AETHER-2341 add monitoring fields to site object

Change-Id: Ieb9599b3bb3d6dd6240e7932bb26926c3102d265
diff --git a/config-models/aether-4.x/files/aether-4.0.0.tree b/config-models/aether-4.x/files/aether-4.0.0.tree
index ac616db..51ddf2f 100644
--- a/config-models/aether-4.x/files/aether-4.0.0.tree
+++ b/config-models/aether-4.x/files/aether-4.0.0.tree
@@ -73,6 +73,13 @@
         |  +--rw address?   inet:host
         |  +--rw tac        at:tac
         |  +--rw enable?    boolean
+        +--rw monitoring
+        |  +--rw edge-cluster-prometheus-url?      inet:uri
+        |  +--rw edge-monitoring-prometheus-url?   inet:uri
+        |  +--rw edge-device* [name]
+        |     +--rw name            string
+        |     +--rw display-name?   string
+        |     +--rw description?    at:description
         +--rw enterprise         -> /ent:enterprise/enterprise/id
         +--rw imsi-definition
         |  +--rw mcc           at:mcc
diff --git a/config-models/aether-4.x/files/yang/onf-site.yang b/config-models/aether-4.x/files/yang/onf-site.yang
index 74a6b80..e7b3fda 100755
--- a/config-models/aether-4.x/files/yang/onf-site.yang
+++ b/config-models/aether-4.x/files/yang/onf-site.yang
@@ -73,7 +73,42 @@
           "List of small cell addresses";
-      }        
+      } 
+      container monitoring {
+        leaf edge-cluster-prometheus-url {
+          type inet:uri;
+          description
+            "URL of edge cluster prometheus";
+        }
+        leaf edge-monitoring-prometheus-url {
+          type inet:uri;
+          description
+            "URL of monitoring prometheus";
+        }        
+        list edge-device {
+          key "name";
+          leaf name {
+            type string {
+              length 1..80;
+            }
+            description
+              "Name of edge monitoring device";
+          }
+          leaf display-name {
+            type string {
+                length 1..80;
+            }
+            description "display name to use in GUI or CLI";            
+          }
+          leaf description {
+            type at:description;
+            description "description of this site";
+          }
+          description
+            "List of edge monitoring devices";
+        }
+      }
       leaf enterprise {
         type leafref {