate";
-        leaf uplink {
-          type at:bitrate;
-          units bps;
-          description "Per-Device per-Application MBR uplink data rate in bps";
+      choice bitrate {
+        description "Either an GBR or an MBR can be specified, but not both";
+        case mbr-case {
+          container mbr {
+            description "Per-Device per-Application MBR (Maximum BitRate) in bps";
+            uses bitrate;
+          }
-        leaf downlink {
-          type at:bitrate;
-          units bps;
-          description "Per-Device per application MBR downlink data rate in bps";
-        }
-      }
-      container gbr {
-        description "Guaranteed bitrate";
-        leaf uplink {
-          type at:bitrate;
-          units bps;
-          description "Per-Device per-Application GBR uplink data rate in bps";
-        }
-        leaf downlink {
-          type at:bitrate;
-          units bps;
-          description "Per-Device per application GBR downlink data rate in bps";
+        case gbr-case {
+          container gbr {
+            description "Per-Device per-Application GBR (Guaranteed BitRate) in bps";
+            uses bitrate;
+          }
       leaf traffic-class {
         type leafref {
-          path "../../../traffic-class/tc-id";
+          path "../../../../traffic-class/traffic-class-id";
           "Link to traffic class";
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this priority traffic rule";
-      }
+  grouping bitrate {
+      description "uplink and downlink leafs for GBR and MBR";
+      leaf uplink {
+        type at:bitrate;
+        units bps;
+        description "Per-Device per-Application uplink data rate in bps";
+      }
+      leaf downlink {
+        type at:bitrate;
+        units bps;
+        description "Per-Device per application downlink data rate in bps";
+      }
+  }
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-sim-card.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-sim-card.yang
index 1b7fe8a..cf2ed86 100644
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-sim-card.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-sim-card.yang
@@ -39,24 +39,14 @@
         description "ID for this sim card.";
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       leaf iccid {
         type at:iccid;
            "ICCID for this sim card";
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this sim card";
-      }
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
       leaf imsi {
           type at:imsi;
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-site.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-site.yang
index 8e63c00..3a4e333 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-site.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-site.yang
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
   import onf-aether-types{ prefix at; }
   include onf-device;
-  include onf-priority-traffic-rule;
   include onf-sim-card;
   include onf-upf;
   include onf-slice;
@@ -52,12 +51,7 @@
         description "ID for this site.";
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       list small-cell {
         key "small-cell-id";
@@ -66,6 +60,9 @@
             "Id of small cell";
+        uses at:desc-display-name;
         leaf address {
           type inet:host;
@@ -83,12 +80,6 @@
             "Enable this small cell";
-        leaf display-name {
-          type string {
-              length 1..80;
-          }
-          description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-        }
           "List of small cell addresses";
@@ -111,16 +102,8 @@
               "Id of edge monitoring device";
-          leaf display-name {
-            type string {
-                length 1..80;
-            }
-            description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-          }
-          leaf description {
-            type at:description;
-            description "description of this site";
-          }
+          uses at:desc-display-name;
             "List of edge monitoring devices";
@@ -165,15 +148,8 @@
         description "container for imsi-defination";
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this site";
-      }
       uses device;
-      uses priority-traffic-rule;
       uses sim-card;
       uses upf;
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-slice.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-slice.yang
index 98bfdd8..2965f86 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-slice.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-slice.yang
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
   include onf-upf;
   include onf-device-group;
   include onf-application;
+  include onf-priority-traffic-rule;
   organization "Open Networking Foundation.";
   contact "Scott Baker";
@@ -48,18 +49,13 @@
         description "ID for this slice.";
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       list device-group {
         key "device-group";
         leaf device-group {
           type leafref {
-            path "../../../device-group/dg-id";
+            path "../../../device-group/device-group-id";
             "Link to device group";
@@ -86,7 +82,7 @@
         key "application";
         leaf application {
           type leafref {
-            path "../../../../application/app-id";
+            path "../../../../application/application-id";
           mandatory true;
@@ -118,11 +114,6 @@
           "Link to user plane that implements this vcf";
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this slice";
-      }
       // the following are populated from the template
       leaf sst {
         type at:sst;
@@ -164,6 +155,8 @@
       // end of items populated from the template
+      uses priority-traffic-rule;
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-template.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-template.yang
index 2dd853c..518d8b9 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-template.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-template.yang
@@ -36,21 +36,16 @@
     description "The template grouping";
     list template {
-      key "tp-id";
+      key "template-id";
         "List of slice templates";
-      leaf tp-id {
+      leaf template-id {
         type template-id;
         description "ID for this slice template.";
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       leaf sst {
         type at:sst;
@@ -95,11 +90,6 @@
           "Default behavior if no filter rules match";
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this slice template";
-      }
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-traffic-class.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-traffic-class.yang
index 4a4a96d..69ae702 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-traffic-class.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-traffic-class.yang
@@ -35,21 +35,16 @@
     description "The traffic-class grouping";
     list traffic-class {
-      key "tc-id";
+      key "traffic-class-id";
         "List of traffic class";
-      leaf tc-id {
+      leaf traffic-class-id {
         type traffic-class-id;
         description "ID for this traffic class.";
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       leaf arp {
         type at:arp;
@@ -70,11 +65,6 @@
         type at:pdb;
         description "PDB";
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this traffic class";
-      }
diff --git a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-upf.yang b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-upf.yang
index 4d27f31..32bee7a 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-upf.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-2.0.x/files/yang/onf-upf.yang
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
         description "ID for this upf.";
+      uses at:desc-display-name;
       leaf address {
         type inet:host;
         mandatory true;
@@ -61,18 +63,6 @@
         type inet:uri;
         description "url for configuring the UPF";
-      leaf display-name {
-        type string {
-            length 1..80;
-        }
-        description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";
-      }
-      leaf description {
-        type at:description;
-        description "description of this UPF";
-      }