SD-Core release 1.3 updates

Change-Id: Ief59ee9393f5d182422dc8d1abb8c23f7d8e851b
diff --git a/developer/auto-scaling-5g-nfs.rst b/developer/auto-scaling-5g-nfs.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3181ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/developer/auto-scaling-5g-nfs.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-present Intel Corporation
+   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+.. _auto-scaling-5g-nfs:
+Auto scaling 5G NFs
+Autoscaling cloud native network functions is a critical capability for modern cloud infrastructure.
+It enables dynamic scaling of network functions to handle increased traffic or workload demands,
+ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.
+Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling (KEDA) is an open-source tool that makes it easier to implement
+autoscaling for cloud-native network functions(
+When the network functions receive more traffic or workload, KEDA automatically scales up the pods to
+handle the increased demand. When the demand decreases, KEDA scales down the pods to save resources and
+minimize costs.
+We can enable autoscaling based on memory usage, CPU usage, and custom metrics.
+Let's explore the steps on how to set up autoscaling in AIAB.
+In this example, we are setting up KEDA to scale the smf pod up for every 50 N4 messages received by SMF
+Run the following steps in aether-in-a-box folder:
+* Create aiab.diff file as described below
+* patch < aiab.diff
+* Create resources/keda.yaml as described below
+* Create resources/5g-monitoring/smf-monitor.yaml as described below
+* Create autoscale.yaml as described below
+* make 5g-core
+* make monitoring-5g
+* make autoscale-aiab
+* kubectl get hpa -n omec : To view the horizontal pod scaler.
+* kubectl get pods -n omec | grep smf :  To view the scaled pods.
+Create file aiab.diff with following content
+.. code-block::
+    diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+    index bd54a7a..df85e0a 100644
+    --- a/Makefile
+    +++ b/Makefile
+    @@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ GET_HELM              =
+     KUBESPRAY_VERSION ?= release-2.17
+     DOCKER_VERSION    ?= '20.10'
+     HELM_VERSION	  ?= v3.10.3
+    -KUBECTL_VERSION   ?= v1.23.15
+    +KUBECTL_VERSION   ?= v1.24.11
+    -RKE2_K8S_VERSION  ?= v1.23.15+rke2r1
+    +RKE2_K8S_VERSION  ?= v1.24.11+rke2r1
+    +#RKE2_K8S_VERSION  ?= v1.23.15+rke2r1
+     K8S_VERSION       ?= v1.21.6
+     OAISIM_UE_IMAGE ?= andybavier/lte-uesoftmodem:1.1.0-$(shell uname -r)
+    @@ -65,6 +66,8 @@ ROUTER_HOST_NETCONF   := /etc/systemd/network/10-aiab-access.netdev /etc/systemd
+     UE_NAT_CONF           := /etc/systemd/system/aiab-ue-nat.service
+     # monitoring
+    +AUTOSCALE_CHART              := kedacore/keda
+    +AUTOSCALE_VALUES             ?= $(MAKEDIR)/autoscale.yaml
+     RANCHER_MONITORING_CRD_CHART := rancher/rancher-monitoring-crd
+     RANCHER_MONITORING_CHART     := rancher/rancher-monitoring
+     MONITORING_VALUES            ?= $(MAKEDIR)/monitoring.yaml
+    @@ -675,6 +678,26 @@ test: | 4g-core $(M)/oaisim
+        fi
+        @grep -q "Simulation Result: PASS\|Profile Status: PASS" /tmp/gnbsim.out
+    +autoscale: $(M)/autoscale
+    +$(M)/autoscale: $(M)/helm-ready
+    +	helm repo add kedacore
+    +	helm upgrade --install --wait $(HELM_GLOBAL_ARGS) \
+    +    --namespace=autoscale \
+    +    --create-namespace \
+    +    --values=$(AUTOSCALE_VALUES) \
+    +    keda-aiab \
+    +    $(AUTOSCALE_CHART)
+    +	touch $(M)/autoscale
+    +
+    +autoscale-aiab: $(M)/autoscale
+    +	kubectl apply -f resources/keda.yaml
+    +
+    +autoscale-clean:
+    +	kubectl delete -f resources/keda.yaml
+    +	helm -n autoscale delete keda-aiab || true
+    +	kubectl delete namespace autoscale || true
