Revert "SEBA-814 To support Multi-Tcont on TT-workflow, SADIS configuration is updated."

This reverts commit 94f12a0bb65f9e9873dcbc482ed97c406edd85e3.

Change-Id: Idec4692c9a856a9511684ea746acdbb5ecd05cb5
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/ b/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
index 4208a5e..e3f2996 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
+++ b/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
@@ -16,91 +16,31 @@
 package org.opencord.sadis.impl;
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
-import org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address;
-import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
 import org.onosproject.codec.CodecContext;
 import org.onosproject.codec.JsonCodec;
 import org.opencord.sadis.SubscriberAndDeviceInformation;
-import org.opencord.sadis.UniTagInformation;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
+public  class SubscriberAndDeviceInformationCodec extends JsonCodec<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> {
+      @Override
+      public ObjectNode encode(SubscriberAndDeviceInformation entry, CodecContext context) {
+          return context.mapper().createObjectNode()
+                                    .put("id",
+                                    .put("cTag", (entry.cTag() == null) ? "" : entry.cTag().toString())
+                                    .put("sTag", (entry.sTag() == null) ? "" : entry.sTag().toString())
+                                    .put("nasPortId", entry.nasPortId())
+                                    .put("uplinkPort", entry.uplinkPort())
+                                    .put("slot", entry.slot())
+                                    .put("hardwareIdentifier", (entry.hardwareIdentifier() == null) ? "" :
+                                          entry.hardwareIdentifier().toString())
+                                    .put("ipAddress", (entry.ipAddress() == null) ? "" : entry.ipAddress().toString())
+                                    .put("nasId", entry.nasId())
+                                    .put("circuiltId", (entry.circuitId() == null) ? "" : entry.circuitId())
+                                    .put("remoteId", (entry.remoteId() == null) ? "" : entry.remoteId())
+                                    .put("technologyProfileId", entry.technologyProfileId())
+                                    .put("upstreamBandwidthProfile", (entry.upstreamBandwidthProfile() == null) ?
+                                            "" : entry.upstreamBandwidthProfile())
+                                    .put("downstreamBandwidthProfile", (entry.downstreamBandwidthProfile() == null) ?
+                                            "" : entry.downstreamBandwidthProfile());
-public class SubscriberAndDeviceInformationCodec extends JsonCodec<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> {
-    private static final String ID = "id";
-    private static final String NAS_PORT_ID = "nasPortId";
-    private static final String UPLINK_PORT = "uplinkPort";
-    private static final String SLOT = "slot";
-    private static final String HARDWARE_IDENTIFIER = "hardwareIdentifier";
-    private static final String IP_ADDRESS = "ipAddress";
-    private static final String NAS_ID = "nasId";
-    private static final String CIRCUIT_ID = "circuitId";
-    private static final String REMOTE_ID = "remoteId";
-    private static final String UNI_TAG_LIST = "uniTagList";
-    private static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";
-    private static final int NO_VALUE = -1;
-    @Override
-    public ObjectNode encode(SubscriberAndDeviceInformation entry, CodecContext context) {
-        List<ObjectNode> uniTagListNodes = Lists.newArrayList();
-        List<UniTagInformation> uniTagList = entry.uniTagList();
-        if (uniTagList != null) {
-            for (UniTagInformation uniTagInformation : uniTagList) {
-                uniTagListNodes.add(context.encode(uniTagInformation, UniTagInformation.class));
-            }
-        }
-        return context.mapper().createObjectNode()
-                .put(ID,
-                .put(NAS_PORT_ID, entry.nasPortId())
-                .put(UPLINK_PORT, entry.uplinkPort())
-                .put(SLOT, entry.slot())
-                .put(HARDWARE_IDENTIFIER, (entry.hardwareIdentifier() == null) ? EMPTY_STRING :
-                        entry.hardwareIdentifier().toString())
-                .put(IP_ADDRESS, (entry.ipAddress() == null) ? EMPTY_STRING : entry.ipAddress().toString())
-                .put(NAS_ID, entry.nasId())
-                .put(CIRCUIT_ID, (entry.circuitId() == null) ? EMPTY_STRING : entry.circuitId())
-                .put(REMOTE_ID, (entry.remoteId() == null) ? EMPTY_STRING : entry.remoteId())
-                .put(UNI_TAG_LIST, uniTagListNodes.toString());
-    }
-    @Override
-    public SubscriberAndDeviceInformation decode(ObjectNode json, CodecContext context) {
-        if (json == null || !json.isObject()) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        if (json.get(ID) == null) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        SubscriberAndDeviceInformation info = new SubscriberAndDeviceInformation();
-        info.setId(json.get(ID).asText());
-        info.setNasPortId(json.get(NAS_PORT_ID) == null ? EMPTY_STRING : json.get(NAS_PORT_ID).asText());
-        info.setUplinkPort(json.get(UPLINK_PORT) == null ? NO_VALUE : json.get(UPLINK_PORT).asInt());
-        info.setSlot(json.get(SLOT) == null ? NO_VALUE : json.get(SLOT).asInt());
-        info.setNasId(json.get(NAS_ID) == null ? EMPTY_STRING : json.get(NAS_ID).asText());
-        info.setCircuitId(json.get(CIRCUIT_ID) == null ? EMPTY_STRING : json.get(CIRCUIT_ID).asText());
