break test-subscriber into a separate makefile action

Change-Id: I3c3fc81d0f5dea04adb0c7c86a01ebb586ad36f1
diff --git a/cord-pod-ansible/Makefile b/cord-pod-ansible/Makefile
index 889012c..c09cb62 100644
--- a/cord-pod-ansible/Makefile
+++ b/cord-pod-ansible/Makefile
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
 	ansible-playbook -i inventory/local --connection=local -e "config_dir=$(CONFIG_DIR)" local-containers-playbook.yaml
+	ansible-playbook -i inventory/local --connection=local -e "config_dir=$(CONFIG_DIR)" test-subscriber-playbook.yaml
 	ansible-playbook -i inventory/local --connection=local -e "config_dir=$(CONFIG_DIR)" monitoring-playbook.yaml
diff --git a/cord-pod-ansible/images/ b/cord-pod-ansible/images/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aca55a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cord-pod-ansible/images/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# VM images for XOS
+Any Cloud image files placed in this directory (with suffix .img) will be automatically
+imported by XOS and added to Glance (OpenStack's image repository).  For instance, the image
+`trusty-server-multi-nic.img` will be imported with name `trusty-server-multi-nic`.
diff --git a/cord-pod-ansible/test-subscriber-playbook.yaml b/cord-pod-ansible/test-subscriber-playbook.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9215d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cord-pod-ansible/test-subscriber-playbook.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+- name: Include vars
+  hosts: head
+  tasks:
+    - include_vars: vars/cord-pod_defaults.yml
+    - include_vars: vars/cord-test-subscriber_defaults.yml
+- name: Configuration
+  hosts: head
+  roles:
+    - config
+  tags:
+    - config
diff --git a/cord-pod-ansible/vars/cord-stack_defaults.yml b/cord-pod-ansible/vars/cord-stack_defaults.yml
index 5d4081b..f804679 100644
--- a/cord-pod-ansible/vars/cord-stack_defaults.yml
+++ b/cord-pod-ansible/vars/cord-stack_defaults.yml
@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@
  - { name: "mgmt-net", yaml: "{{ setup_dir }}/mgmt-net.yaml"}
  - { name: "cord-services", yaml: "{{ setup_dir }}/cord-services.yaml" }
  - { name: "cord-volt-devices", yaml: "{{ setup_dir }}/cord-volt-devices.yaml" }
- - { name: "cord-test-subscriber", yaml: "{{ setup_dir }}/cord-test-subscriber.yaml" }
diff --git a/cord-pod-ansible/vars/cord-test-subscriber_defaults.yml b/cord-pod-ansible/vars/cord-test-subscriber_defaults.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce93a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cord-pod-ansible/vars/cord-test-subscriber_defaults.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ - { name: "cord-test-subscriber", yaml: "{{ setup_dir }}/cord-test-subscriber.yaml", post_delay: 30 }
+ - { name: "vtn-external", yaml: "{{ setup_dir }}/vtn-external.yaml" }