blob: cf4ad1040b99a11ebfdea81b708327fb19f86fa2 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Open Networking Foundation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
submodule onf-device {
belongs-to onf-enterprise { prefix ent; }
import ietf-yang-types{ prefix yg; }
import onf-aether-types { prefix at; }
include onf-sim-card;
organization "Open Networking Foundation.";
contact "Scott Baker";
"A Aether Device...";
revision "2022-01-19" {
description "An Aether Device";
reference "RFC 6087";
typedef device-id {
type yg:yang-identifier {
length 1..32;
description "The typedef for device-id";
grouping device {
description "The top level container";
list device {
key "device-id";
unique "imei";
"List of devices";
leaf device-id {
type device-id;
description "ID for this device.";
uses at:desc-display-name;
leaf imei {
type at:imei;
"IMEI for this device";
// TODO: Device Type
leaf sim-card {
type leafref {
path "../../sim-card/sim-id";
"Link to simcard";