chronos-exporter: add aether-model 2.0.0

Change-Id: Id000163280e8af129e737169d2c434849186a54c
diff --git a/chronos-exporter/files/configs/MEGA_Patch_2.0.yaml b/chronos-exporter/files/configs/MEGA_Patch_2.0.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..958a28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chronos-exporter/files/configs/MEGA_Patch_2.0.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-present Open Networking Foundation <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-ONF-Member-Only-1.0
+  - enterprise-id: acme
+    connectivity-service:
+      - connectivity-service: cs5gtest
+        enabled: true
+    description: ACME Corporation
+    display-name: ACME Corp
+    image: /chronos-exporter/images/tesla-logo.png
+    application:
+      - application-id: acme-dataacquisition
+        description: Data Acquisition
+        display-name: DA
+        address:
+        endpoint:
+          - endpoint-id: da
+            display-name: data acquisition endpoint
+            port-end: 7588
+            port-start: 7585
+            protocol: TCP
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 2000000
+              downlink: 1000000
+            traffic-class: class-2
+    site:
+      - description: ACME HQ
+        display-name: Chicago
+        site-id: acme-chicago
+        site-plans:
+          isometric: true
+          origin: ORIGIN_TOP_LEFT
+          layers:
+            - layer-id: Structure
+            - layer-id: Text
+          site-plan-list:
+            - id: floor-0
+              svg-file: /chronos-exporter/site-plans/acme/floor-0.svg
+              offsets:
+                x-offset: 0
+                y-offset: 0
+                z-offset: 0
+        imsi-definition:
+          mcc: '123'
+          mnc: '456'
+          enterprise: 1
+          format: CCCNNNEEESSSSSS
+        device-group:
+          - display-name: ACME Chicago Inventory
+            device-group-id: acme-chicago-default
+            ip-domain: acme-chicago
+            traffic-class: class-1
+          - display-name: ACME Robots
+            device-group-id: acme-chicago-production-robots
+            device:
+              - device-id: robot-1
+                enable: true
+              - device-id: robot-2
+                enable: true
+            ip-domain: acme-chicago
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 5000000
+              downlink: 1000000
+            traffic-class: class-1
+        ip-domain:
+          - admin-status: DISABLE
+            description: Chicago IP Domain
+            display-name: Chicago
+            dns-primary:
+            dns-secondary:
+            dnn: dnnacme
+            ip-domain-id: acme-chicago
+            mtu: 12690
+            subnet:
+        small-cell:
+          - small-cell-id: cell1
+            display-name: cell number one
+            address:
+            enable: true
+            tac: '8002'
+            position:
+              position-x: 100
+              position-y: 50
+              site-plan: floor-0
+        monitoring:
+          edge-cluster-prometheus-url: prometheus-ace1
+          edge-monitoring-prometheus-url: prometheus-amp
+          edge-device:
+            - edge-device-id: acme-chicago-monitoring-pi-1
+              display-name: sprocket monitoring pi
+              description: monitoring device placed near the sprocket manufacturing machine
+            - edge-device-id: acme-chicago-monitoring-pi-2
+              display-name: widget monitoring pi
+              description: monitoring device placed near the widget refinisher
+        upf:
+          - address:
+            description: Chicago UPF Pool - Entry 1
+            display-name: Chicago Pool 1
+            upf-id: acme-chicago-pool-entry1
+            port: 6161
+          - address:
+            description: Chicago UPF Pool - Entry 2
+            display-name: Chicago Pool 2
+            upf-id: acme-chicago-pool-entry2
+            port: 6161
+        slice:
+          - filter:
+              - allow: false
+                application: acme-dataacquisition
+            default-behavior: DENY-ALL
+            description: Chicago Robots
+            device-group:
+              - enable: true
+                device-group: acme-chicago-production-robots
+            display-name: Chicago Robots Slice
+            slice-id: acme-chicago-robots