-        info.setRemoteId(json.get(REMOTE_ID) == null ? EMPTY_STRING : json.get(REMOTE_ID).asText());
-        if (json.get(HARDWARE_IDENTIFIER) != null) {
-            info.setHardwareIdentifier(MacAddress.valueOf(json.get(HARDWARE_IDENTIFIER).asText()));
-        }
-        if (json.get(IP_ADDRESS) != null) {
-            info.setIPAddress(Ip4Address.valueOf(json.get(IP_ADDRESS).asText()));
-        }
-        if (json.get(UNI_TAG_LIST) != null) {
-            List<UniTagInformation> uniTagList = new ArrayList<>();
-            json.get(UNI_TAG_LIST).forEach(entry -> {
-                uniTagList.add(new SubscriberAndDeviceInformationConfig()
-                        .getUniTagInformation(entry));
-            });
-            info.setUniTagList(uniTagList);
-        }
-        return info;
-    }
+      }
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/ b/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
index d794433..61e097b 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
+++ b/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@
 import java.util.List;
 import org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address;
-import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
 import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
 import org.opencord.sadis.BaseConfig;
 import org.opencord.sadis.SubscriberAndDeviceInformation;
-import org.opencord.sadis.UniTagInformation;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@@ -52,6 +50,8 @@
  *     "entries" : [
  *         {
  *             "id"                         : "uniqueid",
+ *             "ctag"                       : int,
+ *             "stag"                       : int,
  *             "nasportid"                  : string,
  *             "port"                       : int,
  *             "slot"                       : int,
@@ -59,26 +59,10 @@
  *             "ipAddress"                  : string,
  *             "nasId"                      : string,
  *             "circuitId"                  : string,
- *             "remoteId"                   : string,
- *             "uniTagList": [
- *                  {
- *                  "uniTagMatch"               : int,
- *                  "ponCTag"                   : string,
- *                  "ponSTag"                   : string,
- *                  "usPonCTagPriority"         : int,
- *                  "dsPonCTagPriority"         : int,
- *                  "usPonSTagPriority"         : int,
- *                  "dsPonSTagPriority"         : int,
- *                  "technologyProfileId"       : int,
- *                  "upstreamBandwidthProfile"  : string,
- *                  "downstreamBandwidthProfile": string,
- *                  "enableMacLearning"         : string,
- *                  "configuredDacAddress"      : string,
- *                  "isDhcpRequired"            : string,
- *                  "isIgmpRequired"            : string,
- *                  "serviceName"               : string
- *                 }
- *                 ]
+ *             "removeId"                   : string,
+ *             "technologyProfileId"        : int,
+ *             "upstreamBandwidthProfile"   : string,
+ *             "downstreamBandwidthProfile" : string
  *         }, ...
  *     ]
  * }
@@ -87,23 +71,6 @@
 public class SubscriberAndDeviceInformationConfig extends BaseConfig<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> {
     private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
-    private static final int NO_PCP = -1;
-    private static final String NO_SN = "";
-    private static final String UNI_TAG_MATCH = "uniTagMatch";
-    private static final String PON_C_TAG = "ponCTag";
-    private static final String PON_S_TAG = "ponSTag";
-    private static final String US_C_TAG_PCP = "usPonCTagPriority";
-    private static final String US_S_TAG_PCP = "usPonSTagPriority";
-    private static final String DS_C_TAG_PCP = "dsPonCTagPriority";
-    private static final String DS_S_TAG_PCP = "dsPonSTagPriority";
-    private static final String MAC_LEARNING = "enableMacLearning";
-    private static final String TP_ID = "technologyProfileId";
-    private static final String US_BW = "upstreamBandwidthProfile";
-    private static final String DS_BW = "downstreamBandwidthProfile";
-    private static final String SERVICE_NAME = "serviceName";
-    private static final String IS_DHCP_REQ = "isDhcpRequired";
-    private static final String IS_IGMP_REQ = "isIgmpRequired";
-    private static final String MAC_ADDRESS = "configuredMacAddress";
     public List<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> getEntries() {
         List<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> result = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -111,7 +78,6 @@
         SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
         module.addDeserializer(VlanId.class, new VlanIdDeserializer());
         module.addDeserializer(Ip4Address.class, new Ip4AddressDeserializer());
-        module.addDeserializer(UniTagInformation.class, new UniTagDeserializer());
         final JsonNode entries = this.object.path(ENTRIES);
         entries.forEach(entry -> {
@@ -144,44 +110,4 @@
             return Ip4Address.valueOf(node.asText());
-    public class UniTagDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<UniTagInformation> {
-        @Override
-        public UniTagInformation deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt)
-                throws IOException {
-            ObjectCodec oc = jp.getCodec();
-            JsonNode node = oc.readTree(jp);
-            return getUniTagInformation(node);
-        }