+    +	rm $(M)/autoscale
+    +
+     reset-test: | oaisim-clean omec-clean router-clean
+        @cd $(M); rm -f omec oaisim 5g-core
+    diff --git a/resources/5g-monitoring/kustomization.yaml b/resources/5g-monitoring/kustomization.yaml
+    index 96bc72b..0b757e9 100644
+    --- a/resources/5g-monitoring/kustomization.yaml
+    +++ b/resources/5g-monitoring/kustomization.yaml
+    @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+     resources:
+       - ./metricfunc-monitor.yaml
+       - ./upf-monitor.yaml
+    +  - ./smf-monitor.yaml
+     configMapGenerator:
+       - name: grafana-ops-dashboards
+Create a file resources/keda.yaml with the following content
+.. code-block::
+    ---
+    apiVersion:
+    kind: ScaledObject
+    metadata:
+      name: smf-scale
+      namespace: omec
+    spec:
+      scaleTargetRef:
+         kind: Deployment
+         name: smf
+      minReplicaCount: 1
+      maxReplicaCount: 5
+      cooldownPeriod: 30
+      pollingInterval: 1
+      triggers:
+      - type: prometheus
+        metadata:
+          serverAddress: http://rancher-monitoring-prometheus.cattle-monitoring-system.svc:9090
+          metricName: n4_messages_total
+          query: |
+            sum(n4_messages_total{job="smf"})
+          threshold: "50"
+Create file resources/5g-monitoring/smf-monitor.yaml with following content
+.. code-block::
+    apiVersion:
+    kind: ServiceMonitor
+    metadata:
+      name: smf
+      namespace: omec
+    spec:
+      endpoints:
+        - path: /metrics
+          port: prometheus-exporter
+      namespaceSelector:
+        matchNames:
+          - omec
+      selector:
+        matchLabels:
+          app: smf
+Add an empty autoscale.yaml in aiab folder. This file can be used to add override values for keda helm chart.
+.. code-block::
+    touch autoscale.yaml
diff --git a/developer/rogue-subscriber.rst b/developer/rogue-subscriber.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c062d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/developer/rogue-subscriber.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-present Intel Corporation
+   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <>
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+.. _rogue-subscriber:
+Rogue Subscriber Blocking
+.. image:: ../_static/images/rogue-subscriber.png
+  :width: 500px
+This feature enables 5G network to revoke subscription of malicious UE. It is required that UPF is
+configured to support malicious subscriber identification. The custom user application can read the malicious
+subscriber's IP Address identified by the UPF and can make available to 5G core network via Metric-Function.
+The 5G network shall revoke malicious UEs subscription based on UE IP-Addresses received.
+Please follow detailed flow
+* The UPF shall detect malicious UE IP-Address and the user application shall learn it.
+* The user application shall maintain the malicious subscriber's IP Address.
+* The Controller functionality of the MetricFunction shall keep polling the user application to fetch malicious
+  subscriber's IP
+  Address.
+* The metricfunc manages all subscriber contexts, so the Controller identifies the IMSI associated to malicious
+  Subscriber IP.
+* The MetricFunc Pod notifies the ROC to disable the SIM Card associated with malicious subscriber.
+* ROC updates the Config Server(webui) with updated Device Group(s) and slice(s) information.
+* AMF initiates a network-triggered deregistration procedure to detach the UE from the 5G core.
+The Metric-Function configuration to poll the user application
+.. code-block::
+   userAppApiServer:
+     addr: "userapp.omec.svc"
+     port: 9301
+   rocEndPoint:
+     addr: "aether-roc-umbrella-aether-roc-gui-v2-1-external.aether-roc.svc"
+     port: 80