+            sd: 2973238
+            sst: 79
+            upf: acme-chicago-pool-entry1
+            mbr:
+              downlink: 5000000
+              downlink-burst-size: 600000
+            priority-traffic-rule:
+              - priority-traffic-rule-id: ptr-1
+                display-name: Priority Traffic Rule 1
+                description: Rule for priority traffic for robot-1 on da endpoint in acme-dataacquisition
+                device: robot-1
+                application: acme-dataacquisition
+                endpoint: da
+                mbr:
+                  uplink: 1000000
+                  downlink: 2000000
+                traffic-class: class-1
+        device:
+          - device-id: robot-1
+            imei: 111222333
+            description: The 1st Robot
+            display-name: Robot 1
+            sim-card: sim-1
+            position:
+              position-x: 110
+              position-y: 50
+              site-plan: floor-0
+          - device-id: robot-2
+            imei: 111222334
+            description: The 2nd Robot
+            display-name: Robot 2
+            sim-card: sim-2
+            position:
+              position-x: 110
+              position-y: 50
+              site-plan: floor-0
+        sim-card:
+          - sim-id: sim-1
+            display-name: Robot 1 Sim
+            description: Robot 1 Sim Card
+            iccid: 123401
+            imsi: 1234011
+          - sim-id: sim-2
+            display-name: Robot 2 Sim
+            description: Robot 2 Sim Card
+            iccid: 123402
+            imsi: 1234021
+    template:
+      - default-behavior: DENY-ALL
+        description: Slice Template 1
+        display-name: Template 1
+        template-id: template-1
+        sd: 10886763
+        sst: 158
+        mbr:
+          uplink: 10000000
+          downlink: 5000000
+          uplink-burst-size: 600000
+          downlink-burst-size: 600000
+      - default-behavior: DENY-ALL
+        description: Slice Template 2
+        display-name: Template 2
+        template-id: template-2
+        sd: 16619900
+        sst: 157
+        mbr:
+          uplink: 10000000
+          downlink: 5000000
+          uplink-burst-size: 500000
+    traffic-class:
+      - traffic-class-id: class-1
+        description: High Priority TC
+        display-name: Class 1
+        qci: 10
+        arp: 1
+        pelr: 10
+        pdb: 100
+      - traffic-class-id: class-2
+        description: Medium Priority TC
+        display-name: Class 2
+        qci: 20
+        arp: 1
+        pelr: 10
+        pdb: 100
+      - traffic-class-id: class-3
+        description: Low Priority TC
+        display-name: Class 3
+        qci: 30
+        arp: 1
+        pelr: 10
+        pdb: 100
+  - description: Starbucks Corporation
+    display-name: Starbucks Inc.
+    enterprise-id: starbucks
+    connectivity-service:
+      - connectivity-service: cs5gtest
+        enabled: true
+      - connectivity-service: cs4gtest
+        enabled: false
+    application:
+      - description: Network Video Recorder
+        display-name: NVR
+        address:
+        endpoint:
+          - endpoint-id: rtsp
+            display-name: rtsp port
+            port-end: 3330
+            port-start: 3316
+            protocol: UDP
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 1000000
+              downlink: 1000000
+            traffic-class: class-1
+        application-id: starbucks-nvr
+      - application-id: starbucks-fidelio
+        description: Fidelio POS
+        display-name: Fidelio
+        address:
+        endpoint:
+          - endpoint-id: fidelio
+            display-name: fidelio application
+            port-end: 7588
+            port-start: 7585
+            protocol: TCP
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 2000000
+              downlink: 2000000
+            traffic-class: class-1
+    site:
+      - description: Starbucks Corp HQ
+        display-name: Seattle
+        site-id: starbucks-seattle
+        imsi-definition:
+          mcc: '265'
+          mnc: '122'
+          enterprise: 2
+          format: CCCNNNEEESSSSSS
+        device-group:
+          - display-name: Starbucks Seattle Inventory
+            device-group-id: starbucks-seattle-default
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 1000000
+              downlink: 1000000
