The following describes a demo that brings up a SimpleExampleServiceInstance
. The purpose of this ServiceInstance is to host a single web inside of a Kubernetes container. Creating the SimpleExampleServiceInstance
will cause a model policy to be invoked, which will create the necessary Kubernetes resources to launch the web server and configure it to host the desired page. PASSWORD=letmein
TOSCA_URL=$(minikube service xos-tosca --url) curl -H "xos-username: $USERNAME" -H "xos-password: $PASSWORD" -X POST --data-binary @SimpleExampleServiceInstance.yaml $TOSCA_URL/run
Wait a few seconds for the Kubernetes instances to be created.
View the status
CHAMELEON_URL=$(minikube service xos-chameleon --url) python ./ $CHAMELEON_URL $USERNAME $PASSWORD
View the web page Enter one of the other Kubernetes containers, any container such as one of the synchronizer containers will do, and perform a curl on the IP address obtained in step 4.
Ensure Kafka is running
helm repo add incubator helm install --name cord-kafka --set replicas=1 incubator/kafka
pip install kafka
) and execute the follow python:import json from kafka import KafkaProducer producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers="cord-kafka-kafka") producer.send("SimpleExampleEvent", json.dumps({"service_instance": "My Simple Example Service Instance", "tenant_message": "Earth"})) producer.flush()