gRPC migration update

Change-Id: Icdd1a824948fa994cd36bd121c962f5ecf74e3cf
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index 0000000..4813ba1
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+ * Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package config
+import (
+	""
+var logger log.CLogger
+func init() {
+	// Setup this package so that it's log level can be modified at run time
+	var err error
+	logger, err = log.RegisterPackage(log.JSON, log.ErrorLevel, log.Fields{})
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c489407
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+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package config
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"os"
+	"strings"
+	"time"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+const (
+	defaultkvStoreConfigPath     = "config"
+	defaultkvStoreDataPathPrefix = "service/voltha/voltha1_voltha1"
+	kvStorePathSeparator         = "/"
+// ConfigType represents the type for which config is created inside the kvstore
+// For example, loglevel
+type ConfigType int
+const (
+	ConfigTypeLogLevel ConfigType = iota
+	ConfigTypeMetadata
+	ConfigTypeKafka
+	ConfigTypeLogFeatures
+func (c ConfigType) String() string {
+	return [...]string{"loglevel", "metadata", "kafka", "logfeatures"}[c]
+// ChangeEvent represents the event recieved from watch
+// For example, Put Event
+type ChangeEvent int
+const (
+	Put ChangeEvent = iota
+	Delete
+func (ce ChangeEvent) String() string {
+	return [...]string{"Put", "Delete"}[ce]
+// ConfigChangeEvent represents config for the events recieved from watch
+// For example,ChangeType is Put ,ConfigAttribute default
+type ConfigChangeEvent struct {
+	ChangeType      ChangeEvent
+	ConfigAttribute string
+// ConfigManager is a wrapper over Backend to maintain Configuration of voltha components
+// in kvstore based persistent storage
+type ConfigManager struct {
+	Backend               *db.Backend
+	KVStoreConfigPrefix   string
+	KVStoreDataPathPrefix string
+// ComponentConfig represents a category of configuration for a specific VOLTHA component type
+// stored in a persistent storage pointed to by Config Manager
+// For example, one ComponentConfig instance will be created for loglevel config type for rw-core
+// component while another ComponentConfig instance will refer to connection config type for same
+// rw-core component. So, there can be multiple ComponentConfig instance created per component
+// pointing to different category of configuration.
+// Configuration pointed to be by ComponentConfig is stored in kvstore as a list of key/value pairs
+// under the hierarchical tree with following base path
+// <Backend Prefix Path>/<Config Prefix>/<Component Name>/<Config Type>/
+// For example, rw-core ComponentConfig for loglevel config entries will be stored under following path
+// /voltha/service/config/rw-core/loglevel/
+type ComponentConfig struct {
+	cManager         *ConfigManager
+	componentLabel   string
+	configType       ConfigType
+	changeEventChan  chan *ConfigChangeEvent
+	kvStoreEventChan chan *kvstore.Event
+func NewConfigManager(ctx context.Context, kvClient kvstore.Client, kvStoreType, kvStoreAddress string, kvStoreTimeout time.Duration) *ConfigManager {
+	var kvStorePrefix string
+	if prefix, present := os.LookupEnv("KV_STORE_DATAPATH_PREFIX"); present {
+		kvStorePrefix = prefix
+		logger.Infow(ctx, "KV_STORE_DATAPATH_PREFIX env variable is set, ", log.Fields{"kvStoreDataPathPrefix": kvStorePrefix})
+	} else {
+		kvStorePrefix = defaultkvStoreDataPathPrefix
+		logger.Infow(ctx, "KV_STORE_DATAPATH_PREFIX env variable is not set, using default", log.Fields{"kvStoreDataPathPrefix": defaultkvStoreDataPathPrefix})
+	}
+	return &ConfigManager{
+		KVStoreConfigPrefix:   defaultkvStoreConfigPath,
+		KVStoreDataPathPrefix: kvStorePrefix,
+		Backend: &db.Backend{
+			Client:     kvClient,
+			StoreType:  kvStoreType,
+			Address:    kvStoreAddress,
+			Timeout:    kvStoreTimeout,
+			PathPrefix: kvStorePrefix,
+		},
+	}
+// RetrieveComponentList list the component Names for which loglevel is stored in kvstore
+func (c *ConfigManager) RetrieveComponentList(ctx context.Context, configType ConfigType) ([]string, error) {
+	data, err := c.Backend.List(ctx, c.KVStoreConfigPrefix)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// Looping through the data recieved from the Backend for config
+	// Trimming and Splitting the required key and value from data and  storing as componentName,PackageName and Level
+	// For Example, recieved key would be <Backend Prefix Path>/<Config Prefix>/<Component Name>/<Config Type>/default and value \"DEBUG\"
+	// Then in default will be stored as PackageName,componentName as <Component Name> and DEBUG will be stored as value in List struct
+	ccPathPrefix := kvStorePathSeparator + configType.String() + kvStorePathSeparator
+	pathPrefix := c.KVStoreDataPathPrefix + kvStorePathSeparator + c.KVStoreConfigPrefix + kvStorePathSeparator
+	var list []string
+	keys := make(map[string]interface{})
+	for attr := range data {
+		cname := strings.TrimPrefix(attr, pathPrefix)
+		cName := strings.SplitN(cname, ccPathPrefix, 2)
+		if len(cName) != 2 {
+			continue
+		}
+		if _, exist := keys[cName[0]]; !exist {
+			keys[cName[0]] = nil
+			list = append(list, cName[0])
+		}
+	}
+	return list, nil
+// Initialize the component config
+func (cm *ConfigManager) InitComponentConfig(componentLabel string, configType ConfigType) *ComponentConfig {
+	return &ComponentConfig{
+		componentLabel:   componentLabel,
+		configType:       configType,
+		cManager:         cm,
+		changeEventChan:  nil,
+		kvStoreEventChan: nil,
+	}
+func (c *ComponentConfig) makeConfigPath() string {
+	cType := c.configType.String()
+	return c.cManager.KVStoreConfigPrefix + kvStorePathSeparator +
+		c.componentLabel + kvStorePathSeparator + cType
+// MonitorForConfigChange watch on the subkeys for the given key
+// Any changes to the subkeys for the given key will return an event channel
+// Then Event channel will be processed and  new event channel with required values will be created and return
+// For example, rw-core will be watching on <Backend Prefix Path>/<Config Prefix>/<Component Name>/<Config Type>/
+// will return an event channel for PUT,DELETE eventType.
+// Then values from event channel will be processed and  stored in kvStoreEventChan.
+func (c *ComponentConfig) MonitorForConfigChange(ctx context.Context) chan *ConfigChangeEvent {
+	key := c.makeConfigPath()
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "monitoring-for-config-change", log.Fields{"key": key})
+	c.changeEventChan = make(chan *ConfigChangeEvent, 1)
+	c.kvStoreEventChan = c.cManager.Backend.CreateWatch(ctx, key, true)
+	go c.processKVStoreWatchEvents(ctx)
+	return c.changeEventChan
+// processKVStoreWatchEvents process event channel recieved from the Backend for any ChangeType
+// It checks for the EventType is valid or not.For the valid EventTypes creates ConfigChangeEvent and send it on channel
+func (c *ComponentConfig) processKVStoreWatchEvents(ctx context.Context) {
+	ccKeyPrefix := c.makeConfigPath()
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "processing-kvstore-event-change", log.Fields{"key-prefix": ccKeyPrefix})
+	ccPathPrefix := c.cManager.Backend.PathPrefix + ccKeyPrefix + kvStorePathSeparator
+	for watchResp := range c.kvStoreEventChan {
+		if watchResp.EventType == kvstore.CONNECTIONDOWN || watchResp.EventType == kvstore.UNKNOWN {
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "received-invalid-change-type-in-watch-channel-from-kvstore", log.Fields{"change-type": watchResp.EventType})
+			continue
+		}
+		// populating the configAttribute from the received Key
+		// For Example, Key received would be <Backend Prefix Path>/<Config Prefix>/<Component Name>/<Config Type>/default
+		// Storing default in configAttribute variable
+		ky := fmt.Sprintf("%s", watchResp.Key)
+		c.changeEventChan <- &ConfigChangeEvent{
+			ChangeType:      ChangeEvent(watchResp.EventType),
+			ConfigAttribute: strings.TrimPrefix(ky, ccPathPrefix),
+		}
+	}
+// Retrieves value of a specific config key. Value of key is returned in String format
+func (c *ComponentConfig) Retrieve(ctx context.Context, configKey string) (string, error) {
+	key := c.makeConfigPath() + "/" + configKey
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "retrieving-config", log.Fields{"key": key})
+	if kvpair, err := c.cManager.Backend.Get(ctx, key); err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	} else {
+		if kvpair == nil {
+			return "", fmt.Errorf("config-key-does-not-exist : %s", key)
+		}
+		value := strings.Trim(fmt.Sprintf("%s", kvpair.Value), "\"")
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "retrieved-config", log.Fields{"key": key, "value": value})
+		return value, nil
+	}
+func (c *ComponentConfig) RetrieveAll(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, error) {
+	key := c.makeConfigPath()
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "retreiving-list", log.Fields{"key": key})
+	data, err := c.cManager.Backend.List(ctx, key)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// Looping through the data recieved from the Backend for the given key
+	// Trimming the required key and value from data and  storing as key/value pair
+	// For Example, recieved key would be <Backend Prefix Path>/<Config Prefix>/<Component Name>/<Config Type>/default and value \"DEBUG\"
+	// Then in default will be stored as key and DEBUG will be stored as value in map[string]string
+	res := make(map[string]string)
+	ccPathPrefix := c.cManager.Backend.PathPrefix + kvStorePathSeparator + key + kvStorePathSeparator
+	for attr, val := range data {
+		res[strings.TrimPrefix(attr, ccPathPrefix)] = strings.Trim(fmt.Sprintf("%s", val.Value), "\"")
+	}
+	return res, nil
+func (c *ComponentConfig) Save(ctx context.Context, configKey string, configValue string) error {
+	key := c.makeConfigPath() + "/" + configKey
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "saving-config", log.Fields{"key": key, "value": configValue})
+	//save the data for update config
+	if err := c.cManager.Backend.Put(ctx, key, configValue); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
+func (c *ComponentConfig) Delete(ctx context.Context, configKey string) error {
+	//construct key using makeConfigPath
+	key := c.makeConfigPath() + "/" + configKey
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "deleting-config", log.Fields{"key": key})
+	//delete the config
+	if err := c.cManager.Backend.Delete(ctx, key); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
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+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Package Config provides dynamic logging configuration for specific Voltha component with loglevel lookup
+// from etcd kvstore implemented using Backend.
+// Any Voltha component can start utilizing dynamic logging by starting goroutine of StartLogLevelConfigProcessing after
+// starting kvClient for the component.
