[SDFAB-600] Document network config and component config

Change-Id: I7785ff805979154f1dc16728ee12a6250621b71f
diff --git a/configuration/component.rst b/configuration/component.rst
index 7f52ee0..b49f0cc 100644
--- a/configuration/component.rst
+++ b/configuration/component.rst
@@ -1,2 +1,37 @@
 Component Configuration
+Different from network configurations,
+component configurations are attributes and feature flags specific to ONOS components.
+For more details, please read ONOS Wiki `Component Configuration <https://wiki.onosproject.org/display/ONOS/Component+Configuration>`_
+Enable/Disable Phased Recovery
+To check current status:
+.. code-block:: console
+  onos > cfg get org.onosproject.segmentrouting.phasedrecovery.impl.PhasedRecoveryManager phasedRecovery
+    name=phasedRecovery, type=boolean, value=false, defaultValue=false, description=Enabling phased recovery.
+We can see that the default value of phased recovery is false.
+Which means it is disabled by default.
+To enable phased recovery:
+.. code-block:: console
+  onos > cfg set org.onosproject.segmentrouting.phasedrecovery.impl.PhasedRecoveryManager phasedRecovery true
+  onos > cfg get org.onosproject.segmentrouting.phasedrecovery.impl.PhasedRecoveryManager phasedRecovery
+    name=phasedRecovery, type=boolean, value=true, defaultValue=false, description=Enabling phased recovery.
+Now the value is true and we have successfully enable phased recovery.
+To disable phased recovery, change the value to ``false``.
+.. tip::
+  Simply run ``cfg get`` in ONOS CLI to view all available component configurations supported by ONOS.
+  The default values are fine-tuned for SD-Fabric, and therefore we use them for most of the cases.