+            traffic-class: class-1
+          - display-name: Seattle Counter Cameras
+            device-group-id: starbucks-seattle-cameras-cter
+            ip-domain: starbucks-seattle
+            device:
+              - device-id: counter-camera-1
+                enable: true
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 1000000
+              downlink: 1000000
+            traffic-class: class-1
+          - display-name: Seattle Store Cameras
+            device-group-id: starbucks-seattle-cameras-store
+            ip-domain: starbucks-seattle
+            device:
+              - device-id: seattle-store-camera-1
+                enable: true
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 1000000
+              downlink: 1000000
+            traffic-class: class-1
+          - display-name: Seattle POS Tills
+            device-group-id: starbucks-seattle-pos-tills
+            ip-domain: starbucks-seattle
+            device:
+              - device-id: till-1
+                enable: true
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 10000000
+              downlink: 20000000
+            traffic-class: class-1
+        ip-domain:
+          - admin-status: ENABLE
+            description: Seattle IP Domain
+            display-name: Seattle
+            dns-primary:
+            dns-secondary:
+            dnn: dnnsbsea
+            ip-domain-id: starbucks-seattle
+            mtu: 12690
+            subnet:
+        small-cell:
+          - small-cell-id: cell2
+            display-name: cell number 2
+            address:
+            enable: true
+            tac: '0654'
+          - small-cell-id: cell3
+            display-name: cell number 3
+            address:
+            enable: true
+            tac: '87475'
+        monitoring:
+          edge-cluster-prometheus-url: prometheus-ace1
+          edge-monitoring-prometheus-url: prometheus-amp
+          edge-device:
+            - edge-device-id: starbucks-seattle-monitoring-pi-1
+              display-name: lobby monitoring device
+              description: monitoring device placed in the lobby
+        upf:
+          - address:
+            description: Seattle UPF Pool - Entry 1
+            display-name: Seattle Pool 1
+            upf-id: starbucks-seattle-pool-entry1
+            port: 9229
+            config-endpoint: http://entry1-seattle
+          - address:
+            description: Seattle UPF Pool - Entry 2
+            display-name: Seattle Pool 2
+            upf-id: starbucks-seattle-pool-entry2
+            port: 9229
+            config-endpoint: http://entry2-seattle
+        slice:
+          - filter:
+              - allow: false
+                application: starbucks-nvr
+            default-behavior: DENY-ALL
+            description: Seattle Cameras
+            device-group:
+              - enable: true
+                device-group: starbucks-seattle-cameras-cter
+              - enable: true
+                device-group: starbucks-seattle-cameras-store
+            display-name: Seattle Cams
+            slice-id: starbucks-seattle-cameras
+            sd: 2973238
+            sst: 79
+            upf: starbucks-seattle-pool-entry1
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 10000000
+              uplink-burst-size: 600000
+        device:
+          - device-id: counter-camera-1
+            imei: 333000
+            display-name: Seattle counter camera 1
+          - device-id: seattle-store-camera-1
+            imei: 333001
+            display-name: Seattle store camera 1
+          - device-id: till-1
+            imei: 333010
+            display-name: Seattle till 1
+      - description: Starbucks New York
+        display-name: New York
+        site-id: starbucks-newyork
+        imsi-definition:
+          mcc: '021'
+          mnc: '32'
+          enterprise: 2
+          format: CCCNNNEEESSSSSS
+        device-group:
+          - display-name: New York Cameras
+            device-group-id: starbucks-newyork-cameras-front
+            device:
+              - device-id: newyork-front-camera-1
+                enable: true
+            ip-domain: starbucks-newyork
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 1000000
+            traffic-class: class-1
+          - display-name: New York Cameras Store
+            device-group-id: starbucks-newyork-cameras-store