+package config
+import (
+	"context"
+	"crypto/md5"
+	"encoding/json"
+	"errors"
+	"os"
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
+	""
+const (
+	defaultLogLevelKey                = "default"          // kvstore key containing default loglevel
+	globalConfigRootNode              = "global"           // Root Node in kvstore containing global config
+	initialGlobalDefaultLogLevelValue = "WARN"             // Hard-coded Global Default loglevel pushed at PoD startup
+	logPackagesListKey                = "log_package_list" // kvstore key containing list of allowed log packages
+// ComponentLogController represents a Configuration for Logging Config of specific Voltha component type
+// It stores ComponentConfig and GlobalConfig of loglevel config of specific Voltha component type
+// For example,ComponentLogController instance will be created for rw-core component
+type ComponentLogController struct {
+	ComponentName       string
+	componentNameConfig *ComponentConfig
+	GlobalConfig        *ComponentConfig
+	configManager       *ConfigManager
+	logHash             [16]byte
+	initialLogLevel     string // Initial default log level set by helm chart
+func NewComponentLogController(ctx context.Context, cm *ConfigManager) (*ComponentLogController, error) {
+	logger.Debug(ctx, "creating-new-component-log-controller")
+	componentName := os.Getenv("COMPONENT_NAME")
+	if componentName == "" {
+		return nil, errors.New("Unable to retrieve PoD Component Name from Runtime env")
+	}
+	var defaultLogLevel string
+	var err error
+	// Retrieve and save default log level; used for fallback if all loglevel config is cleared in etcd
+	if defaultLogLevel, err = log.LogLevelToString(log.GetDefaultLogLevel()); err != nil {
+		defaultLogLevel = "DEBUG"
+	}
+	return &ComponentLogController{
+		ComponentName:       componentName,
+		componentNameConfig: nil,
+		GlobalConfig:        nil,
+		configManager:       cm,
+		initialLogLevel:     defaultLogLevel,
+	}, nil
+// StartLogLevelConfigProcessing initialize component config and global config
+// Then, it persists initial default Loglevels into Config Store before
+// starting the loading and processing of all Log Configuration
+func StartLogLevelConfigProcessing(cm *ConfigManager, ctx context.Context) {
+	cc, err := NewComponentLogController(ctx, cm)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "unable-to-construct-component-log-controller-instance-for-log-config-monitoring", log.Fields{"error": err})
+		return
+	}
+	cc.GlobalConfig = cm.InitComponentConfig(globalConfigRootNode, ConfigTypeLogLevel)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "global-log-config", log.Fields{"cc-global-config": cc.GlobalConfig})
+	cc.componentNameConfig = cm.InitComponentConfig(cc.ComponentName, ConfigTypeLogLevel)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "component-log-config", log.Fields{"cc-component-name-config": cc.componentNameConfig})
+	cc.persistInitialDefaultLogConfigs(ctx)
+	cc.persistRegisteredLogPackageList(ctx)
+	cc.processLogConfig(ctx)
+// Method to persist Global default loglevel into etcd, if not set yet
+// It also checks and set Component default loglevel into etcd with initial loglevel set from command line
+func (c *ComponentLogController) persistInitialDefaultLogConfigs(ctx context.Context) {
+	_, err := c.GlobalConfig.Retrieve(ctx, defaultLogLevelKey)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "failed-to-retrieve-global-default-log-config-at-startup", log.Fields{"error": err})
+		err = c.GlobalConfig.Save(ctx, defaultLogLevelKey, initialGlobalDefaultLogLevelValue)
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-persist-global-default-log-config-at-startup", log.Fields{"error": err, "loglevel": initialGlobalDefaultLogLevelValue})
+		}
+	}
+	_, err = c.componentNameConfig.Retrieve(ctx, defaultLogLevelKey)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "failed-to-retrieve-component-default-log-config-at-startup", log.Fields{"error": err})
+		err = c.componentNameConfig.Save(ctx, defaultLogLevelKey, c.initialLogLevel)
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-persist-component-default-log-config-at-startup", log.Fields{"error": err, "loglevel": c.initialLogLevel})
+		}
+	}
+// Method to save list of all registered packages for component into config kvstore. A single string
+// is constructed with comma-separated package names in sorted order and persisted
+func (c *ComponentLogController) persistRegisteredLogPackageList(ctx context.Context) {
+	componentMetadataConfig := c.configManager.InitComponentConfig(c.ComponentName, ConfigTypeMetadata)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "component-metadata-config", log.Fields{"component-metadata-config": componentMetadataConfig})
+	packageList := log.GetPackageNames()
+	packageList = append(packageList, defaultLogLevelKey)
+	sort.Strings(packageList)
+	packageNames, err := json.Marshal(packageList)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-marshal-log-package-list-for-storage", log.Fields{"error": err, "packageList": packageList})
+		return
+	}
+	if err := componentMetadataConfig.Save(ctx, logPackagesListKey, string(packageNames)); err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-persist-component-registered-log-package-list-at-startup", log.Fields{"error": err, "packageNames": packageNames})
+	}
+// ProcessLogConfig will first load and apply log config and then start waiting on component config and global config
+// channels for any changes. Event channel will be recieved from Backend for valid change type
+// Then data for componentn log config and global log config will be retrieved from Backend and stored in updatedLogConfig in precedence order
+// If any changes in updatedLogConfig will be applied on component
+func (c *ComponentLogController) processLogConfig(ctx context.Context) {
+	// Load and apply Log Config for first time
+	initialLogConfig, err := c.buildUpdatedLogConfig(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Warnw(ctx, "unable-to-load-log-config-at-startup", log.Fields{"error": err})
+	} else {
+		if err := c.loadAndApplyLogConfig(ctx, initialLogConfig); err != nil {
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "unable-to-apply-log-config-at-startup", log.Fields{"error": err})
+		}
+	}
+	componentConfigEventChan := c.componentNameConfig.MonitorForConfigChange(ctx)
+	globalConfigEventChan := c.GlobalConfig.MonitorForConfigChange(ctx)
+	// process the events for componentName and  global config
+	var configEvent *ConfigChangeEvent
+	for {
+		select {
+		case configEvent = <-globalConfigEventChan:
+		case configEvent = <-componentConfigEventChan:
+		}
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "processing-log-config-change", log.Fields{"ChangeType": configEvent.ChangeType, "Package": configEvent.ConfigAttribute})
+		updatedLogConfig, err := c.buildUpdatedLogConfig(ctx)
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "unable-to-fetch-updated-log-config", log.Fields{"error": err})
+			continue
+		}
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "applying-updated-log-config", log.Fields{"updated-log-config": updatedLogConfig})
+		if err := c.loadAndApplyLogConfig(ctx, updatedLogConfig); err != nil {
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "unable-to-load-and-apply-log-config", log.Fields{"error": err})
+		}
+	}
+// get active loglevel from the zap logger
+func getActiveLogLevels(ctx context.Context) map[string]string {
+	loglevels := make(map[string]string)
+	// now do the default log level
+	if level, err := log.LogLevelToString(log.GetDefaultLogLevel()); err == nil {
+		loglevels[defaultLogLevelKey] = level
+	}
+	// do the per-package log levels
+	for _, packageName := range log.GetPackageNames() {
+		level, err := log.GetPackageLogLevel(packageName)
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "unable-to-fetch-current-active-loglevel-for-package-name", log.Fields{"package-name": packageName, "error": err})
+			continue
+		}
+		if l, err := log.LogLevelToString(level); err == nil {
+			loglevels[packageName] = l
+		}
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "retreived-log-levels-from-zap-logger", log.Fields{"loglevels": loglevels})
+	return loglevels
+func (c *ComponentLogController) getGlobalLogConfig(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
+	globalDefaultLogLevel, err := c.GlobalConfig.Retrieve(ctx, defaultLogLevelKey)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	// Handle edge cases when global default loglevel is deleted directly from etcd or set to a invalid value
+	// We should use hard-coded initial default value in such cases
+	if globalDefaultLogLevel == "" {
+		logger.Warn(ctx, "global-default-loglevel-not-found-in-config-store")
+		globalDefaultLogLevel = initialGlobalDefaultLogLevelValue
+	}
+	if _, err := log.StringToLogLevel(globalDefaultLogLevel); err != nil {
+		logger.Warnw(ctx, "unsupported-loglevel-config-defined-at-global-default", log.Fields{"log-level": globalDefaultLogLevel})
+		globalDefaultLogLevel = initialGlobalDefaultLogLevelValue
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "retrieved-global-default-loglevel", log.Fields{"level": globalDefaultLogLevel})
+	return globalDefaultLogLevel, nil
+func (c *ComponentLogController) getComponentLogConfig(ctx context.Context, globalDefaultLogLevel string) (map[string]string, error) {
+	componentLogConfig, err := c.componentNameConfig.RetrieveAll(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	effectiveDefaultLogLevel := ""
+	for logConfigKey, logConfigValue := range componentLogConfig {
+		if _, err := log.StringToLogLevel(logConfigValue); err != nil || logConfigKey == "" {
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "unsupported-loglevel-config-defined-at-component-context", log.Fields{"package-name": logConfigKey, "log-level": logConfigValue})
+			delete(componentLogConfig, logConfigKey)
+		} else {
+			if logConfigKey == defaultLogLevelKey {
+				effectiveDefaultLogLevel = componentLogConfig[defaultLogLevelKey]
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// if default loglevel is not configured for the component, component should use
+	// default loglevel configured at global level
+	if effectiveDefaultLogLevel == "" {
+		effectiveDefaultLogLevel = globalDefaultLogLevel
+	}
+	componentLogConfig[defaultLogLevelKey] = effectiveDefaultLogLevel
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "retrieved-component-log-config", log.Fields{"component-log-level": componentLogConfig})
+	return componentLogConfig, nil
+// buildUpdatedLogConfig retrieve the global logConfig and component logConfig  from Backend
+// component logConfig stores the log config with precedence order
+// For example, If the global logConfig is set and component logConfig is set only for specific package then
+// component logConfig is stored with global logConfig  and component logConfig of specific package
+// For example, If the global logConfig is set and component logConfig is set for specific package and as well as for default then
+// component logConfig is stored with  component logConfig data only
+func (c *ComponentLogController) buildUpdatedLogConfig(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, error) {
+	globalLogLevel, err := c.getGlobalLogConfig(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "unable-to-retrieve-global-log-config", log.Fields{"err": err})
+	}
+	componentLogConfig, err := c.getComponentLogConfig(ctx, globalLogLevel)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	finalLogConfig := make(map[string]string)
+	for packageName, logLevel := range componentLogConfig {
+		finalLogConfig[strings.ReplaceAll(packageName, "#", "/")] = logLevel
+	}
+	return finalLogConfig, nil
+// load and apply the current configuration for component name
+// create hash of loaded configuration using GenerateLogConfigHash
+// if there is previous hash stored, compare the hash to stored hash
+// if there is any change will call UpdateLogLevels
+func (c *ComponentLogController) loadAndApplyLogConfig(ctx context.Context, logConfig map[string]string) error {
+	currentLogHash, err := GenerateLogConfigHash(logConfig)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if c.logHash != currentLogHash {
+		updateLogLevels(ctx, logConfig)
+		c.logHash = currentLogHash
+	} else {
+		logger.Debug(ctx, "effective-loglevel-config-same-as-currently-active")
+	}
+	return nil
+// createModifiedLogLevels loops through the activeLogLevels recieved from zap logger and updatedLogLevels recieved from buildUpdatedLogConfig
+// to identify and create map of modified Log Levels of 2 types:
+// - Packages for which log level has been changed
+// - Packages for which log level config has been cleared - set to default log level
+func createModifiedLogLevels(ctx context.Context, activeLogLevels, updatedLogLevels map[string]string) map[string]string {
+	defaultLevel := updatedLogLevels[defaultLogLevelKey]
+	modifiedLogLevels := make(map[string]string)
+	for activeKey, activeLevel := range activeLogLevels {
+		if _, exist := updatedLogLevels[activeKey]; !exist {
+			if activeLevel != defaultLevel {
+				modifiedLogLevels[activeKey] = defaultLevel
+			}
+		} else if activeLevel != updatedLogLevels[activeKey] {
+			modifiedLogLevels[activeKey] = updatedLogLevels[activeKey]
+		}
+	}
+	// Log warnings for all invalid packages for which log config has been set
+	for key, value := range updatedLogLevels {
+		if _, exist := activeLogLevels[key]; !exist {
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "ignoring-loglevel-set-for-invalid-package", log.Fields{"package": key, "log-level": value})
+		}
+	}
+	return modifiedLogLevels
+// updateLogLevels update the loglevels for the component
+// retrieve active confguration from logger
+// compare with entries one by one and apply
+func updateLogLevels(ctx context.Context, updatedLogConfig map[string]string) {
+	activeLogLevels := getActiveLogLevels(ctx)
+	changedLogLevels := createModifiedLogLevels(ctx, activeLogLevels, updatedLogConfig)
+	// If no changed log levels are found, just return. It may happen on configuration of a invalid package
+	if len(changedLogLevels) == 0 {
+		logger.Debug(ctx, "no-change-in-effective-loglevel-config")
+		return
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "applying-log-level-for-modified-packages", log.Fields{"changed-log-levels": changedLogLevels})
+	for key, level := range changedLogLevels {
+		if key == defaultLogLevelKey {
+			if l, err := log.StringToLogLevel(level); err == nil {
+				log.SetDefaultLogLevel(l)
+			}
+		} else {
+			if l, err := log.StringToLogLevel(level); err == nil {
+				log.SetPackageLogLevel(key, l)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// generate md5 hash of key value pairs appended into a single string
+// in order by key name
+func GenerateLogConfigHash(createHashLog map[string]string) ([16]byte, error) {
+	createHashLogBytes := []byte{}
+	levelData, err := json.Marshal(createHashLog)
+	if err != nil {
+		return [16]byte{}, err
+	}
+	createHashLogBytes = append(createHashLogBytes, levelData...)
+	return md5.Sum(createHashLogBytes), nil
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..579c1de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package config
+import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"os"
+	"strings"
+	""
+const (
+	defaultTracingStatusKey        = "trace_publish"   // kvstore key containing tracing configuration status
+	defaultLogCorrelationStatusKey = "log_correlation" // kvstore key containing log correlation configuration status
+// ComponentLogFeatureController represents Configuration for Logging related features of Tracing and Log
+// Correlation of specific Voltha component.
