Import of at commit 40d61fbf3f910ed4017cf67c9c79e8e1f82a33a5

Change-Id: I8464c59e60d76cb8612891db3303878975b5416c
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2499917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1081 @@
+package protoparse
+import "fmt"
+// This file defines all of the nodes in the proto AST.
+// ErrorWithSourcePos is an error about a proto source file includes information
+// about the location in the file that caused the error.
+type ErrorWithSourcePos struct {
+	Underlying error
+	Pos        *SourcePos
+// Error implements the error interface
+func (e ErrorWithSourcePos) Error() string {
+	if e.Pos.Line <= 0 || e.Pos.Col <= 0 {
+		return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v", e.Pos.Filename, e.Underlying)
+	}
+	return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d: %v", e.Pos.Filename, e.Pos.Line, e.Pos.Col, e.Underlying)
+// SourcePos identifies a location in a proto source file.
+type SourcePos struct {
+	Filename  string
+	Line, Col int
+	Offset    int
+func unknownPos(filename string) *SourcePos {
+	return &SourcePos{Filename: filename}
+type node interface {
+	start() *SourcePos
+	end() *SourcePos
+	leadingComments() []*comment
+	trailingComments() []*comment
+type terminalNode interface {
+	node
+	popLeadingComment() *comment
+	pushTrailingComment(*comment)
+var _ terminalNode = (*basicNode)(nil)
+var _ terminalNode = (*stringLiteralNode)(nil)
+var _ terminalNode = (*intLiteralNode)(nil)
+var _ terminalNode = (*floatLiteralNode)(nil)
+var _ terminalNode = (*identNode)(nil)
+type fileDecl interface {
+	node
+	getSyntax() node
+var _ fileDecl = (*fileNode)(nil)
+var _ fileDecl = (*noSourceNode)(nil)
+type optionDecl interface {
+	node
+	getName() node
+	getValue() valueNode
+var _ optionDecl = (*optionNode)(nil)
+var _ optionDecl = (*noSourceNode)(nil)
+type fieldDecl interface {
+	node
+	fieldLabel() node
+	fieldName() node
+	fieldType() node
+	fieldTag() node
+	fieldExtendee() node
+	getGroupKeyword() node
+var _ fieldDecl = (*fieldNode)(nil)
+var _ fieldDecl = (*groupNode)(nil)
+var _ fieldDecl = (*mapFieldNode)(nil)
+var _ fieldDecl = (*syntheticMapField)(nil)
+var _ fieldDecl = (*noSourceNode)(nil)
+type rangeDecl interface {
+	node
+	rangeStart() node
+	rangeEnd() node
+var _ rangeDecl = (*rangeNode)(nil)
+var _ rangeDecl = (*noSourceNode)(nil)
+type enumValueDecl interface {
+	node
+	getName() node
+	getNumber() node
+var _ enumValueDecl = (*enumValueNode)(nil)
+var _ enumValueDecl = (*noSourceNode)(nil)
+type msgDecl interface {
+	node
+	messageName() node
+	reservedNames() []*stringLiteralNode
+var _ msgDecl = (*messageNode)(nil)
+var _ msgDecl = (*groupNode)(nil)
+var _ msgDecl = (*mapFieldNode)(nil)
+var _ msgDecl = (*noSourceNode)(nil)
+type methodDecl interface {
+	node
+	getInputType() node
+	getOutputType() node
+var _ methodDecl = (*methodNode)(nil)
+var _ methodDecl = (*noSourceNode)(nil)
+type posRange struct {
+	start, end *SourcePos
+type basicNode struct {
+	posRange
+	leading  []*comment
+	trailing []*comment
+func (n *basicNode) start() *SourcePos {
+	return n.posRange.start
+func (n *basicNode) end() *SourcePos {
+	return n.posRange.end
+func (n *basicNode) leadingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.leading
+func (n *basicNode) trailingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.trailing
+func (n *basicNode) popLeadingComment() *comment {
+	c := n.leading[0]
+	n.leading = n.leading[1:]
+	return c
+func (n *basicNode) pushTrailingComment(c *comment) {
+	n.trailing = append(n.trailing, c)
+type comment struct {
+	posRange
+	text string
+type basicCompositeNode struct {
+	first node
+	last  node
+func (n *basicCompositeNode) start() *SourcePos {
+	return n.first.start()
+func (n *basicCompositeNode) end() *SourcePos {
+	return n.last.end()
+func (n *basicCompositeNode) leadingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.first.leadingComments()
+func (n *basicCompositeNode) trailingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.last.trailingComments()
+func (n *basicCompositeNode) setRange(first, last node) {
+	n.first = first
+	n.last = last
+type fileNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	syntax *syntaxNode
+	decls  []*fileElement
+	// These fields are populated after parsing, to make it easier to find them
+	// without searching decls. The parse result has a map of descriptors to
+	// nodes which makes the other declarations easily discoverable. But these
+	// elements do not map to descriptors -- they are just stored as strings in
+	// the file descriptor.
