Updated Testing section

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+   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2021 Open Networking Foundation <support@opennetworking.org>
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+SD-Core Testing
+Test Framework
+NG40 tool is used as RAN emulator in SD-Core testing. NG40 runs inside a VM
+which is connected to both Aether control plane and data plane. In testing
+scenarios that involve data plane verification, NG40 also emulates a few
+application servers which serve as the destinations of data packets.
+A typical NG40 test case involves UE attaching, data plane verification and
+UE detaching. During the test NG40 acts as UEs and eNBs and talks to the
+mobile core to complete attach procedures for each UE it emulates. Then NG40
+verifies that data plane works for each attached UE by sending traffic between
+UEs and application servers. Before finishing each test NG40 performs detach
+procedures for each attached UE.
+Test cases
+Currently the following NG40 test cases are implemented:
+4G Tests:
+1. ``4G_M2AS_PING_FIX`` (attach, dl ping, detach)
+2. ``4G_M2AS_UDP`` (attach, dl+ul udp traffic, detach)
+3. ``4G_M2AS_TCP`` (attach, release, service request, dl+ul tcp traffic, detach)
+4. ``4G_AS2M_PAGING`` (attach, release, dl udp traffic, detach)
+5. ``4G_M2AS_SRQ_UDP`` (attach, release, service request, dl+ul udp traffic)
+6. ``4G_M2CN_PS`` (combined IMSI/PTMSI attach, detach)
+7. ``4G_HO`` (attach, relocate and dl ping, detach)
+8. ``4G_SCALE`` (attach, dl ping, detach with multiple UEs)
+5G Tests:
+1. ``5G_SA_Register_Deregister`` (registration, deregistration)
+2. ``5G_SA_Register`` (registration, session establishment, deregistration)
+3. ``5G_SA_Release`` (registration, session establishment, dl ping, release, deregistration)
+4. ``5G_SA_Activate_Release`` (registration, session establishment, dl ping, release, service request,
+   dl ping, deregistration)
+5. ``5G_SA_Scale`` (registration, session establishment, dl ping, deregistration for multiple UEs)
+6. ``5G_SA_M2AS_ICMP`` (registration, session establishment, dl ping, deregistration)
+7. ``5G_SA_M2AS_TCP`` (registration, session establishment, dl+ul tcp traffic, deregistration)
+8. ``5G_SA_M2AS_UDP`` (registration, session establishment, dl+ul udp traffic, deregistration)
+All the test cases are parameterized and can take arguments to specify number
+of UEs, attach/detach rate, traffic type/rate etc. For example, ``4G_SCALE``
+test case can be configured as a mini scalability test which performs only 5
+UE attaches in a patchset pre-merge test, while in the nightly tests it can
+take different arguments to run 10K UE attaches with a high attach rate.
+Test suites
+The test cases are atomic testing units and can be combined to build test
+suites. The following test suites have been built so far:
+1. ``functionality test suite`` verifies basic functionality of the
+   mobile core. 4G functionality suite runs 4G test case #1 to #8 including
+   ``4G_SCALE`` which attaches 5 UEs with 1/s attach rate. 5G functionality
+   suite runs 5G test case #1 to #8 including ``5G_SA_Scale`` which attaches
+   100 UEs with 1/s attach rate.
+2. ``scalability test suite`` tests the system by scale and verifies
+   system stability. It runs ``4G_SCALE`` (or ``5G_SA_Scale``) which attaches
+   a large number of UEs with high attach rate (16k UEs with 100/s rate on 4G
+   CI pod, 1k UEs with 10/s rate on 4G staging pod, and 1k UEs with 1/s rate
+   on 5G CI pod).
+3. ``performance test suite`` measures performance of the control and
+   data plane. It runs ``4G_SCALE`` multiple times with different attach rates
+   to understand how the system performs under different loads.
+Robot Framework
+Robot Framework was chosen to build test cases that involve interacting with
+not only NG40 but also other parts of the system. In these scenarios Robot
+Framework acts as a high level orchestrator which drives various components
+of the system using component specific libraries including NG40.