+type ComponentLogFeaturesController struct {
+	ComponentName               string
+	componentNameConfig         *ComponentConfig
+	configManager               *ConfigManager
+	initialTracingStatus        bool // Initial default tracing status set by helm chart
+	initialLogCorrelationStatus bool // Initial default log correlation status set by helm chart
+func NewComponentLogFeaturesController(ctx context.Context, cm *ConfigManager) (*ComponentLogFeaturesController, error) {
+	logger.Debug(ctx, "creating-new-component-log-features-controller")
+	componentName := os.Getenv("COMPONENT_NAME")
+	if componentName == "" {
+		return nil, errors.New("Unable to retrieve PoD Component Name from Runtime env")
+	}
+	tracingStatus := log.GetGlobalLFM().GetTracePublishingStatus()
+	logCorrelationStatus := log.GetGlobalLFM().GetLogCorrelationStatus()
+	return &ComponentLogFeaturesController{
+		ComponentName:               componentName,
+		componentNameConfig:         nil,
+		configManager:               cm,
+		initialTracingStatus:        tracingStatus,
+		initialLogCorrelationStatus: logCorrelationStatus,
+	}, nil
+// StartLogFeaturesConfigProcessing persists initial config of Log Features into Config Store before
+// starting the loading and processing of Configuration updates
+func StartLogFeaturesConfigProcessing(cm *ConfigManager, ctx context.Context) {
+	cc, err := NewComponentLogFeaturesController(ctx, cm)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "unable-to-construct-component-log-features-controller-instance-for-monitoring", log.Fields{"error": err})
+		return
+	}
+	cc.componentNameConfig = cm.InitComponentConfig(cc.ComponentName, ConfigTypeLogFeatures)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "component-log-features-config", log.Fields{"cc-component-name-config": cc.componentNameConfig})
+	cc.persistInitialLogFeaturesConfigs(ctx)
+	cc.processLogFeaturesConfig(ctx)
+// Method to persist Initial status of Log Correlation and Tracing features (as set from command line)
+// into config store (etcd kvstore), if not set yet
+func (cc *ComponentLogFeaturesController) persistInitialLogFeaturesConfigs(ctx context.Context) {
+	_, err := cc.componentNameConfig.Retrieve(ctx, defaultTracingStatusKey)
+	if err != nil {
+		statusString := "DISABLED"
+		if cc.initialTracingStatus {
+			statusString = "ENABLED"
+		}
+		err = cc.componentNameConfig.Save(ctx, defaultTracingStatusKey, statusString)
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-persist-component-initial-tracing-status-at-startup", log.Fields{"error": err, "tracingstatus": statusString})
+		}
+	}
+	_, err = cc.componentNameConfig.Retrieve(ctx, defaultLogCorrelationStatusKey)
+	if err != nil {
+		statusString := "DISABLED"
+		if cc.initialLogCorrelationStatus {
+			statusString = "ENABLED"
+		}
+		err = cc.componentNameConfig.Save(ctx, defaultLogCorrelationStatusKey, statusString)
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-persist-component-initial-log-correlation-status-at-startup", log.Fields{"error": err, "logcorrelationstatus": statusString})
+		}
+	}
+// processLogFeaturesConfig will first load and apply configuration of log features. Then it will start waiting for any changes
+// made to configuration in config store (etcd) and apply the same
+func (cc *ComponentLogFeaturesController) processLogFeaturesConfig(ctx context.Context) {
+	// Load and apply Tracing Status and log correlation status for first time
+	cc.loadAndApplyTracingStatusUpdate(ctx)
+	cc.loadAndApplyLogCorrelationStatusUpdate(ctx)
+	componentConfigEventChan := cc.componentNameConfig.MonitorForConfigChange(ctx)
+	// process the change events received on the channel
+	var configEvent *ConfigChangeEvent
+	for {
+		select {
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+			return
+		case configEvent = <-componentConfigEventChan:
+			logger.Debugw(ctx, "processing-log-features-config-change", log.Fields{"ChangeType": configEvent.ChangeType, "Package": configEvent.ConfigAttribute})
+			if strings.HasSuffix(configEvent.ConfigAttribute, defaultTracingStatusKey) {
+				cc.loadAndApplyTracingStatusUpdate(ctx)
+			} else if strings.HasSuffix(configEvent.ConfigAttribute, defaultLogCorrelationStatusKey) {
+				cc.loadAndApplyLogCorrelationStatusUpdate(ctx)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+func (cc *ComponentLogFeaturesController) loadAndApplyTracingStatusUpdate(ctx context.Context) {
+	desiredTracingStatus, err := cc.componentNameConfig.Retrieve(ctx, defaultTracingStatusKey)
+	if err != nil || desiredTracingStatus == "" {
+		logger.Warn(ctx, "unable-to-retrieve-tracing-status-from-config-store")
+		return
+	}
+	if desiredTracingStatus != "ENABLED" && desiredTracingStatus != "DISABLED" {
+		logger.Warnw(ctx, "unsupported-tracing-status-configured-in-config-store", log.Fields{"failed-tracing-status": desiredTracingStatus, "tracing-status": log.GetGlobalLFM().GetTracePublishingStatus()})
+		return
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "retrieved-tracing-status", log.Fields{"tracing-status": desiredTracingStatus})
+	log.GetGlobalLFM().SetTracePublishingStatus(desiredTracingStatus == "ENABLED")
+func (cc *ComponentLogFeaturesController) loadAndApplyLogCorrelationStatusUpdate(ctx context.Context) {
+	desiredLogCorrelationStatus, err := cc.componentNameConfig.Retrieve(ctx, defaultLogCorrelationStatusKey)
+	if err != nil || desiredLogCorrelationStatus == "" {
+		logger.Warn(ctx, "unable-to-retrieve-log-correlation-status-from-config-store")
+		return
+	}
+	if desiredLogCorrelationStatus != "ENABLED" && desiredLogCorrelationStatus != "DISABLED" {
+		logger.Warnw(ctx, "unsupported-log-correlation-status-configured-in-config-store", log.Fields{"failed-log-correlation-status": desiredLogCorrelationStatus, "log-correlation-status": log.GetGlobalLFM().GetLogCorrelationStatus()})
+		return
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "retrieved-log-correlation-status", log.Fields{"log-correlation-status": desiredLogCorrelationStatus})
+	log.GetGlobalLFM().SetLogCorrelationStatus(desiredLogCorrelationStatus == "ENABLED")
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e57a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package db
+import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+const (
+	// Default Minimal Interval for posting alive state of backend kvstore on Liveness Channel
+	DefaultLivenessChannelInterval = time.Second * 30
+// Backend structure holds details for accessing the kv store
+type Backend struct {
+	Client                  kvstore.Client
+	StoreType               string
+	Timeout                 time.Duration
+	Address                 string
+	PathPrefix              string
+	alive                   bool // Is this backend connection alive?
+	livenessMutex           sync.Mutex
+	liveness                chan bool     // channel to post alive state
+	LivenessChannelInterval time.Duration // regularly push alive state beyond this interval
+	lastLivenessTime        time.Time     // Instant of last alive state push
+// NewBackend creates a new instance of a Backend structure
+func NewBackend(ctx context.Context, storeType string, address string, timeout time.Duration, pathPrefix string) *Backend {
+	var err error
+	b := &Backend{
+		StoreType:               storeType,
+		Address:                 address,
+		Timeout:                 timeout,
+		LivenessChannelInterval: DefaultLivenessChannelInterval,
+		PathPrefix:              pathPrefix,
+		alive:                   false, // connection considered down at start
+	}
+	if b.Client, err = b.newClient(ctx, address, timeout); err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-create-kv-client",
+			log.Fields{
+				"type": storeType, "address": address,
+				"timeout": timeout, "prefix": pathPrefix,
+				"error": err.Error(),
+			})
+	}
+	return b
+func (b *Backend) newClient(ctx context.Context, address string, timeout time.Duration) (kvstore.Client, error) {
+	switch b.StoreType {
+	case "etcd":
+		return kvstore.NewEtcdClient(ctx, address, timeout, log.WarnLevel)
+	}
+	return nil, errors.New("unsupported-kv-store")
+func (b *Backend) makePath(ctx context.Context, key string) string {
+	path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", b.PathPrefix, key)
+	return path
+func (b *Backend) updateLiveness(ctx context.Context, alive bool) {
+	// Periodically push stream of liveness data to the channel,
+	// so that in a live state, the core does not timeout and
+	// send a forced liveness message. Push alive state if the
+	// last push to channel was beyond livenessChannelInterval
+	b.livenessMutex.Lock()
+	defer b.livenessMutex.Unlock()
+	if b.liveness != nil {
+		if b.alive != alive {
+			logger.Debug(ctx, "update-liveness-channel-reason-change")
+			b.liveness <- alive
+			b.lastLivenessTime = time.Now()
+		} else if time.Since(b.lastLivenessTime) > b.LivenessChannelInterval {
+			logger.Debug(ctx, "update-liveness-channel-reason-interval")
+			b.liveness <- alive
+			b.lastLivenessTime = time.Now()
+		}
+	}
+	// Emit log message only for alive state change
+	if b.alive != alive {
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "change-kvstore-alive-status", log.Fields{"alive": alive})
+		b.alive = alive
+	}
+// Perform a dummy Key Lookup on kvstore to test Connection Liveness and
+// post on Liveness channel
+func (b *Backend) PerformLivenessCheck(ctx context.Context) bool {
+	alive := b.Client.IsConnectionUp(ctx)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "kvstore-liveness-check-result", log.Fields{"alive": alive})
+	b.updateLiveness(ctx, alive)
+	return alive
+// Enable the liveness monitor channel. This channel will report
+// a "true" or "false" on every kvstore operation which indicates whether
+// or not the connection is still Live. This channel is then picked up
+// by the service (i.e. rw_core / ro_core) to update readiness status
+// and/or take other actions.
+func (b *Backend) EnableLivenessChannel(ctx context.Context) chan bool {
+	logger.Debug(ctx, "enable-kvstore-liveness-channel")
+	b.livenessMutex.Lock()
+	defer b.livenessMutex.Unlock()
+	if b.liveness == nil {
+		b.liveness = make(chan bool, 10)
+		b.liveness <- b.alive
+		b.lastLivenessTime = time.Now()
+	}
+	return b.liveness
+// Extract Alive status of Kvstore based on type of error
+func (b *Backend) isErrorIndicatingAliveKvstore(ctx context.Context, err error) bool {
+	// Alive unless observed an error indicating so
+	alive := true
+	if err != nil {
+		// timeout indicates kvstore not reachable/alive
+		if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
+			alive = false
+		}
+		// Need to analyze client-specific errors based on backend type
+		if b.StoreType == "etcd" {
+			// For etcd backend, consider not-alive only for errors indicating
+			// timedout request or unavailable/corrupted cluster. For all remaining
+			// error codes listed in,
+			// we would not infer a not-alive backend because such a error may also
+			// occur due to bad client requests or sequence of operations
+			switch status.Code(err) {
+			case codes.DeadlineExceeded:
+				fallthrough
+			case codes.Unavailable:
+				fallthrough
+			case codes.DataLoss:
+				alive = false
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return alive
+// List retrieves one or more items that match the specified key
+func (b *Backend) List(ctx context.Context, key string) (map[string]*kvstore.KVPair, error) {
+	span, ctx := log.CreateChildSpan(ctx, "etcd-list")
+	defer span.Finish()
+	formattedPath := b.makePath(ctx, key)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "listing-key", log.Fields{"key": key, "path": formattedPath})
+	pair, err := b.Client.List(ctx, formattedPath)
+	b.updateLiveness(ctx, b.isErrorIndicatingAliveKvstore(ctx, err))
+	return pair, err
+// Get retrieves an item that matches the specified key
+func (b *Backend) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (*kvstore.KVPair, error) {
+	span, ctx := log.CreateChildSpan(ctx, "etcd-get")
+	defer span.Finish()
+	formattedPath := b.makePath(ctx, key)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "getting-key", log.Fields{"key": key, "path": formattedPath})
+	pair, err := b.Client.Get(ctx, formattedPath)
+	b.updateLiveness(ctx, b.isErrorIndicatingAliveKvstore(ctx, err))
+	return pair, err
+// Put stores an item value under the specifed key
+func (b *Backend) Put(ctx context.Context, key string, value interface{}) error {
+	span, ctx := log.CreateChildSpan(ctx, "etcd-put")
+	defer span.Finish()
+	formattedPath := b.makePath(ctx, key)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "putting-key", log.Fields{"key": key, "path": formattedPath})
+	err := b.Client.Put(ctx, formattedPath, value)
+	b.updateLiveness(ctx, b.isErrorIndicatingAliveKvstore(ctx, err))
+	return err
+// Delete removes an item under the specified key
+func (b *Backend) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
+	span, ctx := log.CreateChildSpan(ctx, "etcd-delete")
+	defer span.Finish()
+	formattedPath := b.makePath(ctx, key)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "deleting-key", log.Fields{"key": key, "path": formattedPath})
+	err := b.Client.Delete(ctx, formattedPath)
+	b.updateLiveness(ctx, b.isErrorIndicatingAliveKvstore(ctx, err))
+	return err
+// DeleteWithPrefix removes items having prefix key
+func (b *Backend) DeleteWithPrefix(ctx context.Context, prefixKey string) error {
+	span, ctx := log.CreateChildSpan(ctx, "etcd-delete-with-prefix")
+	defer span.Finish()
+	formattedPath := b.makePath(ctx, prefixKey)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "deleting-prefix-key", log.Fields{"key": prefixKey, "path": formattedPath})
+	err := b.Client.DeleteWithPrefix(ctx, formattedPath)
+	b.updateLiveness(ctx, b.isErrorIndicatingAliveKvstore(ctx, err))
+	return err
+// CreateWatch starts watching events for the specified key
+func (b *Backend) CreateWatch(ctx context.Context, key string, withPrefix bool) chan *kvstore.Event {
+	span, ctx := log.CreateChildSpan(ctx, "etcd-create-watch")
+	defer span.Finish()
+	formattedPath := b.makePath(ctx, key)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "creating-key-watch", log.Fields{"key": key, "path": formattedPath})
+	return b.Client.Watch(ctx, formattedPath, withPrefix)
+// DeleteWatch stops watching events for the specified key
+func (b *Backend) DeleteWatch(ctx context.Context, key string, ch chan *kvstore.Event) {
+	span, ctx := log.CreateChildSpan(ctx, "etcd-delete-watch")
+	defer span.Finish()
+	formattedPath := b.makePath(ctx, key)
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "deleting-key-watch", log.Fields{"key": key, "path": formattedPath})
+	b.Client.CloseWatch(ctx, formattedPath, ch)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8a0571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package db
+import (
+	""
+var logger log.CLogger
+func init() {
+	// Setup this package so that it's log level can be modified at run time
+	var err error
+	logger, err = log.RegisterPackage(log.JSON, log.ErrorLevel, log.Fields{})
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4b1fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package kvstore
+import (
+	"context"
+	"time"
+const (
+	// Maximum channel buffer between publisher/subscriber goroutines
+	maxClientChannelBufferSize = 10
+// These constants represent the event types returned by the KV client
+const (
+	PUT = iota
+// KVPair is a common wrapper for key-value pairs returned from the KV store
+type KVPair struct {
+	Key     string
+	Value   interface{}
+	Version int64
+	Session string
+	Lease   int64
+// NewKVPair creates a new KVPair object
+func NewKVPair(key string, value interface{}, session string, lease int64, version int64) *KVPair {
+	kv := new(KVPair)
+	kv.Key = key
+	kv.Value = value
+	kv.Session = session
+	kv.Lease = lease
+	kv.Version = version
+	return kv
+// Event is generated by the KV client when a key change is detected
+type Event struct {
+	EventType int
+	Key       interface{}
+	Value     interface{}
+	Version   int64
+// NewEvent creates a new Event object
+func NewEvent(eventType int, key interface{}, value interface{}, version int64) *Event {
+	evnt := new(Event)
+	evnt.EventType = eventType
+	evnt.Key = key
+	evnt.Value = value
+	evnt.Version = version
+	return evnt
+// Client represents the set of APIs a KV Client must implement
+type Client interface {
+	List(ctx context.Context, key string) (map[string]*KVPair, error)
+	Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (*KVPair, error)
+	Put(ctx context.Context, key string, value interface{}) error
+	Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error
+	DeleteWithPrefix(ctx context.Context, prefixKey string) error
+	Watch(ctx context.Context, key string, withPrefix bool) chan *Event
+	IsConnectionUp(ctx context.Context) bool // timeout in second
+	CloseWatch(ctx context.Context, key string, ch chan *Event)
+	Close(ctx context.Context)
+	// These APIs are not used.  They will be cleaned up in release Voltha 2.9.
