Update simapp, gnbsim helmcharts

gnbsim: update new image, update helm chart to have go-profile enable/disable control
simapp: image size reduction and update of dockerfile
readding all init containers which are creating timing issues in 5g-core

Change-Id: I34c243f04a45ee58a0e80dc42c6e4f1b8a575ef8
diff --git a/5g-ran-sim/templates/configmap-gnbsim.yaml b/5g-ran-sim/templates/configmap-gnbsim.yaml
index b85fb06..75e0755 100644
--- a/5g-ran-sim/templates/configmap-gnbsim.yaml
+++ b/5g-ran-sim/templates/configmap-gnbsim.yaml
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
 {{- $gnbconf := index .Values.config.gnbsim.yamlCfgFiles "gnb.conf" }}
 {{- $configuration := index $gnbconf "configuration" }}
+{{- if not (hasKey $configuration "goProfile") -}}
+{{- $_ := dict "enable" .Values.config.gnbsim.goProfile.enable "port" .Values.config.gnbsim.goProfile.port | set $configuration "goProfile" -}}
+{{- end }}
 {{- if not (hasKey $configuration "httpServer") -}}
 {{- $_ := dict "enable" .Values.config.gnbsim.httpServer.enable "ipAddr" .Values.config.gnbsim.httpServer.ipAddr "port" .Values.config.gnbsim.httpServer.port | set $configuration "httpServer" -}}
 {{- end }}