Adding first implementation of vEG service
Change-Id: I2feeccd98e6e8932fe4552c575915d2f20fe5176
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/ b/xos/synchronizer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ad018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+import requests
+import logging
+import json
+import sys
+from rest_framework.exceptions import APIException
+""" format of settings
+ ["settings"]
+ ["watershed"]
+ ["rating"]
+ ["categories"]
+ ["blocklist"]
+ ["allowlist"]
+ ["users"]
+ array
+ ["account_id"] - 58
+ ["reporting"] - False
+ ["name"] - Scott1
+ ["devices"]
+ ["settings"] -
+ ["watershed"]
+ ["rating"]
+ ["categories"]
+ ["blocklist"]
+ ["allowlist"]
+ ["devices"]
+ array
+ ["username"] - "Scott1" or "" if whole-house
+ ["uuid"] - empty
+ ["mac_address"] - mac address as hex digits in ascii
+ ["type"] - "laptop"
+ ["name"] - human readable name of device ("Scott's laptop")
+ ["settings"]
+ ["watershed"]
+ array
+ array
+ ["rating"]
+ ["category"]
+ ["rating"] - ["G" | "NONE"]
+ ["categories"] - list of categories set by rating
+ ["blocklist"] - []
+ ["allowlist"] - []
+class BBS_Failure(APIException):
+ status_code=400
+ def __init__(self, why="broadbandshield error", fields={}):
+ APIException.__init__(self, {"error": "BBS_Failure",
+ "specific_error": why,
+ "fields": fields})
+class BBS:
+ level_map = {"PG_13": "PG13",
+ "NONE": "OFF",
+ "ALL": "NONE",
+ None: "NONE"}
+ def __init__(self, username, password, bbs_hostname=None, bbs_port=None):
+ self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ # XXX not tested on port 80
+ #self.bbs_hostname = ""
+ #self.bbs_port = 80
+ if not bbs_hostname:
+ bbs_hostname = ""
+ if not bbs_port:
+ bbs_port = 8018
+ self.bbs_hostname = bbs_hostname
+ self.bbs_port = int(bbs_port)
+ self.api = "http://%s:%d/api" % (self.bbs_hostname, self.bbs_port)
+ self.nic_update = "http://%s:%d/nic/update" % (self.bbs_hostname, self.bbs_port)
+ self.session = None
+ self.settings = None
+ def login(self):
+ self.session = requests.Session()
+ r = + "/login", data = json.dumps({"email": self.username, "password": self.password}))
+ if (r.status_code != 200):
+ raise BBS_Failure("Failed to login (%d)" % r.status_code)
+ def get_account(self):
+ if not self.session:
+ self.login()
+ r = self.session.get(self.api + "/account")
+ if (r.status_code != 200):
+ raise BBS_Failure("Failed to get account settings (%d)" % r.status_code)
+ self.settings = r.json()
+ return self.settings
+ def post_account(self):
+ if not self.settings:
+ raise XOSProgrammingError("no settings to post")
+ r = + "/account/settings", data= json.dumps(self.settings))
+ if (r.status_code != 200):
+ raise BBS_Failure("Failed to set account settings (%d)" % r.status_code)
+ def add_device(self, name, mac, type="tablet", username=""):
+ data = {"name": name, "mac_address": mac, "type": type, "username": username}
+ r = + "/device", data = json.dumps(data))
+ if (r.status_code != 200):
+ raise BBS_Failure("Failed to add device (%d)" % r.status_code)
+ def delete_device(self, data):
+ r = self.session.delete(self.api + "/device", data = json.dumps(data))
+ if (r.status_code != 200):
+ raise BBS_Failure("Failed to delete device (%d)" % r.status_code)
+ def add_user(self, name, rating="NONE", categories=[]):
+ data = {"name": name, "settings": {"rating": rating, "categories": categories}}
+ r = + "/users", data = json.dumps(data))
+ if (r.status_code != 200):
+ raise BBS_Failure("Failed to add user (%d)" % r.status_code)
+ def delete_user(self, data):
+ r = self.session.delete(self.api + "/users", data = json.dumps(data))
+ if (r.status_code != 200):
+ raise BBS_Failure("Failed to delete user (%d)" % r.status_code)
+ def clear_users_and_devices(self):
+ if not self.settings:
+ self.get_account()
+ for device in self.settings["devices"]:
+ self.delete_device(device)
+ for user in self.settings["users"]:
+ self.delete_user(user)
+ def get_whole_home_level(self):
+ if not self.settings:
+ self.get_account()
+ return self.settings["settings"]["rating"]
+ def sync(self, whole_home_level, users):
+ if not self.settings:
+ self.get_account()
+ veg_users = {}
+ for user in users:
+ user = user.copy()
+ user["level"] = self.level_map.get(user["level"], user["level"])
+ user["mac"] = user.get("mac", "")
+ veg_users[user["name"]] = user
+ whole_home_level = self.level_map.get(whole_home_level, whole_home_level)
+ if (whole_home_level != self.settings["settings"]["rating"]):
+ print "*** set whole_home", whole_home_level, "***"
+ self.settings["settings"]["rating"] = whole_home_level
+ self.post_account()
+ bbs_usernames = [bbs_user["name"] for bbs_user in self.settings["users"]]
+ bbs_devicenames = [bbs_device["name"] for bbs_device in self.settings["devices"]]
+ add_users = []
+ add_devices = []
+ delete_users = []
+ delete_devices = []
+ for bbs_user in self.settings["users"]:
+ bbs_username = bbs_user["name"]
+ if bbs_username in veg_users.keys():
+ veg_user = veg_users[bbs_username]
+ if bbs_user["settings"]["rating"] != veg_user["level"]:
+ print "set user", veg_user["name"], "rating", veg_user["level"]
+ #bbs_user["settings"]["rating"] = veg_user["level"]
+ # add can be used as an update
+ add_users.append(veg_user)
+ else:
+ delete_users.append(bbs_user)
+ for bbs_device in self.settings["devices"]:
+ bbs_devicename = bbs_device["name"]
+ if bbs_devicename in veg_users.keys():
+ veg_user = veg_users[bbs_devicename]
+ if bbs_device["mac_address"] != veg_user["mac"]:
+ print "set device", veg_user["name"], "mac", veg_user["mac"]
+ #bbs_device["mac_address"] = veg_user["mac"]
+ # add of a device can't be used as an update, as you'll end
+ # up with two of them.
+ delete_devices.append(bbs_device)
+ add_devices.append(veg_user)
+ else:
+ delete_devices.append(bbs_device)
+ for (username, user) in veg_users.iteritems():
+ if not username in bbs_usernames:
+ add_users.append(user)
+ if not username in bbs_devicenames:
+ add_devices.append(user)
+ for bbs_user in delete_users:
+ print "delete user", bbs_user["name"]
+ self.delete_user(bbs_user)
+ for bbs_device in delete_devices:
+ print "delete device", bbs_device["name"]
+ self.delete_device(bbs_device)
+ for veg_user in add_users:
+ print "add user", veg_user["name"], "level", veg_user["level"]
+ self.add_user(veg_user["name"], veg_user["level"])
+ for veg_user in add_devices:
+ print "add device", veg_user["name"], "mac", veg_user["mac"]
+ self.add_device(veg_user["name"], veg_user["mac"], "tablet", veg_user["name"])
+ def get_whole_home_rating(self):
+ return self.settings["settings"]["rating"]
+ def get_user(self, name):
+ for user in self.settings["users"]:
+ if user["name"]==name:
+ return user
+ return None
+ def get_device(self, name):
+ for device in self.settings["devices"]:
+ if device["name"]==name:
+ return device
+ return None
+ def dump(self):
+ if not self.settings:
+ self.get_account()
+ print "whole_home_rating:", self.settings["settings"]["rating"]
+ print "users:"
+ for user in self.settings["users"]:
+ print " user", user["name"], "rating", user["settings"]["rating"]
+ print "devices:"
+ for device in self.settings["devices"]:
+ print " device", device["name"], "user", device["username"], "rating", device["settings"]["rating"], "mac", device["mac_address"]
+ def associate(self, ip):
+ bbs_hostname = ""
+ r = requests.get(self.nic_update, params={"hostname": ""}, headers={"X-Forwarded-For": ip}, auth=requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(self.username,self.password))
+ if (r.status_code != 200):
+ raise BBS_Failure("Failed to associate account with ip (%d)" % r.status_code)
+def dump():
+ bbs = BBS(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
+ bbs.dump()
+def associate():
+ if len(sys.argv)<5:
+ print "you need to specify IP address"
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ bbs = BBS(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
+ bbs.associate(sys.argv[4])
+def self_test():
+ bbs = BBS(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
+ print "*** initial ***"
+ bbs.dump()
+ open("bbs.json","w").write(json.dumps(bbs.settings))
+ # a new BBS account will throw a 500 error if it has no rating
+ bbs.settings["settings"]["rating"] = "R"
+ #bbs.settings["settings"]["category"] = [u'PORNOGRAPHY', u'ADULT', u'ILLEGAL', u'WEAPONS', u'DRUGS', u'GAMBLING', u'CYBERBULLY', u'ANONYMIZERS', u'SUICIDE', u'MALWARE']
+ #bbs.settings["settings"]["blocklist"] = []
+ #bbs.settings["settings"]["allowlist"] = []
+ #for water in bbs.settings["settings"]["watershed"];
+ # water["categories"]=[]
+ # delete everything
+ bbs.post_account()
+ bbs.clear_users_and_devices()
+ print "*** cleared ***"
+ bbs.settings=None
+ bbs.dump()
+ users = [{"name": "Moms pc", "level": "R", "mac": "010203040506"},
+ {"name": "Dads pc", "level": "R", "mac": "010203040507"},
+ {"name": "Jacks ipad", "level": "PG", "mac": "010203040508"},
+ {"name": "Jills iphone", "level": "G", "mac": "010203040509"}]
+ print "*** syncing mom-R, Dad-R, jack-PG, Jill-G, wholehome-PG-13 ***"
+ bbs.settings = None
+ bbs.sync("PG-13", users)
+ print "*** after sync ***"
+ bbs.settings=None
+ bbs.dump()
+ assert(bbs.get_whole_home_rating() == "PG-13")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Moms pc")["settings"]["rating"] == "R")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Dads pc")["settings"]["rating"] == "R")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Jacks ipad")["settings"]["rating"] == "PG")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Jills iphone")["settings"]["rating"] == "G")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Moms pc")["mac_address"] == "010203040506")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Dads pc")["mac_address"] == "010203040507")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Jacks ipad")["mac_address"] == "010203040508")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Jills iphone")["mac_address"] == "010203040509")
+ print "*** update whole home level ***"
+ bbs.settings=None
+ bbs.get_account()
+ bbs.settings["settings"]["rating"] = "PG"
+ bbs.post_account()
+ print "*** after sync ***"
+ bbs.settings=None
+ bbs.dump()
+ assert(bbs.get_whole_home_rating() == "PG")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Moms pc")["settings"]["rating"] == "R")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Dads pc")["settings"]["rating"] == "R")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Jacks ipad")["settings"]["rating"] == "PG")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Jills iphone")["settings"]["rating"] == "G")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Moms pc")["mac_address"] == "010203040506")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Dads pc")["mac_address"] == "010203040507")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Jacks ipad")["mac_address"] == "010203040508")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Jills iphone")["mac_address"] == "010203040509")
+ print "*** delete dad, change moms IP, change jills level to PG, change whole home to PG-13 ***"
+ users = [{"name": "Moms pc", "level": "R", "mac": "010203040511"},
+ {"name": "Jacks ipad", "level": "PG", "mac": "010203040508"},
+ {"name": "Jills iphone", "level": "PG", "mac": "010203040509"}]
+ bbs.settings = None
+ bbs.sync("PG-13", users)
+ print "*** after sync ***"
+ bbs.settings=None
+ bbs.dump()
+ assert(bbs.get_whole_home_rating() == "PG-13")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Moms pc")["settings"]["rating"] == "R")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Dads pc") == None)
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Jacks ipad")["settings"]["rating"] == "PG")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Jills iphone")["settings"]["rating"] == "PG")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Moms pc")["mac_address"] == "010203040511")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Dads pc") == None)
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Jacks ipad")["mac_address"] == "010203040508")
+ print "add dad's laptop"
+ users = [{"name": "Moms pc", "level": "R", "mac": "010203040511"},
+ {"name": "Dads laptop", "level": "PG-13", "mac": "010203040512"},
+ {"name": "Jacks ipad", "level": "PG", "mac": "010203040508"},
+ {"name": "Jills iphone", "level": "PG", "mac": "010203040509"}]
+ bbs.settings = None
+ bbs.sync("PG-13", users)
+ print "*** after sync ***"
+ bbs.settings=None
+ bbs.dump()
+ assert(bbs.get_whole_home_rating() == "PG-13")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Moms pc")["settings"]["rating"] == "R")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Dads pc") == None)
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Dads laptop")["settings"]["rating"] == "PG-13")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Jacks ipad")["settings"]["rating"] == "PG")
+ assert(bbs.get_user("Jills iphone")["settings"]["rating"] == "PG")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Moms pc")["mac_address"] == "010203040511")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Dads pc") == None)
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Dads laptop")["mac_address"] == "010203040512")
+ assert(bbs.get_device("Jacks ipad")["mac_address"] == "010203040508")
+ #bbs.add_device(name="tom's iphone", mac="010203040506", type="tablet", username="tom")
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv)<4:
+ print "syntax: <operation> <email> <password>"
+ print " operation = [dump | selftest | assocate"
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ operation = sys.argv[1]
+ if operation=="dump":
+ dump()
+ elif operation=="selftest":
+ self_test()
+ elif operation=="associate":
+ associate()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/docker.list b/xos/synchronizer/files/docker.list
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ee9ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/docker.list
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+deb docker main
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/rc.local b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/rc.local
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2c7588f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/rc.local
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# rc.local
+# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
+# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
+# value on error.
+# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
+# bits.
+# By default this script does nothing.
+ufw enable
+ufw allow bootps
+ufw allow from
+ufw route allow in on eth1 out on eth0
+ufw route allow in on eth1 out on eth2
+[ -e $BWLIMIT ] && $BWLIMIT start || true
+exit 0
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/service/message/run b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/service/message/run
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7b587d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/service/message/run
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import BaseHTTPServer
+class HTTPHandlerOne(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def do_GET(self):
+ with open('./message.html', 'r') as msgfile:
+ message =
+ self.wfile.write(message)
+def run(server_class=BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer,
+ handler_class=BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ server_address = ('', 8000)
+ httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class)
+ httpd.serve_forever()
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/after.init b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/after.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e89217d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/after.init
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# after.init: if executable, called by ufw-init. See 'man ufw-framework' for
+# details. Note that output from these scripts is not seen via the
+# the ufw command, but instead via ufw-init.
+# Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3,
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+ # typically required
+ ;;
+ # typically required
+ ;;
+ # optional
+ ;;
+ # optional
+ ;;
+ echo "'$1' not supported"
+ echo "Usage: after.init {start|stop|flush-all|status}"
+ ;;
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/after.rules b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/after.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d6c646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/after.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# rules.input-after
+# Rules that should be run after the ufw command line added rules. Custom
+# rules should be added to one of these chains:
+# ufw-after-input
+# ufw-after-output
+# ufw-after-forward
+# Don't delete these required lines, otherwise there will be errors
+:ufw-after-input - [0:0]
+:ufw-after-output - [0:0]
+:ufw-after-forward - [0:0]
+# End required lines
+# don't log noisy services by default
+-A ufw-after-input -p udp --dport 137 -j ufw-skip-to-policy-input
+-A ufw-after-input -p udp --dport 138 -j ufw-skip-to-policy-input
+-A ufw-after-input -p tcp --dport 139 -j ufw-skip-to-policy-input
+-A ufw-after-input -p tcp --dport 445 -j ufw-skip-to-policy-input
+-A ufw-after-input -p udp --dport 67 -j ufw-skip-to-policy-input
+-A ufw-after-input -p udp --dport 68 -j ufw-skip-to-policy-input
+# don't log noisy broadcast
+-A ufw-after-input -m addrtype --dst-type BROADCAST -j ufw-skip-to-policy-input
+# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/after6.rules b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/after6.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d99672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/after6.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# rules.input-after
+# Rules that should be run after the ufw command line added rules. Custom
+# rules should be added to one of these chains:
+# ufw6-after-input
+# ufw6-after-output
+# ufw6-after-forward
+# Don't delete these required lines, otherwise there will be errors
+:ufw6-after-input - [0:0]
+:ufw6-after-output - [0:0]
+:ufw6-after-forward - [0:0]
+# End required lines
+# don't log noisy services by default
+-A ufw6-after-input -p udp --dport 137 -j ufw6-skip-to-policy-input
+-A ufw6-after-input -p udp --dport 138 -j ufw6-skip-to-policy-input
+-A ufw6-after-input -p tcp --dport 139 -j ufw6-skip-to-policy-input
+-A ufw6-after-input -p tcp --dport 445 -j ufw6-skip-to-policy-input
+-A ufw6-after-input -p udp --dport 546 -j ufw6-skip-to-policy-input
+-A ufw6-after-input -p udp --dport 547 -j ufw6-skip-to-policy-input
+# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/applications.d/openssh-server b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/applications.d/openssh-server
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bbe906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/applications.d/openssh-server
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+title=Secure shell server, an rshd replacement
+description=OpenSSH is a free implementation of the Secure Shell protocol.
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/before.init b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/before.init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1348cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/before.init
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# before.init: if executable, called by ufw-init. See 'man ufw-framework' for
+# details. Note that output from these scripts is not seen via the
+# the ufw command, but instead via ufw-init.
+# Copyright 2013 Canonical Ltd.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3,
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+set -e
+case "$1" in
+ # typically required
+ ;;
+ # typically required
+ ;;
+ # optional
+ ;;
+ # optional
+ ;;
+ echo "'$1' not supported"
+ echo "Usage: before.init {start|stop|flush-all|status}"
+ ;;
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/before6.rules b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/before6.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b26ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/before6.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# rules.before
+# Rules that should be run before the ufw command line added rules. Custom
+# rules should be added to one of these chains:
+# ufw6-before-input
+# ufw6-before-output
+# ufw6-before-forward
+# Don't delete these required lines, otherwise there will be errors
+:ufw6-before-input - [0:0]
+:ufw6-before-output - [0:0]
+:ufw6-before-forward - [0:0]
+# End required lines
+# allow all on loopback
+-A ufw6-before-input -i lo -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-output -o lo -j ACCEPT
+# drop packets with RH0 headers
+-A ufw6-before-input -m rt --rt-type 0 -j DROP
+-A ufw6-before-forward -m rt --rt-type 0 -j DROP
+-A ufw6-before-output -m rt --rt-type 0 -j DROP
+# for stateless autoconfiguration (restrict NDP messages to hop limit of 255)
+-A ufw6-before-input -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type neighbor-solicitation -m hl --hl-eq 255 -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-output -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type neighbor-solicitation -m hl --hl-eq 255 -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-input -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type neighbor-advertisement -m hl --hl-eq 255 -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-output -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type neighbor-advertisement -m hl --hl-eq 255 -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-input -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type router-solicitation -m hl --hl-eq 255 -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-input -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type router-advertisement -m hl --hl-eq 255 -j ACCEPT
+# quickly process packets for which we already have a connection
+-A ufw6-before-input -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-output -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-forward -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+# for multicast ping replies from link-local addresses (these don't have an
+# associated connection and would otherwise be marked INVALID)
+-A ufw6-before-input -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type echo-reply -s fe80::/10 -j ACCEPT
+# drop INVALID packets (logs these in loglevel medium and higher)
+-A ufw6-before-input -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j ufw6-logging-deny
+-A ufw6-before-input -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP
+# ok icmp codes for INPUT
+-A ufw6-before-input -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-input -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type packet-too-big -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-input -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-input -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type parameter-problem -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-input -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
+# ok icmp code for FORWARD
+-A ufw6-before-forward -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-forward -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type packet-too-big -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-forward -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-forward -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type parameter-problem -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw6-before-forward -p icmpv6 --icmpv6-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
+# allow dhcp client to work
+-A ufw6-before-input -p udp -s fe80::/10 --sport 547 -d fe80::/10 --dport 546 -j ACCEPT
+# allow MULTICAST mDNS for service discovery
+-A ufw6-before-input -p udp -d ff02::fb --dport 5353 -j ACCEPT
+# allow MULTICAST UPnP for service discovery
+-A ufw6-before-input -p udp -d ff02::f --dport 1900 -j ACCEPT
+# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/sysctl.conf b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/sysctl.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8707032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/sysctl.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Configuration file for setting network variables. Please note these settings
+# override /etc/sysctl.conf. If you prefer to use /etc/sysctl.conf, please
+# adjust IPT_SYSCTL in /etc/default/ufw.
+# Uncomment this to allow this host to route packets between interfaces
+# Turn on Source Address Verification in all interfaces to prevent some
+# spoofing attacks
+# Do not accept IP source route packets (we are not a router)
+# Disable ICMP redirects. ICMP redirects are rarely used but can be used in
+# MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks. Disabling ICMP may disrupt legitimate
+# traffic to those sites.
+# Ignore bogus ICMP errors
+# Don't log Martian Packets (impossible packets)
+# Change to '1' to enable TCP/IP SYN cookies This disables TCP Window Scaling
+# (
+# normally allowing tcp_sack is ok, but if going through OpenBSD 3.8 RELEASE or
+# earlier pf firewall, should set this to 0
+# Uncomment this to turn off ipv6 autoconfiguration
+# Uncomment this to enable ipv6 privacy addressing
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/ufw.conf b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/ufw.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28fe534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/etc/ufw/ufw.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# /etc/ufw/ufw.conf
+# Set to yes to start on boot. If setting this remotely, be sure to add a rule
+# to allow your remote connection before starting ufw. Eg: 'ufw allow 22/tcp'
+# Please use the 'ufw' command to set the loglevel. Eg: 'ufw logging medium'.
+# See 'man ufw' for details.
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/veg.conf b/xos/synchronizer/files/veg.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7372d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/veg.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Upstart script for vEG
+description "vEG container"
+author ""
+start on filesystem and started docker
+stop on runlevel [!2345]
+ /usr/local/sbin/
+end script
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/veg.dnsmasq b/xos/synchronizer/files/veg.dnsmasq
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b2687b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/veg.dnsmasq
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/files/vm-resolv.conf b/xos/synchronizer/files/vm-resolv.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cae093a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/files/vm-resolv.conf
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/manifest b/xos/synchronizer/manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..959c763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/model-deps b/xos/synchronizer/model-deps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0967ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/model-deps
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/ b/xos/synchronizer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00fb067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import sys
+import synchronizers.base.ansible_helper
+print sys.argv
+private_key="""-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
+ {"instance_name": "onlab_test405-378",
+ "instance_id": "instance-0000004d",
+ "hostname": "",
+ "private_key": private_key})
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/ b/xos/synchronizer/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dab40ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#if [[ ! -e ./ ]]; then
+# ln -s ../../
+export XOS_DIR=/opt/xos
+cp /root/setup/node_key $XOS_DIR/synchronizers/veg/node_key
+chmod 0600 $XOS_DIR/synchronizers/veg/node_key
+python -C $XOS_DIR/synchronizers/veg/vtn_veg_synchronizer_config
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/ b/xos/synchronizer/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..043b1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#if [[ ! -e ./ ]]; then
+# ln -s ../../
+export XOS_DIR=/opt/xos
+python -C $XOS_DIR/synchronizers/veg/veg_synchronizer_config
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/ b/xos/synchronizer/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8ee147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# put this in /opt/xerocole/
+# make sure it's executable
+# set it up in crontab
+# @reboot /opt/xerocole/
+ulimit -n 200000
+cd /opt/xerocole/answerx
+/opt/xerocole/answerx/startStop checkconfig answerx
+/opt/xerocole/answerx/startStop start answerx
+cd /opt/xerocole/namecontrols
+nohup /opt/xerocole/namecontrols/broadbandshield &
+nohup socat TCP-LISTEN:80,bind=,fork TCP4: &
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/ b/xos/synchronizer/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2f0b881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#if [[ ! -e ./ ]]; then
+# ln -s ../../
+export XOS_DIR=/opt/xos
+nohup python -C $XOS_DIR/synchronizers/veg/veg_synchronizer_config > /dev/null 2>&1 &
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/README b/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3b2c54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/README
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Some scripts used while testing the Ansible instance configuraiton observer
+ was probably the prototype of an XOS SSH module for Ansible, that understood how to SSH into the instances
+without needing to play config file and environment tricks.