+	// It's not cleaned now to limit changes in all components
+	Reserve(ctx context.Context, key string, value interface{}, ttl time.Duration) (interface{}, error)
+	ReleaseReservation(ctx context.Context, key string) error
+	ReleaseAllReservations(ctx context.Context) error
+	RenewReservation(ctx context.Context, key string) error
+	AcquireLock(ctx context.Context, lockName string, timeout time.Duration) error
+	ReleaseLock(lockName string) error
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ac2a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package kvstore
+import (
+	""
+var logger log.CLogger
+func init() {
+	// Setup this package so that it's log level can be modified at run time
+	var err error
+	logger, err = log.RegisterPackage(log.JSON, log.ErrorLevel, log.Fields{})
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ca5329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package kvstore
+import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"os"
+	"strconv"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	""
+	v3Client ""
+	v3rpcTypes ""
+const (
+	maxUsageEnvName     = "VOLTHA_ETCD_CLIENT_MAX_USAGE"
+const (
+	defaultMaxPoolCapacity = 1000 // Default size of an Etcd Client pool
+	defaultMaxPoolUsage    = 100  // Maximum concurrent request an Etcd Client is allowed to process
+// EtcdClient represents the Etcd KV store client
+type EtcdClient struct {
+	pool               EtcdClientAllocator
+	watchedChannels    sync.Map
+	watchedClients     map[string]*v3Client.Client
+	watchedClientsLock sync.RWMutex
+// NewEtcdCustomClient returns a new client for the Etcd KV store allowing
+// the called to specify etcd client configuration
+func NewEtcdCustomClient(ctx context.Context, addr string, timeout time.Duration, level log.LogLevel) (*EtcdClient, error) {
+	// Get the capacity and max usage from the environment
+	capacity := defaultMaxPoolCapacity
+	maxUsage := defaultMaxPoolUsage
+	if capacityStr, present := os.LookupEnv(poolCapacityEnvName); present {
+		if val, err := strconv.Atoi(capacityStr); err == nil {
+			capacity = val
+			logger.Infow(ctx, "env-variable-set", log.Fields{"pool-capacity": capacity})
+		} else {
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "invalid-capacity-value", log.Fields{"error": err, "capacity": capacityStr})
+		}
+	}
+	if maxUsageStr, present := os.LookupEnv(maxUsageEnvName); present {
+		if val, err := strconv.Atoi(maxUsageStr); err == nil {
+			maxUsage = val
+			logger.Infow(ctx, "env-variable-set", log.Fields{"max-usage": maxUsage})
+		} else {
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "invalid-max-usage-value", log.Fields{"error": err, "max-usage": maxUsageStr})
+		}
+	}
+	var err error
+	pool, err := NewRoundRobinEtcdClientAllocator([]string{addr}, timeout, capacity, maxUsage, level)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-create-rr-client", log.Fields{
+			"error": err,
+		})
+	}
+	logger.Infow(ctx, "etcd-pool-created", log.Fields{"capacity": capacity, "max-usage": maxUsage})
+	return &EtcdClient{pool: pool,
+		watchedClients: make(map[string]*v3Client.Client),
+	}, nil
+// NewEtcdClient returns a new client for the Etcd KV store
+func NewEtcdClient(ctx context.Context, addr string, timeout time.Duration, level log.LogLevel) (*EtcdClient, error) {
+	return NewEtcdCustomClient(ctx, addr, timeout, level)
+// IsConnectionUp returns whether the connection to the Etcd KV store is up.  If a timeout occurs then
+// it is assumed the connection is down or unreachable.
+func (c *EtcdClient) IsConnectionUp(ctx context.Context) bool {
+	// Let's try to get a non existent key.  If the connection is up then there will be no error returned.
+	if _, err := c.Get(ctx, "non-existent-key"); err != nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	return true
+// List returns an array of key-value pairs with key as a prefix.  Timeout defines how long the function will
+// wait for a response
+func (c *EtcdClient) List(ctx context.Context, key string) (map[string]*KVPair, error) {
+	client, err := c.pool.Get(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	defer c.pool.Put(client)
+	resp, err := client.Get(ctx, key, v3Client.WithPrefix())
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Error(ctx, err)
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	m := make(map[string]*KVPair)
+	for _, ev := range resp.Kvs {
+		m[string(ev.Key)] = NewKVPair(string(ev.Key), ev.Value, "", ev.Lease, ev.Version)
+	}
+	return m, nil
+// Get returns a key-value pair for a given key. Timeout defines how long the function will
+// wait for a response
+func (c *EtcdClient) Get(ctx context.Context, key string) (*KVPair, error) {
+	client, err := c.pool.Get(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	defer c.pool.Put(client)
+	attempt := 0
+	for {
+		resp, err := client.Get(ctx, key)
+		if err != nil {
+			switch err {
+			case context.Canceled:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "context-cancelled", log.Fields{"error": err})
+			case context.DeadlineExceeded:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "context-deadline-exceeded", log.Fields{"error": err, "context": ctx})
+			case v3rpcTypes.ErrEmptyKey:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "etcd-client-error", log.Fields{"error": err})
+			case v3rpcTypes.ErrLeaderChanged,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrGRPCNoLeader,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrTimeout,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrTimeoutDueToLeaderFail,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrTimeoutDueToConnectionLost:
+				// Retry for these server errors
+				attempt += 1
+				if er := backoff(ctx, attempt); er != nil {
+					logger.Warnw(ctx, "get-retries-failed", log.Fields{"key": key, "error": er, "attempt": attempt})
+					return nil, err
+				}
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "retrying-get", log.Fields{"key": key, "error": err, "attempt": attempt})
+				goto startLoop
+			default:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "etcd-server-error", log.Fields{"error": err})
+			}
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		for _, ev := range resp.Kvs {
+			// Only one value is returned
+			return NewKVPair(string(ev.Key), ev.Value, "", ev.Lease, ev.Version), nil
+		}
+		return nil, nil
+	}
+// Put writes a key-value pair to the KV store.  Value can only be a string or []byte since the etcd API
+// accepts only a string as a value for a put operation. Timeout defines how long the function will
+// wait for a response
+func (c *EtcdClient) Put(ctx context.Context, key string, value interface{}) error {
+	// Validate that we can convert value to a string as etcd API expects a string
+	var val string
+	var err error
+	if val, err = ToString(value); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("unexpected-type-%T", value)
+	}
+	client, err := c.pool.Get(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	defer c.pool.Put(client)
+	attempt := 0
+	for {
+		_, err = client.Put(ctx, key, val)
+		if err != nil {
+			switch err {
+			case context.Canceled:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "context-cancelled", log.Fields{"error": err})
+			case context.DeadlineExceeded:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "context-deadline-exceeded", log.Fields{"error": err, "context": ctx})
+			case v3rpcTypes.ErrEmptyKey:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "etcd-client-error", log.Fields{"error": err})
+			case v3rpcTypes.ErrLeaderChanged,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrGRPCNoLeader,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrTimeout,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrTimeoutDueToLeaderFail,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrTimeoutDueToConnectionLost:
+				// Retry for these server errors
+				attempt += 1
+				if er := backoff(ctx, attempt); er != nil {
+					logger.Warnw(ctx, "put-retries-failed", log.Fields{"key": key, "error": er, "attempt": attempt})
+					return err
+				}
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "retrying-put", log.Fields{"key": key, "error": err, "attempt": attempt})
+				goto startLoop
+			default:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "etcd-server-error", log.Fields{"error": err})
+			}
+			return err
+		}
+		return nil
+	}
+// Delete removes a key from the KV store. Timeout defines how long the function will
+// wait for a response
+func (c *EtcdClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
+	client, err := c.pool.Get(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	defer c.pool.Put(client)
+	attempt := 0
+	for {
+		_, err = client.Delete(ctx, key)
+		if err != nil {
+			switch err {
+			case context.Canceled:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "context-cancelled", log.Fields{"error": err})
+			case context.DeadlineExceeded:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "context-deadline-exceeded", log.Fields{"error": err, "context": ctx})
+			case v3rpcTypes.ErrEmptyKey:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "etcd-client-error", log.Fields{"error": err})
+			case v3rpcTypes.ErrLeaderChanged,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrGRPCNoLeader,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrTimeout,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrTimeoutDueToLeaderFail,
+				v3rpcTypes.ErrTimeoutDueToConnectionLost:
+				// Retry for these server errors
+				attempt += 1
+				if er := backoff(ctx, attempt); er != nil {
+					logger.Warnw(ctx, "delete-retries-failed", log.Fields{"key": key, "error": er, "attempt": attempt})
+					return err
+				}
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "retrying-delete", log.Fields{"key": key, "error": err, "attempt": attempt})
+				goto startLoop
+			default:
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "etcd-server-error", log.Fields{"error": err})
+			}
+			return err
+		}
+		logger.Debugw(ctx, "key(s)-deleted", log.Fields{"key": key})
+		return nil
+	}
+func (c *EtcdClient) DeleteWithPrefix(ctx context.Context, prefixKey string) error {
+	client, err := c.pool.Get(ctx)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	defer c.pool.Put(client)
+	//delete the prefix
+	if _, err := client.Delete(ctx, prefixKey, v3Client.WithPrefix()); err != nil {
+		logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-delete-prefix-key", log.Fields{"key": prefixKey, "error": err})
+		return err
+	}
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "key(s)-deleted", log.Fields{"key": prefixKey})
+	return nil
+// Watch provides the watch capability on a given key.  It returns a channel onto which the callee needs to
+// listen to receive Events.