-    }
-    public UniTagInformation getUniTagInformation(JsonNode node) {
-        return new UniTagInformation.Builder()
-                .setUniTagMatch(VlanId.vlanId(node.get(UNI_TAG_MATCH) == null ? VlanId.NO_VID
-                        : (short) node.get(UNI_TAG_MATCH).asInt()))
-                .setPonCTag(VlanId.vlanId((short) node.get(PON_C_TAG).asInt()))
-                .setPonSTag(VlanId.vlanId((short) node.get(PON_S_TAG).asInt()))
-                .setUsPonCTagPriority(node.get(US_C_TAG_PCP) == null ? NO_PCP :
-                        node.get(US_C_TAG_PCP).asInt())
-                .setUsPonSTagPriority(node.get(US_S_TAG_PCP) == null ? NO_PCP :
-                        node.get(US_S_TAG_PCP).asInt())
-                .setDsPonCTagPriority(node.get(DS_C_TAG_PCP) == null ? NO_PCP :
-                        node.get(DS_C_TAG_PCP).asInt())
-                .setDsPonSTagPriority(node.get(DS_S_TAG_PCP) == null ? NO_PCP :
-                        node.get(DS_S_TAG_PCP).asInt())
-                .setEnableMacLearning(node.get(MAC_LEARNING) == null ? false :
-                        node.get(MAC_LEARNING).asBoolean())
-                .setTechnologyProfileId(node.get(TP_ID).asInt())
-                .setUpstreamBandwidthProfile(node.get(US_BW) == null ? null
-                        : node.get(US_BW).asText())
-                .setDownstreamBandwidthProfile(node.get(DS_BW) == null ? null
-                        : node.get(DS_BW).asText())
-                .setServiceName(node.get(SERVICE_NAME) == null ? NO_SN :
-                        node.get(SERVICE_NAME).asText())
-                .setIsDhcpRequired(node.get(IS_DHCP_REQ) == null ? false : node.get(IS_DHCP_REQ).asBoolean())
-                .setIsIgmpRequired(node.get(IS_IGMP_REQ) == null ? false : node.get(IS_IGMP_REQ).asBoolean())
-                .setConfiguredMacAddress(node.get(MAC_ADDRESS) == null ? MacAddress.NONE.toString() :
-                        node.get(MAC_ADDRESS).asText())
-                .build();
-    }
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/ b/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e27e52..0000000
--- a/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.opencord.sadis.impl;
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
-import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
-import org.onosproject.codec.CodecContext;
-import org.onosproject.codec.JsonCodec;
-import org.opencord.sadis.UniTagInformation;
-public class UniTagInformationCodec extends JsonCodec<UniTagInformation> {
-    private static final String UNI_TAG_MATCH = "uniTagMatch";
-    private static final String PON_CTAG = "ponCTag";
-    private static final String PON_STAG = "ponSTag";
-    private static final String US_PON_CTAG_PCP = "usPonCTagPriority";
-    private static final String US_PON_STAG_PCP = "usPonSTagPriority";
-    private static final String DS_PON_CTAG_PCP = "dsPonCTagPriority";
-    private static final String DS_PON_STAG_PCP = "dsPonSTagPriority";
-    private static final String TP_ID = "technologyProfileId";
-    private static final String US_BP = "upstreamBandwidthProfile";
-    private static final String DS_BP = "downstreamBandwidthProfile";
-    private static final String SN = "serviceName";
-    private static final String MAC_LEARN = "enableMacLearning";
-    private static final String MAC = "configuredMacAddress";
-    private static final String DHCP_REQ = "isDhcpRequired";
-    private static final String IGMP_REQ = "isIgmpRequired";
-    private static final int NO_PCP = -1;
-    private static final int NO_TP = -1;
-    private static final String EMPTY_BP = "";
-    private static final String EMPTY_SN = "";
-    private static final boolean DEFAULT_MAC_LEARN = false;
-    private static final String EMPTY_MAC = "";
-    private static final boolean DEFAULT_DHCP_REQ = false;
-    private static final boolean DEFAULT_IGMP_REQ = false;
-    @Override
-    public ObjectNode encode(UniTagInformation entry, CodecContext context) {
-        return context.mapper().createObjectNode()
-                .put(UNI_TAG_MATCH, entry.getUniTagMatch().toShort())
-                .put(PON_CTAG, entry.getPonCTag().toShort())
-                .put(PON_STAG, entry.getPonSTag().toShort())
-                .put(US_PON_CTAG_PCP, entry.getUsPonCTagPriority())
-                .put(US_PON_STAG_PCP, entry.getUsPonSTagPriority())
-                .put(DS_PON_CTAG_PCP, entry.getDsPonCTagPriority())
-                .put(DS_PON_STAG_PCP, entry.getDsPonSTagPriority())
-                .put(TP_ID, entry.getTechnologyProfileId())
-                .put(US_BP, entry.getUpstreamBandwidthProfile())
-                .put(DS_BP, entry.getDownstreamBandwidthProfile())
-                .put(SN, entry.getServiceName())
-                .put(MAC_LEARN, entry.getEnableMacLearning())
-                .put(MAC, entry.getConfiguredMacAddress())
-                .put(DHCP_REQ, entry.getIsDhcpRequired())
-                .put(IGMP_REQ, entry.getIsIgmpRequired());
-    }
-    @Override
-    public UniTagInformation decode(ObjectNode json, CodecContext context) {
-        if (json == null || !json.isObject()) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        UniTagInformation.Builder tagInfoBuilder = new UniTagInformation.Builder();
-        tagInfoBuilder.setUniTagMatch(json.get(UNI_TAG_MATCH) == null ? VlanId.vlanId(VlanId.NO_VID) :
-                VlanId.vlanId(json.get(UNI_TAG_MATCH).shortValue()))
-                .setPonCTag(json.get(PON_CTAG) == null ? VlanId.vlanId(VlanId.NO_VID) :
-                        VlanId.vlanId(json.get(PON_CTAG).shortValue()))
-                .setPonCTag(json.get(PON_STAG) == null ? VlanId.vlanId(VlanId.NO_VID) :
