RC1 for SD-Fabric 1.1.1

- Fix for missing interface entries after pfcp-agent restart (via ONOS
  in-order flow rule processing)
- Allow configuration of slice MBRs in P4-UPF via pfcp-agent REST APIs

Change-Id: I8d98e36e7c291094c12f0c89eef1dcdcf28abebe
diff --git a/pfcp-agent/templates/service-pfcp-agent.yaml b/pfcp-agent/templates/service-pfcp-agent.yaml
index a6d2651..d376610 100644
--- a/pfcp-agent/templates/service-pfcp-agent.yaml
+++ b/pfcp-agent/templates/service-pfcp-agent.yaml
@@ -27,3 +27,26 @@
   - name: pfcp
     port: 8805
     protocol: UDP
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Service
+  name: {{ include "pfcp-agent.fullname" . }}-rest
+  labels:
+{{ tuple "pfcp" . | include "pfcp-agent.metadata_labels" | indent 4 }}
+{{- with .Values.service.annotations }}
+  annotations:
+    {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
+{{- end }}
+  type: {{ .Values.service.type }}
+{{- if .Values.service.externalIp }}
+  externalIPs:
+    - {{ .Values.service.externalIp }}
+{{- end }}
+  selector:
+{{ tuple "pfcp" . | include "pfcp-agent.metadata_labels" | indent 4 }}
+  ports:
+  - name: rest
+    port: 8080
+    protocol: TCP