+func (c *EtcdClient) Watch(ctx context.Context, key string, withPrefix bool) chan *Event {
+	var err error
+	// Reuse the Etcd client when multiple callees are watching the same key.
+	c.watchedClientsLock.Lock()
+	client, exist := c.watchedClients[key]
+	if !exist {
+		client, err = c.pool.Get(ctx)
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Errorw(ctx, "failed-to-an-etcd-client", log.Fields{"key": key, "error": err})
+			c.watchedClientsLock.Unlock()
+			return nil
+		}
+		c.watchedClients[key] = client
+	}
+	c.watchedClientsLock.Unlock()
+	w := v3Client.NewWatcher(client)
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
+	var channel v3Client.WatchChan
+	if withPrefix {
+		channel = w.Watch(ctx, key, v3Client.WithPrefix())
+	} else {
+		channel = w.Watch(ctx, key)
+	}
+	// Create a new channel
+	ch := make(chan *Event, maxClientChannelBufferSize)
+	// Keep track of the created channels so they can be closed when required
+	channelMap := make(map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher)
+	channelMap[ch] = w
+	channelMaps := c.addChannelMap(key, channelMap)
+	// Changing the log field (from channelMaps) as the underlying logger cannot format the map of channels into a
+	// json format.
+	logger.Debugw(ctx, "watched-channels", log.Fields{"len": len(channelMaps)})
+	// Launch a go routine to listen for updates
+	go c.listenForKeyChange(ctx, channel, ch, cancel)
+	return ch
+func (c *EtcdClient) addChannelMap(key string, channelMap map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher) []map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher {
+	var channels interface{}
+	var exists bool
+	if channels, exists = c.watchedChannels.Load(key); exists {
+		channels = append(channels.([]map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher), channelMap)
+	} else {
+		channels = []map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher{channelMap}
+	}
+	c.watchedChannels.Store(key, channels)
+	return channels.([]map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher)
+func (c *EtcdClient) removeChannelMap(key string, pos int) []map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher {
+	var channels interface{}
+	var exists bool
+	if channels, exists = c.watchedChannels.Load(key); exists {
+		channels = append(channels.([]map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher)[:pos], channels.([]map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher)[pos+1:]...)
+		c.watchedChannels.Store(key, channels)
+	}
+	return channels.([]map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher)
+func (c *EtcdClient) getChannelMaps(key string) ([]map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher, bool) {
+	var channels interface{}
+	var exists bool
+	channels, exists = c.watchedChannels.Load(key)
+	if channels == nil {
+		return nil, exists
+	}
+	return channels.([]map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher), exists
+// CloseWatch closes a specific watch. Both the key and the channel are required when closing a watch as there
+// may be multiple listeners on the same key.  The previously created channel serves as a key
+func (c *EtcdClient) CloseWatch(ctx context.Context, key string, ch chan *Event) {
+	// Get the array of channels mapping
+	var watchedChannels []map[chan *Event]v3Client.Watcher
+	var ok bool
+	if watchedChannels, ok = c.getChannelMaps(key); !ok {
+		logger.Warnw(ctx, "key-has-no-watched-channels", log.Fields{"key": key})
+		return
+	}
+	// Look for the channels
+	var pos = -1
+	for i, chMap := range watchedChannels {
+		if t, ok := chMap[ch]; ok {
+			logger.Debug(ctx, "channel-found")
+			// Close the etcd watcher before the client channel.  This should close the etcd channel as well
+			if err := t.Close(); err != nil {
+				logger.Errorw(ctx, "watcher-cannot-be-closed", log.Fields{"key": key, "error": err})
+			}
+			pos = i
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	channelMaps, _ := c.getChannelMaps(key)
+	// Remove that entry if present
+	if pos >= 0 {
+		channelMaps = c.removeChannelMap(key, pos)
+	}
+	// If we don't have any keys being watched then return the Etcd client to the pool
+	if len(channelMaps) == 0 {
+		c.watchedClientsLock.Lock()
+		// Sanity
+		if client, ok := c.watchedClients[key]; ok {
+			c.pool.Put(client)
+			delete(c.watchedClients, key)
+		}
+		c.watchedClientsLock.Unlock()
+	}
+	logger.Infow(ctx, "watcher-channel-exiting", log.Fields{"key": key, "channel": channelMaps})
+func (c *EtcdClient) listenForKeyChange(ctx context.Context, channel v3Client.WatchChan, ch chan<- *Event, cancel context.CancelFunc) {
+	logger.Debug(ctx, "start-listening-on-channel ...")
+	defer cancel()
+	defer close(ch)
+	for resp := range channel {
+		for _, ev := range resp.Events {
+			ch <- NewEvent(getEventType(ev), ev.Kv.Key, ev.Kv.Value, ev.Kv.Version)
+		}
+	}
+	logger.Debug(ctx, "stop-listening-on-channel ...")
+func getEventType(event *v3Client.Event) int {
+	switch event.Type {
+	case v3Client.EventTypePut:
+		return PUT
+	case v3Client.EventTypeDelete:
+		return DELETE
+	}
+	return UNKNOWN
+// Close closes all the connection in the pool store client
+func (c *EtcdClient) Close(ctx context.Context) {
+	logger.Debug(ctx, "closing-etcd-pool")
+	c.pool.Close(ctx)
+// The APIs below are not used
+var errUnimplemented = errors.New("deprecated")
+// Reserve is deprecated
+func (c *EtcdClient) Reserve(ctx context.Context, key string, value interface{}, ttl time.Duration) (interface{}, error) {
+	return nil, errUnimplemented
+// ReleaseAllReservations is deprecated
+func (c *EtcdClient) ReleaseAllReservations(ctx context.Context) error {
+	return errUnimplemented
+// ReleaseReservation is deprecated
+func (c *EtcdClient) ReleaseReservation(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
+	return errUnimplemented
+// RenewReservation is deprecated
+func (c *EtcdClient) RenewReservation(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
+	return errUnimplemented
+// AcquireLock is deprecated
+func (c *EtcdClient) AcquireLock(ctx context.Context, lockName string, timeout time.Duration) error {
+	return errUnimplemented
+// ReleaseLock is deprecated
+func (c *EtcdClient) ReleaseLock(lockName string) error {
+	return errUnimplemented
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d33c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ * Copyright 2021-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package kvstore
+import (
+	"container/list"
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	""
+	""
+// EtcdClientAllocator represents a generic interface to allocate an Etcd Client
+type EtcdClientAllocator interface {
+	Get(context.Context) (*clientv3.Client, error)
+	Put(*clientv3.Client)
+	Close(ctx context.Context)
+// NewRoundRobinEtcdClientAllocator creates a new ETCD Client Allocator using a Round Robin scheme
+func NewRoundRobinEtcdClientAllocator(endpoints []string, timeout time.Duration, capacity, maxUsage int, level log.LogLevel) (EtcdClientAllocator, error) {
+	return &roundRobin{
+		all:       make(map[*clientv3.Client]*rrEntry),
+		full:      make(map[*clientv3.Client]*rrEntry),
+		waitList:  list.New(),
+		max:       maxUsage,
+		capacity:  capacity,
+		timeout:   timeout,
+		endpoints: endpoints,
+		logLevel:  level,
+		closingCh: make(chan struct{}, capacity*maxUsage),
+		stopCh:    make(chan struct{}),
+	}, nil
+type rrEntry struct {
+	client *clientv3.Client
+	count  int
+	age    time.Time
+type roundRobin struct {
+	//block chan struct{}
+	sync.Mutex
+	available []*rrEntry
+	all       map[*clientv3.Client]*rrEntry
+	full      map[*clientv3.Client]*rrEntry
+	waitList  *list.List
+	max       int
+	capacity  int
+	timeout   time.Duration
+	//ageOut    time.Duration
+	endpoints []string
+	size      int
+	logLevel  log.LogLevel
+	closing   bool
+	closingCh chan struct{}
+	stopCh    chan struct{}
+// Get returns an Etcd client. If not is available, it will create one
+// until the maximum allowed capacity.  If maximum capacity has been
+// reached then it will wait until s used one is freed.
+func (r *roundRobin) Get(ctx context.Context) (*clientv3.Client, error) {
+	r.Lock()
+	if r.closing {
+		r.Unlock()
+		return nil, errors.New("pool-is-closing")
+	}
+	// first determine if we need to block, which would mean the
+	// available queue is empty and we are at capacity
+	if len(r.available) == 0 && r.size >= r.capacity {
+		// create a channel on which to wait and
+		// add it to the list
+		ch := make(chan struct{})
+		element := r.waitList.PushBack(ch)
+		r.Unlock()
+		// block until it is our turn or context
+		// expires or is canceled
+		select {
+		case <-r.stopCh:
+			logger.Info(ctx, "stop-waiting-pool-is-closing")
+			r.waitList.Remove(element)
+			return nil, errors.New("stop-waiting-pool-is-closing")
+		case <-ch:
+			r.waitList.Remove(element)
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+			r.waitList.Remove(element)
+			return nil, ctx.Err()
+		}
+		r.Lock()
+	}
+	defer r.Unlock()
+	if len(r.available) > 0 {
+		// pull off back end as it is operationally quicker
+		last := len(r.available) - 1
+		entry := r.available[last]
+		entry.count++
+		if entry.count >= r.max {
+			r.available = r.available[:last]
+			r.full[entry.client] = entry
+		}
+		entry.age = time.Now()
+		return entry.client, nil
+	}
+	logConfig := log.ConstructZapConfig(log.JSON, r.logLevel, log.Fields{})
+	// increase capacity
+	client, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{
+		Endpoints:   r.endpoints,
+		DialTimeout: r.timeout,
+		LogConfig:   &logConfig,
+	})
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	entry := &rrEntry{
+		client: client,
+		count:  1,
+	}
+	r.all[entry.client] = entry
+	if r.max > 1 {
+		r.available = append(r.available, entry)
+	} else {
+		r.full[entry.client] = entry
+	}
+	r.size++
+	return client, nil
+// Put returns the Etcd Client back to the pool
+func (r *roundRobin) Put(client *clientv3.Client) {
+	r.Lock()
+	entry := r.all[client]
+	entry.count--
+	if r.closing {
+		// Close client if count is 0
+		if entry.count == 0 {
+			if err := entry.client.Close(); err != nil {
+				logger.Warnw(context.Background(), "error-closing-client", log.Fields{"error": err})
+			}
+			delete(r.all, entry.client)
+		}
+		// Notify Close function that a client was returned to the pool
+		r.closingCh <- struct{}{}
+		r.Unlock()
+		return
+	}
+	// This entry is now available for use, so
+	// if in full map add it to available and
+	// remove from full
+	if _, ok := r.full[client]; ok {
+		r.available = append(r.available, entry)
+		delete(r.full, client)
+	}
+	front := r.waitList.Front()
+	if front != nil {
+		ch := r.waitList.Remove(front)
+		r.Unlock()
+		// need to unblock if someone is waiting
+		ch.(chan struct{}) <- struct{}{}
+		return
+	}
+	r.Unlock()
+func (r *roundRobin) Close(ctx context.Context) {
+	r.Lock()
+	r.closing = true
+	// Notify anyone waiting for a client to stop waiting
+	close(r.stopCh)
+	// Clean-up unused clients
+	for i := 0; i < len(r.available); i++ {
+		// Count 0 means no one is using that client
+		if r.available[i].count == 0 {
+			if err := r.available[i].client.Close(); err != nil {
+				logger.Warnw(ctx, "failure-closing-client", log.Fields{"client": r.available[i].client, "error": err})
+			}
+			// Remove client for all list
+			delete(r.all, r.available[i].client)
+		}
+	}
+	// Figure out how many clients are in use
+	numberInUse := 0
+	for _, rrEntry := range r.all {
+		numberInUse += rrEntry.count
+	}
+	r.Unlock()
+	if numberInUse == 0 {
+		logger.Info(ctx, "no-connection-in-use")
+		return
+	}
+	logger.Infow(ctx, "waiting-for-clients-return", log.Fields{"count": numberInUse})
+	// Wait for notifications when a client is returned to the pool
+	for {
+		select {
+		case <-r.closingCh:
+			numberInUse--
+			if numberInUse == 0 {
+				logger.Info(ctx, "all-connections-closed")
+				return
+			}
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+			logger.Warnw(ctx, "context-done", log.Fields{"error": ctx.Err()})
+			return
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca57542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package kvstore
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"math"
+	"math/rand"
+	"time"
+const (
+	minRetryInterval  = 100
+	maxRetryInterval  = 5000
+	incrementalFactor = 1.2
+	jitter            = 0.2
+// ToString converts an interface value to a string.  The interface should either be of
+// a string type or []byte.  Otherwise, an error is returned.
