1. running smf executable in bash to catch the signal SIGTERM
2. default run mongodb in replicaSet mode
3. setting default value of managedByConfigPod to true

Change-Id: I928207d393853746312750360b5f8878c8105ba0
diff --git a/5g-test-apps/Chart.yaml b/5g-test-apps/Chart.yaml
index fbc9993..f70f2d8 100644
--- a/5g-test-apps/Chart.yaml
+++ b/5g-test-apps/Chart.yaml
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
 name: 5g-test-apps
 icon: https://guide.opencord.org/logos/cord.svg
-version: 0.2.2
+version: 0.2.3
   - name: mongodb
-    version: 10.31.5
+    version: 13.6.4
     repository: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
     condition: mongodb.deploy