Copy advanced connectivity from Trellis-docs

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diff --git a/advanced/connectivity/external-connectivity.rst b/advanced/connectivity/external-connectivity.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8b1612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advanced/connectivity/external-connectivity.rst
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+External Connectivity
+Physical Connectivity
+External routers must be physically connected to one of the fabric leaf
+Currently there is a limitation that the **external/upstream router and the
+Quagga instance must be connected to the same fabric leaf switch**.
+Therefore it is necessary to use an additional front panel port on the
+leaf-switch (or at least an additional VLAN) to connect to the compute node
+hosting Quagga.
+.. image:: ../../images/config-vr-physical.png
+Configure vRouter
+The operator will need to configure a subnet between the Leaf-switch, the
+external/upstream router and the Quagga instance. There are 3 IP addresses we
+need to allocate - 1 on the switch port, 1 in Quagga, and 1 on the upstream
+router. This means the peering subnet **cannot be smaller than a /29**.
+BGP peering happens between the IP addresses configured on the interfaces in
+Quagga and the external router.
+Routes are advertised by Quagga to the upstream with the next-hop set to the
+switch port IP address.  This means that when traffic comes to the fabric leaf
+switch from outside, the switch is able to distinguish peering traffic from
+data traffic and treat each appropriately.
+The following shows an ONOS interface configuration example:
+.. code-block:: json
+    {
+      "ports" : {
+        "of:0000000000000001/1" : {
+          "interfaces" : [
+            {
+              "name" : "upstream1",
+              "ips"  : [ "" ],
+              "vlan-untagged" : 4000
+            }
+          ]
+        },
+        "of:0000000000000001/2" : {
+          "interfaces" : [
+              {
+                "name" : "quagga",
+                "ips"  : [ "" ],
+                "vlan-untagged" : 4000
+              }
+          ]
+        }
+      }
+    }
+- ``name``: An arbitrary name string for the interface. Optional.
+- ``ips``: Configure the peering subnet ( and the switch port IP
+  (  Note that we use the same IP address on both the Quagga and
+  upstream interfaces.
+- ``vlan-untagged``: Configure the same VLAN ID on both interfaces.  It doesn't
+  matter exactly what the VLAN ID is, but it must be the same on both the
+  Quagga-facing and upstream-facing interfaces.
+In this case the peering subnet is ````.
+The upstream router is using the ```` address.
+Quagga is assigned ````, which is the address used for peering.
+The upstream router needs to be configured with ```` as its BGP
+neighbor, and the BGP peering will be established between ```` and
+````. The ```` address is used by the fabric switch and for the
+next-hop for routes advertised by Quagga.
+Of course you are not obliged to use ````, you should use a subnet
+that makes sense for your peering environment.
+.. note::
+    This configuration will set up an L2 link between the two fabric switch
+    ports, over which the Quagga and external router can communicate.
+    Both Quagga and the upstream router will receive untagged packets (i.e they
+    will never see packets with VLAN id 4000, which is used inside the leaf
+    switch to establish a bridging domain).
+    If you need a VLAN tag in the compute node to distinguish the traffic going
+    to Quagga, you can change the VLAN assignment on the switch port
+    "of:0000000000000001/2" to be ``vlan-tagged`` instead of ``vlan-untagged``.
+Deploy the Quagga Docker Image
+SD-Fabric uses a slightly modified version of Quagga, so the easiest way to
+deploy this is to use the provided docker image.
+.. code-block:: console
+    $ docker pull opencord/quagga
+We also need to download the **pipework** tool which will be used to connect
+the docker image to the physical interface that we set aside earlier.
+.. code-block:: console
+    $ wget
+    $ chmod +x pipework
+Create a directory for your Quagga configuration files, and create a ``bgpd.conf``
+and ``zebra.conf`` in there.  This folder is going to be mounted into the Quagga
+container.  More on configuring Quagga later.
+.. code-block:: console
+    $ mkdir configs
+    $ touch zebra.conf bgpd.conf
+Now run the docker image (make sure the path the config directory matches what
+is on your system):
+.. code-block:: console
+    $ sudo docker run --privileged -d -v configs:/etc/quagga -n quagga opencord/quagga
+Finally, we can use the pipework tool to add the physical interface into the
+container so that Quagga can talk out over the fabric:
+.. code-block:: console
+    $ sudo ./pipework mlx1 -i eth1 quagga
+This will add host interface ``mlx1`` to the container with name ``quagga``
+with interface name ``eth1`` inside the container.  The newly added interface
+will have the IP ````.  This IP address should be the peering subnet
+address that you want to assign to Quagga.
