unify bootstrap
remove image downloading
add admin_openrc.sh to docker-compose-bootstrap.yml for cord-pod
remove Tosca generated in platform-install
move more Tosca to platform-install
reinclude needed fabric config file
clarify relationship between making nodes and vtn config
sleep as required to hack around management network not coming up
pauses moved to Makefile
dedicated, separate openstack configuration file

Change-Id: I78f4ce0121480fa6ef1509f5ff416b203b7d6013
diff --git a/opencloud/Makefile b/opencloud/Makefile
index 98d5f0e..4b2e571 100644
--- a/opencloud/Makefile
+++ b/opencloud/Makefile
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # Include common functions
 include $(COMMON_DIR)/Makefile
-xos: prereqs config_dirs xos_download opencloud_services oc_bootstrap onboarding
+xos: prereqs config_dirs xos_download opencloud_services bootstrap onboarding
 opencloud_services: $(SERVICE_DIR) \
 	$(SERVICE_DIR)/onos-service \
@@ -19,19 +19,6 @@
 	$(SERVICE_DIR)/vrouter \
-opencloud_bootstrap: deployment.yaml
-	@echo "[OC BOOTSTRAP]"
-	@echo "XOS Image Build Date: `sudo docker inspect -f '{{ .Created }}' xosproject/xos`"
-	@echo "XOS Image Commit Hash: `sudo docker inspect -f '{{ .Config.Labels.XOS_GIT_COMMIT_HASH }}' xosproject/xos`"
-	@echo "XOS Image Commit Date: `sudo docker inspect -f '{{ .Config.Labels.XOS_GIT_COMMIT_DATE }}' xosproject/xos`"
-	sudo rm -f $(DOCKER_COMPOSE_YML)
-	sudo CONFIG_DIR=$(CONFIG_DIR) docker-compose -p $(BOOTSTRAP_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) up -d
-	bash $(COMMON_DIR)/wait_for_xos_port.sh $(XOS_BOOTSTRAP_PORT)
-	sudo docker-compose -p $(BOOTSTRAP_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/run.py none - < $(COMMON_DIR)/tosca/fixtures.yaml
-	sudo docker-compose -p $(BOOTSTRAP_PROJECT) -f $(BOOTSTRAP_YML) run xos_bootstrap_ui python /opt/xos/tosca/run.py none - < deployment.yaml
-	bash $(COMMON_DIR)/wait_for_xos_port.sh $(XOS_BOOTSTRAP_PORT)
 onboarding: synchronizers.yaml id_rsa id_rsa.pub
 	@echo "[ONBOARDING]"
 	bash $(COMMON_DIR)/wait_for_onboarding_ready.sh $(XOS_BOOTSTRAP_PORT) xos
@@ -50,9 +37,10 @@
 	bash $(COMMON_DIR)/wait_for_onboarding_ready.sh $(XOS_BOOTSTRAP_PORT) xos
 	bash $(COMMON_DIR)/wait_for_xos_port.sh $(XOS_UI_PORT)
-opencloud: opencloud.yaml
+opencloud: nodes.yaml management-net.yaml
 	@echo "[OPENCLOUD]"
-	$(RUN_TOSCA) opencloud.yaml
+	$(RUN_TOSCA) nodes.yaml
+	$(RUN_TOSCA) management-net.yaml
 vtn: vtn.yaml
 	@echo "[VTN]"
diff --git a/opencloud/docker-compose-bootstrap.yml b/opencloud/docker-compose-bootstrap.yml
index 461239a..d7b848d 100644
--- a/opencloud/docker-compose-bootstrap.yml
+++ b/opencloud/docker-compose-bootstrap.yml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     image: redis
     log_driver: "json-file"
-            max-size: "100k"
+            max-size: "1000k"
             max-file: "5"
@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@
         - ./key_import:/opt/xos/key_import:ro
         - ./onboarding-docker-compose:/opt/xos/synchronizers/onboarding/docker-compose
         - ../../xos_services:/opt/xos_services
+        - ../../xos_libraries:/opt/xos_libraries
     log_driver: "json-file"
-            max-size: "100k"
+            max-size: "1000k"
             max-file: "5"
@@ -45,5 +46,5 @@
         - ./admin-openrc.sh:/root/setup/admin-openrc.sh
     log_driver: "json-file"
-            max-size: "100k"
+            max-size: "1000k"
             max-file: "5"
diff --git a/opencloud/images/README.md b/opencloud/images/README.md
index aca55a9..08fa360 100644
--- a/opencloud/images/README.md
+++ b/opencloud/images/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # VM images for XOS
-Any Cloud image files placed in this directory (with suffix .img) will be automatically
-imported by XOS and added to Glance (OpenStack's image repository).  For instance, the image
-`trusty-server-multi-nic.img` will be imported with name `trusty-server-multi-nic`.
+This directory contains images downloaded using platform-install.
+Put the name and checksum of the image in the `xos_images` array in
+platform-install/vars/*.yaml for your profile.