A set of fixes and features
Some updates to handle errors in certain scenarios.
Formatted code
Initial work to parse json.
Added code to map certain json values from incoming data into parts of the VES format.
Added lines to map type and severity to VES
Completed support for mapping alarm messages. Also added timing functionality for tracking message send times

Change-Id: Iaf9ce372552fce3f744476719f5fd79548d22ef4
Signed-off-by: William Kurkian <wkurkian@cisco.com>
12 files changed
tree: d21e8ef4cb11c5e64f0ca64c6c708bbced2ca6a6
  1. Dockerfile
  2. Dockerfile.alpine
  3. README.md
  4. build.sh
  5. config/
  6. libs/
  7. pom.xml
  8. push_to_foundry.sh
  9. push_to_local.sh
  10. src/
  11. ves-agent.yaml

This project is a VES agent for the SEBA project.

This reads messages off Kafka, and post them to the VES, which is the event REST API of ONAP's DCAE.

To build the project, run build.sh

To push the docker images to a repository, see the push_to_local.sh and push_to_foundry.sh scripts

To run the project on a kubernetes cluster, run kubectl apply -f ves-agent.yaml