+If you need to change anything about the container (for example if you change
+the Quagga configuration) you can remove the original container and run a new
+.. code-block:: console
+    $ sudo docker rm -f quagga
+    $ sudo docker run --privileged -d -v configs:/etc/quagga -n quagga opencord/quagga
+Configure Quagga
+At this point Quagga should have IP connectivity to the external routers, and
+it should be able to ping them on the peering subnet.
+Now Quagga and the upstream routers can be configured to peer with one another.
+This configuration of Quagga is going to be highly dependent on the
+configuration of the upstream network, so it won't be possible to give
+comprehensive configuration examples here.
+It is recommended to consult the Quagga documentation for exhaustive
+information on Quagga's capabilities and configuration.  Here I will attempt to
+provide a few basic examples of Quagga configuration to get you started.
+You'll have to enhance these with the features and functions that are needed in
+your network.
+Zebra configuration
+Regardless of which routing protocols you are using in your network, it is
+important to configure Zebra's FPM connection to send routes to the FPM app
+running on ONOS.  This feature was enabled by the patch that was applied
+earlier when we installed Quagga.
+A minimal Zebra configuration might look like this:
+.. code-block:: text
+    !
+    hostname cord-zebra
+    password cord
+    !
+    fpm connection ip port 2620
+    !
+The FPM connection IP address is the IP address of **one of the onos cluster
+instances** - does not matter which one.  If you have other configuration that
+needs to go in ``zebra.conf`` you should add that here as well.
+BGP configuration
+An example simple BGP configuration for peering with one BGP peer might look
+like this:
+.. code-block:: text
+    hostname bgp
+    password cord
+    !
+    ip prefix-list 1 seq 10 permit
+    !
+    route-map NEXTHOP permit 10
+    match ip address prefix-list 1
+    set ip next-hop
+    !
+    router bgp 65535
+      bgp router-id
+      !
+      network
+      !
+      neighbor remote-as 65540
+      neighbor description upstream1
+      neighbor route-map NEXTHOP out
+      !
+This configuration peers with one upstream router ```` and advertises
+one route ````.  Note that Quagga (and as a result SD-Fabric) is in
+a different AS ``65535`` from the upstream router AS ``65540``, as we are using
+E-BGP for this connectivity.
+.. note::
+    Pay attention to the configuration to rewrite the next hop of routes that
+    are advertised to the upstream router.
+    A ``route-map`` is used to set the next hop of advertised routes to
+    ````, which is **different from the address that Quagga is using to
+    peer with the external router**.
+    As mentioned above, it is important that this rewriting is done correctly
+    so that the fabric switch is able to **distinguish data plane and control
+    plane** traffic.
+Route service and static route
+Access route service via CLI
+View routes
+This will show routes from all sources, including static and dynamic routes.
+The example below shows routes learned from the upstream router (Source: FPM)
+and routes configured manually (Source: STATIC)
+.. code-block:: text
+    onos> routes
+    B: Best route, R: Resolved route
+    Table: ipv4
+    B R  Network            Next Hop        Source (Node)
+      FPM (
+    > *       STATIC
+    > *        FPM (
+      *        FPM (
+       Total: 2
+    Table: ipv6
+    B R  Network                                     Next Hop                                Source (Node)
+    > *  2000::7700/120                              fe80::288:ff:fe00:1                     FPM (
+    > *  2000::8800/120                              fe80::288:ff:fe00:2                     FPM (
+    > *  2000::9900/120                              fe80::288:ff:fe00:1                     FPM (
+      *  2000::9900/120                              fe80::288:ff:fe00:2                     FPM (
+       Total: 3
+Add a static route
+.. code-block:: console
+    onos> route-add <prefix> <nexthop>
+    onos> route-add
+    onos> route-add 2020::101/120 2000::1
+Remove a static route
+.. code-block:: console
+    onos> route-remove <prefix> <nexthop>
+    onos> route-remove
+Access route service via REST
+Single route
+.. code-block:: console
+    $ curl --user onos:rocks -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://<controller-ip>:8181/onos/routeservice/routes -d@routes.json
+    $ curl --user onos:rocks -X GET -H 'Accept:application/json' http://<controller-ip>:8181/onos/routeservice/routes | python -mjson.tool
+    $ curl --user onos:rocks -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://<controller-ip>:8181/onos/routeservice/routes -d@routes.json
+with identical json format for both POST and DELETE:
+.. code-block:: json
+    {
+      "prefix": "",
+      "nextHop": ""
+    }
+Bulk routes
+.. code-block:: console
+    $ curl --user onos:rocks -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://<controller-ip>:8181/onos/routeservice/routes/bulk -d@routes.json
+    $ curl --user onos:rocks -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type:application/json' http://<controller-ip>:8181/onos/routeservice/routes/bulk -d@routes.json
+with identical json format for both POST and DELETE:
+.. code-block:: json
+    {
+      "routes": [
+        {
+          "prefix": "",
+          "nextHop": ""
+        },
+        {
+          "prefix": "",
+          "nextHop": ""
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+Verify routes
+Check the leaf switches that the route (e.g. has been programmed in
+the routing table (table 30).