-                        VlanId.vlanId(json.get(PON_STAG).shortValue()))
-                .setUsPonCTagPriority(json.get(US_PON_CTAG_PCP) == null ? NO_PCP :
-                        json.get(US_PON_CTAG_PCP).asInt())
-                .setUsPonSTagPriority(json.get(US_PON_STAG_PCP) == null ? NO_PCP :
-                        json.get(US_PON_STAG_PCP).asInt())
-                .setDsPonCTagPriority(json.get(DS_PON_CTAG_PCP) == null ? NO_PCP :
-                        json.get(DS_PON_CTAG_PCP).asInt())
-                .setDsPonSTagPriority(json.get(DS_PON_STAG_PCP) == null ? NO_PCP :
-                        json.get(DS_PON_STAG_PCP).asInt())
-                .setTechnologyProfileId(json.get(TP_ID) == null ? NO_TP :
-                        json.get(TP_ID).asInt())
-                .setUpstreamBandwidthProfile(json.get(US_BP) == null ? EMPTY_BP :
-                        json.get(US_BP).asText())
-                .setDownstreamBandwidthProfile(json.get(DS_BP) == null ? EMPTY_BP :
-                        json.get(DS_BP).asText())
-                .setServiceName(json.get(SN) == null ? EMPTY_SN :
-                        json.get(SN).asText())
-                .setEnableMacLearning(json.get(MAC_LEARN) == null ? DEFAULT_MAC_LEARN :
-                        json.get(MAC_LEARN).asBoolean())
-                .setConfiguredMacAddress(json.get(MAC) == null ? EMPTY_MAC :
-                        json.get(MAC).asText())
-                .setIsDhcpRequired(json.get(DHCP_REQ) == null ? DEFAULT_DHCP_REQ :
-                        json.get(DHCP_REQ).asBoolean())
-                .setIsIgmpRequired(json.get(IGMP_REQ) == null ? DEFAULT_IGMP_REQ :
-                        json.get(IGMP_REQ).asBoolean());
-        return;
-    }
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/rest/ b/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/rest/
index b2bfad2..160874a 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/rest/
+++ b/app/src/main/java/org/opencord/sadis/rest/
@@ -24,11 +24,16 @@
 import org.opencord.sadis.SubscriberAndDeviceInformation;
 import org.onlab.util.ItemNotFoundException;
@@ -41,6 +46,11 @@
     private final ArrayNode node = root.putArray("entry");
     private static final String SUBSCRIBER_NOT_FOUND = "Subscriber not found";
     private static final String BP_NOT_FOUND = "Bandwidth Profile not found";
+    private final SadisService sadisService = get(SadisService.class);
+    private final BaseInformationService<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> subService =
+            sadisService.getSubscriberInfoService();
+    private final BaseInformationService<BandwidthProfileInformation> bpService =
+            sadisService.getBandwidthProfileService();
      * Get subscriber object.
@@ -54,9 +64,6 @@
     public Response getSubscriber(@PathParam("id") String id) {
-        SadisService sadisService = get(SadisService.class);
-        BaseInformationService<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> subService =
-                sadisService.getSubscriberInfoService();
         final SubscriberAndDeviceInformation entry = subService.get(id);
         if (entry == null) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(SUBSCRIBER_NOT_FOUND);
@@ -77,9 +84,6 @@
      public Response getSubscriberCache(@PathParam("id") String id) {
-         SadisService sadisService = get(SadisService.class);
-         BaseInformationService<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> subService =
-                 sadisService.getSubscriberInfoService();
          final SubscriberAndDeviceInformation entry = subService.getfromCache(id);
          if (entry == null) {
             throw new ItemNotFoundException(SUBSCRIBER_NOT_FOUND);
@@ -89,6 +93,22 @@
+     * Create subscriber object.
+     *
+     * @return 201 Created
+     */
+    @POST
+    @Path("/subscriber")
+    @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
+    public Response postSubscriber() {
+        try {
+            return Response.created(new URI("/subsciber/123")).build();
+        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
+            return Response.serverError().build();
+        }
+    }
+    /**
      * Delete subscriber object.
      * @param id
@@ -98,9 +118,6 @@
     public Response deleteSubscriber(@PathParam("id") String id) {
-        SadisService sadisService = get(SadisService.class);
-        BaseInformationService<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> subService =
-                sadisService.getSubscriberInfoService();
         return Response.noContent().build();
@@ -113,9 +130,6 @@
     public Response deleteAllSubscribers() {
-        SadisService sadisService = get(SadisService.class);
-        BaseInformationService<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> subService =
-                sadisService.getSubscriberInfoService();
         return Response.noContent().build();
@@ -124,9 +138,6 @@
     public Response getBandwidthProfile(@PathParam("id") String id) {
-        SadisService sadisService = get(SadisService.class);
-        BaseInformationService<BandwidthProfileInformation> bpService =
-                sadisService.getBandwidthProfileService();
         final BandwidthProfileInformation entry = bpService.get(id);
         if (entry == null) {
             throw new ItemNotFoundException(BP_NOT_FOUND);
@@ -139,9 +150,6 @@
     public Response getBandwidthProfileCache(@PathParam("id") String id) {
-        SadisService sadisService = get(SadisService.class);
-        BaseInformationService<BandwidthProfileInformation> bpService =
-                sadisService.getBandwidthProfileService();
         final BandwidthProfileInformation entry = bpService.getfromCache(id);
