tree: 7695d825d85b814acc5ffe23a26015a41aaac8b2 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .gitignore
  2. LICENSE.txt
  4. xos/

Virtual Home Subscriber Server Service (vHSS)


To onboard this service in your system, you can add the service to the mcord.yml profile manifest (location: $CORD/build/platform-install/profile_manifests/mcord.yml):

  - name: vhss
    path: orchestration/xos_services/vhss
    keypair: mcord_rsa

In addition, you should add the synchronizer for this service to the docker_images.yml (location: $CORD/build/docker_images.yml):

  - name: xosproject/vhss-synchronizer
    repo: vHSS
    path: "xos/synchronizer"
    dockerfile: "Dockerfile.synchronizer"

To build the synchronizer as a container, following codes should be written in scenario files, e.g., cord, local, mock, and so on:

  - "xosproject/vhss-synchronizer"

For this, the exact location for each scenario is as follows:

  • for CORD scenario: $CROD/build/scenarios/cord/config.yml
  • for Local scenario: $CROD/build/scenarios/local/config.yml
  • for Mock scenario: $CROD/build/scenarios/mock/config.yml
  • for Opencloud scenario: $CROD/build/scenarios/opencloud/config.yml
  • for Single scenario: $CROD/build/scenarios/single/config.yml

Once you have added the service, you will need to rebuild and redeploy the XOS containers from source.

$ cd $CORD/build
$ make xos-teardown
$ make clean-openstack
$ make clean-profile
$ make -j4 build
$ make compute-node-refresh