Revert "Fix issue with incorrect IP addresses when vtn-external.yaml is regenerated"

This reverts commit 04ac8d9918fa62ac36fa247945a4538619c8a246.

Change-Id: I0a30a9aff98ab7569befa54de1d7db9f57d3a913
diff --git a/cord-pod/ b/cord-pod/
index 0327a17..57c0906 100644
--- a/cord-pod/
+++ b/cord-pod/
@@ -48,12 +48,11 @@
     echo $NODE
     BRIDGE_ID=$(printf "of:%016d" $BRIDGE_IDX )
     BRIDGE_IDX=$(expr $BRIDGE_IDX + 1)
-    # Get the static IP address that the provisioner has written to /etc/network/interfaces
-    FIP=$(ssh -i node_key -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ubuntu@$NODE "awk '/iface fabric/,/address/' /etc/network/interfaces" |grep address|awk '{print $2}')
+    FIP=$(ssh -i node_key -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $NODE ip -4 addr show fabric 2> /dev/null | grep inet | awk '{print $2}')
     if [ -z "$FIP" ]
-      echo "[WARNING] IP address not found for $NODE, skipping..."
-      continue
+      # Single-node POD case
+      FIP=""
     cat >> $FN <<EOF