+func ToString(value interface{}) (string, error) {
+	switch t := value.(type) {
+	case []byte:
+		return string(value.([]byte)), nil
+	case string:
+		return value.(string), nil
+	default:
+		return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected-type-%T", t)
+	}
+// ToByte converts an interface value to a []byte.  The interface should either be of
+// a string type or []byte.  Otherwise, an error is returned.
+func ToByte(value interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
+	switch t := value.(type) {
+	case []byte:
+		return value.([]byte), nil
+	case string:
+		return []byte(value.(string)), nil
+	default:
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected-type-%T", t)
+	}
+// backoff waits an amount of time that is proportional to the attempt value.  The wait time in a range of
+// minRetryInterval and maxRetryInterval.
+func backoff(ctx context.Context, attempt int) error {
+	if attempt == 0 {
+		return nil
+	}
+	backoff := int(minRetryInterval + incrementalFactor*math.Exp(float64(attempt)))
+	backoff *= 1 + int(jitter*(rand.Float64()*2-1))
+	if backoff > maxRetryInterval {
+		backoff = maxRetryInterval
+	}
+	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(backoff) * time.Millisecond)
+	defer ticker.Stop()
+	select {
+	case <-ctx.Done():
+		return ctx.Err()
+	case <-ticker.C:
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0ce81b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ * Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package log
+var logger CLogger
+func init() {
+	// Setup this package so that it's log level can be modified at run time
+	var err error
+	logger, err = RegisterPackage(JSON, ErrorLevel, Fields{})
+	if err != nil {
+		panic(err)
+	}
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b1a123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Package log provides a structured Logger interface implemented using zap logger. It provides the following capabilities:
+// 1. Package level logging - a go package can register itself (AddPackage) and have a logger created for that package.
+// 2. Dynamic log level change - for all registered packages (SetAllLogLevel)
+// 3. Dynamic log level change - for a given package (SetPackageLogLevel)
+// 4. Provides a default logger for unregistered packages (however avoid its usage)
+// 5. Allow key-value pairs to be added to a logger(UpdateLogger) or all loggers (UpdateAllLoggers) at run time
+// 6. Add to the log output the location where the log was invoked (filename.functionname.linenumber)
+// Using package-level logging (recommended approach).  In the examples below, log refers to this log package.
+// 1. In the appropriate package, add the following in the init section of the package (usually in a common.go file)
+//    The log level can be changed and any number of default fields can be added as well. The log level specifies
+//    the lowest log level that will be in the output while the fields will be automatically added to all log printouts.
+//    However, as voltha components re-initialize the log level of each registered package to default initial loglevel
+//    passed as CLI argument, the log level passed in RegisterPackage call effectively has no effect.
+//    var logger log.CLogger
+//    func init() {
+//              logger, err = log.RegisterPackage(log.JSON, log.ErrorLevel, log.Fields{"key1": "value1"})
+//    }
+// 2. In the calling package, use any of the publicly available functions of local package-level logger instance created
+//    in previous step.  Here is an example to write an Info log with additional fields:
+//    logger.Infow("An example", mylog.Fields{"myStringOutput": "output", "myIntOutput": 2})
+// 3. To dynamically change the log level, you can use
+//          a) SetLogLevel from inside your package or
+//          b) SetPackageLogLevel from anywhere or
+//          c) SetAllLogLevel from anywhere.
+//    Dynamic Loglevel configuration feature also uses SetPackageLogLevel method based on triggers received due to
+//    Changes to configured loglevels
+package log
+import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	"path"
+	"runtime"
+	"strings"
+	zp ""
+	zc ""
+type LogLevel int8
+const (
+	// DebugLevel logs a message at debug level
+	DebugLevel = LogLevel(iota)
+	// InfoLevel logs a message at info level
+	InfoLevel
+	// WarnLevel logs a message at warning level
+	WarnLevel
+	// ErrorLevel logs a message at error level
+	ErrorLevel
+	// FatalLevel logs a message, then calls os.Exit(1).
+	FatalLevel
+// CONSOLE formats the log for the console, mostly used during development
+const CONSOLE = "console"
+// JSON formats the log using json format, mostly used by an automated logging system consumption
+const JSON = "json"
+// Context Aware Logger represents an abstract logging interface.  Any logging implementation used
+// will need to abide by this interface
+type CLogger interface {
+	Debug(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Debugln(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Debugf(context.Context, string, ...interface{})
+	Debugw(context.Context, string, Fields)
+	Info(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Infoln(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Infof(context.Context, string, ...interface{})
+	Infow(context.Context, string, Fields)
+	Warn(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Warnln(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Warnf(context.Context, string, ...interface{})
+	Warnw(context.Context, string, Fields)
+	Error(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Errorln(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Errorf(context.Context, string, ...interface{})
+	Errorw(context.Context, string, Fields)
+	Fatal(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Fatalln(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Fatalf(context.Context, string, ...interface{})
+	Fatalw(context.Context, string, Fields)
+	With(Fields) CLogger
+	// The following are added to be able to use this logger as a gRPC LoggerV2 if needed
+	//
+	Warning(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Warningln(context.Context, ...interface{})
+	Warningf(context.Context, string, ...interface{})
+	// V reports whether verbosity level l is at least the requested verbose level.
+	V(l LogLevel) bool
+	//Returns the log level of this specific logger
+	GetLogLevel() LogLevel
+// Fields is used as key-value pairs for structured logging
+type Fields map[string]interface{}
+var defaultLogger *clogger
+var cfg zp.Config
+var loggers map[string]*clogger
+var cfgs map[string]zp.Config
+type clogger struct {
+	log         *zp.SugaredLogger
+	parent      *zp.Logger
+	packageName string
+func logLevelToAtomicLevel(l LogLevel) zp.AtomicLevel {
+	switch l {
+	case DebugLevel:
+		return zp.NewAtomicLevelAt(zc.DebugLevel)
+	case InfoLevel:
+		return zp.NewAtomicLevelAt(zc.InfoLevel)
+	case WarnLevel:
+		return zp.NewAtomicLevelAt(zc.WarnLevel)
+	case ErrorLevel:
+		return zp.NewAtomicLevelAt(zc.ErrorLevel)
+	case FatalLevel:
+		return zp.NewAtomicLevelAt(zc.FatalLevel)
+	}
+	return zp.NewAtomicLevelAt(zc.ErrorLevel)
+func logLevelToLevel(l LogLevel) zc.Level {
+	switch l {
+	case DebugLevel:
+		return zc.DebugLevel
+	case InfoLevel:
+		return zc.InfoLevel
+	case WarnLevel:
+		return zc.WarnLevel
+	case ErrorLevel:
+		return zc.ErrorLevel
+	case FatalLevel:
+		return zc.FatalLevel
+	}
+	return zc.ErrorLevel
+func levelToLogLevel(l zc.Level) LogLevel {
+	switch l {
+	case zc.DebugLevel:
+		return DebugLevel
+	case zc.InfoLevel:
+		return InfoLevel
+	case zc.WarnLevel:
+		return WarnLevel
+	case zc.ErrorLevel:
+		return ErrorLevel
+	case zc.FatalLevel:
+		return FatalLevel
+	}
+	return ErrorLevel
+func StringToLogLevel(l string) (LogLevel, error) {
+	switch strings.ToUpper(l) {
+	case "DEBUG":
+		return DebugLevel, nil
+	case "INFO":
+		return InfoLevel, nil
+	case "WARN":
+		return WarnLevel, nil
+	case "ERROR":
+		return ErrorLevel, nil
+	case "FATAL":
+		return FatalLevel, nil
+	}
+	return 0, errors.New("Given LogLevel is invalid : " + l)
+func LogLevelToString(l LogLevel) (string, error) {
+	switch l {
+	case DebugLevel:
+		return "DEBUG", nil
+	case InfoLevel:
+		return "INFO", nil
+	case WarnLevel:
+		return "WARN", nil
+	case ErrorLevel:
+		return "ERROR", nil
+	case FatalLevel:
+		return "FATAL", nil
+	}
+	return "", fmt.Errorf("Given LogLevel is invalid %d", l)
+func getDefaultConfig(outputType string, level LogLevel, defaultFields Fields) zp.Config {
+	return zp.Config{
+		Level:            logLevelToAtomicLevel(level),
+		Encoding:         outputType,
+		Development:      true,
+		OutputPaths:      []string{"stdout"},
+		ErrorOutputPaths: []string{"stderr"},
+		InitialFields:    defaultFields,
+		EncoderConfig: zc.EncoderConfig{
+			LevelKey:       "level",
+			MessageKey:     "msg",
+			TimeKey:        "ts",
+			CallerKey:      "caller",
+			StacktraceKey:  "stacktrace",
+			LineEnding:     zc.DefaultLineEnding,
+			EncodeLevel:    zc.LowercaseLevelEncoder,
+			EncodeTime:     zc.ISO8601TimeEncoder,
+			EncodeDuration: zc.SecondsDurationEncoder,
+			EncodeCaller:   zc.ShortCallerEncoder,
+		},
+	}
+func ConstructZapConfig(outputType string, level LogLevel, fields Fields) zp.Config {
+	return getDefaultConfig(outputType, level, fields)
+// SetLogger needs to be invoked before the logger API can be invoked.  This function
+// initialize the default logger (zap's sugaredlogger)
+func SetDefaultLogger(outputType string, level LogLevel, defaultFields Fields) (CLogger, error) {
+	// Build a custom config using zap
+	cfg = getDefaultConfig(outputType, level, defaultFields)
+	l, err := cfg.Build(zp.AddCallerSkip(1))
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	defaultLogger = &clogger{
+		log:    l.Sugar(),
+		parent: l,
+	}
+	return defaultLogger, nil
+// AddPackage registers a package to the log map.  Each package gets its own logger which allows
+// its config (loglevel) to be changed dynamically without interacting with the other packages.
+// outputType is JSON, level is the lowest level log to output with this logger and defaultFields is a map of
+// key-value pairs to always add to the output.
+// Note: AddPackage also returns a reference to the actual logger.  If a calling package uses this reference directly
+//instead of using the publicly available functions in this log package then a number of functionalities will not
+// be available to it, notably log tracing with filename.functionname.linenumber annotation.
+// pkgNames parameter should be used for testing only as this function detects the caller's package.
+func RegisterPackage(outputType string, level LogLevel, defaultFields Fields, pkgNames ...string) (CLogger, error) {
+	if cfgs == nil {
+		cfgs = make(map[string]zp.Config)
+	}
+	if loggers == nil {
+		loggers = make(map[string]*clogger)
+	}
+	var pkgName string
+	for _, name := range pkgNames {
+		pkgName = name
+		break
+	}
+	if pkgName == "" {
+		pkgName, _, _, _ = getCallerInfo()
+	}
+	if _, exist := loggers[pkgName]; exist {
+		return loggers[pkgName], nil
+	}
+	cfgs[pkgName] = getDefaultConfig(outputType, level, defaultFields)
+	l, err := cfgs[pkgName].Build(zp.AddCallerSkip(1))
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	loggers[pkgName] = &clogger{
+		log:         l.Sugar(),
+		parent:      l,
+		packageName: pkgName,
+	}
+	return loggers[pkgName], nil
+//UpdateAllLoggers create new loggers for all registered pacakges with the defaultFields.
+func UpdateAllLoggers(defaultFields Fields) error {
+	for pkgName, cfg := range cfgs {
+		for k, v := range defaultFields {
+			if cfg.InitialFields == nil {
+				cfg.InitialFields = make(map[string]interface{})
+			}
+			cfg.InitialFields[k] = v
+		}
+		l, err := cfg.Build(zp.AddCallerSkip(1))
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		// Update the existing zap logger instance
+		loggers[pkgName].log = l.Sugar()
+		loggers[pkgName].parent = l
+	}
+	return nil
+// Return a list of all packages that have individually-configured loggers
+func GetPackageNames() []string {
+	i := 0
+	keys := make([]string, len(loggers))
+	for k := range loggers {
+		keys[i] = k
+		i++
+	}
+	return keys
+// UpdateLogger updates the logger associated with a caller's package with supplied defaultFields
+func UpdateLogger(defaultFields Fields) error {
+	pkgName, _, _, _ := getCallerInfo()
+	if _, exist := loggers[pkgName]; !exist {
+		return fmt.Errorf("package-%s-not-registered", pkgName)
+	}
+	// Build a new logger
+	if _, exist := cfgs[pkgName]; !exist {
+		return fmt.Errorf("config-%s-not-registered", pkgName)
+	}
+	cfg := cfgs[pkgName]
+	for k, v := range defaultFields {
+		if cfg.InitialFields == nil {
+			cfg.InitialFields = make(map[string]interface{})
+		}
+		cfg.InitialFields[k] = v
+	}
+	l, err := cfg.Build(zp.AddCallerSkip(1))
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// Update the existing zap logger instance
+	loggers[pkgName].log = l.Sugar()
+	loggers[pkgName].parent = l
+	return nil
+func setLevel(cfg zp.Config, level LogLevel) {
+	switch level {
+	case DebugLevel:
+		cfg.Level.SetLevel(zc.DebugLevel)
+	case InfoLevel:
+		cfg.Level.SetLevel(zc.InfoLevel)
+	case WarnLevel:
+		cfg.Level.SetLevel(zc.WarnLevel)
+	case ErrorLevel:
+		cfg.Level.SetLevel(zc.ErrorLevel)
+	case FatalLevel:
+		cfg.Level.SetLevel(zc.FatalLevel)
+	default:
+		cfg.Level.SetLevel(zc.ErrorLevel)
+	}
+//SetPackageLogLevel dynamically sets the log level of a given package to level.  This is typically invoked at an
+// application level during debugging
+func SetPackageLogLevel(packageName string, level LogLevel) {
+	// Get proper config
+	if cfg, ok := cfgs[packageName]; ok {
+		setLevel(cfg, level)
+	}
+//SetAllLogLevel sets the log level of all registered packages to level
+func SetAllLogLevel(level LogLevel) {
+	// Get proper config
+	for _, cfg := range cfgs {
+		setLevel(cfg, level)
+	}
+//GetPackageLogLevel returns the current log level of a package.