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/inventory.txt b/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/inventory.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd5b542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/inventory.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+[onlab_hpc-355] instance_id=instance-00000045 instance_name=onlab_hpc-355
+[onlab_test405-372] instance_id=instance-0000004c instance_name=onlab_test405-372
+[onlab_test405-378] ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/smbaker/.ssh/id_rsa
+[mysite_test2-48] ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/smbaker/projects/vicci/keys/demo_admin.rsa
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..157ba9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+ansible-playbook --private-key /home/smbaker/.ssh/id_rsa -i ./inventory.txt test.yaml
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/test.yaml b/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a29d56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+- hosts: onlab_test405-372
+ connection: xos
+ user: ubuntu
+ vars:
+ foo: 25
+# instance_name: instance-00000045
+# slice_name: onlab_hpc-355
+ tasks:
+ - name: foobar
+ shell: echo foo > /tmp/foobar
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eb4f3eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/ansible_test/
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+# (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <>
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import shlex
+import pipes
+import random
+import select
+import fcntl
+import hmac
+import pwd
+import gettext
+import pty
+from hashlib import sha1
+import ansible.constants as C
+from ansible.callbacks import vvv
+from ansible import errors
+from ansible import utils
+class Connection(object):
+ ''' ssh based connections '''
+ def __init__(self, runner, host, port, user, password, private_key_file, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.runner = runner
+ = host
+ self.ipv6 = ':' in
+ self.port = port
+ self.user = str(user)
+ self.password = password
+ self.private_key_file = private_key_file
+ self.HASHED_KEY_MAGIC = "|1|"
+ self.has_pipelining = True
+ #self.instance_id = "instance-00000045" # C.get_config(C.p, "xos", "instance_id", "INSTANCE_ID", None)
+ #self.instance_name = "onlab_hpc-355" # C.get_config(C.p, "xos", "instance_name", "SLIVER_NAME", None)
+ inject={}
+ inject= utils.combine_vars(inject, self.runner.inventory.get_variables(
+ self.instance_id = inject["instance_id"]
+ self.instance_name = inject["instance_name"]
+ fcntl.lockf(self.runner.process_lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+ self.cp_dir = utils.prepare_writeable_dir('$HOME/.ansible/cp',mode=0700)
+ fcntl.lockf(self.runner.process_lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+ def connect(self):
+ ''' connect to the remote host '''
+ vvv("ESTABLISH CONNECTION FOR USER: %s" % self.user,
+ self.common_args = []
+ extra_args = C.ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS
+ if extra_args is not None:
+ # make sure there is no empty string added as this can produce weird errors
+ self.common_args += [x.strip() for x in shlex.split(extra_args) if x.strip()]
+ else:
+ self.common_args += ["-o", "ControlMaster=auto",
+ "-o", "ControlPersist=60s",
+ "-o", "ControlPath=%s" % (C.ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH % dict(directory=self.cp_dir))]
+ self.common_args += ["-o", "ProxyCommand ssh -q -i %s %s@%s" % (self.private_key_file, self.instance_id,]
+ cp_in_use = False
+ cp_path_set = False
+ for arg in self.common_args:
+ if "ControlPersist" in arg:
+ cp_in_use = True
+ if "ControlPath" in arg:
+ cp_path_set = True
+ if cp_in_use and not cp_path_set:
+ self.common_args += ["-o", "ControlPath=%s" % (C.ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH % dict(directory=self.cp_dir))]
+ self.common_args += ["-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no"]
+ if self.port is not None:
+ self.common_args += ["-o", "Port=%d" % (self.port)]
+ if self.private_key_file is not None:
+ self.common_args += ["-o", "IdentityFile=\"%s\"" % os.path.expanduser(self.private_key_file)]
+ elif self.runner.private_key_file is not None:
+ self.common_args += ["-o", "IdentityFile=\"%s\"" % os.path.expanduser(self.runner.private_key_file)]
+ if self.password:
+ self.common_args += ["-o", "GSSAPIAuthentication=no",
+ "-o", "PubkeyAuthentication=no"]
+ else:
+ self.common_args += ["-o", "KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no",
+ "-o", "PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey",
+ "-o", "PasswordAuthentication=no"]
+ if self.user != pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0]:
+ self.common_args += ["-o", "User="+self.user]
+ self.common_args += ["-o", "ConnectTimeout=%d" % self.runner.timeout]
+ return self
+ def _run(self, cmd, indata):
+ if indata:
+ # do not use pseudo-pty
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdin = p.stdin
+ else:
+ # try to use upseudo-pty
+ try:
+ # Make sure stdin is a proper (pseudo) pty to avoid: tcgetattr errors
+ master, slave = pty.openpty()
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=slave,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdin = os.fdopen(master, 'w', 0)
+ os.close(slave)
+ except:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdin = p.stdin
+ return (p, stdin)
+ def _password_cmd(self):
+ if self.password:
+ try:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(["sshpass"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ p.communicate()
+ except OSError:
+ raise errors.AnsibleError("to use the 'ssh' connection type with passwords, you must install the sshpass program")
+ (self.rfd, self.wfd) = os.pipe()
+ return ["sshpass", "-d%d" % self.rfd]
+ return []
+ def _send_password(self):
+ if self.password:
+ os.close(self.rfd)
+ os.write(self.wfd, "%s\n" % self.password)
+ os.close(self.wfd)
+ def _communicate(self, p, stdin, indata, su=False, sudoable=False, prompt=None):
+ fcntl.fcntl(p.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.fcntl(p.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL) & ~os.O_NONBLOCK)
+ fcntl.fcntl(p.stderr, fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.fcntl(p.stderr, fcntl.F_GETFL) & ~os.O_NONBLOCK)
+ # We can't use p.communicate here because the ControlMaster may have stdout open as well
+ stdout = ''
+ stderr = ''
+ rpipes = [p.stdout, p.stderr]
+ if indata:
+ try:
+ stdin.write(indata)
+ stdin.close()
+ except:
+ raise errors.AnsibleError('SSH Error: data could not be sent to the remote host. Make sure this host can be reached over ssh')
+ # Read stdout/stderr from process
+ while True:
+ rfd, wfd, efd =, [], rpipes, 1)
+ # fail early if the sudo/su password is wrong
+ if self.runner.sudo and sudoable:
+ if self.runner.sudo_pass:
+ incorrect_password = gettext.dgettext(
+ "sudo", "Sorry, try again.")
+ if stdout.endswith("%s\r\n%s" % (incorrect_password,
+ prompt)):
+ raise errors.AnsibleError('Incorrect sudo password')
+ if stdout.endswith(prompt):
+ raise errors.AnsibleError('Missing sudo password')
+ if and su and self.runner.su_pass:
+ incorrect_password = gettext.dgettext(
+ "su", "Sorry")
+ if stdout.endswith("%s\r\n%s" % (incorrect_password, prompt)):
+ raise errors.AnsibleError('Incorrect su password')
+ if p.stdout in rfd:
+ dat =, 9000)
+ stdout += dat
+ if dat == '':
+ rpipes.remove(p.stdout)
+ if p.stderr in rfd:
+ dat =, 9000)
+ stderr += dat
+ if dat == '':
+ rpipes.remove(p.stderr)
+ # only break out if no pipes are left to read or
+ # the pipes are completely read and
+ # the process is terminated
+ if (not rpipes or not rfd) and p.poll() is not None:
+ break
+ # No pipes are left to read but process is not yet terminated
+ # Only then it is safe to wait for the process to be finished
+ # NOTE: Actually p.poll() is always None here if rpipes is empty
+ elif not rpipes and p.poll() == None:
+ p.wait()
+ # The process is terminated. Since no pipes to read from are
+ # left, there is no need to call select() again.
+ break
+ # close stdin after process is terminated and stdout/stderr are read
+ # completely (see also issue #848)
+ stdin.close()
+ return (p.returncode, stdout, stderr)
+ def not_in_host_file(self, host):
+ if 'USER' in os.environ:
+ user_host_file = os.path.expandvars("~${USER}/.ssh/known_hosts")
+ else:
+ user_host_file = "~/.ssh/known_hosts"
+ user_host_file = os.path.expanduser(user_host_file)
+ host_file_list = []
+ host_file_list.append(user_host_file)
+ host_file_list.append("/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts")
+ host_file_list.append("/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2")
+ hfiles_not_found = 0
+ for hf in host_file_list:
+ if not os.path.exists(hf):
+ hfiles_not_found += 1
+ continue
+ try:
+ host_fh = open(hf)
+ except IOError, e:
+ hfiles_not_found += 1
+ continue
+ else:
+ data =
+ host_fh.close()
+ for line in data.split("\n"):
+ if line is None or " " not in line:
+ continue
+ tokens = line.split()
+ if tokens[0].find(self.HASHED_KEY_MAGIC) == 0:
+ # this is a hashed known host entry
+ try:
+ (kn_salt,kn_host) = tokens[0][len(self.HASHED_KEY_MAGIC):].split("|",2)
+ hash ='base64'), digestmod=sha1)
+ hash.update(host)
+ if hash.digest() == kn_host.decode('base64'):
+ return False
+ except:
+ # invalid hashed host key, skip it
+ continue
+ else:
+ # standard host file entry
+ if host in tokens[0]:
+ return False
+ if (hfiles_not_found == len(host_file_list)):
+ vvv("EXEC previous known host file not found for %s" % host)
+ return True
+ def exec_command(self, cmd, tmp_path, sudo_user=None, sudoable=False, executable='/bin/sh', in_data=None, su_user=None, su=False):
+ ''' run a command on the remote host '''
+ ssh_cmd = self._password_cmd()
+ ssh_cmd += ["ssh", "-C"]
+ if not in_data:
+ # we can only use tty when we are not pipelining the modules. piping data into /usr/bin/python
+ # inside a tty automatically invokes the python interactive-mode but the modules are not
+ # compatible with the interactive-mode ("unexpected indent" mainly because of empty lines)
+ ssh_cmd += ["-tt"]
+ if utils.VERBOSITY > 3:
+ ssh_cmd += ["-vvv"]
+ else:
+ ssh_cmd += ["-q"]
+ ssh_cmd += self.common_args
+ if self.ipv6:
+ ssh_cmd += ['-6']
+ #ssh_cmd += []
+ ssh_cmd += [self.instance_name]
+ if su and su_user:
+ sudocmd, prompt, success_key = utils.make_su_cmd(su_user, executable, cmd)
+ prompt_re = re.compile(prompt)
+ ssh_cmd.append(sudocmd)
+ elif not self.runner.sudo or not sudoable:
+ prompt = None
+ if executable:
+ ssh_cmd.append(executable + ' -c ' + pipes.quote(cmd))
+ else:
+ ssh_cmd.append(cmd)
+ else:
+ sudocmd, prompt, success_key = utils.make_sudo_cmd(sudo_user, executable, cmd)
+ ssh_cmd.append(sudocmd)
+ vvv("EXEC %s" % ssh_cmd,
+ not_in_host_file = self.not_in_host_file(
+ if C.HOST_KEY_CHECKING and not_in_host_file:
+ # lock around the initial SSH connectivity so the user prompt about whether to add
+ # the host to known hosts is not intermingled with multiprocess output.
+ fcntl.lockf(self.runner.process_lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+ fcntl.lockf(self.runner.output_lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+ # create process
+ (p, stdin) = self._run(ssh_cmd, in_data)
+ self._send_password()
+ if (self.runner.sudo and sudoable and self.runner.sudo_pass) or \
+ ( and su and self.runner.su_pass):
+ # several cases are handled for sudo privileges with password
+ # * NOPASSWD (tty & no-tty): detect success_key on stdout
+ # * without NOPASSWD:
+ # * detect prompt on stdout (tty)
+ # * detect prompt on stderr (no-tty)
+ fcntl.fcntl(p.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL,
+ fcntl.fcntl(p.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK)
+ fcntl.fcntl(p.stderr, fcntl.F_SETFL,
+ fcntl.fcntl(p.stderr, fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK)
+ sudo_output = ''
+ sudo_errput = ''
+ while True:
+ if success_key in sudo_output or \
+ (self.runner.sudo_pass and sudo_output.endswith(prompt)) or \
+ (self.runner.su_pass and prompt_re.match(sudo_output)):
+ break
+ rfd, wfd, efd =[p.stdout, p.stderr], [],
+ [p.stdout], self.runner.timeout)
+ if p.stderr in rfd:
+ chunk =
+ if not chunk:
+ raise errors.AnsibleError('ssh connection closed waiting for sudo or su password prompt')
+ sudo_errput += chunk
+ incorrect_password = gettext.dgettext(
+ "sudo", "Sorry, try again.")
+ if sudo_errput.strip().endswith("%s%s" % (prompt, incorrect_password)):
+ raise errors.AnsibleError('Incorrect sudo password')
+ elif sudo_errput.endswith(prompt):
+ stdin.write(self.runner.sudo_pass + '\n')
+ if p.stdout in rfd:
+ chunk =
+ if not chunk:
+ raise errors.AnsibleError('ssh connection closed waiting for sudo or su password prompt')
+ sudo_output += chunk
+ if not rfd:
+ # timeout. wrap up process communication
+ stdout = p.communicate()
+ raise errors.AnsibleError('ssh connection error waiting for sudo or su password prompt')
+ if success_key not in sudo_output:
+ if sudoable:
+ stdin.write(self.runner.sudo_pass + '\n')
+ elif su:
+ stdin.write(self.runner.su_pass + '\n')
+ (returncode, stdout, stderr) = self._communicate(p, stdin, in_data, su=su, sudoable=sudoable, prompt=prompt)
+ if C.HOST_KEY_CHECKING and not_in_host_file:
+ # lock around the initial SSH connectivity so the user prompt about whether to add
+ # the host to known hosts is not intermingled with multiprocess output.
+ fcntl.lockf(self.runner.output_lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+ fcntl.lockf(self.runner.process_lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+ controlpersisterror = 'Bad configuration option: ControlPersist' in stderr or \
+ 'unknown configuration option: ControlPersist' in stderr
+ if ssh_cmd[0] == "sshpass" and p.returncode == 6:
+ raise errors.AnsibleError('Using a SSH password instead of a key is not possible because Host Key checking is enabled and sshpass does not support this. Please add this host\'s fingerprint to your known_hosts file to manage this host.')
