update vtn-external.yaml, which is used in ONS2017

Change-Id: I2e2b752cc20d08ae584286588a2b01b631d6b0e3
1 file changed
tree: 8d618faa8e3232aa786d2adfb62997cbe5a5de94
  1. .gitignore
  2. Jenkinsfile
  3. README.md
  4. README_OLD.md
  5. acord/
  6. common/
  7. cord-pod-ansible/
  8. cord-pod/
  9. devel/
  10. frontend/
  11. globalxos/
  12. mcord/
  13. metronetwork/
  14. opencloud/
  15. test-standalone/

service-profile is now deprecated

The service-profile repo is deprecated. See these resources on how to create a CORD profile using the new build method:


There's also a document to help with migration from the previous service-profile method to the new platform-install/profile_manifest method:


If you have questions about this, please post to cord-dev@opencord.org list, or ask on the CORD Slack.