+Currently the ``Integration test suite`` is implemented using Robot
+Framework. In the integration tests Robot Framework calls the ng40 library to
+perform normal attach/detach procedures. Meanwhile it injects failures into
+the system (container restarts, link down etc.) by calling functions
+implemented in the k8s library.
+The following integration tests are implemented at the moment:
+1. Subscriber Attach with HSS Restart
+2. Subscriber Attach with MME Restart
+3. Subscriber Attach with SPGWC Restart
+4. Subscriber Attach with PFCP Agent Restart
+.. Note::
+  More integration tests are being developed as part of Robot Framework
+Test Schedules
+Nightly Tests
+SD-Core nightly tests are a set of jobs managed by Aether Jenkins.
+All four test suites we mentioned above are scheduled to run nightly.
+1. ``functionality job (func)`` runs NG40 test cases included in the
+   functionality suite and verifies all tests pass.
+2. ``scalability job (scale)`` runs the scalability test suite and reports
+   the number of successful/failed attaches, detaches and pings.
+3. ``performance job (perf)`` runs the performance test suite and reports
+   SCTP heartbeat RTT, GTP ICMP RTT and call setup latency numbers.
+And all these jobs can be scheduled on any of the Aether PODs including
+``ci-4g`` pod, ``ci-5g`` pod, ``staging`` pod and ``qa`` pod. By combining
+the test type and test pod the following Jenkins jobs are generated:
+1. ``ci-4g`` pod: `sdcore_func_ci-4g`, `sdcore_scale_ci-4g`, `sdcore_perf_ci-4g`, `sdcore_integ_ci-4g`
+1. ``ci-5g`` pod: `sdcore_func_ci-5g`, `sdcore_scale_ci-5g`
+2. ``staging`` pod: `func_staging`, `scale_staging`, `perf_staging`, `integ_staging`
+3. ``qa`` pod: `func_qa`, `scale_qa`, `perf_qa`, `integ_qa`
+Nightly Job structure
+Take `sdcore_scale_ci-4g` job as an example. It runs the following downstream jobs:
+1. `omec_deploy_ci-4g`: this job re-deploys the ``ci-4g`` pod with latest OMEC images.
+.. Note::
+  only the ``ci-4g`` and ``ci-5g`` pod jobs trigger deployment downstream job. No
+  re-deployment is performed on the staging and qa pod before the tests
+2. `ng40-test_ci-4g`: this job executes the scalability test suite.
+3. `archive-artifacts_ci-4g`: this job collects and uploads k8s and container logs.
+4. `post-results_ci-4g`: this job collects the NG40 test logs/pcaps and pushes the
+   test data to database. It also generates plots using Rscript for func and
+   scale tests
+The integration tests are written using Robot Framework so have a slightly
+different Jenkins Job structure. Take `sdcore_integ_ci-4g` as an example. It runs the
+following downstream jobs:
+1. `omec_deploy_ci-4g`: this job executes the scalability test suite.
+2. `robotframework-test_ci-4g`: this job is similar to `ng40-test_ci-4g` with the
+   exception that instead of directly executing NG40 commands it calls robot
+   framework to execute the test cases and publishes the test results using
+   `RobotPublisher` Jenkins plugin. The robot results will also be copied to
+   the upstream job and published there.
+3. `archive-artifacts_ci-4g`: this job collects and uploads k8s and container logs.
+4. `post-results_ci-4g`: this job collects the NG40 test logs/pcaps and pushes the
+   test data to database. It also generates plots using Rscript for func and
+   scale tests
+Patchset Tests
+SD-Core pre-merge verification covers the following public Github repos: ``c3po``,
+``Nucleus``, ``upf-epc`` and the following private Github repos: ``spgw``. ``amf``,
+``smf``, ``ausf``, ``nssf``, ``nrf``, ``pcf``, ``udm``, ``udr``, ``webconsole``.
+SD-Core CI verifies the following:
+1. ONF CLA verification
+2. License verification (FOSSA/Reuse)
+3. NG40 tests
+These jobs are automatically triggered by submitted or updated PR to the repos
+above. They can also be triggered manually by commenting ``retest this please``
+to the PR. At this moment only CLI and NG40 verification are mandatory.