+	imports []*importNode
+	pkg     *packageNode
+func (n *fileNode) getSyntax() node {
+	return n.syntax
+type fileElement struct {
+	// a discriminated union: only one field will be set
+	imp     *importNode
+	pkg     *packageNode
+	option  *optionNode
+	message *messageNode
+	enum    *enumNode
+	extend  *extendNode
+	service *serviceNode
+	empty   *basicNode
+func (n *fileElement) start() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().start()
+func (n *fileElement) end() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().end()
+func (n *fileElement) leadingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().leadingComments()
+func (n *fileElement) trailingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().trailingComments()
+func (n *fileElement) get() node {
+	switch {
+	case n.imp != nil:
+		return n.imp
+	case n.pkg != nil:
+		return n.pkg
+	case n.option != nil:
+		return n.option
+	case n.message != nil:
+		return n.message
+	case n.enum != nil:
+		return n.enum
+	case n.extend != nil:
+		return n.extend
+	case n.service != nil:
+		return n.service
+	default:
+		return n.empty
+	}
+type syntaxNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	syntax *stringLiteralNode
+type importNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	name   *stringLiteralNode
+	public bool
+	weak   bool
+type packageNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	name *identNode
+type identifier string
+type identKind int
+const (
+	identSimpleName identKind = iota
+	identQualified
+	identTypeName
+type identNode struct {
+	basicNode
+	val  string
+	kind identKind
+func (n *identNode) value() interface{} {
+	return identifier(n.val)
+type optionNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	name *optionNameNode
+	val  valueNode
+func (n *optionNode) getName() node {
+	return
+func (n *optionNode) getValue() valueNode {
+	return n.val
+type optionNameNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	parts []*optionNamePartNode
+type optionNamePartNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	text        *identNode
+	offset      int
+	length      int
+	isExtension bool
+	st, en      *SourcePos
+func (n *optionNamePartNode) start() *SourcePos {
+	if n.isExtension {
+		return n.basicCompositeNode.start()
+	}
+	return
+func (n *optionNamePartNode) end() *SourcePos {
+	if n.isExtension {
+		return n.basicCompositeNode.end()
+	}
+	return n.en
+func (n *optionNamePartNode) setRange(first, last node) {
+	n.basicCompositeNode.setRange(first, last)
+	if !n.isExtension {
+		st := *first.start()
+		st.Col += n.offset
+ = &st
+		en := st
+		en.Col += n.length
+		n.en = &en
+	}
+type valueNode interface {
+	node
+	value() interface{}
+var _ valueNode = (*stringLiteralNode)(nil)
+var _ valueNode = (*intLiteralNode)(nil)
+var _ valueNode = (*negativeIntLiteralNode)(nil)
+var _ valueNode = (*floatLiteralNode)(nil)
+var _ valueNode = (*boolLiteralNode)(nil)
+var _ valueNode = (*sliceLiteralNode)(nil)
+var _ valueNode = (*aggregateLiteralNode)(nil)
+var _ valueNode = (*noSourceNode)(nil)
+type stringLiteralNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	val string
+func (n *stringLiteralNode) value() interface{} {
+	return n.val
+func (n *stringLiteralNode) popLeadingComment() *comment {
+	return n.first.(terminalNode).popLeadingComment()
+func (n *stringLiteralNode) pushTrailingComment(c *comment) {
+	n.last.(terminalNode).pushTrailingComment(c)