+            device:
+              - device-id: newyork-store-camera-1
+                enable: true
+            ip-domain: starbucks-newyork
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 1000000
+            traffic-class: class-1
+          - display-name: New York POS
+            device-group-id: starbucks-newyork-pos
+            device:
+              - device-id: till-pos-1
+                enable: true
+              - device-id: till-pos-2
+                enable: true
+            ip-domain: starbucks-newyork
+            mbr:
+              downlink: 1000000
+            traffic-class: class-1
+        ip-domain:
+          - admin-status: ENABLE
+            description: New York IP Domain
+            display-name: New York
+            dns-primary:
+            dns-secondary:
+            dnn: dnnsbny
+            ip-domain-id: starbucks-newyork
+            mtu: 57600
+            subnet:
+        small-cell:
+          - small-cell-id: cell4
+            display-name: cell number four
+            address:
+            enable: true
+            tac: '8002'
+        monitoring:
+          edge-cluster-prometheus-url: prometheus-ace1
+          edge-monitoring-prometheus-url: prometheus-amp
+          edge-device:
+            - edge-device-id: starbucks-newyork-monitoring-pi-1
+              display-name: cash registers
+              description: monitoring device placed near the cash registers
+        upf:
+          - address:
+            description: New York UPF Pool - Entry 1
+            display-name: New York Pool 1
+            upf-id: starbucks-newyork-pool-entry1
+            port: 6161
+          - address:
+            description: New York UPF Pool - Entry 2
+            display-name: New York Pool 2
+            upf-id: starbucks-newyork-pool-entry2
+            port: 6161
+          - address:
+            description: New York UPF Pool - Entry 3
+            display-name: New York Pool 3
+            upf-id: starbucks-newyork-pool-entry3
+            port: 6161
+        slice:
+          - filter:
+              - allow: true
+                application: starbucks-nvr
+            default-behavior: DENY-ALL
+            description: New York Cameras
+            device-group:
+              - enable: true
+                device-group: starbucks-newyork-cameras-front
+              - enable: true
+                device-group: starbucks-newyork-cameras-store
+            display-name: NY Cams
+            slice-id: starbucks-newyork-cameras
+            sd: 8284729
+            sst: 127
+            upf: starbucks-newyork-pool-entry1
+            mbr:
+              uplink: 10000000
+              downlink: 5000000
+              uplink-burst-size: 600000
+              downlink-burst-size: 600000
+        device:
+          - device-id: newyork-front-camera-1
+            imei: 222000
+            display-name: NY front camera 1
+          - device-id: newyork-store-camera-1
+            imei: 222001
+            display-name: NY store camera 1
+          - device-id: till-pos-1
+            imei: 222010
+            display-name: NY till POS 1
+          - device-id: till-pos-2
+            imei: 222011
+            display-name: NY till POS 2
+    template:
+      - default-behavior: DENY-ALL
+        description: Slice Template 1
+        display-name: Template 1
+        template-id: template-1
+        sd: 10886763
+        sst: 158
+        mbr:
+          uplink: 10000000
+          downlink: 5000000
+          uplink-burst-size: 600000
+          downlink-burst-size: 600000
+      - default-behavior: DENY-ALL
+        description: Slice Template 2
+        display-name: Template 2
+        template-id: template-2
+        sd: 16619900
+        sst: 157
+        mbr:
+          uplink: 10000000
+          downlink: 5000000
+          uplink-burst-size: 500000
+    traffic-class:
+      - traffic-class-id: class-1
+        description: High Priority TC
+        display-name: Class 1
+        qci: 10
+        arp: 1
+        pelr: 10
+        pdb: 100
+      - traffic-class-id: class-2
+        description: Medium Priority TC
+        display-name: Class 2
+        qci: 20
+        arp: 1
+        pelr: 10
+        pdb: 100
+      - traffic-class-id: class-3
+        description: Low Priority TC
+        display-name: Class 3
+        qci: 30
+        arp: 1
+        pelr: 10
+        pdb: 100