+func GetPackageLogLevel(packageName ...string) (LogLevel, error) {
+	var name string
+	if len(packageName) == 1 {
+		name = packageName[0]
+	} else {
+		name, _, _, _ = getCallerInfo()
+	}
+	if cfg, ok := cfgs[name]; ok {
+		return levelToLogLevel(cfg.Level.Level()), nil
+	}
+	return 0, fmt.Errorf("unknown-package-%s", name)
+//GetDefaultLogLevel gets the log level used for packages that don't have specific loggers
+func GetDefaultLogLevel() LogLevel {
+	return levelToLogLevel(cfg.Level.Level())
+//SetLogLevel sets the log level for the logger corresponding to the caller's package
+func SetLogLevel(level LogLevel) error {
+	pkgName, _, _, _ := getCallerInfo()
+	if _, exist := cfgs[pkgName]; !exist {
+		return fmt.Errorf("unregistered-package-%s", pkgName)
+	}
+	cfg := cfgs[pkgName]
+	setLevel(cfg, level)
+	return nil
+//SetDefaultLogLevel sets the log level used for packages that don't have specific loggers
+func SetDefaultLogLevel(level LogLevel) {
+	setLevel(cfg, level)
+// CleanUp flushed any buffered log entries. Applications should take care to call
+// CleanUp before exiting.
+func CleanUp() error {
+	for _, logger := range loggers {
+		if logger != nil {
+			if logger.parent != nil {
+				if err := logger.parent.Sync(); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if defaultLogger != nil {
+		if defaultLogger.parent != nil {
+			if err := defaultLogger.parent.Sync(); err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+func getCallerInfo() (string, string, string, int) {
+	// Since the caller of a log function is one stack frame before (in terms of stack higher level) the log.go
+	// filename, then first look for the last log.go filename and then grab the caller info one level higher.
+	maxLevel := 3
+	skiplevel := 3 // Level with the most empirical success to see the last log.go stack frame.
+	pc := make([]uintptr, maxLevel)
+	n := runtime.Callers(skiplevel, pc)
+	packageName := ""
+	funcName := ""
+	fileName := ""
+	var line int
+	if n == 0 {
+		return packageName, fileName, funcName, line
+	}
+	frames := runtime.CallersFrames(pc[:n])
+	var frame runtime.Frame
+	var foundFrame runtime.Frame
+	more := true
+	for more {
+		frame, more = frames.Next()
+		_, fileName = path.Split(frame.File)
+		if fileName != "log.go" {
+			foundFrame = frame // First frame after log.go in the frame stack
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	parts := strings.Split(foundFrame.Function, ".")
+	pl := len(parts)
+	if pl >= 2 {
+		funcName = parts[pl-1]
+		if parts[pl-2][0] == '(' {
+			packageName = strings.Join(parts[0:pl-2], ".")
+		} else {
+			packageName = strings.Join(parts[0:pl-1], ".")
+		}
+	}
+	if strings.HasSuffix(packageName, ".init") {
+		packageName = strings.TrimSuffix(packageName, ".init")
+	}
+	if strings.HasSuffix(fileName, ".go") {
+		fileName = strings.TrimSuffix(fileName, ".go")
+	}
+	return packageName, fileName, funcName, foundFrame.Line
+// With returns a logger initialized with the key-value pairs
+func (l clogger) With(keysAndValues Fields) CLogger {
+	return clogger{log: l.log.With(serializeMap(keysAndValues)...), parent: l.parent}
+// Debug logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Debug(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Debug(args...)
+// Debugln logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
+func (l clogger) Debugln(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Debug(args...)
+// Debugw logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Debugf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Debugf(format, args...)
+// Debugw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
+// pairs are treated as they are in With.
+func (l clogger) Debugw(ctx context.Context, msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
+	if l.V(DebugLevel) {
+		l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Debugw(msg, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
+	}
+// Info logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Info(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Info(args...)
+// Infoln logs a message at level Info on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
+func (l clogger) Infoln(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Info(args...)
+	//msg := fmt.Sprintln(args...)
+	//l.sourced().Info(msg[:len(msg)-1])
+// Infof logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Infof(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Infof(format, args...)
+// Infow logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
+// pairs are treated as they are in With.
+func (l clogger) Infow(ctx context.Context, msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
+	if l.V(InfoLevel) {
+		l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Infow(msg, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
+	}
+// Warn logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Warn(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Warn(args...)
+// Warnln logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
+func (l clogger) Warnln(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Warn(args...)
+// Warnf logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Warnf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Warnf(format, args...)
+// Warnw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
+// pairs are treated as they are in With.
+func (l clogger) Warnw(ctx context.Context, msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
+	if l.V(WarnLevel) {
+		l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Warnw(msg, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
+	}
+// Error logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Error(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Error(args...)
+// Errorln logs a message at level Error on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
+func (l clogger) Errorln(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Error(args...)
+// Errorf logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Errorf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Errorf(format, args...)
+// Errorw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
+// pairs are treated as they are in With.
+func (l clogger) Errorw(ctx context.Context, msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
+	if l.V(ErrorLevel) {
+		l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Errorw(msg, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
+	}
+// Fatal logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Fatal(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Fatal(args...)
+// Fatalln logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
+func (l clogger) Fatalln(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Fatal(args...)
+// Fatalf logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Fatalf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Fatalf(format, args...)
+// Fatalw logs a message with some additional context. The variadic key-value
+// pairs are treated as they are in With.
+func (l clogger) Fatalw(ctx context.Context, msg string, keysAndValues Fields) {
+	if l.V(FatalLevel) {
+		l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Fatalw(msg, serializeMap(keysAndValues)...)
+	}
+// Warning logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Warning(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Warn(args...)
+// Warningln logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger with a line feed. Default in any case.
+func (l clogger) Warningln(ctx context.Context, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Warn(args...)
+// Warningf logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
+func (l clogger) Warningf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
+	l.log.With(GetGlobalLFM().ExtractContextAttributes(ctx)...).Warnf(format, args...)
+// V reports whether verbosity level l is at least the requested verbose level.
+func (l clogger) V(level LogLevel) bool {
+	return l.parent.Core().Enabled(logLevelToLevel(level))
+// GetLogLevel returns the current level of the logger
+func (l clogger) GetLogLevel() LogLevel {
+	return levelToLogLevel(cfgs[l.packageName].Level.Level())
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82c3d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+ * Copyright 2018-present Open Networking Foundation
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// File contains utility functions to support Open Tracing in conjunction with
+// Enhanced Logging based on context propagation
+package log
+import (
+	"context"
+	"errors"
+	"fmt"
+	""
+	jtracing ""
+	jcfg ""
+	"io"
+	"os"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+const (
+	RootSpanNameKey = "op-name"
+// Global Settings governing the Log Correlation and Tracing features. Should only
+// be updated through the exposed public methods
+type LogFeaturesManager struct {
+	isTracePublishingEnabled bool
+	isLogCorrelationEnabled  bool
+	componentName            string // Name of component extracted from ENV variable
+	activeTraceAgentAddress  string
+	lock                     sync.Mutex
+var globalLFM *LogFeaturesManager = &LogFeaturesManager{}
+func GetGlobalLFM() *LogFeaturesManager {
+	return globalLFM
+// A Wrapper to utilize currently Active Tracer instance. The middleware library being used for generating
+// Spans for GRPC API calls does not support dynamically setting the Active Tracer similar to the SetGlobalTracer method
+// provided by OpenTracing API
+type ActiveTracerProxy struct {
+func (atw ActiveTracerProxy) StartSpan(operationName string, opts ...opentracing.StartSpanOption) opentracing.Span {
+	return opentracing.GlobalTracer().StartSpan(operationName, opts...)
+func (atw ActiveTracerProxy) Inject(sm opentracing.SpanContext, format interface{}, carrier interface{}) error {
+	return opentracing.GlobalTracer().Inject(sm, format, carrier)
+func (atw ActiveTracerProxy) Extract(format interface{}, carrier interface{}) (opentracing.SpanContext, error) {
+	return opentracing.GlobalTracer().Extract(format, carrier)
+// Jaeger complaint Logger instance to redirect logs to Default Logger
+type traceLogger struct {
+	logger *clogger
+func (tl traceLogger) Error(msg string) {
+	tl.logger.Error(context.Background(), msg)
+func (tl traceLogger) Infof(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
+	// Tracing logs should be performed only at Debug Verbosity
+	tl.logger.Debugf(context.Background(), msg, args...)
+// Wrapper to handle correct Closer call at the time of Process Termination
+type traceCloser struct {
+func (c traceCloser) Close() error {
+	currentActiveTracer := opentracing.GlobalTracer()
+	if currentActiveTracer != nil {
+		if jTracer, ok := currentActiveTracer.(*jtracing.Tracer); ok {
+			jTracer.Close()
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// Method to Initialize Jaeger based Tracing client based on initial status of Tracing Publish and Log Correlation
+func (lfm *LogFeaturesManager) InitTracingAndLogCorrelation(tracePublishEnabled bool, traceAgentAddress string, logCorrelationEnabled bool) (io.Closer, error) {
+	lfm.componentName = os.Getenv("COMPONENT_NAME")
+	if lfm.componentName == "" {
+		return nil, errors.New("Unable to retrieve PoD Component Name from Runtime env")
+	}
+	lfm.lock.Lock()
+	defer lfm.lock.Unlock()
+	// Use NoopTracer when both Tracing Publishing and Log Correlation are disabled
+	if !tracePublishEnabled && !logCorrelationEnabled {
+		logger.Info(context.Background(), "Skipping Global Tracer initialization as both Trace publish and Log correlation are configured as disabled")
+		lfm.isTracePublishingEnabled = false
+		lfm.isLogCorrelationEnabled = false
+		opentracing.SetGlobalTracer(opentracing.NoopTracer{})
+		return traceCloser{}, nil
+	}
+	tracer, _, err := lfm.constructJaegerTracer(tracePublishEnabled, traceAgentAddress, true)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// Initialize variables representing Active Status
+	opentracing.SetGlobalTracer(tracer)
+	lfm.isTracePublishingEnabled = tracePublishEnabled
+	lfm.activeTraceAgentAddress = traceAgentAddress
+	lfm.isLogCorrelationEnabled = logCorrelationEnabled
+	return traceCloser{}, nil
+// Method to replace Active Tracer along with graceful closer of previous tracer
+func (lfm *LogFeaturesManager) replaceActiveTracer(tracer opentracing.Tracer) {
+	currentActiveTracer := opentracing.GlobalTracer()
+	opentracing.SetGlobalTracer(tracer)
+	if currentActiveTracer != nil {
+		if jTracer, ok := currentActiveTracer.(*jtracing.Tracer); ok {
+			jTracer.Close()
+		}
+	}
+func (lfm *LogFeaturesManager) GetLogCorrelationStatus() bool {
+	lfm.lock.Lock()
+	defer lfm.lock.Unlock()
+	return lfm.isLogCorrelationEnabled
+func (lfm *LogFeaturesManager) SetLogCorrelationStatus(isEnabled bool) {
+	lfm.lock.Lock()
+	defer lfm.lock.Unlock()
+	if isEnabled == lfm.isLogCorrelationEnabled {
+		logger.Debugf(context.Background(), "Ignoring Log Correlation Set operation with value %t; current Status same as desired", isEnabled)
+		return
+	}
+	if isEnabled {
+		// Construct new Tracer instance if Log Correlation has been enabled and current active tracer is a NoopTracer instance.