+ if p.returncode != 0 and controlpersisterror:
+ raise errors.AnsibleError('using -c ssh on certain older ssh versions may not support ControlPersist, set ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="" (or ssh_args in [ssh_connection] section of the config file) before running again')
+ if p.returncode == 255 and (in_data or self.runner.module_name == 'raw'):
+ raise errors.AnsibleError('SSH Error: data could not be sent to the remote host. Make sure this host can be reached over ssh')
+ return (p.returncode, '', stdout, stderr)
+ def put_file(self, in_path, out_path):
+ ''' transfer a file from local to remote '''
+ vvv("PUT %s TO %s" % (in_path, out_path),
+ if not os.path.exists(in_path):
+ raise errors.AnsibleFileNotFound("file or module does not exist: %s" % in_path)
+ cmd = self._password_cmd()
+ host =
+ if self.ipv6:
+ host = '[%s]' % host
+ cmd += ["scp"] + self.common_args
+ cmd += [in_path,host + ":" + pipes.quote(out_path)]
+ indata = None
+ else:
+ cmd += ["sftp"] + self.common_args + [host]
+ indata = "put %s %s\n" % (pipes.quote(in_path), pipes.quote(out_path))
+ (p, stdin) = self._run(cmd, indata)
+ self._send_password()
+ (returncode, stdout, stderr) = self._communicate(p, stdin, indata)
+ if returncode != 0:
+ raise errors.AnsibleError("failed to transfer file to %s:\n%s\n%s" % (out_path, stdout, stderr))
+ def fetch_file(self, in_path, out_path):
+ ''' fetch a file from remote to local '''
+ vvv("FETCH %s TO %s" % (in_path, out_path),
+ cmd = self._password_cmd()
+ host =
+ if self.ipv6:
+ host = '[%s]' % host
+ cmd += ["scp"] + self.common_args
+ cmd += [host + ":" + in_path, out_path]
+ indata = None
+ else:
+ cmd += ["sftp"] + self.common_args + [host]
+ indata = "get %s %s\n" % (in_path, out_path)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ self._send_password()
+ stdout, stderr = p.communicate(indata)
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ raise errors.AnsibleError("failed to transfer file from %s:\n%s\n%s" % (in_path, stdout, stderr))
+ def close(self):
+ ''' not applicable since we're executing openssh binaries '''
+ pass
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_monitoring_agent.yaml b/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_monitoring_agent.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36b7221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_monitoring_agent.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+- hosts: {{ instance_name }}
+ gather_facts: False
+ connection: ssh
+ user: ubuntu
+ vars:
+ keystone_tenant_id: {{ keystone_tenant_id }}
+ keystone_user_id: {{ keystone_user_id }}
+ rabbit_user: {{ rabbit_user }}
+ rabbit_password: {{ rabbit_password }}
+ rabbit_host: {{ rabbit_host }}
+ tasks:
+ - name: Verify if veg_stats_notifier ([] is to avoid capturing the shell process) cron job is already running
+ shell: pgrep -f [v]cpe_stats_notifier | wc -l
+ register: cron_job_pids_count
+ - name: DEBUG
+ debug: var=cron_job_pids_count.stdout
+ - name: make sure /usr/local/share/veg_monitoring_agent exists
+ file: path=/usr/local/share/beg_monitoring_agent state=directory owner=root group=root
+ become: yes
+ when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+ - name: Copy cron job to destination
+ copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/
+ dest=/usr/local/share/veg_monitoring_agent/
+ become: yes
+ when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+ - name: install python-kombu
+ apt: name=python-kombu state=present
+ become: yes
+ when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+ - name: Initiate veg_stats_notifier cron job
+ command: sudo python /usr/local/share/veg_monitoring_agent/ --keystone_tenant_id={{ keystone_tenant_id }} --keystone_user_id={{ keystone_user_id }} --rabbit_user={{ rabbit_user }} --rabbit_password={{ rabbit_password }} --rabbit_host={{ rabbit_host }} --vegservice_rabbit_exchange='vegservice'
+ async: 9999999999999999
+ poll: 0
+ become: yes
+ when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b64bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+import hashlib
+import os
+import socket
+import sys
+import base64
+import time
+from urlparse import urlparse
+from django.db.models import F, Q
+from xos.config import Config
+from synchronizers.base.syncstep import SyncStep
+from synchronizers.base.ansible_helper import run_template_ssh
+from synchronizers.base.SyncInstanceUsingAnsible import SyncInstanceUsingAnsible
+from core.models import Service, Slice, Tag, ModelLink, CoarseTenant, Tenant, ServiceMonitoringAgentInfo
+from services.veg.models import VEGService, VEGTenant
+from xos.logger import Logger, logging
+# Deal with configurations where the hpc service is not onboarded
+ from services.hpc.models import HpcService, CDNPrefix
+ hpc_service_onboarded=True
+ hpc_service_onboarded=False
+# hpclibrary will be in steps/..
+parentdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..")
+from broadbandshield import BBS
+logger = Logger(level=logging.INFO)
+CORD_USE_VTN = getattr(Config(), "networking_use_vtn", False)
+class SyncVEGTenant(SyncInstanceUsingAnsible):
+ provides=[VEGTenant]
+ observes=VEGTenant
+ requested_interval=0
+ template_name = "sync_vegtenant.yaml"
+ watches = [ModelLink(CoarseTenant,via='coarsetenant'), ModelLink(ServiceMonitoringAgentInfo,via='monitoringagentinfo')]
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(SyncVEGTenant, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def fetch_pending(self, deleted):
+ if (not deleted):
+ objs = VEGTenant.get_tenant_objects().filter(Q(enacted__lt=F('updated')) | Q(enacted=None),Q(lazy_blocked=False))
+ else:
+ objs = VEGTenant.get_deleted_tenant_objects()
+ return objs
+ def get_veg_service(self, o):
+ if not o.provider_service:
+ return None
+ vegs = VEGService.get_service_objects().filter(
+ if not vegs:
+ return None
+ return vegs[0]
+ def get_extra_attributes(self, o):
+ # This is a place to include extra attributes that aren't part of the
+ # object itself. In the case of vEG, we need to know:
+ # 1) the addresses of dnsdemux, to setup dnsmasq in the vEG
+ # 2) CDN prefixes, so we know what URLs to send to dnsdemux
+ # 3) BroadBandShield server addresses, for parental filtering
+ # 4) vlan_ids, for setting up networking in the vEG VM
+ veg_service = self.get_veg_service(o)
+ dnsdemux_ip = None
+ cdn_prefixes = []
+ #FIXME this will probably break since no folder is under syncronizers
+ cdn_config_fn = "/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/cdn_config"
+ if os.path.exists(cdn_config_fn):
+ # manual CDN configuration
+ # the first line is the address of dnsredir
+ # the remaining lines are domain names, one per line
+ lines = file(cdn_config_fn).readlines()
+ if len(lines)>=2:
+ dnsdemux_ip = lines[0].strip()
+ cdn_prefixes = [x.strip() for x in lines[1:] if x.strip()]
+ elif hpc_service_onboarded:
+ # automatic CDN configuiration
+ # it learns everything from CDN objects in XOS
+ # not tested on pod.
+ if veg_service.backend_network_label:
+ # Connect to dnsdemux using the network specified by
+ # veg_service.backend_network_label
+ for service in HpcService.objects.all():
+ for slice in service.slices.all():
+ if "dnsdemux" in
+ for instance in slice.instances.all():
+ for ns in instance.ports.all():
+ if ns.ip and and (veg_service.backend_network_label in
+ dnsdemux_ip = ns.ip
+ if not dnsdemux_ip:
+"failed to find a dnsdemux on network %s" % veg_service.backend_network_label,extra=o.tologdict())
+ else:
+ # Connect to dnsdemux using the instance's public address
+ for service in HpcService.objects.all():
+ for slice in service.slices.all():
+ if "dnsdemux" in
+ for instance in slice.instances.all():
+ if dnsdemux_ip=="none":
+ try:
+ dnsdemux_ip = socket.gethostbyname(
+ except:
+ pass
+ if not dnsdemux_ip:
+"failed to find a dnsdemux with a public address",extra=o.tologdict())
+ for prefix in CDNPrefix.objects.all():
+ cdn_prefixes.append(prefix.prefix)
+ dnsdemux_ip = dnsdemux_ip or "none"
+ # Broadbandshield can either be set up internally, using veg_service.bbs_slice,
+ # or it can be setup externally using veg_service.bbs_server.
+ bbs_addrs = []
+ if veg_service.bbs_slice:
+ if veg_service.backend_network_label:
+ for bbs_instance in veg_service.bbs_slice.instances.all():
+ for ns in bbs_instance.ports.all():
+ if ns.ip and and (veg_service.backend_network_label in
+ bbs_addrs.append(ns.ip)
+ else:
+"unsupported configuration -- bbs_slice is set, but backend_network_label is not",extra=o.tologdict())
+ if not bbs_addrs:
+"failed to find any usable addresses on bbs_slice",extra=o.tologdict())
+ elif veg_service.bbs_server:
+ bbs_addrs.append(veg_service.bbs_server)
+ else:
+"neither bbs_slice nor bbs_server is configured in the vEG",extra=o.tologdict())
+ s_tags = []
+ c_tags = []
+ if o.volt:
+ s_tags.append(o.volt.s_tag)
+ c_tags.append(o.volt.c_tag)
+ try:
+ full_setup = Config().observer_full_setup
+ except:
+ full_setup = True
+ safe_macs=[]
+ if veg_service.url_filter_kind == "safebrowsing":
+ if o.volt and o.volt.subscriber:
+ for user in o.volt.subscriber.devices:
+ level = user.get("level",None)
+ mac = user.get("mac",None)
+ if level in ["G", "PG"]:
+ if mac:
+ safe_macs.append(mac)
+ docker_opts = []
+ if veg_service.docker_insecure_registry:
+ reg_name = veg_service.docker_image_name.split("/",1)[0]
+ docker_opts.append("--insecure-registry " + reg_name)
+ fields = {"s_tags": s_tags,
+ "c_tags": c_tags,
+ "docker_remote_image_name": veg_service.docker_image_name,
+ "docker_local_image_name": veg_service.docker_image_name, # veg_service.docker_image_name.split("/",1)[1].split(":",1)[0],
+ "docker_opts": " ".join(docker_opts),
+ "dnsdemux_ip": dnsdemux_ip,
+ "cdn_prefixes": cdn_prefixes,
+ "bbs_addrs": bbs_addrs,
+ "full_setup": full_setup,
+ "isolation": o.instance.isolation,
+ "safe_browsing_macs": safe_macs,
+ "container_name": "veg-%s-%s" % (s_tags[0], c_tags[0]),
+ "dns_servers": [x.strip() for x in veg_service.dns_servers.split(",")],
+ "url_filter_kind": veg_service.url_filter_kind }
+ # add in the sync_attributes that come from the SubscriberRoot object
+ if o.volt and o.volt.subscriber and hasattr(o.volt.subscriber, "sync_attributes"):
+ for attribute_name in o.volt.subscriber.sync_attributes:
+ fields[attribute_name] = getattr(o.volt.subscriber, attribute_name)
+ return fields
+ def sync_fields(self, o, fields):
+ # the super causes the playbook to be run
+ super(SyncVEGTenant, self).sync_fields(o, fields)
+ # now do all of our broadbandshield stuff...
+ service = self.get_veg_service(o)
+ if not service:
+ # Ansible uses the service's keypair in order to SSH into the
+ # instance. It would be bad if the slice had no service.
