[SDFAB-590] - Update deployment doc and config pusher

Change-Id: I3a5540ae9f354af4f6115ba5e9504dcd1ea2feab
diff --git a/deployment.rst b/deployment.rst
index 4419e62..9dc50f9 100644
--- a/deployment.rst
+++ b/deployment.rst
@@ -1,2 +1,114 @@
+   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2020 Open Networking Foundation <support@opennetworking.org>
+   SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 Deployment Guide
+Provision Switches
+We follow Open Network Install Environment(ONIE) way to install Open Network Linux (ONL) image to switch.
+To work with the SD-Fabric environment, we have customized the ONL image to support related packages and dependencies.
+Image source file can be found on ONF repository `opennetworkinglab/OpenNetworkLinux <https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/OpenNetworkLinux>`_.
+You can also download pre-compiled artifacts from `Github Release page <https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/OpenNetworkLinux/releases>`_
+.. note::
+    If you're not familiar with ONIE/ONL environment, please check `Getting Started <https://github.com/opencomputeproject/OpenNetworkLinux/blob/master/docs/GettingStarted.md>`_ to
+    see how to install the ONL image to an ONIE supported switch.
+Below is an example about how to install the ONL image.
+1. Prepare a server which is accessible by the switch and then download the
+pre-compiled installer from the release page.
+.. code-block::
+   wget https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/OpenNetworkLinux/releases/download/v1.4.3/ONL-onf-ONLPv2_ONL-OS_2021-07-16.2159-5195444_AMD64_INSTALLED_INSTALLER
+   python -m http.server 8080
+2. Reboot the switch to enter ONIE installation mode
+.. note::
+    Please access the switch via BMC or serial console to keep connection during the installation.
+.. code-block::
+   onl-onie-boot-mode rescue; reboot
+3. Install ONL installer
+.. code-block::
+   onie-nos-install http://$SERVER_IP:8080/ONL-onf-ONLPv2_ONL-OS_2021-07-16.2159-5195444_AMD64_INSTALLED_INSTALLER
+4. Setup switch IP and hostname after the installation.
+Kubernetes Environment
+Our `ONL <https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/OpenNetworkLinux>`_ version
+includes all packages required by running the Kubernetes on top of it.
+Once the Kubernetes is ready, the `Stratum <https://opennetworking.org/stratum/>`_ application will be deployed to the switch to manage it.
+Unlike server, switch has less CPU and memory resources and we should avoid
+deploying unnecessary workloads into switch.
+Besides, the Stratum application should only be deployed to all switches.
+To achieve the above goals, please apply the resources to your Kubernetes cluster.
+1. Set up Label to all switch node, e.g ``node-role.kubernetes.io=switch``
+2. Set up Taint with ``NoSchedule`` to all switch node, e.g ``node-role.kubernetes.io=switch:NoSchedule``
+3. Properly configure the ``NodeSelector`` and ``Toleration`` when deploying Stratum via DaemonSet
+Example of a five nodes Kubernetes cluster, two switches and three servers
+.. code-block::
+     ╰─$ kubectl get node -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,TAINT:.spec.taints
+     NAME       TAINT
+     compute1   <none>
+     compute2   <none>
+     compute3   <none>
+     leaf1      [map[effect:NoSchedule key:node-role.kubernetes.io value:switch]]
+     leaf2      [map[effect:NoSchedule key:node-role.kubernetes.io value:switch]]
+     ╰─$ kubectl get nodes -lnode-role.kubernetes.io=switch                                                                                                             130 ↵
+     leaf1   Ready    worker   27d   v1.18.8
+     leaf2   Ready    worker   27d   v1.18.8
+Build Image
+Fetch Images From Private Registry
+Container images can be download from ONF self-hosted container registry but you have to gain the access token first.
+1. Login to `Aether Harbor Registry <https://registry.aetherproject.org/harbor/sign-in?redirect_url=%2Fharbor%2Fprojects>`_ using your ONF Crowd credential,
+2. Select ``User Profile`` drop-down menu in the upper-right corner
+3. Generate the CLI secret and it's the secret token you have to access the container registry via CLI tool.
+4. Login to the container registry with your username and access token
+   by ``docker login command`` to ensure you can access it.
+.. code-block::
+      ╰─$ docker login registry.aetherproject.org --username hwchiu                                                                                                          255 ↵
+      Password:
+      Login Succeeded
+Please follow the `Kubernetes official document <https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/>`_ to see how to
+download the image from the private registry with a valid credential
+# TODO, wait for the umbrella chart
+Install SD-Fabric