+		// Continue using the earlier tracer instance in case of any error
+		if _, ok := opentracing.GlobalTracer().(opentracing.NoopTracer); ok {
+			tracer, _, err := lfm.constructJaegerTracer(lfm.isTracePublishingEnabled, lfm.activeTraceAgentAddress, false)
+			if err != nil {
+				logger.Warnf(context.Background(), "Log Correlation Enable operation failed with error: %s", err.Error())
+				return
+			}
+			lfm.replaceActiveTracer(tracer)
+		}
+		lfm.isLogCorrelationEnabled = true
+		logger.Info(context.Background(), "Log Correlation has been enabled")
+	} else {
+		// Switch to NoopTracer when Log Correlation has been disabled and Tracing Publish is already disabled
+		if _, ok := opentracing.GlobalTracer().(opentracing.NoopTracer); !ok && !lfm.isTracePublishingEnabled {
+			lfm.replaceActiveTracer(opentracing.NoopTracer{})
+		}
+		lfm.isLogCorrelationEnabled = false
+		logger.Info(context.Background(), "Log Correlation has been disabled")
+	}
+func (lfm *LogFeaturesManager) GetTracePublishingStatus() bool {
+	lfm.lock.Lock()
+	defer lfm.lock.Unlock()
+	return lfm.isTracePublishingEnabled
+func (lfm *LogFeaturesManager) SetTracePublishingStatus(isEnabled bool) {
+	lfm.lock.Lock()
+	defer lfm.lock.Unlock()
+	if isEnabled == lfm.isTracePublishingEnabled {
+		logger.Debugf(context.Background(), "Ignoring Trace Publishing Set operation with value %t; current Status same as desired", isEnabled)
+		return
+	}
+	if isEnabled {
+		// Construct new Tracer instance if Tracing Publish has been enabled (even if a Jaeger instance is already active)
+		// This is needed to ensure that a fresh lookup of Jaeger Agent address is performed again while performing
+		// Disable-Enable of Tracing
+		tracer, _, err := lfm.constructJaegerTracer(isEnabled, lfm.activeTraceAgentAddress, false)
+		if err != nil {
+			logger.Warnf(context.Background(), "Trace Publishing Enable operation failed with error: %s", err.Error())
+			return
+		}
+		lfm.replaceActiveTracer(tracer)
+		lfm.isTracePublishingEnabled = true
+		logger.Info(context.Background(), "Tracing Publishing has been enabled")
+	} else {
+		// Switch to NoopTracer when Tracing Publish has been disabled and Log Correlation is already disabled
+		if !lfm.isLogCorrelationEnabled {
+			lfm.replaceActiveTracer(opentracing.NoopTracer{})
+		} else {
+			// Else construct a new Jaeger Instance with publishing disabled
+			tracer, _, err := lfm.constructJaegerTracer(isEnabled, lfm.activeTraceAgentAddress, false)
+			if err != nil {
+				logger.Warnf(context.Background(), "Trace Publishing Disable operation failed with error: %s", err.Error())
+				return
+			}
+			lfm.replaceActiveTracer(tracer)
+		}
+		lfm.isTracePublishingEnabled = false
+		logger.Info(context.Background(), "Tracing Publishing has been disabled")
+	}
+// Method to contruct a new Jaeger Tracer instance based on given Trace Agent address and Publish status.
+// The last attribute indicates whether to use Loopback IP for creating Jaeger Client when the DNS lookup
+// of supplied Trace Agent address has failed. It is fine to fallback during the initialization step, but
+// not later (when enabling/disabling the status dynamically)
+func (lfm *LogFeaturesManager) constructJaegerTracer(tracePublishEnabled bool, traceAgentAddress string, fallbackToLoopbackAllowed bool) (opentracing.Tracer, io.Closer, error) {
+	cfg := jcfg.Configuration{ServiceName: lfm.componentName}
+	var err error
+	var jReporterConfig jcfg.ReporterConfig
+	var jReporterCfgOption jtracing.Reporter
+	logger.Info(context.Background(), "Constructing new Jaeger Tracer instance")
+	// Attempt Trace Agent Address first; will fallback to Loopback IP if it fails
+	jReporterConfig = jcfg.ReporterConfig{LocalAgentHostPort: traceAgentAddress, LogSpans: true}
+	jReporterCfgOption, err = jReporterConfig.NewReporter(lfm.componentName, jtracing.NewNullMetrics(), traceLogger{logger: logger.(*clogger)})
+	if err != nil {
+		if !fallbackToLoopbackAllowed {
+			return nil, nil, errors.New("Reporter Creation for given Trace Agent address " + traceAgentAddress + " failed with error : " + err.Error())
+		}
+		logger.Infow(context.Background(), "Unable to create Reporter with given Trace Agent address",
+			Fields{"error": err, "address": traceAgentAddress})
+		// The Reporter initialization may fail due to Invalid Agent address or non-existent Agent (DNS lookup failure).
+		// It is essential for Tracer Instance to still start for correct Span propagation needed for log correlation.
+		// Thus, falback to use loopback IP for Reporter initialization before throwing back any error
+		tracePublishEnabled = false
+		jReporterConfig.LocalAgentHostPort = ""
+		jReporterCfgOption, err = jReporterConfig.NewReporter(lfm.componentName, jtracing.NewNullMetrics(), traceLogger{logger: logger.(*clogger)})
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, nil, errors.New("Failed to initialize Jaeger Tracing due to Reporter creation error : " + err.Error())
+		}
+	}
+	// To start with, we are using Constant Sampling type
+	samplerParam := 0 // 0: Do not publish span, 1: Publish
+	if tracePublishEnabled {
+		samplerParam = 1
+	}
+	jSamplerConfig := jcfg.SamplerConfig{Type: "const", Param: float64(samplerParam)}
+	jSamplerCfgOption, err := jSamplerConfig.NewSampler(lfm.componentName, jtracing.NewNullMetrics())
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, nil, errors.New("Unable to create Sampler : " + err.Error())
+	}
+	return cfg.NewTracer(jcfg.Reporter(jReporterCfgOption), jcfg.Sampler(jSamplerCfgOption))
+func TerminateTracing(c io.Closer) {
+	err := c.Close()
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.Error(context.Background(), "error-while-closing-jaeger-tracer", Fields{"err": err})
+	}
+// Extracts details of Execution Context as log fields from the Tracing Span injected into the
+// context instance. Following log fields are extracted:
+// 1. Operation Name : key as 'op-name' and value as Span operation name
+// 2. Operation Id : key as 'op-id' and value as 64 bit Span Id in hex digits string
+// Additionally, any tags present in Span are also extracted to use as log fields e.g. device-id.
+// If no Span is found associated with context, blank slice is returned without any log fields
+func (lfm *LogFeaturesManager) ExtractContextAttributes(ctx context.Context) []interface{} {
+	if !lfm.isLogCorrelationEnabled {
+		return make([]interface{}, 0)
+	}
+	attrMap := make(map[string]interface{})
+	if ctx != nil {
+		if span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); span != nil {
+			if jspan, ok := span.(*jtracing.Span); ok {
+				// Add Log fields for operation identified by Root Level Span (Trace)
+				opId := fmt.Sprintf("%016x", jspan.SpanContext().TraceID().Low) // Using Sprintf to avoid removal of leading 0s
+				opName := jspan.BaggageItem(RootSpanNameKey)
+				taskId := fmt.Sprintf("%016x", uint64(jspan.SpanContext().SpanID())) // Using Sprintf to avoid removal of leading 0s
+				taskName := jspan.OperationName()
+				if opName == "" {
+					span.SetBaggageItem(RootSpanNameKey, taskName)
+					opName = taskName
+				}
+				attrMap["op-id"] = opId
+				attrMap["op-name"] = opName
+				// Add Log fields for task identified by Current Span, if it is different
+				// than operation
+				if taskId != opId {
+					attrMap["task-id"] = taskId
+					attrMap["task-name"] = taskName
+				}
+				for k, v := range jspan.Tags() {
+					// Ignore the special tags added by Jaeger, middleware (sampler.type, span.*) present in the span
+					if strings.HasPrefix(k, "sampler.") || strings.HasPrefix(k, "span.") || k == "component" {
+						continue
+					}
+					attrMap[k] = v
+				}
+				processBaggageItems := func(k, v string) bool {
+					if k != "rpc-span-name" {
+						attrMap[k] = v
+					}
+					return true
+				}
+				jspan.SpanContext().ForeachBaggageItem(processBaggageItems)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return serializeMap(attrMap)
+// Method to inject additional log fields into Span e.g. device-id
+func EnrichSpan(ctx context.Context, keyAndValues ...Fields) {
+	span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
+	if span != nil {
+		if jspan, ok := span.(*jtracing.Span); ok {
+			// Inject as a BaggageItem when the Span is the Root Span so that it propagates
+			// across the components along with Root Span (called as Trace)
+			// Else, inject as a Tag so that it is attached to the Child Task
+			isRootSpan := false
+			if jspan.SpanContext().TraceID().String() == jspan.SpanContext().SpanID().String() {
+				isRootSpan = true
+			}
+			for _, field := range keyAndValues {
+				for k, v := range field {
+					if isRootSpan {
+						span.SetBaggageItem(k, v.(string))
+					} else {
+						span.SetTag(k, v)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// Method to inject Error into the Span in event of any operation failure
+func MarkSpanError(ctx context.Context, err error) {
+	span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
+	if span != nil {
+		span.SetTag("error", true)
+		span.SetTag("err", err)
+	}
+// Creates a Child Span from Parent Span embedded in passed context. Should be used before starting a new major
+// operation in Synchronous or Asynchronous mode (go routine), such as following:
+// 1. Start of all implemented External API methods unless using a interceptor for auto-injection of Span (Server side impl)
+// 2. Just before calling an Third-Party lib which is invoking a External API (etcd, kafka)
+// 3. In start of a Go Routine responsible for performing a major task involving significant duration
+// 4. Any method which is suspected to be time consuming...
+func CreateChildSpan(ctx context.Context, taskName string, keyAndValues ...Fields) (opentracing.Span, context.Context) {
+	if !GetGlobalLFM().GetLogCorrelationStatus() && !GetGlobalLFM().GetTracePublishingStatus() {
+		return opentracing.NoopTracer{}.StartSpan(taskName), ctx
+	}
+	parentSpan := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
+	childSpan, newCtx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, taskName)
+	if parentSpan == nil || parentSpan.BaggageItem(RootSpanNameKey) == "" {
+		childSpan.SetBaggageItem(RootSpanNameKey, taskName)
+	}
+	EnrichSpan(newCtx, keyAndValues...)
+	return childSpan, newCtx
+// Creates a Async Child Span with Follows-From relationship from Parent Span embedded in passed context.
+// Should be used only in scenarios when
+// a) There is dis-continuation in execution and thus result of Child span does not affect the Parent flow at all
+// b) The execution of Child Span is guaranteed to start after the completion of Parent Span
+// In case of any confusion, use CreateChildSpan method
+// Some situations where this method would be suitable includes Kafka Async RPC call, Propagation of Event across
+// a channel etc.
+func CreateAsyncSpan(ctx context.Context, taskName string, keyAndValues ...Fields) (opentracing.Span, context.Context) {
+	if !GetGlobalLFM().GetLogCorrelationStatus() && !GetGlobalLFM().GetTracePublishingStatus() {
+		return opentracing.NoopTracer{}.StartSpan(taskName), ctx
+	}
+	var asyncSpan opentracing.Span
+	var newCtx context.Context
+	parentSpan := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx)
+	// We should always be creating Aysnc span from a Valid parent span. If not, create a Child span instead
+	if parentSpan == nil {
+		logger.Warn(context.Background(), "Async span must be created with a Valid parent span only")
+		asyncSpan, newCtx = opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, taskName)
+	} else {
+		// Use Background context as the base for Follows-from case; else new span is getting both Child and FollowsFrom relationship
+		asyncSpan, newCtx = opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(context.Background(), taskName, opentracing.FollowsFrom(parentSpan.Context()))
+	}
+	if parentSpan == nil || parentSpan.BaggageItem(RootSpanNameKey) == "" {
+		asyncSpan.SetBaggageItem(RootSpanNameKey, taskName)
+	}
+	EnrichSpan(newCtx, keyAndValues...)
+	return asyncSpan, newCtx
+// Extracts the span from Source context and injects into the supplied Target context.
+// This should be used in situations wherein we are calling a time-sensitive operation (etcd update) and hence
+// had a context.Background() used earlier to avoid any cancellation/timeout of operation by passed context.
+// This will allow propagation of span with a different base context (and not the original context)
+func WithSpanFromContext(targetCtx, sourceCtx context.Context) context.Context {
+	span := opentracing.SpanFromContext(sourceCtx)
+	return opentracing.ContextWithSpan(targetCtx, span)
+// Utility method to convert log Fields into array of interfaces expected by zap logger methods
+func serializeMap(fields Fields) []interface{} {
+	data := make([]interface{}, len(fields)*2)
+	i := 0
+	for k, v := range fields {
+		data[i] = k
+		data[i+1] = v
+		i = i + 2
+	}
+	return data