+type intLiteralNode struct {
+	basicNode
+	val uint64
+func (n *intLiteralNode) value() interface{} {
+	return n.val
+type negativeIntLiteralNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	val int64
+func (n *negativeIntLiteralNode) value() interface{} {
+	return n.val
+type floatLiteralNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	val float64
+func (n *floatLiteralNode) value() interface{} {
+	return n.val
+func (n *floatLiteralNode) popLeadingComment() *comment {
+	return n.first.(terminalNode).popLeadingComment()
+func (n *floatLiteralNode) pushTrailingComment(c *comment) {
+	n.last.(terminalNode).pushTrailingComment(c)
+type boolLiteralNode struct {
+	basicNode
+	val bool
+func (n *boolLiteralNode) value() interface{} {
+	return n.val
+type sliceLiteralNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	elements []valueNode
+func (n *sliceLiteralNode) value() interface{} {
+	return n.elements
+type aggregateLiteralNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	elements []*aggregateEntryNode
+func (n *aggregateLiteralNode) value() interface{} {
+	return n.elements
+type aggregateEntryNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	name *aggregateNameNode
+	val  valueNode
+type aggregateNameNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	name        *identNode
+	isExtension bool
+func (a *aggregateNameNode) value() string {
+	if a.isExtension {
+		return "[" + + "]"
+	} else {
+		return
+	}
+type fieldNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	label   *labelNode
+	fldType *identNode
+	name    *identNode
+	tag     *intLiteralNode
+	options []*optionNode
+	// This field is populated after parsing, to allow lookup of extendee source
+	// locations when field extendees cannot be linked. (Otherwise, this is just
+	// stored as a string in the field descriptors defined inside the extend
+	// block).
+	extendee *extendNode
+func (n *fieldNode) fieldLabel() node {
+	// proto3 fields and fields inside one-ofs will not have a label and we need
+	// this check in order to return a nil node -- otherwise we'd return a
+	// non-nil node that has a nil pointer value in it :/
+	if n.label == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return n.label
+func (n *fieldNode) fieldName() node {
+	return
+func (n *fieldNode) fieldType() node {
+	return n.fldType
+func (n *fieldNode) fieldTag() node {
+	return n.tag
+func (n *fieldNode) fieldExtendee() node {
+	if n.extendee != nil {
+		return n.extendee.extendee
+	}
+	return nil
+func (n *fieldNode) getGroupKeyword() node {
+	return nil
+type labelNode struct {
+	basicNode
+	repeated bool
+	required bool
+type groupNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	groupKeyword *identNode
+	label        *labelNode
+	name         *identNode
+	tag          *intLiteralNode
+	decls        []*messageElement
+	// This field is populated after parsing, to make it easier to find them
+	// without searching decls. The parse result has a map of descriptors to
+	// nodes which makes the other declarations easily discoverable. But these
+	// elements do not map to descriptors -- they are just stored as strings in
+	// the message descriptor.
+	reserved []*stringLiteralNode
+	// This field is populated after parsing, to allow lookup of extendee source
+	// locations when field extendees cannot be linked. (Otherwise, this is just
+	// stored as a string in the field descriptors defined inside the extend
+	// block).