         if (entry == null) {
             throw new ItemNotFoundException(BP_NOT_FOUND);
@@ -153,19 +161,13 @@
     public Response deleteBandwidthProfile(@PathParam("id") String id) {
-        SadisService sadisService = get(SadisService.class);
-        BaseInformationService<BandwidthProfileInformation> bpService =
-                sadisService.getBandwidthProfileService();
-        bpService.invalidateId(id);
+        bpService.invalidateAll();
         return Response.noContent().build();
     public Response deleteAllBandwidthProfiles() {
-        SadisService sadisService = get(SadisService.class);
-        BaseInformationService<BandwidthProfileInformation> bpService =
-                sadisService.getBandwidthProfileService();
         return Response.noContent().build();
diff --git a/app/src/test/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/ b/app/src/test/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
index 7979223..7d2604a 100644
--- a/app/src/test/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
+++ b/app/src/test/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
@@ -17,10 +17,6 @@
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
-import org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address;
-import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
-import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
 import org.onosproject.codec.impl.CodecManager;
 import org.onosproject.core.ApplicationId;
 import org.onosproject.core.CoreServiceAdapter;
@@ -30,10 +26,8 @@
 import org.opencord.sadis.BaseConfig;
-import org.opencord.sadis.BaseInformation;
 import org.opencord.sadis.BaseInformationService;
-import org.opencord.sadis.SubscriberAndDeviceInformation;
-import org.opencord.sadis.UniTagInformation;
+import org.opencord.sadis.BaseInformation;
 import java.time.Duration;
@@ -54,115 +48,6 @@
     protected NetworkConfigEvent event;
     protected static NetworkConfigListener configListener;
-    private static final short UNI_TAG_MATCH_1 = 100;
-    private static final short UNI_TAG_MATCH_2 = 200;
-    private static final short C_TAG_1 = 2;
-    private static final short S_TAG_1 = 2;
-    private static final short S_TAG_2 = 3;
-    private static final int C_TAG_PRIORITY = 0;
-    private static final int S_TAG_PRIORITY = 1;
-    private static final int TECH_PROF_ID_1 = 64;
-    private static final int TECH_PROF_ID_2 = 65;
-    private static final String HSA = "HSA";
-    private static final String IPTV = "IPTV";
-    private static final String NAS_PORT_ID = "1/1/2";
-    private static final short PORT_1 = 125;
-    private static final short PORT_2 = 129;
-    private static final short PORT_3 = 130;
-    private static final short PORT_4 = 132;
-    private static final short SLOT_1 = 3;
-    private static final short SLOT_2 = 4;
-    private static final short SLOT_3 = 7;
-    private static final short SLOT_4 = 1;
-    private static final String MAC1 = "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff";
-    private static final String MAC2 = "ff:aa:dd:cc:bb:ee";
-    private static final String MAC3 = "ff:cc:dd:aa:ee:bb";
-    private static final String NAS1 = "XXX-NASID";
-    private static final String NAS2 = "YYY-NASID";
-    private static final String NAS3 = "MNO-NASID";
-    private static final String NAS4 = "PQR-NASID";
-    private static final String CIRCUIT1 = "circuit123";
-    private static final String CIRCUIT2 = "circuit234";
-    private static final String CIRCUIT3 = "circuit567";
-    private static final String CIRCUIT4 = "circuit678";
-    private static final String REMOTE1 = "remote123";
-    private static final String REMOTE2 = "remote234";
-    private static final String REMOTE3 = "remote567";
-    private static final String REMOTE4 = "remote678";
-    private static final String IP1 = "";
-    private static final String IP2 = "";
-    private static final String IP3 = "";
-    private static final String IP4 = "";
-    protected static final String ID1 = "1";
-    protected static final String ID2 = "2";
-    protected static final String ID3 = "3";
-    protected static final String ID4 = "4";
-    protected static final String ID5 = "5";
-    UniTagInformation ttService1 = new UniTagInformation.Builder()
-            .setUniTagMatch(VlanId.vlanId(UNI_TAG_MATCH_1))
-            .setPonCTag(VlanId.vlanId(C_TAG_1))
-            .setPonSTag(VlanId.vlanId(S_TAG_1))
-            .setUsPonCTagPriority(C_TAG_PRIORITY)
-            .setUsPonSTagPriority(S_TAG_PRIORITY)
-            .setDsPonCTagPriority(C_TAG_PRIORITY)
-            .setDsPonSTagPriority(S_TAG_PRIORITY)
-            .setTechnologyProfileId(TECH_PROF_ID_1)
-            .setUpstreamBandwidthProfile(HSA)
-            .setDownstreamBandwidthProfile(HSA)
-            .setServiceName(HSA)
-            .build();
-    UniTagInformation ttService2 = new UniTagInformation.Builder()
-            .setUniTagMatch(VlanId.vlanId(UNI_TAG_MATCH_2))
-            .setPonCTag(VlanId.vlanId(C_TAG_1))
-            .setPonSTag(VlanId.vlanId(S_TAG_2))
-            .setUsPonCTagPriority(C_TAG_PRIORITY)
-            .setUsPonSTagPriority(S_TAG_PRIORITY)
-            .setDsPonCTagPriority(C_TAG_PRIORITY)
-            .setDsPonSTagPriority((S_TAG_PRIORITY))
-            .setTechnologyProfileId(TECH_PROF_ID_2)
-            .setUpstreamBandwidthProfile(IPTV)
-            .setDownstreamBandwidthProfile(IPTV)
-            .setServiceName(IPTV)
-            .setIsIgmpRequired(true)
-            .setIsDhcpRequired(true)
-            .setEnableMacLearning(true)
-            .setConfiguredMacAddress(MAC2)
-            .build();
-    UniTagInformation attService1 = new UniTagInformation.Builder()
-            .setPonCTag(VlanId.vlanId(C_TAG_1))