+ raise Exception("Slice %s is not associated with a service" %
+ # Make sure the slice is configured properly
+ if (service != o.instance.slice.service):
+ raise Exception("Slice %s is associated with some service that is not %s" % (str(instance.slice), str(service)))
+ # only enable filtering if we have a subscriber object (see below)
+ url_filter_enable = False
+ # for attributes that come from CordSubscriberRoot
+ if o.volt and o.volt.subscriber:
+ url_filter_enable = o.volt.subscriber.url_filter_enable
+ url_filter_level = o.volt.subscriber.url_filter_level
+ url_filter_users = o.volt.subscriber.devices
+ if service.url_filter_kind == "broadbandshield":
+ # disable url_filter if there are no bbs_addrs
+ if url_filter_enable and (not fields.get("bbs_addrs",[])):
+"disabling url_filter because there are no bbs_addrs",extra=o.tologdict())
+ url_filter_enable = False
+ if url_filter_enable:
+ bbs_hostname = None
+ if service.bbs_api_hostname and service.bbs_api_port:
+ bbs_hostname = service.bbs_api_hostname
+ else:
+ # TODO: extract from slice
+ bbs_hostname = ""
+ if service.bbs_api_port:
+ bbs_port = service.bbs_api_port
+ else:
+ bbs_port = 8018
+ if not bbs_hostname:
+"broadbandshield is not configured",extra=o.tologdict())
+ else:
+ tStart = time.time()
+ bbs = BBS(o.bbs_account, "123", bbs_hostname, bbs_port)
+ bbs.sync(url_filter_level, url_filter_users)
+ if o.hpc_client_ip:
+"associate account %s with ip %s" % (o.bbs_account, o.hpc_client_ip),extra=o.tologdict())
+ bbs.associate(o.hpc_client_ip)
+ else:
+"no hpc_client_ip to associate",extra=o.tologdict())
+"bbs update time %d" % int(time.time()-tStart),extra=o.tologdict())
+ def run_playbook(self, o, fields):
+ ansible_hash = hashlib.md5(repr(sorted(fields.items()))).hexdigest()
+ quick_update = (o.last_ansible_hash == ansible_hash)
+ if ENABLE_QUICK_UPDATE and quick_update:
+"quick_update triggered; skipping ansible recipe",extra=o.tologdict())
+ else:
+ if o.instance.isolation in ["container", "container_vm"]:
+ super(SyncVEGTenant, self).run_playbook(o, fields, "sync_vegtenant_new.yaml")
+ else:
+ super(SyncVEGTenant, self).run_playbook(o, fields, template_name="sync_vegtenant_vtn.yaml")
+ else:
+ super(SyncVEGTenant, self).run_playbook(o, fields)
+ o.last_ansible_hash = ansible_hash
+ def delete_record(self, m):
+ pass
+ def handle_service_monitoringagentinfo_watch_notification(self, monitoring_agent_info):
+ if not monitoring_agent_info.service:
+"handle watch notifications for service monitoring agent info...ignoring because service attribute in monitoring agent info:%s is null" % (monitoring_agent_info))
+ return
+ if not monitoring_agent_info.target_uri:
+"handle watch notifications for service monitoring agent info...ignoring because target_uri attribute in monitoring agent info:%s is null" % (monitoring_agent_info))
+ return
+ objs = VEGTenant.get_tenant_objects().all()
+ for obj in objs:
+ if !=
+"handle watch notifications for service monitoring agent info...ignoring because service attribute in monitoring agent info:%s is not matching" % (monitoring_agent_info))
+ return
+ instance = self.get_instance(obj)
+ if not instance:
+ logger.warn("handle watch notifications for service monitoring agent info...: No valid instance found for object %s" % (str(obj)))
+ return
+"handling watch notification for monitoring agent info:%s for VEGTenant object:%s" % (monitoring_agent_info, obj))
+ #Run ansible playbook to update the routing table entries in the instance
+ fields = self.get_ansible_fields(instance)
+ fields["ansible_tag"] = obj.__class__.__name__ + "_" + str( + "_service_monitoring"
+ #Parse the monitoring agent target_uri
+ url = urlparse(monitoring_agent_info.target_uri)
+ #Assuming target_uri is rabbitmq URI
+ fields["rabbit_user"] = url.username
+ fields["rabbit_password"] = url.password
+ fields["rabbit_host"] = url.hostname
+ template_name = "sync_monitoring_agent.yaml"
+ super(SyncVEGTenant, self).run_playbook(obj, fields, template_name)
+ pass
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_vegtenant.yaml b/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_vegtenant.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eba2a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_vegtenant.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+- hosts: {{ instance_name }}
+ gather_facts: False
+ connection: ssh
+ user: ubuntu
+ sudo: yes
+ vars:
+ cdn_enable: {{ cdn_enable }}
+ dnsdemux_ip: {{ dnsdemux_ip }}
+ firewall_enable: {{ firewall_enable }}
+ url_filter_enable: {{ url_filter_enable }}
+ c_tags:
+ {% for c_tag in c_tags %}
+ - {{ c_tag }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ s_tags:
+ {% for s_tag in s_tags %}
+ - {{ s_tag }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ firewall_rules:
+ {% for firewall_rule in firewall_rules.split("\n") %}
+ - {{ firewall_rule }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ cdn_prefixes:
+ {% for prefix in cdn_prefixes %}
+ - {{ prefix }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ bbs_addrs:
+ {% for bbs_addr in bbs_addrs %}
+ - {{ bbs_addr }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ dns_servers:
+ {% for dns_server in dns_servers %}
+ - {{ dns_server }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ nat_ip: {{ nat_ip }}
+ nat_mac: {{ nat_mac }}
+ lan_ip: {{ lan_ip }}
+ lan_mac: {{ lan_mac }}
+ wan_ip: {{ wan_ip }}
+ wan_mac: {{ wan_mac }}
+ wan_container_mac: {{ wan_container_mac }}
+ wan_next_hop: # FIX ME
+ private_ip: {{ private_ip }}
+ private_mac: {{ private_mac }}
+ hpc_client_ip: {{ hpc_client_ip }}
+ hpc_client_mac: {{ hpc_client_mac }}
+ keystone_tenant_id: {{ keystone_tenant_id }}
+ keystone_user_id: {{ keystone_user_id }}
+ rabbit_user: {{ rabbit_user }}
+ rabbit_password: {{ rabbit_password }}
+ rabbit_host: {{ rabbit_host }}
+ safe_browsing:
+ {% for mac in safe_browsing_macs %}
+ - {{ mac }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ uplink_speed: {{ uplink_speed }}
+ downlink_speed: {{ downlink_speed }}
+ status: {{ status }}
+ enable_uverse: {{ enable_uverse }}
+ url_filter_kind: {{ url_filter_kind }}
+ tasks:
+{% if full_setup %}
+ - name: Docker repository
+ copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/files/docker.list
+ dest=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
+ - name: Import the repository key
+ apt_key: id=36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9
+ - name: install Docker
+ apt: name=lxc-docker state=present update_cache=yes
+ - name: install python-setuptools
+ apt: name=python-setuptools state=present
+ - name: install pip
+ easy_install: name=pip
+ - name: install docker-py
+ pip: name=docker-py version=0.5.3
+ - name: install Pipework
+ get_url: url=
+ dest=/usr/local/bin/pipework
+ mode=0755
+ - name: make sure /etc/dnsmasq.d exists
+ file: path=/etc/dnsmasq.d state=directory owner=root group=root
+ - name: Disable resolvconf service
+ shell: service resolvconf stop
+ shell: echo manual > /etc/init/resolvconf.override
+ shell: rm -f /etc/resolv.conf
+ - name: Install resolv.conf
+ copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/files/vm-resolv.conf
+ dest=/etc/resolv.conf
+ - name: Verify if veg_stats_notifier ([] is to avoid capturing the shell process) cron job is already running
+ shell: pgrep -f [v]cpe_stats_notifier | wc -l
+ register: cron_job_pids_count
+# - name: DEBUG
+# debug: var=cron_job_pids_count.stdout
+# - name: make sure ~/bin exists
+# file: path=~/bin state=directory owner=root group=root
+# when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+ - name: Copy cron job to destination
+ copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/
+ dest=/usr/local/sbin/
+ when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+ - name: install python-kombu
+ apt: name=python-kombu state=present
+ when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+ - name: Initiate veg_stats_notifier cron job
+ command: sudo python /usr/local/sbin/ --keystone_tenant_id={{ keystone_tenant_id }} --keystone_user_id={{ keystone_user_id }} --rabbit_user={{ rabbit_user }} --rabbit_password={{ rabbit_password }} --rabbit_host={{ rabbit_host }} --vegservice_rabbit_exchange='vegservice'
+ async: 9999999999999999
+ poll: 0
+ when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+{% endif %}
+ - name: vEG upstart
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/veg.conf.j2 dest=/etc/init/veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}.conf
+ - name: vEG startup script
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/ dest=/usr/local/sbin/start-veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}.sh mode=0755
+ notify:
+# - restart veg
+ - stop veg
+ - remove container
+ - start veg
+ - name: create /etc/veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}/dnsmasq.d
+ file: path=/etc/veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}/dnsmasq.d state=directory owner=root group=root
+ - name: vEG basic dnsmasq config
+ copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/files/veg.dnsmasq dest=/etc/veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}/dnsmasq.d/veg.conf owner=root group=root
+ notify:
+ - restart dnsmasq
+ - name: dnsmasq config
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/dnsmasq_servers.j2 dest=/etc/veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}/dnsmasq.d/servers.conf owner=root group=root
+ notify:
+ - restart dnsmasq
+# These are samples, not necessary for correct function of demo
+# - name: networking info
+# template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/vlan_sample.j2 dest=/etc/vlan_sample owner=root group=root
+# - name: firewall info
+# template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/firewall_sample.j2 dest=/etc/firewall_sample owner=root group=root
+ - name: Make sure vEG service is running
+ service: name=veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} state=started
+ handlers:
+ # Dnsmasq is automatically restarted in the container
+ - name: restart dnsmasq
+ shell: docker exec veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} killall dnsmasq
+ - name: restart veg
+ shell: service veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} stop; sleep 1; service veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} start
+ - name: stop veg
+ service: name=veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} state=stopped
+ - name: remove container
+ docker: name=veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} state=absent image=docker-veg
+ - name: start veg
+ service: name=veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }} state=started
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_vegtenant_new.yaml b/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_vegtenant_new.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daa30f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_vegtenant_new.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+- hosts: {{ instance_name }}
+ gather_facts: False
+ connection: ssh
+ user: {{ username }}
+ sudo: yes
+ vars:
+ container_name: {{ container_name }}
+ cdn_enable: {{ cdn_enable }}
+ dnsdemux_ip: {{ dnsdemux_ip }}
+ firewall_enable: {{ firewall_enable }}
+ url_filter_enable: {{ url_filter_enable }}
+ c_tags:
+ {% for c_tag in c_tags %}
+ - {{ c_tag }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ s_tags:
+ {% for s_tag in s_tags %}
+ - {{ s_tag }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ firewall_rules:
+ {% for firewall_rule in firewall_rules.split("\n") %}
+ - {{ firewall_rule }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ cdn_prefixes:
+ {% for prefix in cdn_prefixes %}
+ - {{ prefix }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ bbs_addrs:
+ {% for bbs_addr in bbs_addrs %}
+ - {{ bbs_addr }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ dns_servers:
+ {% for dns_server in dns_servers %}
+ - {{ dns_server }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ nat_ip: {{ nat_ip }}
+ nat_mac: {{ nat_mac }}
+ lan_ip: {{ lan_ip }}
+ lan_mac: {{ lan_mac }}
+ wan_ip: {{ wan_ip }}
+ wan_mac: {{ wan_mac }}
+ wan_container_mac: {{ wan_container_mac }}
+ wan_next_hop: # FIX ME
+ private_ip: {{ private_ip }}
+ private_mac: {{ private_mac }}
+ hpc_client_ip: {{ hpc_client_ip }}
+ hpc_client_mac: {{ hpc_client_mac }}
+ keystone_tenant_id: {{ keystone_tenant_id }}
+ keystone_user_id: {{ keystone_user_id }}
+ rabbit_user: {{ rabbit_user }}
+ rabbit_password: {{ rabbit_password }}
+ rabbit_host: {{ rabbit_host }}
+ safe_browsing:
+ {% for mac in safe_browsing_macs %}
+ - {{ mac }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ uplink_speed: {{ uplink_speed }}
+ downlink_speed: {{ downlink_speed }}
+ status: {{ status }}
+ enable_uverse: {{ enable_uverse }}
+ url_filter_kind: {{ url_filter_kind }}
+ tasks:
+ - name: Verify if veg_stats_notifier ([] is to avoid capturing the shell process) cron job is already running
+ shell: pgrep -f [v]cpe_stats_notifier | wc -l
+ register: cron_job_pids_count
+# - name: DEBUG
+# debug: var=cron_job_pids_count.stdout
+ - name: make sure ~/bin exists
+ file: path=~/bin state=directory owner=root group=root
+ when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+ - name: Copy cron job to destination
+ copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/
+ dest=~/bin/
+ when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+ - name: install python-kombu
+ apt: name=python-kombu state=present
+ when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+ - name: Initiate veg_stats_notifier cron job
+ command: python ~/bin/ --keystone_tenant_id={{ keystone_tenant_id }} --keystone_user_id={{ keystone_user_id }} --rabbit_user={{ rabbit_user }} --rabbit_password={{ rabbit_password }} --rabbit_host={{ rabbit_host }} --vegservice_rabbit_exchange='vegservice'
+ async: 9999999999999999
+ poll: 0
+ when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+ - name: vEG basic dnsmasq config
+ copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/files/veg.dnsmasq dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/dnsmasq.d/veg.conf owner=root group=root
+ notify:
+ - restart dnsmasq
+ - name: dnsmasq config
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/dnsmasq_servers.j2 dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/dnsmasq.d/servers.conf owner=root group=root
+ notify:
+ - restart dnsmasq
+ - name: create directory for "safe" config
+ file: path=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/dnsmasq.d/safe state=directory
+ - name: dnsmasq "safe" config
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/dnsmasq_safe_servers.j2 dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/dnsmasq.d/safe/servers.conf owner=root group=root
+ notify:
+ - restart dnsmasq
+ - name: copy base ufw files
+ synchronize: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/files/etc/ufw/ dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/ufw/
+ notify:
+ - reload ufw
+ - name: redirection rules for safe DNS
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/before.rules.j2 dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/ufw/before.rules owner=root group=root
+ notify:
+ - reload ufw
+ - name: base ufw setup uses /etc/rc.local
+ copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/files/etc/rc.local dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/ owner=root group=root
+ notify:
+ - copy in /etc/rc.local
+ handlers:
+ # Dnsmasq is automatically restarted in the container
+ - name: restart dnsmasq
+ shell: docker exec {{ container_name }} /usr/bin/killall dnsmasq
+ - name: reload ufw