+.. code-block:: console
+    onos> flows any of:0000000000000205 30
+    <snip>
+    id=670000d1f6782c, state=ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, duration=39, liveType=UNKNOWN, priority=36010, tableId=30, appId=org.onosproject.segmentrouting, payLoad=null, selector=[ETH_TYPE:ipv4, IPV4_DST:],
+     treatment=DefaultTrafficTreatment{immediate=[], deferred=[GROUP:0x70000014], transition=TABLE:60, meter=None, cleared=false, metadata=null}
+    <snip>
+Notes about next hops
+The next hop of a route should be resolvable to a MAC address that is known to
+ONOS.  Typically the next hop is a server interface that is known to ONOS as a
+host learned via ARP or DHCP.  If you are not sure, check the ``hosts`` command
+on the ONOS CLI.
+.. code-block:: console
+    onos> hosts
+    <snip>
+    id=A2:9B:32:9D:7F:B3/None, mac=A2:9B:32:9D:7F:B3, location=of:0000000000000205/48, vlan=None, ip(s)=[], configured=false
+    id=B2:A4:E2:72:D1:91/None, mac=B2:A4:E2:72:D1:91, location=of:0000000000000204/16, vlan=None, ip(s)=[], configured=false
+    id=EE:22:F7:BE:86:50/None, mac=EE:22:F7:BE:86:50, location=of:0000000000000205/16, vlan=None, ip(s)=[], configured=false
+If the next hop has not been resolved for any reason, it would be necessary to
+configure the next hop as a host (/32 prefix) together with MAC address and
+Learn more about how to configure a host using `Network Config Host Provider
+Finally note that if you are configuring routes manually/statically and they
+are publicly routable IPs that should be reachable from “outside”, you would
+need to configure Quagga to advertise them upstream.
+Route blackhole
+The blackhole consists of a rule on table 30 on every edge device on the
+fabric.  The Table 30 rule matches on a given IP address and mask and has
+nothing but a ``clearDeferred`` action, practically dropping the packet.  Every IP
+we want to blackhole will have it's own rule in every edge switch.
+An example of such rule is:
+.. code-block:: text
+    ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, table=30, priority=48010, selector=[ETH_TYPE:ipv4, IPV4_DST:], treatment=[transition=TABLE:60]
+Route blackholing can be done via network configuration.
+.. code-block:: json
+    {
+      "apps" : {
+        "org.onosproject.segmentrouting" : {
+          "segmentrouting": {
+            "blackholeIps": [
+              ""
+            ]
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+Ignore certain FPM peer
+The ``FpmConnectionInfo`` consists a new flag ``acceptRoutes``, indicating
+whether we want to accept or discard the routes advertised by certain FPM peer.
+Per current requirement, we always have the ``acceptRoutes`` flag set to
+``true`` by default, meaning that we will accept routes from all peers.
+We can updated the flag using REST API and CLI command as below
+- ``POST /acceptRoutes`` to enable or disable ``acceptRoutes`` flag
+- ``GET /acceptRoutes`` to fetch the current status of the FPM connection
+.. image:: ../../images/config-fpm-rest.png
+    :width: 900px
+- ``fpm-set-accept-routes`` to enable or disable ``acceptRoutes`` flag
+  .. code-block:: console
+     onos> fpm-set-accept-routes 52560 false
+- ``fpm-get-accept-route`` to fetch the current status of the FPM connection
+  .. code-block:: console
+    onos> fpm-get-accept-route
+    <snip>
+    peer  port 52560 acceptRoutes false
+    peer  port 52594 acceptRoutes true
+    <snip>