-            .setPonSTag(VlanId.vlanId(S_TAG_2))
-            .setTechnologyProfileId(TECH_PROF_ID_1)
-            .setUpstreamBandwidthProfile(HSA)
-            .setDownstreamBandwidthProfile(HSA)
-            .build();
-    List<UniTagInformation> uniTagListForTT = Lists.newArrayList(ttService1);
-    List<UniTagInformation> uniTagList2ForTT = Lists.newArrayList(ttService1, ttService2);
-    List<UniTagInformation> uniTagList3Att = Lists.newArrayList(attService1);
-    SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder entry1 =, NAS_PORT_ID,
-            PORT_1, SLOT_1, MAC1, NAS1, IP1, CIRCUIT1, REMOTE1, uniTagListForTT);
-    SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder entry2 =, NAS_PORT_ID,
-            PORT_2, SLOT_2, MAC1, NAS2, IP2, CIRCUIT2, REMOTE2, uniTagList2ForTT);
-    SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder entry3 =, NAS_PORT_ID,
-            PORT_3, SLOT_3, MAC2, NAS3, IP3, CIRCUIT3, REMOTE3, uniTagListForTT);
-    SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder entry4 =, NAS_PORT_ID,
-            PORT_4, SLOT_4, MAC3, NAS4, IP4, CIRCUIT4, REMOTE4, uniTagList2ForTT);
-    SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder entry5 =, NAS_PORT_ID,
-            PORT_3, SLOT_3, MAC2, NAS3, IP3, CIRCUIT3, REMOTE3, uniTagList3Att);
     public void setUp(String localConfig, Class configClass) throws Exception {
         sadis = new SadisManager();
         sadis.coreService = new MockCoreService();
@@ -219,33 +104,6 @@
-    private static final class SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder extends SubscriberAndDeviceInformation {
-        public static SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder build(String id, String nasPortId,
-                                                                  short port, short slot, String mac,
-                                                                  String nasId, String ipAddress, String circuitId,
-                                                                  String remoteId,
-                                                                  List<UniTagInformation> uniTagList) {
-            SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder info = new SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder();
-            info.setId(id);
-            if (slot != -1) {
-                info.setSlot(slot);
-            }
-            info.setNasPortId(nasPortId);
-            info.setUplinkPort(port);
-            info.setHardwareIdentifier(MacAddress.valueOf(mac));
-            info.setIPAddress(Ip4Address.valueOf(ipAddress));
-            info.setNasId(nasId);
-            info.setCircuitId(circuitId);
-            info.setRemoteId(remoteId);
-            info.setUniTagList(uniTagList);
-            return info;
-        }
-    }
      * Mocks an ONOS configuration delegate to allow JSON based configuration to
diff --git a/app/src/test/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/ b/app/src/test/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
index fa68966..6ff5cc3 100644
--- a/app/src/test/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
+++ b/app/src/test/java/org/opencord/sadis/impl/
@@ -24,17 +24,34 @@
 import org.junit.After;
 import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.Test;
+import org.onlab.packet.Ip4Address;
+import org.onlab.packet.MacAddress;
+import org.onlab.packet.VlanId;
-import org.opencord.sadis.BaseConfig;
-import org.opencord.sadis.BaseInformation;
-import org.opencord.sadis.BaseInformationService;
 import org.opencord.sadis.SubscriberAndDeviceInformation;
+import org.opencord.sadis.BaseConfig;
+import org.opencord.sadis.BaseInformationService;
+import org.opencord.sadis.BaseInformation;
  * Set of tests of the SADIS ONOS application component.
 public class SubscriberAndDeviceManagerTest extends BaseSadis {
+    SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder entry1 ="1", (short) 2,
+            (short) 2, "1/1/2", (short) 125, (short) 3, "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "XXX-NASID", "",
+            "circuit123", "remote123", 64, "1Gb", "1Gb");
+    SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder entry2 ="2", (short) 4,
+            (short) 4, "1/1/2", (short) 129, (short) 4, "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "YYY-NASID", "",
+            "circuit234", "remote234", 64, "10Gb", "10Gb");
+    SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder entry3 ="3", (short) 7,
+            (short) 8, "1/1/2", (short) 130, (short) 7, "ff:aa:dd:cc:bb:ee", "MNO-NASID", "",
+            "circuit567", "remote567", 64, "10Gb", "10Gb");
+    SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder entry4 ="4", (short) 2,
+            (short) 1, "1/1/2", (short) 132, (short) 1, "ff:cc:dd:aa:ee:bb", "PQR-NASID", "",
+            "circuit678", "remote678", 64, "5Gb", "5Gb");
     public void setUp() throws Exception {
         config = new SubscriberAndDeviceInformationConfig();
@@ -57,9 +74,23 @@
     private void checkEntriesForSubscriberAndAccessDevice(BaseConfig config) {
         List<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> entries = config.getEntries();
         assertEquals(3, entries.size());
-        assertTrue(checkEquality(entry1, entries.get(0)));
-        assertTrue(checkEquality(entry2, entries.get(1)));
-        assertTrue(checkEquality(entry5, entries.get(2)));
+        SubscriberAndDeviceInformation sub ="1", (short) 2, (short) 2,
+                "1/1/2", (short) 125,
+                (short) 3, "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "XXX-NASID", "", "circuit123", "remote123",
+                64, "1Gb", "1Gb");