+ shell: docker exec {{ container_name }} bash -c "/sbin/iptables -t nat -F PREROUTING; /usr/sbin/ufw reload"
+ # Use docker cp instead of single-file volume
+ # The reason is that changes to external file volume don't show up inside the container
+ # Probably Ansible deletes and then recreates the external file, and container has old version
+ - name: copy in /etc/rc.local
+ shell: docker cp /var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/rc.local {{ container_name }}:/etc/
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_vegtenant_vtn.yaml b/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_vegtenant_vtn.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fed64ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/sync_vegtenant_vtn.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+- hosts: {{ instance_name }}
+ #gather_facts: False
+ connection: ssh
+ user: ubuntu
+ sudo: yes
+ vars:
+ container_name: {{ container_name }}
+ cdn_enable: {{ cdn_enable }}
+ dnsdemux_ip: {{ dnsdemux_ip }}
+ firewall_enable: {{ firewall_enable }}
+ url_filter_enable: {{ url_filter_enable }}
+ docker_remote_image_name: {{ docker_remote_image_name }}
+ docker_local_image_name: {{ docker_local_image_name }}
+ docker_opts: {{ docker_opts }}
+ c_tags:
+ {% for c_tag in c_tags %}
+ - {{ c_tag }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ s_tags:
+ {% for s_tag in s_tags %}
+ - {{ s_tag }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ firewall_rules:
+ {% for firewall_rule in firewall_rules.split("\n") %}
+ - {{ firewall_rule }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ cdn_prefixes:
+ {% for prefix in cdn_prefixes %}
+ - {{ prefix }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ bbs_addrs:
+ {% for bbs_addr in bbs_addrs %}
+ - {{ bbs_addr }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ dns_servers:
+ {% for dns_server in dns_servers %}
+ - {{ dns_server }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ nat_ip: {{ nat_ip }}
+ nat_mac: {{ nat_mac }}
+ lan_ip: {{ lan_ip }}
+ lan_mac: {{ lan_mac }}
+ wan_ip: {{ wan_ip }}
+ wan_mac: {{ wan_mac }}
+ wan_container_ip: {{ wan_container_ip }}
+ wan_container_netbits: {{ wan_container_netbits }}
+ wan_container_mac: {{ wan_container_mac }}
+ wan_container_gateway_ip: {{ wan_container_gateway_ip }}
+ wan_vm_ip: {{ wan_vm_ip }}
+ wan_vm_mac: {{ wan_vm_mac }}
+ wan_next_hop: # FIX ME
+ private_ip: {{ private_ip }}
+ private_mac: {{ private_mac }}
+ hpc_client_ip: {{ hpc_client_ip }}
+ hpc_client_mac: {{ hpc_client_mac }}
+ keystone_tenant_id: {{ keystone_tenant_id }}
+ keystone_user_id: {{ keystone_user_id }}
+ rabbit_user: {{ rabbit_user }}
+ rabbit_password: {{ rabbit_password }}
+ rabbit_host: {{ rabbit_host }}
+ safe_browsing:
+ {% for mac in safe_browsing_macs %}
+ - {{ mac }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ uplink_speed: {{ uplink_speed }}
+ downlink_speed: {{ downlink_speed }}
+ status: {{ status }}
+ enable_uverse: {{ enable_uverse }}
+ url_filter_kind: {{ url_filter_kind }}
+ tasks:
+ - name: Add hostname to /etc/hosts
+ lineinfile: dest=/etc/hosts
+ regexp='^127\.0\.0\.1'
+ line=" localhost {{ '{{' }} ansible_hostname {{ '}}' }}"
+ owner=root group=root mode=0644
+ - name: Verify that bridge-utils is installed
+ shell: stat /sbin/brctl
+ - name: Verify that docker is installed
+ shell: stat /usr/bin/docker
+ - name: Check to see if network is setup
+ stat: path=/root/network_is_setup
+ register: network_is_setup
+ - name: set up the network
+ shell: "{{ '{{' }} item {{ '}}' }}"
+ with_items:
+ - ip link del link eth0 eth0.500 || true
+ - ip link add link eth0 eth0.500 type vlan id 500
+ - ip link set eth0.500 up
+ - ifconfig br-wan down || true
+ - brctl delbr br-wan || true
+ - brctl addbr br-wan
+ - brctl addif br-wan eth0.500
+ - ifconfig br-wan hw ether {{ wan_vm_mac }}
+ - ip addr add {{ wan_vm_ip }}/{{ wan_container_netbits }} dev br-wan
+ - ip link set br-wan up
+ - ip route del default || true
+ - ip route add default via {{ wan_container_gateway_ip }}
+ - ip link set dev br-wan promisc on
+ when: network_is_setup.stat.exists == False
+ - name: Remember that the network is setup, so we never do the above again
+ shell: touch /root/network_is_setup
+{% if full_setup %}
+ - name: Check to see if environment is setup
+ stat: path=/root/environment_is_setup
+ register: environment_is_setup
+# Everything here is now baked into the vEG image
+# Leave this spot in place for future temporary setup stuff
+ - name: Remember that the environment is setup, so we never do the above again
+ shell: touch /root/environment_is_setup
+ - name: Verify if veg_stats_notifier ([] is to avoid capturing the shell process) cron job is already running
+ shell: pgrep -f [v]cpe_stats_notifier | wc -l
+ register: cron_job_pids_count
+# - name: DEBUG
+# debug: var=cron_job_pids_count.stdout
+# - name: make sure ~/bin exists
+# file: path=~/bin state=directory owner=root group=root
+# when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+# - name: Copy cron job to destination
+# copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/
+# dest=/usr/local/sbin/
+# when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+# - name: install python-kombu
+# apt: name=python-kombu state=present
+# when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+# - name: Initiate veg_stats_notifier cron job
+# command: sudo python /usr/local/sbin/ --keystone_tenant_id={{ keystone_tenant_id }} --keystone_user_id={{ keystone_user_id }} --rabbit_user={{ rabbit_user }} --rabbit_password={{ rabbit_password }} --rabbit_host={{ rabbit_host }} --vegservice_rabbit_exchange='vegservice'
+# async: 9999999999999999
+# poll: 0
+# when: cron_job_pids_count.stdout == "0"
+{% endif %}
+ - name: Set docker options
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/docker.j2 dest=/etc/default/docker
+ notify:
+ - restart docker
+ - name: vEG upstart
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/veg.conf.j2 dest=/etc/init/{{ container_name }}.conf
+ - name: vEG startup script
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/ dest=/usr/local/sbin/start-{{ container_name }}.sh mode=0755
+ notify:
+# - restart veg
+ - stop veg
+ - remove container
+ - start veg
+ - name: create /var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/dnsmasq.d/safe/
+ file: path=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/dnsmasq.d/safe state=directory owner=root group=root
+ - name: vEG basic dnsmasq config
+ copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/files/veg.dnsmasq dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/dnsmasq.d/veg.conf owner=root group=root
+ notify:
+ - restart dnsmasq
+ - name: dnsmasq config
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/dnsmasq_servers.j2 dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/dnsmasq.d/servers.conf owner=root group=root
+ notify:
+ - restart dnsmasq
+ - name: dnsmasq "safe" config
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/dnsmasq_safe_servers.j2 dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/dnsmasq.d/safe/servers.conf owner=root group=root
+ notify:
+ - restart dnsmasq
+ - name: create /var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/mount/
+ file: path=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/mount state=directory owner=root group=root
+ - name: redirection rules for safe DNS
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/before.rules.j2 dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/mount/before.rules owner=root group=root mode=0644
+ notify:
+ - reload ufw
+ - name: base ufw setup uses /etc/rc.local
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/rc.local.j2 dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/mount/rc.local owner=root group=root mode=0755
+ notify:
+ - rerun /etc/rc.local
+ - name: create directory for local programs
+ file: path=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/usr/local/sbin state=directory
+ - name: bandwidth limit script
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/ dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/usr/local/sbin/ owner=root group=root mode=0755
+ notify:
+ - reset bwlimits
+ - name: create directory for simple webserver
+ file: path=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/service/message state=directory
+ - name: copy simple webserver
+ copy: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/files/etc/service/ dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/service/ owner=root group=root
+ when: status != "enabled"
+ - name: make webserver script executable
+ file: path=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/service/message/run mode=0755
+ when: status != "enabled"
+ - name: generate the message page
+ template: src=/opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/templates/message.html.j2 dest=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/service/message/message.html owner=root group=root mode=0644
+ when: status != "enabled"
+ #notify: restart veg
+ - name: remove simple webserver
+ file: path=/var/container_volumes/{{ container_name }}/etc/service/message/run state=absent
+ when: status == "enabled"
+ #notify: restart veg
+ - name: Make sure vEG service is running
+ service: name={{ container_name }} state=started
+ handlers:
+ # Dnsmasq is automatically restarted in the container
+ - name: restart dnsmasq
+ shell: docker exec {{ container_name }} killall dnsmasq
+ - name: stop veg
+ service: name={{ container_name }} state=stopped
+ - name: remove container
+ docker: name={{ container_name }} state=absent image=docker-veg
+ - name: start veg
+ service: name={{ container_name }} state=started
+ - name: reload ufw
+ shell: docker exec {{ container_name }} bash -c "/sbin/iptables -t nat -F PREROUTING; /sbin/iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING; /usr/sbin/ufw reload"
+ - name: rerun /etc/rc.local
+ shell: docker exec {{ container_name }} bash -c "/etc/rc.local"
+ - name: reset bwlimits
+ shell: docker exec {{ container_name }} bash -c "/usr/local/sbin/ restart"
+ - name: restart veg
+ shell: service {{ container_name }} stop; sleep 1; service {{ container_name }} start
+ - name: restart docker
+ shell: service docker restart
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/test.yaml b/xos/synchronizer/steps/test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc8251d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+- hosts: {{ instance_name }}
+ connection: ssh
+ user: ubuntu
+ tasks:
+ - name: foobar
+ shell: echo foo > /tmp/foobar
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/ b/xos/synchronizer/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0fc7b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+pkill -9 -f
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/supervisor/veg-observer.conf b/xos/synchronizer/supervisor/veg-observer.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5868a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/supervisor/veg-observer.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+command=python /opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/ -C /opt/xos/synchronizers/veg/veg_synchronizer_config
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/before.rules.j2 b/xos/synchronizer/templates/before.rules.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b60aaef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/before.rules.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# rules.before
+# Rules that should be run before the ufw command line added rules. Custom
+# rules should be added to one of these chains:
+# ufw-before-input
+# ufw-before-output
+# ufw-before-forward
+# nat Table rules
+# Forward traffic from eth1 through eth0.
+# Set up NAT for CDN services
+# DNS safe browsing
+{% if safe_browsing %}
+{% for mac in safe_browsing %}
+-A PREROUTING -i eth1 -m mac --mac-source {{ mac }} -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-port 5353
+-A PREROUTING -i eth1 -m mac --mac-source {{ mac }} -p tcp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-port 5353
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if status != "enabled" %}
+-A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8000
+{% endif %}
+# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these nat table rules won't be processed
+# Don't delete these required lines, otherwise there will be errors
+:ufw-before-input - [0:0]
+:ufw-before-output - [0:0]
+:ufw-before-forward - [0:0]
+:ufw-not-local - [0:0]
+# End required lines
+# allow all on loopback
+-A ufw-before-input -i lo -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw-before-output -o lo -j ACCEPT
+# quickly process packets for which we already have a connection
+-A ufw-before-input -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw-before-output -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw-before-forward -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
+# drop INVALID packets (logs these in loglevel medium and higher)
+-A ufw-before-input -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j ufw-logging-deny
+-A ufw-before-input -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP
+# ok icmp codes for INPUT
+-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type source-quench -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
+# ok icmp code for FORWARD
+-A ufw-before-forward -p icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw-before-forward -p icmp --icmp-type source-quench -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw-before-forward -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw-before-forward -p icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem -j ACCEPT
+-A ufw-before-forward -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
+# allow dhcp client to work
+-A ufw-before-input -p udp --sport 67 --dport 68 -j ACCEPT
+# ufw-not-local
+-A ufw-before-input -j ufw-not-local
+-A ufw-not-local -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j RETURN
+-A ufw-not-local -m addrtype --dst-type MULTICAST -j RETURN
+-A ufw-not-local -m addrtype --dst-type BROADCAST -j RETURN
+# all other non-local packets are dropped
+-A ufw-not-local -m limit --limit 3/min --limit-burst 10 -j ufw-logging-deny
+-A ufw-not-local -j DROP
+# allow MULTICAST mDNS for service discovery (be sure the MULTICAST line above
+# is uncommented)
+-A ufw-before-input -p udp -d --dport 5353 -j ACCEPT
+# allow MULTICAST UPnP for service discovery (be sure the MULTICAST line above
+# is uncommented)
+-A ufw-before-input -p udp -d --dport 1900 -j ACCEPT
+# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b267ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# tc uses the following units when passed as a parameter.
+# kbps: Kilobytes per second
+# mbps: Megabytes per second
+# kbit: Kilobits per second
+# mbit: Megabits per second
+# bps: Bytes per second
+# Amounts of data can be specified in:
+# kb or k: Kilobytes
+# mb or m: Megabytes
+# mbit: Megabits
+# kbit: Kilobits
+# To get the byte figure from bits, divide the number by 8 bit
+WAN=eth0 # External (WAN side) interface
+LAN=eth1 # Customer (LAN side) interface
+MAXRATE=10gbit # Maximum upload/download rate
+DNLD={{ downlink_speed }} # DOWNLOAD Limit
+UPLD={{ uplink_speed }} # UPLOAD Limit
+[ "$DNLD" == "None" ] && DNLD=$MAXRATE
+[ "$UPLD" == "None" ] && UPLD=$MAXRATE
+start() {
+# We'll use Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB) to shape bandwidth.
+# For detailed configuration options, please consult Linux man
+# page.
