Update simapp, gnbsim helmcharts

gnbsim: update new image, update helm chart to have go-profile enable/disable control
simapp: image size reduction and update of dockerfile
readding all init containers which are creating timing issues in 5g-core

Change-Id: I34c243f04a45ee58a0e80dc42c6e4f1b8a575ef8
diff --git a/5g-control-plane/templates/deployment-nssf.yaml b/5g-control-plane/templates/deployment-nssf.yaml
index 0397d54..a1202b5 100644
--- a/5g-control-plane/templates/deployment-nssf.yaml
+++ b/5g-control-plane/templates/deployment-nssf.yaml
@@ -33,8 +33,12 @@
 {{ toYaml .Values.images.pullSecrets | indent 8 }}
     {{- end }}
-    {{- if .Values.config.coreDump.enabled }}
+      - name: wait-nssf-module
+        image: {{ .Values.images.repository }}{{ .Values.images.tags.init }}
+        imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.images.pullPolicy }}
+        command: ['sh', '-c', 'until nslookup nssf; do echo waiting for nssf; sleep 4; done;']
+    {{- if .Values.config.coreDump.enabled }}
     {{ tuple "nssf" . | include "5g-control-plane.coredump_init" | indent 6 }}
     {{- end }}