add cdn.yaml and cdn-content.yaml

Change-Id: Ie8f5beb2da08bd0535c1c0cce5956bfb27e7446f
diff --git a/frontend/Makefile b/frontend/Makefile
index c1d46a6..128cc87 100644
--- a/frontend/Makefile
+++ b/frontend/Makefile
@@ -143,6 +143,14 @@
 	bash ../common/ $(XOS_BOOTSTRAP_PORT) xos
 	bash ../common/ $(XOS_UI_PORT)
+	$(RUN_TOSCA_BOOTSTRAP) $(SERVICE_DIR)/hypercache/xos/hpc-onboard.yaml
+	bash ../common/ $(XOS_BOOTSTRAP_PORT) services/hpc
+	bash ../common/ $(XOS_BOOTSTRAP_PORT) xos
+	bash ../common/ $(XOS_UI_PORT)
+	$(RUN_TOSCA) mocks/cdn.yaml
+	$(RUN_TOSCA) ../opencloud/cdn-content.yaml
 	$(RUN_TOSCA) ./dashboard.yaml
diff --git a/frontend/mocks/cdn.yaml b/frontend/mocks/cdn.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b8b53d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/mocks/cdn.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0
+description: Template for deploying a single server with predefined properties.
+   - custom_types/xos.yaml
+   - custom_types/cdn.yaml
+  node_templates:
+    HyperCache:
+      type: tosca.nodes.CDNService
+      description: Content Delivery Network
+      properties:
+          view_url: /admin/hpc/hpcservice/$id$/
+          icon_url: /static/primarycons_blue/network.png
+    mysite:
+      type: tosca.nodes.Site
+      properties:
+          # Assume the mysite site exists, and don't touch it
+          no-create: true
+          no-update: true
+          no-delete: true
+    mysite_cmi:
+      description: CMI Slice
+      type: tosca.nodes.Slice
+      properties:
+          exposed_ports: tcp 8003, tcp 8004, tcp 8140
+      requirements:
+          - cdn_service:
+              node: HyperCache
+              relationship: tosca.relationships.MemberOfService
+          - site:
+              node: mysite
+              relationship: tosca.relationships.MemberOfSite
+    mysite_hpc:
+      description: HyperCache Slice
+      type: tosca.nodes.Slice
+      properties:
+          exposed_ports: tcp 2120:2128, tcp 3200:3209, tcp 8006, tcp 8009, tcp 8015, tcp 80
+      requirements:
+          - cdn_service:
+              node: HyperCache
+              relationship: tosca.relationships.MemberOfService
+          - site:
+              node: mysite
+              relationship: tosca.relationships.MemberOfSite
+    mysite_dnsredir:
+      description: HyperCache Slice
+      type: tosca.nodes.Slice
+      properties:
+          exposed_ports: udp 53541, tcp 8016
+      requirements:
+          - cdn_service:
+              node: HyperCache
+              relationship: tosca.relationships.MemberOfService
+          - site:
+              node: mysite
+              relationship: tosca.relationships.MemberOfSite
+    mysite_dnsdemux:
+      description: HyperCache Slice
+      type: tosca.nodes.Slice
+      properties:
+          exposed_ports: udp 53, tcp 8017
+      requirements:
+          - cdn_service:
+              node: HyperCache
+              relationship: tosca.relationships.MemberOfService
+          - site:
+              node: mysite
+              relationship: tosca.relationships.MemberOfSite