+ #
+ # WAN side (upload limiting)
+ #
+ $TC qdisc add dev $WAN root handle 1: htb default 30
+ $TC class add dev $WAN parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate $MAXRATE burst 15k
+ # The default class
+ $TC class add dev $WAN parent 1:1 classid 1:30 htb rate 1kbit ceil $UPLD burst 15k
+ $TC qdisc add dev $WAN parent 1:30 handle 30: sfq perturb 10
+ # This class is exempt from the upload limit
+ $TC class add dev $WAN parent 1:1 classid 1:50 htb rate 1kbit ceil $MAXRATE burst 15k
+ $TC qdisc add dev $WAN parent 1:50 handle 50: sfq perturb 10
+ #
+ # LAN side (download limiting)
+ #
+ $TC qdisc add dev $LAN root handle 1: htb default 30
+ $TC class add dev $LAN parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate $MAXRATE burst 15k
+ # The default class
+ $TC class add dev $LAN parent 1:1 classid 1:30 htb rate 1kbit ceil $DNLD burst 15k
+ $TC qdisc add dev $LAN parent 1:30 handle 30: sfq perturb 10
+ # This class is exempt from the download limit
+ $TC class add dev $LAN parent 1:1 classid 1:50 htb rate 1kbit ceil $MAXRATE burst 15k
+ $TC qdisc add dev $LAN parent 1:50 handle 50: sfq perturb 10
+stop() {
+# Stop the bandwidth shaping.
+ $TC qdisc del dev $WAN root
+ $TC qdisc del dev $LAN root
+restart() {
+# Self-explanatory.
+ stop
+ sleep 1
+ start
+show() {
+# Display status of traffic control status.
+ echo "Download ($LAN):"
+ $TC -s class show dev $LAN
+ echo ""
+ echo "Upload ($WAN):"
+ $TC -s class show dev $WAN
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ echo -n "Starting bandwidth shaping: "
+ start
+ echo "done"
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ echo -n "Stopping bandwidth shaping: "
+ stop
+ echo "done"
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ echo -n "Restarting bandwidth shaping: "
+ restart
+ echo "done"
+ ;;
+ show)
+ echo "Bandwidth shaping status:"
+ show
+ echo ""
+ ;;
+ *)
+ pwd=$(pwd)
+ echo "Usage: tc.bash {start|stop|restart|show}"
+ ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/dnsmasq_safe_servers.j2 b/xos/synchronizer/templates/dnsmasq_safe_servers.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b3c807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/dnsmasq_safe_servers.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This file autogenerated by vCPE observer
+# It contains a list of DNS servers for dnsmasq to use.
+{% if cdn_enable %}
+{% if cdn_prefixes %}
+# CDN
+{% for prefix in cdn_prefixes %}
+server=/{{ prefix }}/{{ dnsdemux_ip }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+# use OpenDNS service
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/dnsmasq_servers.j2 b/xos/synchronizer/templates/dnsmasq_servers.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ecb319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/dnsmasq_servers.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This file autogenerated by vCPE observer
+# It contains a list of DNS servers for dnsmasq to use.
+{% if cdn_enable %}
+{% if cdn_prefixes %}
+# CDN
+{% for prefix in cdn_prefixes %}
+server=/{{ prefix }}/{{ dnsdemux_ip }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if url_filter_kind=="answerx" %}
+{% endif %}
+# temporary for ONS demo
+# use google's DNS service
+{% for dns_server in dns_servers %}
+server={{ dns_server }}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/docker.j2 b/xos/synchronizer/templates/docker.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48f5c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/docker.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Docker Upstart and SysVinit configuration file
+# Customize location of Docker binary (especially for development testing).
+# Use DOCKER_OPTS to modify the daemon startup options.
+#DOCKER_OPTS="--dns --dns"
+DOCKER_OPTS="{{ docker_opts }}"
+# If you need Docker to use an HTTP proxy, it can also be specified here.
+#export http_proxy=""
+# This is also a handy place to tweak where Docker's temporary files go.
+#export TMPDIR="/mnt/bigdrive/docker-tmp"
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/firewall_sample.j2 b/xos/synchronizer/templates/firewall_sample.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce85e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/firewall_sample.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+firewall_enable = {{ firewall_enable }}
+{% for firewall_rule in firewall_rules %}
+{{ firewall_rule }}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/message.html.j2 b/xos/synchronizer/templates/message.html.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb4497a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/message.html.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+ <meta charset="UTF-8">
+ <title>Service Suspended</title>
+ <style>
+ .row {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
+ .col-sm-offset-2 {
+ margin-left: 16.66666667%;
+ }
+ .col-sm-8 {
+ width: 66.66666667%;
+ }
+ .alert-danger {
+ color: #a94442;
+ background-color: #f2dede;
+ border-color: #a94442;
+ }
+ .alert {
+ padding: 15px;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ }
+ body {
+ background-size: cover;
+ background-color: #00BFEC;
+ font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1.42857143;
+ }
+ .vertical-center {
+ min-height: 100%; /* Fallback for browsers do NOT support vh unit */
+ min-height: 100vh; /* These two lines are counted as one :-) */
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ }
+ .jumbotron {
+ padding: 60px;
+ border-radius: 6px;
+ background-color: #eee;
+ box-shadow: 4px 4px 18px black;
+ }
+ .cord-logo-title{
+ font-size: 150px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ color: #007EC4;
+ }
+ path {
+ fill: #B2181E;
+ }
+ #cord-logo {
+ transform: scale(1.3)
+ }
+ @media only screen
+ and (min-device-width : 768px)
+ and (max-device-width : 1024px) {
+ #cord-logo {
+ transform: scale(1.2)
+ }
+ .cord-logo-title{
+ font-size: 100px;
+ }
+ }
+ </style>
+ <div class="container vertical-center">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2">
+ <div class="jumbotron">
+ <div class="cord-logo-title">
+ <svg height="150" width="150">
+ <path id="cord-logo" d="M92.5,62.3l-33,33,2.5,2.5c4.1,4.1,7.4,3.6,11.2-.1L95.9,75l-4.5-4.5,4.7-4.7-3.6-3.6Zm2.6,7L98.4,66l3.3,3.3-3.3,3.3-3.3-3.3ZM94.5,60l4.9-4.9,4.9,4.9-4.9,4.9ZM36.2,36.1L18.6,53.8c-7.8,7.8-5.8,17.4-2.4,22l-2.2-2.2c-10.6-10.6-11.2-20,0-31.2L28.2,28.1L31.3,25l8,8-3.1,3.1ZM55.5,55.4l3.6-3.6L66.9,44l-8-8l-2.5,2.5-5.2,5.2l-3.6,3.6L33.2,61.6C22,72.7,22.5,82.2,33.2,92.8L35.4,95c-3.4-4.5-5.4-14.1,2.4-22L55.5,55.4ZM50.7,21.7l-8-8L35,21.2l8,8,7.6-7.6ZM62.8,9.6L55.4,17l-8-8,7.4-7.4,8,8Zm0.7,18.3-7.6,7.6-8-8,7.6-7.6,8,8Zm26.1-6.6-8.1,8.1-8-8,8.1-8.1,8,8ZM79.3,31.5l-7.4,7.4-8-8,7.4-7.4,8,8ZM45.7,45.6L54.3,37l-8-8-8.6,8.6L23.4,51.8C12.2,63,12.8,72.4,23.4,83l2.2,2.2c-3.4-4.5-5.4-14.1,2.4-22ZM34.9,80.7l20.6,20.5c2,2,4.6,4.1,7.9,3.2-2.9,2.9-8.9,1.7-11.9-1.3L35.1,86.8,35,86.6H34.9l-0.8-.8a15,15,0,0,1,.1-1.9,14.7,14.7,0,0,1,.7-3.2Zm-0.6,7.4a21.3,21.3,0,0,0,5.9,11.7l5.7,5.7c3,3,9,4.1,11.9,1.3-3.3.9-5.9-1.2-7.9-3.2L34.3,88.1Zm3.5-12.4a16.6,16.6,0,0,0-2.3,3.6L57,100.8c3,3,9,4.1,11.9,1.3-3.3.9-5.9-1.2-7.9-3.2Z" />
+ Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.
+ </svg>
+ </div>
+ <div class="alert alert-danger">
+ {% if status == "delinquent" %}
+ Your account is delinquent. Please visit the customer portal to pay your bill.
+ {% elif status == "copyrightviolation" %}
+ Someone in your home has been illegally downloading copyrighted material.
+ Please visit the customer portal and perform the Copyright Training course.
+ {% else %}
+ Your service has been suspended. Please visit the customer portal to resume.
+ {% endif %}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/rc.local.j2 b/xos/synchronizer/templates/rc.local.j2
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4226a48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/rc.local.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# rc.local
+# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
+# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
+# value on error.
+# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
+# bits.
+# By default this script does nothing.
+ufw enable
+ufw allow bootps
+ufw allow from
+{% if status == "enabled" %}
+ufw route allow in on eth1 out on eth0
+ufw route allow in on eth1 out on eth2
+{% else %}
+ufw route deny in on eth1 out on eth0
+ufw route deny in on eth1 out on eth2
+{% endif %}
+[ -e $BWLIMIT ] && $BWLIMIT restart || true
+exit 0
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4f50f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+function mac_to_iface {
+ MAC=$1
+ ifconfig|grep $MAC| awk '{print $1}'|grep -v '\.'
+iptables -L > /dev/null
+ip6tables -L > /dev/null
+STAG={{ s_tags[0] }}
+CTAG={{ c_tags[0] }}
+docker inspect $VEG > /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ "$?" == 1 ]
+ docker pull {{ docker_remote_image_name }}
+ docker run -d --name=$VEG --privileged=true --net=none \
+ -v /var/container_volumes/$VEG/mount:/mount:ro \
+ -v /var/container_volumes/$VEG/etc/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d:ro \
+ -v /var/container_volumes/$VEG/etc/service/message:/etc/service/message \
+ -v /var/container_volumes/$VEG/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:ro \
+ {{ docker_local_image_name }}
+ docker start $VEG
+# Set up networking via pipework
+docker exec $VEG ifconfig eth0 >> /dev/null || pipework $WAN_IFACE -i eth0 $VEG {{ wan_container_ip }}/{{ wan_container_netbits }}@{{ wan_container_gateway_ip }} {{ wan_container_mac }}
+ifconfig $LAN_IFACE >> /dev/null
+if [ "$?" == 0 ]
+ ifconfig $LAN_IFACE.$STAG >> /dev/null || ip link add link $LAN_IFACE name $LAN_IFACE.$STAG type vlan id $STAG
+ ifconfig $LAN_IFACE.$STAG up
+ docker exec $VEG ifconfig eth1 >> /dev/null || pipework $LAN_IFACE.$STAG -i eth1 $VEG @$CTAG
+#HPC_IFACE=$( mac_to_iface {{ hpc_client_mac }} )
+#docker exec $VEG ifconfig eth2 >> /dev/null || pipework $HPC_IFACE -i eth2 $VEG {{ hpc_client_ip }}/24
+# Make sure VM's eth0 (hpc_client) has no IP address
+#ifconfig $HPC_IFACE
+# Attach to container
+docker start -a $VEG
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5f21abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+function mac_to_iface {
+ MAC=$1
+ ifconfig|grep $MAC| awk '{print $1}'|grep -v '\.'
