Showing doc tree in the top level page o config, advanced and testing

Change-Id: I2d090ecf4a916f19721bea17644f6198abbc7907
diff --git a/configuration.rst b/configuration.rst
index 01e23af..7870475 100644
--- a/configuration.rst
+++ b/configuration.rst
@@ -3,70 +3,9 @@
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
-   :hidden:
+   configuration/config-pusher
-Configuration Pusher
-Once the SD-Fabric has been deployed to the Kubernetes, a special Kubernetes
-pod, config pusher will enter to a reconciliation loop to update both
-network configuration and component configuration to ONOS controller.
-Config pusher will read running state from ONOS controller and
-then update the ONOS with desired state if running state isn't same as desired state.
-.. image:: images/config-pusher.svg
-.. note::
-   We highly recommend using the Helm Chart to update the configuration instead of manually changing the ONOS unless you're working on debugging or testing.
-Config Pusher supports variety options to adjust its behavior and you can change it via Helm Chart's value file.
-Below is the default values of config pusher and please change it to meet your environment.
-.. code-block::
-      onos:
-        config:
-          reconcile_mode: true
-          reconcile_interval: 30s
-          image:
-            registry: ""
-            repository: opencord/onos-classic-helm-utils
-            tag: 0.1.0
-            pullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
-          service_account_name: onos-config-loader
-          # NOTE that these values won't change the configuration in the ONOS container, they are only used in the script that loads the config
-          username: karaf
-          password: karaf
-          # netcfg: >
-          #  {}
-          # componentConfig:
-          #   "org.onosproject.provider.lldp.impl.LldpLinkProvider": >
-          #     {
-          #       "enabled": "false"
-          #     }
-* ``reconcile_mode``: If disable, config pusher will only update the configuration once, it's useful for debugging.
-* ``reconcile_interval``: The interval(seconds) config pusher used to perform reconciliation loop.
-* ``image``: About how to pull config pusher's container image, keep it default unless you have special requirement.
-  * ``registry``: If empty, the config pusher image will be downloaded from Docker Hub.
-  * ``repository``: The repository of config push.
-  * ``tag``: The image tag of config pusher.
-  * ``pullPolicy``: How Kubernetes pull the image, available options are `Never, Always, IfNotPresent`.
-* ``service_account_name``: Name of the Kubernetes Service Account, config pusher pods needs the permission to read
-  information from Kubernetes.
-* ``username``: Username is used to access ONOS,
-* ``password``: Password is used to access ONOS.
-* ``netcfg``: Json data for network configuration.
-* ``componentConfig``: A map contains "component-name": "json config" that will be iterated
-  over and sent via POST to ONOS.