Import of at commit 40d61fbf3f910ed4017cf67c9c79e8e1f82a33a5

Change-Id: I8464c59e60d76cb8612891db3303878975b5416c
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ef3f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ifeq ($(GOPATH),)
+$(error "***** Please set your GOPATH environment variable")
+ifneq ($(GOPATH)/src/,$(shell pwd))
+$(warning "***** Your GOPATH environment variable may not be set correctly. Your current directory should be $$GOPATH/src/")
+internal/pkg/commands/voltha_v1_pb.go: assets/protosets/voltha_v1.pb
+	@echo "package commands" > $@
+	@echo "" >> $@
+	@echo "var V1Descriptor = []byte{" >> $@
+	hexdump -ve '1/1 "0x%02x,"' assets/protosets/voltha_v1.pb | fold -w 60 -s >> $@
+	@echo "}" >> $@
+	@go fmt $@
+internal/pkg/commands/voltha_v2_pb.go: assets/protosets/voltha_v2.pb
+	@echo "package commands" > $@
+	@echo "" >> $@
+	@echo "var V2Descriptor = []byte{" >> $@
+	hexdump -ve '1/1 "0x%02x,"' assets/protosets/voltha_v2.pb | fold -w 60 -s >> $@
+	@echo "}" >> $@
+	@go fmt $@
+encode-protosets: internal/pkg/commands/voltha_v1_pb.go internal/pkg/commands/voltha_v2_pb.go
+VERSION=$(shell cat $(GOPATH)/src/
+GITCOMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)
+ifeq ($(shell git ls-files --others --modified --exclude-standard 2>/dev/null | wc -l | sed -e 's/ //g'),0)
+GOVERSION=$(shell go version 2>&1 | sed -E  's/.*(go[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/g')
+HOST_OS=$(shell uname -s | tr A-Z a-z)
+ifeq ($(shell uname -m),x86_64)
+	HOST_ARCH ?= amd64
+	HOST_ARCH ?= $(shell uname -m)
+BUILDTIME=$(shell date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+LDFLAGS=-ldflags \
+	'-X "$(VERSION)"  \
+	 -X "$(GITCOMMIT)"  \
+	 -X "$(GITDIRTY)"  \
+	 -X "$(GOVERSION)"  \
+	 -X "$(HOST_OS)" \
+	 -X "$(HOST_ARCH)" \
+	 -X "$(BUILDTIME)"'
+# Release related items
+# Generates binaries in $RELEASE_DIR with name $RELEASE_NAME-$RELEASE_OS_ARCH
+# Inspired by:
+RELEASE_DIR     ?= release
+RELEASE_NAME    ?= voltctl
+RELEASE_OS_ARCH ?= linux-amd64 windows-amd64 darwin-amd64
+RELEASE_BINS    := $(foreach rel,$(RELEASE_OS_ARCH),$(RELEASE_DIR)/$(RELEASE_NAME)-$(subst -dev,_dev,$(VERSION))-$(rel))
+# Functions to extract the OS/ARCH
+rel_ver   = $(word 2, $(subst -, ,$(notdir $@)))
+rel_os    = $(word 3, $(subst -, ,$(notdir $@)))
+rel_arch  = $(word 4, $(subst -, ,$(notdir $@)))
+	[ -d "vendor" ] || dep ensure
+$(RELEASE_BINS): dependencies
+	mkdir -p $(RELEASE_DIR)
+	GOPATH=$(GOPATH) GOOS=$(rel_os) GOARCH=$(rel_arch) \
+	       go build -v $(LDFLAGS) -o "$@" cmd/voltctl/voltctl.go
+release: $(RELEASE_BINS)
+build: dependencies
+	       go build $(LDFLAGS) \
+	       cmd/voltctl/voltctl.go
+install: dependencies
+	GOPATH=$(GOPATH) GOBIN=$(GOPATH)/bin  go install $(LDFLAGS) \
+	       cmd/voltctl/voltctl.go
+run: dependencies
+	GOPATH=$(GOPATH) go run $(LDFLAGS) $(CMD) 
+lint: dependencies
+	GOPATH=$(GOPATH) find $(GOPATH)/src/ -name "*.go" -not -path '$(GOPATH)/src/*' | xargs gofmt -l
+	GOPATH=$(GOPATH) go vet
+	dep check
+test: dependencies
+	GOPATH=$(GOPATH) go test $(TEST_ARGS) -cover -coverprofile=voltctl.cp
+	GOPATH=$(GOPATH) go tool cover -html voltctl.cp
+	rm -rf voltctl voltctl.cp release