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  1. a737b72 tagging 1.0.0 release by William Kurkian · 6 years ago master 1.0.0
  2. 9600b5c Replaced vnfsdk ves-aent library by William Kurkian · 6 years ago
  3. 19d699e Fixed several issues by William Kurkian · 6 years ago
  4. ad1f573 Set up repo for multistage builds, in order to work with docker build . by William Kurkian · 6 years ago
  5. 0a5988a Added helm chart by William Kurkian · 6 years ago

This project is a VES agent for the SEBA project.

This reads messages off Kafka, and post them to the VES, which is the event REST API of ONAP's DCAE.

To build the project, run

To push the docker images to a repository, see the and scripts

To run the project on a kubernetes cluster, run kubectl apply -f ves-agent.yaml