+        assertTrue(checkEquality(sub, entries.get(0)));
+        sub ="2", (short) 4, (short) 4, "1/1/2", (short) 129,
+                (short) 4, "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "YYY-NASID", "", "circuit234", "remote234",
+                64, "10Gb", "10Gb");
+        assertTrue(checkEquality(sub, entries.get(1)));
+        sub ="cc:dd:ee:ff:aa:bb", (short) -1, (short) -1, null,
+                (short) -1, (short) -1, "cc:dd:ee:ff:aa:bb", "CCC-NASID", "", "circuit345", "remote345",
+                64, "10Gb", "10Gb");
+        assertTrue(checkEquality(sub, entries.get(2)));
@@ -67,15 +98,14 @@
         BaseInformationService<SubscriberAndDeviceInformation> subscriberService = sadis.getSubscriberInfoService();
-        checkGetForExisting(ID1, entry1, subscriberService);
-        checkGetForExisting(ID2, entry2, subscriberService);
-        checkGetForExisting(ID5, entry5, subscriberService);
+        checkGetForExisting("1", entry1, subscriberService);
+        checkGetForExisting("2", entry2, subscriberService);
-        invalidateId(ID1, subscriberService);
-        checkFromBoth(ID1, entry1, subscriberService);
+        invalidateId("1", subscriberService);
+        checkFromBoth("1", entry1, subscriberService);
-        checkFromBoth(ID2, entry2, subscriberService);
+        checkFromBoth("2", entry2, subscriberService);
@@ -90,14 +120,14 @@
         config.init(subject, "sadis-remote-mode-test", node("/RemoteConfig.json"), mapper, delegate);
-        checkGetForExisting(ID3, entry3, subscriberService);
-        checkGetForExisting(ID4, entry4, subscriberService);
+        checkGetForExisting("3", entry3, subscriberService);
+        checkGetForExisting("4", entry4, subscriberService);
-        invalidateId(ID3, subscriberService);
-        checkFromBoth(ID3, entry3, subscriberService);
+        invalidateId("3", subscriberService);
+        checkFromBoth("3", entry3, subscriberService);
-        checkFromBoth(ID4, entry4, subscriberService);
+        checkFromBoth("4", entry4, subscriberService);
@@ -106,16 +136,60 @@
         config.init(subject, "sadis-remote-mode-test", node("/RemoteConfig.json"), mapper, delegate);
-        checkGetForExisting(ID3, null, service);
-        checkGetForNonExist(ID1, service);
+        checkGetForExisting("3", null, service);
+        checkGetForNonExist("1", service);
         config.init(subject, "sadis-local-mode-test", node("/LocalSubConfig.json"), mapper, delegate);
-        checkGetForExisting(ID1, null, service);
-        checkGetForNonExist(ID3, service);
+        checkGetForExisting("1", null, service);
+        checkGetForNonExist("3", service);
+    private static final class SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder extends SubscriberAndDeviceInformation {
+        public static SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder build(String id, short cTag, short sTag, String nasPortId,
+                                                                  short port, short slot, String mac, String nasId,
+                                                                  String ipAddress, String circuitId, String remoteId,
+                                                                  int technologyProfileId,
+                                                                  String upstreamBandwidthProfile,
+                                                                  String downstreamBandwidthProfile) {
+            SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder info = new SubscriberAndDeviceInformationBuilder();
+            info.setId(id);
+            if (cTag != -1) {
+                info.setCTag(VlanId.vlanId(cTag));
+            }
+            if (sTag != -1) {
+                info.setSTag(VlanId.vlanId(sTag));
+            }
+            info.setNasPortId(nasPortId);
+            if (port != -1) {
+                info.setUplinkPort(port);
+            }
+            if (slot != -1) {
+                info.setSlot(slot);
+            }
+            info.setHardwareIdentifier(MacAddress.valueOf(mac));
+            info.setIPAddress(Ip4Address.valueOf(ipAddress));
+            info.setNasId(nasId);
+            info.setCircuitId(circuitId);
+            info.setRemoteId(remoteId);
+            if (technologyProfileId != -1) {
+                info.setTechnologyProfileId(technologyProfileId);
+            }
+            info.setUpstreamBandwidthProfile(upstreamBandwidthProfile);
+            info.setDownstreamBandwidthProfile(downstreamBandwidthProfile);
+            return info;
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
     public boolean checkEquality(BaseInformation localEntry, BaseInformation entry) {
         SubscriberAndDeviceInformation sub = (SubscriberAndDeviceInformation) localEntry;
         SubscriberAndDeviceInformation other = (SubscriberAndDeviceInformation) localEntry;
@@ -123,6 +197,13 @@
         if (other == null) {
             return false;
+        if (sub.cTag() == null) {
+            if (other.cTag() != null) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        } else if (!sub.cTag().equals(other.cTag())) {
+            return false;
+        }
         if (sub.hardwareIdentifier() == null) {
             if (other.hardwareIdentifier() != null) {
                 return false;
@@ -161,6 +242,13 @@
         if (sub.uplinkPort() != other.uplinkPort()) {
             return false;
+        if (sub.sTag() == null) {
+            if (other.sTag() != null) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        } else if (!sub.sTag().equals(other.sTag())) {
+            return false;
+        }
         if (sub.slot() != other.slot()) {
             return false;
@@ -178,13 +266,25 @@