+The NG40 verification are a set of jobs running on both opencord Jenkins and
+Aether Jenkins (private). The jobs run on opencord Jenkins include
+1. `omec_c3po_container_remote <https://jenkins.opencord.org/job/omec_c3po_container_remote/>`_ (public)
+2. `omec_Nucleus_container_remote <https://jenkins.opencord.org/job/omec_Nucleus_container_remote/>`_ (public)
+3. `omec_upf-epc_container_remote <https://jenkins.opencord.org/job/omec_upf-epc_container_remote/>`_ (public)
+4. `omec_spgw_container_remote` (private, under member-only folder)
+And the jobs run on Aether Jenkins include
+1. `c3po_premerge_ci-4g`
+2. `Nucleus_premerge_ci-4g`
+3. `upf-epc_premerge_ci-4g`
+4. `spgw_premerge_ci-4g`
+5. `amf_premerge_ci-5g`
+6. `smf_premerge_ci-5g`
+7. `ausf_premerge_ci-5g`
+8. `nssf_premerge_ci-5g`
+9. `nrf_premerge_ci-5g`
+10. `pcf_premerge_ci-5g`
+11. `udm_premerge_ci-5g`
+12. `udr_premerge_ci-5g`
+13. `webconsole_premerge_ci-5g`
+Patchset Job structure
+Take ``c3po`` jobs as an example. ``c3po`` PR triggers a public job
+<https://jenkins.opencord.org/job/omec_c3po_container_remote/>`_ job running
+on opencord Jenkins through Github webhooks, which then triggers a private job
+`c3po_premerge_ci-4g` running on Aether Jenkins using a Jenkins plugin called
+`Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin
+The private ``c3po`` job runs the following downstream jobs sequentially:
+1. `docker-publish-github_c3po`: this job downloads the ``c3po`` PR, runs docker
+   build and publishes the ``c3po`` docker images to `Aether registry`.
+2. `omec_deploy_ci-4g`: this job deploys the images built from previous job onto
+   the omec ``ci-4g`` pod.
+3. `ng40-test_ci-4g`: this job executes the functionality test suite.
+4. `archive-artifacts_ci-4g`: this job collects and uploads k8s and container logs.
+After all the downstream jobs are finished, the upstream job (`c3po_premerge_ci-4g`)
+copies artifacts including k8s/container/ng40 logs and pcap files from
+downstream jobs and saves them as Jenkins job artifacts.
+These artifacts are also copied to and published by the public job
+(`omec_c3po_container_remote <https://jenkins.opencord.org/job/omec_c3po_container_remote/>`_)
+on opencord Jenkins so that they can be accessed by the OMEC community.
+Pre-merge jobs for other SD-Core repos share the same structure.
+The following jobs are triggered as post-merge jobs when PRs are merged to
+SD-Core repos:
+1. `docker-publish-github-merge_c3po`
+2. `docker-publish-github-merge_Nucleus`
+3. `docker-publish-github-merge_upf-epc`
+4. `docker-publish-github-merge_spgw`
+5. `docker-publish-github-merge_amf`
+6. `docker-publish-github-merge_smf`
+7. `docker-publish-github-merge_ausf`
+8. `docker-publish-github-merge_nssf`
+9. `docker-publish-github-merge_nrf`
+10. `docker-publish-github-merge_pcf`
+11. `docker-publish-github-merge_udm`
+12. `docker-publish-github-merge_udr`
+13. `docker-publish-github-merge_webconsole`
+Again take the ``c3po`` job as an example. The post-merge job (`docker-publish-github-merge_c3po`)
+runs the following downstream jobs sequentially:
+1. `docker-publish-github_c3po`: this is the same job as the one in pre-merge
+   section. It checks out the latest ``c3po`` code, runs docker build and
+   publishes the ``c3po`` docker images to `docker hub <https://hub.docker.com/u/omecproject>`__.
+.. Note::
+  the images for private repos are published to Aether registry instead of docker hub
+2. `c3po_postrelease`: this job submits a patchset to aether-pod-configs repo
+   for updating the CD pipeline with images published in the job above.
+Post-merge jobs for other SD-Core repos share the same structure.