+iptables -L > /dev/null
+ip6tables -L > /dev/null
+STAG={{ s_tags[0] }}
+CTAG={{ c_tags[0] }}
+docker inspect $VEG > /dev/null 2>&1
+if [ "$?" == 1 ]
+ docker pull andybavier/docker-veg
+ docker run -d --name=$VEG --privileged=true --net=none -v /etc/$VEG/dnsmasq.d:/etc/dnsmasq.d andybavier/docker-veg
+ docker start $VEG
+# Set up networking via pipework
+WAN_IFACE=$( mac_to_iface {{ wan_mac }} )
+docker exec $VEG ifconfig eth0 >> /dev/null || pipework $WAN_IFACE -i eth0 $VEG {{ wan_ip }}/24@{{ wan_next_hop }} {{ wan_container_mac }}
+# LAN_IFACE=$( mac_to_iface {{ lan_mac }} )
+# Need to encapsulate VLAN traffic so that Neutron doesn't eat it
+# Assumes that br-lan has been set up appropriately by a previous step
+ifconfig $LAN_IFACE >> /dev/null
+if [ "$?" == 0 ]
+ ifconfig $LAN_IFACE.$STAG >> /dev/null || ip link add link $LAN_IFACE name $LAN_IFACE.$STAG type vlan id $STAG
+ ifconfig $LAN_IFACE.$STAG up
+ docker exec $VEG ifconfig eth1 >> /dev/null || pipework $LAN_IFACE.$STAG -i eth1 $VEG @$CTAG
+#HPC_IFACE=$( mac_to_iface {{ hpc_client_mac }} )
+#docker exec $VEG ifconfig eth2 >> /dev/null || pipework $HPC_IFACE -i eth2 $VEG {{ hpc_client_ip }}/24
+# Make sure VM's eth0 (hpc_client) has no IP address
+#ifconfig $HPC_IFACE
+# Now can start up dnsmasq
+docker exec $VEG service dnsmasq start
+# Attach to container
+docker start -a $VEG
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/veg.conf.j2 b/xos/synchronizer/templates/veg.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39df9c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/veg.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Upstart script for vEG
+description "vEG container"
+author ""
+start on filesystem and started docker
+stop on runlevel [!2345]
+ /usr/local/sbin/start-veg-{{ s_tags[0] }}-{{ c_tags[0] }}.sh
+end script
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/templates/vlan_sample.j2 b/xos/synchronizer/templates/vlan_sample.j2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51d7902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/templates/vlan_sample.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# below is a list of all vlan_ids associated with this veg
+{% for vlan_id in c_tags %}
+{{ vlan_id }}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/ b/xos/synchronizer/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..84bec4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This imports and runs ../../
+import importlib
+import os
+import sys
+observer_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),"../../synchronizers/base")
+mod = importlib.import_module("xos-synchronizer")
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/ b/xos/synchronizer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a380b58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+import six
+import uuid
+import datetime
+from kombu.connection import BrokerConnection
+from kombu.messaging import Exchange, Queue, Consumer, Producer
+import subprocess
+import re
+import time, threading
+import sys, getopt
+import logging
+import os
+logfile = "veg_stats_notifier.log"
+# create formatter
+formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s;%(levelname)s;%(message)s")
+handler=logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(logfile,maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=1)
+# add formatter to handler
+def get_all_docker_containers():
+ p = subprocess.Popen('docker ps --no-trunc', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ firstline = True
+ dockercontainers = {}
+ while True:
+ out = p.stdout.readline()
+ if out == '' and p.poll() != None:
+ break
+ if out != '':
+ if firstline is True:
+ firstline = False
+ else:
+ fields = out.split()
+ container_fields = {}
+ container_fields['id'] = fields[0]
+ dockercontainers[fields[-1]] = container_fields
+ return dockercontainers
+def extract_compute_stats_from_all_vegs(dockercontainers):
+ for k,v in dockercontainers.iteritems():
+ cmd = 'sudo docker stats --no-stream=true ' + v['id']
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ firstline = True
+ while True:
+ out = p.stdout.readline()
+ if out == '' and p.poll() != None:
+ break
+ if out != '':
+ if firstline is True:
+ firstline = False
+ else:
+ fields = out.split()
+ v['cpu_util'] = fields[1][:-1]
+ if fields[6] == 'GB':
+ v['memory'] = str(float(fields[5]) * 1000)
+ else:
+ v['memory'] = fields[5]
+ if fields[3] == 'GB':
+ v['memory_usage'] = str(float(fields[2]) * 1000)
+ else:
+ v['memory_usage'] = fields[2]
+ v['network_stats'] = []
+ for intf in ['eth0', 'eth1']:
+ cmd = 'sudo docker exec ' + v['id'] + ' ifconfig ' + intf
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out,err = p.communicate()
+ if out:
+ intf_stats = {}
+ m ="RX bytes:(\d+)", str(out))
+ if m:
+ intf_stats['rx_bytes'] =
+ m ="TX bytes:(\d+)", str(out))
+ if m:
+ intf_stats['tx_bytes'] =
+ m ="RX packets:(\d+)", str(out))
+ if m:
+ intf_stats['rx_packets'] =
+ m ="TX packets:(\d+)", str(out))
+ if m:
+ intf_stats['tx_packets'] =
+ if intf_stats:
+ intf_stats['intf'] = intf
+ v['network_stats'].append(intf_stats)
+def extract_dns_stats_from_all_vegs(dockercontainers):
+ for k,v in dockercontainers.iteritems():
+ cmd = 'docker exec ' + v['id'] + ' killall -10 dnsmasq'
+ p = subprocess.Popen (cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ (output, error) = p.communicate()
+ if error:
+ logger.error("killall dnsmasq command failed with error = %s",error)
+ continue
+ cmd = 'docker exec ' + v['id'] + ' tail -7 /var/log/syslog'
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ (output, error) = p.communicate()
+ if error:
+ logger.error("tail on dnsmasq log command failed with error = %s",error)
+ continue
+ log_list = output.splitlines()
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(log_list):
+ m ='(?<=:\scache size\s)(\S*)(?=,\s),\s(\S*)(?=/)/(\S*)(?=\scache insertions re-used unexpired cache entries)', log_list[i])
+ if m == None:
+ i = i+1
+ continue;
+ v['cache_size'] =
+ v['replaced_unexpired_entries'] =
+ v['total_inserted_entries'] =
+ i = i+1
+ m ='(?<=:\squeries forwarded\s)(\S*)(?=,),\squeries answered locally\s(\S*)(?=$)', log_list[i])
+ v['queries_forwarded'] =
+ v['queries_answered_locally'] =
+ break;
+ i = i+2
+ v['server_stats'] = []
+ while i < len(log_list):
+ m ='(?<=:\sserver\s)(\S*)(?=#)#\d*:\squeries sent\s(\S*)(?=,),\sretried or failed\s(\S*)(?=$)', log_list[i])
+ if m == None:
+ i = i+1
+ continue
+ dns_server = {}
+ dns_server['id'] =
+ dns_server['queries_sent'] =
+ dns_server['queries_failed'] =
+ v['server_stats'].append(dns_server)
+ i = i+1
+ return dockercontainers
+producer = None
+def setup_rabbit_mq_channel():
+ global producer
+ global rabbit_user, rabbit_password, rabbit_host, vegservice_rabbit_exchange,cpe_publisher_id
+ vegservice_exchange = Exchange(vegservice_rabbit_exchange, "topic", durable=False)
+ # connections/channels
+ connection = BrokerConnection(rabbit_host, rabbit_user, rabbit_password)
+'Connection to RabbitMQ server successful')
+ channel =
+ # produce
+ producer = Producer(channel, exchange=vegservice_exchange, routing_key='')
+ p = subprocess.Popen('hostname', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ (hostname, error) = p.communicate()
+ cpe_publisher_id = cpe_publisher_id + '_on_' + hostname
+def publish_cpe_stats():
+ global producer
+ global keystone_tenant_id, keystone_user_id, cpe_publisher_id
+ logger.debug('publish_cpe_stats invoked')
+ dockercontainers = get_all_docker_containers()
+ cpe_container_compute_stats = extract_compute_stats_from_all_vegs(dockercontainers)
+ cpe_container_dns_stats = extract_dns_stats_from_all_vegs(dockercontainers)
+ for k,v in cpe_container_dns_stats.iteritems():
+ msg = {'event_type': 'veg',
+ 'message_id':six.text_type(uuid.uuid4()),
+ 'publisher_id': cpe_publisher_id,
+ 'timestamp',
+ 'priority':'INFO',
+ 'payload': {'veg_id':k,
+ 'user_id':keystone_user_id,
+ 'tenant_id':keystone_tenant_id
+ }
+ }
+ producer.publish(msg)
+ logger.debug('Publishing veg event: %s', msg)
+ compute_payload = {}
+ if 'cpu_util' in v:
+ compute_payload['cpu_util']= v['cpu_util']
+ if 'memory' in v:
+ compute_payload['memory']= v['memory']
+ if 'memory_usage' in v:
+ compute_payload['memory_usage']= v['memory_usage']
+ if ('network_stats' in v) and (v['network_stats']):
+ compute_payload['network_stats']= v['network_stats']
+ if compute_payload:
+ compute_payload['veg_id'] = k
+ compute_payload['user_id'] = keystone_user_id
+ compute_payload['tenant_id'] = keystone_tenant_id
+ msg = {'event_type': 'veg.compute.stats',
+ 'message_id':six.text_type(uuid.uuid4()),
+ 'publisher_id': cpe_publisher_id,
+ 'timestamp',
+ 'priority':'INFO',
+ 'payload': compute_payload
+ }
+ producer.publish(msg)
+ logger.debug('Publishing veg.dns.cache.size event: %s', msg)
+ if 'cache_size' in v:
+ msg = {'event_type': 'veg.dns.cache.size',
+ 'message_id':six.text_type(uuid.uuid4()),
+ 'publisher_id': cpe_publisher_id,
+ 'timestamp',
+ 'priority':'INFO',
+ 'payload': {'veg_id':k,
+ 'user_id':keystone_user_id,
+ 'tenant_id':keystone_tenant_id,
+ 'cache_size':v['cache_size']
+ }
+ }
+ producer.publish(msg)
+ logger.debug('Publishing veg.dns.cache.size event: %s', msg)
+ if 'total_inserted_entries' in v:
+ msg = {'event_type': 'veg.dns.total_inserted_entries',
+ 'message_id':six.text_type(uuid.uuid4()),
+ 'publisher_id': cpe_publisher_id,
+ 'timestamp',
+ 'priority':'INFO',
+ 'payload': {'veg_id':k,
+ 'user_id':keystone_user_id,
+ 'tenant_id':keystone_tenant_id,
+ 'total_inserted_entries':v['total_inserted_entries']
+ }
+ }
+ producer.publish(msg)
+ logger.debug('Publishing veg.dns.total_inserted_entries event: %s', msg)
+ if 'replaced_unexpired_entries' in v:
+ msg = {'event_type': 'veg.dns.replaced_unexpired_entries',
+ 'message_id':six.text_type(uuid.uuid4()),
+ 'publisher_id': cpe_publisher_id,
+ 'timestamp',
+ 'priority':'INFO',
+ 'payload': {'veg_id':k,
+ 'user_id':keystone_user_id,
+ 'tenant_id':keystone_tenant_id,
+ 'replaced_unexpired_entries':v['replaced_unexpired_entries']
+ }
+ }
+ producer.publish(msg)
+ logger.debug('Publishing veg.dns.replaced_unexpired_entries event: %s', msg)
+ if 'queries_forwarded' in v:
+ msg = {'event_type': 'veg.dns.queries_forwarded',
+ 'message_id':six.text_type(uuid.uuid4()),
+ 'publisher_id': cpe_publisher_id,
+ 'timestamp',
+ 'priority':'INFO',
+ 'payload': {'veg_id':k,
+ 'user_id':keystone_user_id,
+ 'tenant_id':keystone_tenant_id,
+ 'queries_forwarded':v['queries_forwarded']
+ }
+ }
+ producer.publish(msg)
+ logger.debug('Publishing veg.dns.queries_forwarded event: %s', msg)
+ if 'queries_answered_locally' in v:
+ msg = {'event_type': 'veg.dns.queries_answered_locally',
+ 'message_id':six.text_type(uuid.uuid4()),
+ 'publisher_id': cpe_publisher_id,
+ 'timestamp',
+ 'priority':'INFO',
+ 'payload': {'veg_id':k,
+ 'user_id':keystone_user_id,
+ 'tenant_id':keystone_tenant_id,
+ 'queries_answered_locally':v['queries_answered_locally']
+ }
+ }
+ producer.publish(msg)
+ logger.debug('Publishing veg.dns.queries_answered_locally event: %s', msg)
+ if 'server_stats' in v:
+ for server in v['server_stats']:
+ msg = {'event_type': 'veg.dns.server.queries_sent',
+ 'message_id':six.text_type(uuid.uuid4()),
+ 'publisher_id': cpe_publisher_id,
+ 'timestamp',
+ 'priority':'INFO',
+ 'payload': {'veg_id':k,
+ 'user_id':keystone_user_id,
+ 'tenant_id':keystone_tenant_id,
+ 'upstream_server':server['id'],
+ 'queries_sent':server['queries_sent']
+ }
+ }
+ producer.publish(msg)
+ logger.debug('Publishing veg.dns.server.queries_sent event: %s', msg)
+ msg = {'event_type': 'veg.dns.server.queries_failed',
+ 'message_id':six.text_type(uuid.uuid4()),
+ 'publisher_id': cpe_publisher_id,
+ 'timestamp',
+ 'priority':'INFO',
+ 'payload': {'veg_id':k,
+ 'user_id':keystone_user_id,
+ 'tenant_id':keystone_tenant_id,
+ 'upstream_server':server['id'],
+ 'queries_failed':server['queries_failed']
+ }
+ }
+ producer.publish(msg)
+ logger.debug('Publishing veg.dns.server.queries_failed event: %s', msg)
+def periodic_publish():
+ publish_cpe_stats()
+ #Publish every 5minutes
+ threading.Timer(300, periodic_publish).start()
+def main(argv):
+ global keystone_tenant_id, keystone_user_id, rabbit_user, rabbit_password, rabbit_host, vegservice_rabbit_exchange
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"",["keystone_tenant_id=","keystone_user_id=","rabbit_host=","rabbit_user=","rabbit_password=","vegservice_rabbit_exchange="])
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ print ' keystone_tenant_id=<keystone_tenant_id> keystone_user_id=<keystone_user_id> rabbit_host=<IP addr> rabbit_user=<user> rabbit_password=<password> vegservice_rabbit_exchange=<exchange name>'
+ sys.exit(2)
+ for opt, arg in opts:
+ if opt in ("--keystone_tenant_id"):
+ keystone_tenant_id = arg
+ elif opt in ("--keystone_user_id"):
+ keystone_user_id = arg
+ elif opt in ("--rabbit_user"):
+ rabbit_user = arg
+ elif opt in ("--rabbit_password"):
+ rabbit_password = arg
+ elif opt in ("--rabbit_host"):
+ rabbit_host = arg
+ elif opt in ("--vegservice_rabbit_exchange"):
+ vegservice_rabbit_exchange = arg
+"veg_stats_notifier args:keystone_tenant_id=%s keystone_user_id=%s rabbit_user=%s rabbit_host=%s vegservice_rabbit_exchange=%s",keystone_tenant_id,keystone_user_id,rabbit_user,rabbit_host,vegservice_rabbit_exchange)
+ setup_rabbit_mq_channel()
+ periodic_publish()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/veg_synchronizer_config b/xos/synchronizer/veg_synchronizer_config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e346ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/veg_synchronizer_config
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# set proxy_ssh to false on cloudlab
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/vtn_veg_synchronizer_config b/xos/synchronizer/vtn_veg_synchronizer_config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..420006d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/vtn_veg_synchronizer_config
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# set proxy_ssh to false on cloudlab