         } else if (!sub.remoteId().equals(other.remoteId())) {
             return false;
-        if (sub.uniTagList() == null) {
-            if (other.uniTagList() != null) {
+        if (sub.technologyProfileId() != other.technologyProfileId()) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (sub.upstreamBandwidthProfile() == null) {
+            if (other.upstreamBandwidthProfile() != null) {
                 return false;
-        } else if (!sub.uniTagList().equals(other.uniTagList())) {
+        } else if (!sub.upstreamBandwidthProfile().equals(other.upstreamBandwidthProfile())) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (sub.downstreamBandwidthProfile() == null) {
+            if (other.downstreamBandwidthProfile() != null) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        } else if (!sub.downstreamBandwidthProfile().equals(other.downstreamBandwidthProfile())) {
             return false;
         return true;
diff --git a/app/src/test/resources/3 b/app/src/test/resources/3
index 418b0b0..496bf28 100644
--- a/app/src/test/resources/3
+++ b/app/src/test/resources/3
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
       "id": "3",
+      "cTag": 7,
+      "sTag": 8,
       "nasPortId": "1/1/2",
       "uplinkPort": 130,
       "slot": 7,
@@ -8,19 +10,7 @@
-      "uniTagList": [
-     	{
-     	    "uniTagMatch":100,
-     		"ponCTag":2,
-     		"ponSTag":2,
-     		"usPonCTagPriority":0,
-     		"usPonSTagPriority":1,
-     		"dsPonCTagPriority": 0,
-     		"dsPonSTagPriority": 0,
-     		"technologyProfileId":64,
-     		"upstreamBandwidthProfile":"HSA",
-     		"downstreamBandwidthProfile":"HSA",
-     		"serviceName":"HSIA"
-     	}
-     ]
+      "technologyProfileId":64,
+      "upstreamBandwidthProfile":"10Gb",
+      "downstreamBandwidthProfile":"10Gb"
diff --git a/app/src/test/resources/4 b/app/src/test/resources/4
index ea0b618..757e741 100644
--- a/app/src/test/resources/4
+++ b/app/src/test/resources/4
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
       "id": "4",
+      "cTag": 2,
+      "sTag": 1,
       "nasPortId": "1/1/2",
       "uplinkPort": 132,
       "slot": 1,
@@ -8,32 +10,7 @@
-      "uniTagList": [
-      	{
-      	    "uniTagMatch":100,
-      		"ponCTag":2,
-      		"ponSTag":2,
-      		"usPonCTagPriority":0,
-      		"usPonSTagPriority":1,
-      		"dsPonCTagPriority":0,
-      		"dsPonSTagPriority":0,
-      		"technologyProfileId":64,
-      		"upstreamBandwidthProfile":"HSA",
-      		"downstreamBandwidthProfile":"HSA",
-      		"serviceName":"HSIA"
-      	},
-      	{
-      		"uniTagMatch":200,
-      		"ponCTag":3,
-      		"ponSTag":2,
-      		"usPonCTagPriority":0,
-      		"usPonSTagPriority":1,
-      		"dsPonCTagPriority":0,
-      		"dsPonSTagPriority":0,
-      		"technologyProfileId":65,
-      		"upstreamBandwidthProfile":"IPTV",
-      		"downstreamBandwidthProfile":"IPTV",
-      		"serviceName":"IPTV"
-      	}
-      ]
+      "technologyProfileId":64,
+      "upstreamBandwidthProfile":"5Gb",
+      "downstreamBandwidthProfile":"5Gb"
diff --git a/app/src/test/resources/LocalSubConfig.json b/app/src/test/resources/LocalSubConfig.json
index 1efee37..99c861a 100644
--- a/app/src/test/resources/LocalSubConfig.json
+++ b/app/src/test/resources/LocalSubConfig.json
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 			"id": "1",
+			"cTag": 2,
+			"sTag": 2,
 			"nasPortId": "1/1/2",
 			"uplinkPort": 125,
 			"slot": 3,
@@ -20,25 +22,15 @@
-			"uniTagList": [
-				{
-					"uniTagMatch":100,
-					"ponCTag":"2,",
-					"ponSTag":"2",
-					"usPonCTagPriority":0,
-					"usPonSTagPriority":1,
-					"dsPonCTagPriority":0,
-					"dsPonSTagPriority":1,
-					"technologyProfileId":64,
-					"upstreamBandwidthProfile":"HSA",
-					"downstreamBandwidthProfile":"HSA",
-					"serviceName":"HSIA"
-				}
-			]
+			"technologyProfileId":64,
+			"upstreamBandwidthProfile":"1Gb",
+			"downstreamBandwidthProfile":"1Gb"
 			"id": "2",
+			"cTag": 4,
+			"sTag": 4,
 			"nasPortId": "1/1/2",
 			"uplinkPort": 129,
 			"slot": 4,
@@ -47,57 +39,21 @@
-			"uniTagList": [
-				{
-					"uniTagMatch":100,
-					"ponCTag":"2,",
-					"ponSTag":"2",
-					"usPonCTagPriority":0,
-					"usPonSTagPriority":1,
-					"dsPonCTagPriority":0,
-					"dsPonSTagPriority":1,
-					"technologyProfileId":64,
-					"upstreamBandwidthProfile":"HSA",
-					"downstreamBandwidthProfile":"HSA",
-					"serviceName":"HSIA"
-				},
-				{
-					"uniTagMatch":200,
-					"ponCTag":3,
-					"ponSTag":2,
-					"usPonCTagPriority":0,
-					"usPonSTagPriority":1,
-					"dsPonCTagPriority": 0,
-					"dsPonSTagPriority": 1,
-					"technologyProfileId":65,
-					"upstreamBandwidthProfile":"IPTV",
-					"downstreamBandwidthProfile":"IPTV",
-					"serviceName":"IPTV",
-					"isIgmpRequired": "true",
-					"isDhcpRequired": "true",
-					"configuredMacAddress": "\"ff:aa:dd:cc:bb:ee\""
-				}
-			]
+			"technologyProfileId":64,
+			"upstreamBandwidthProfile":"10Gb",
+			"downstreamBandwidthProfile":"10Gb"
-			"id": "5",
-			"nasPortId": "1/1/2",
-			"uplinkPort": 125,
-			"slot": 3,
-			"hardwareIdentifier": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",
-			"ipAddress":"",
-			"nasId":"XXX-NASID",
-			"circuitId":"circuit123",
-			"remoteId":"remote123",
-			"uniTagList": [
-				{
-					"ponCTag":"2,",
-					"ponSTag":"2",
-					"technologyProfileId":64,
-					"upstreamBandwidthProfile":"HSA",
-					"downstreamBandwidthProfile":"HSA"
-				}
-			]
+			"id": "cc:dd:ee:ff:aa:bb",
+			"hardwareIdentifier": "cc:dd:ee:ff:aa:bb",
+			"ipAddress":"",
+			"nasId":"CCC-NASID",
+			"circuitId":"circuit345",
+			"remoteId":"remote345",
+			"technologyProfileId":64,
+			"upstreamBandwidthProfile":"10Gb",
+			"downstreamBandwidthProfile":"10Gb"