+	extendee *extendNode
+func (n *groupNode) fieldLabel() node {
+	return n.label
+func (n *groupNode) fieldName() node {
+	return
+func (n *groupNode) fieldType() node {
+	return
+func (n *groupNode) fieldTag() node {
+	return n.tag
+func (n *groupNode) fieldExtendee() node {
+	if n.extendee != nil {
+		return n.extendee.extendee
+	}
+	return nil
+func (n *groupNode) getGroupKeyword() node {
+	return n.groupKeyword
+func (n *groupNode) messageName() node {
+	return
+func (n *groupNode) reservedNames() []*stringLiteralNode {
+	return n.reserved
+type oneOfNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	name  *identNode
+	decls []*oneOfElement
+type oneOfElement struct {
+	// a discriminated union: only one field will be set
+	option *optionNode
+	field  *fieldNode
+	empty  *basicNode
+func (n *oneOfElement) start() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().start()
+func (n *oneOfElement) end() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().end()
+func (n *oneOfElement) leadingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().leadingComments()
+func (n *oneOfElement) trailingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().trailingComments()
+func (n *oneOfElement) get() node {
+	switch {
+	case n.option != nil:
+		return n.option
+	case n.field != nil:
+		return n.field
+	default:
+		return n.empty
+	}
+type mapFieldNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	mapKeyword *identNode
+	keyType    *identNode
+	valueType  *identNode
+	name       *identNode
+	tag        *intLiteralNode
+	options    []*optionNode
+func (n *mapFieldNode) fieldLabel() node {
+	return n.mapKeyword
+func (n *mapFieldNode) fieldName() node {
+	return
+func (n *mapFieldNode) fieldType() node {
+	return n.mapKeyword
+func (n *mapFieldNode) fieldTag() node {
+	return n.tag
+func (n *mapFieldNode) fieldExtendee() node {
+	return nil
+func (n *mapFieldNode) getGroupKeyword() node {
+	return nil
+func (n *mapFieldNode) messageName() node {
+	return
+func (n *mapFieldNode) reservedNames() []*stringLiteralNode {
+	return nil
+func (n *mapFieldNode) keyField() *syntheticMapField {
+	tag := &intLiteralNode{
+		basicNode: basicNode{
+			posRange: posRange{start: n.keyType.start(), end: n.keyType.end()},
+		},
+		val: 1,
+	}
+	return &syntheticMapField{ident: n.keyType, tag: tag}
+func (n *mapFieldNode) valueField() *syntheticMapField {
+	tag := &intLiteralNode{
+		basicNode: basicNode{
+			posRange: posRange{start: n.valueType.start(), end: n.valueType.end()},
+		},
+		val: 2,
+	}
+	return &syntheticMapField{ident: n.valueType, tag: tag}
+type syntheticMapField struct {
+	ident *identNode
+	tag   *intLiteralNode
+func (n *syntheticMapField) start() *SourcePos {
+	return n.ident.start()
+func (n *syntheticMapField) end() *SourcePos {
+	return n.ident.end()
+func (n *syntheticMapField) leadingComments() []*comment {
+	return nil
+func (n *syntheticMapField) trailingComments() []*comment {
+	return nil
+func (n *syntheticMapField) fieldLabel() node {
+	return n.ident
+func (n *syntheticMapField) fieldName() node {
+	return n.ident
+func (n *syntheticMapField) fieldType() node {
+	return n.ident
+func (n *syntheticMapField) fieldTag() node {
+	return n.tag
+func (n *syntheticMapField) fieldExtendee() node {
+	return nil
+func (n *syntheticMapField) getGroupKeyword() node {
+	return nil
+type extensionRangeNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	ranges  []*rangeNode
+	options []*optionNode
+type rangeNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	stNode, enNode node
+	st, en         int32
+func (n *rangeNode) rangeStart() node {
+	return n.stNode
+func (n *rangeNode) rangeEnd() node {
+	return n.enNode
+type reservedNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	ranges []*rangeNode
+	names  []*stringLiteralNode
+type enumNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	name  *identNode
+	decls []*enumElement
+	// This field is populated after parsing, to make it easier to find them
+	// without searching decls. The parse result has a map of descriptors to
+	// nodes which makes the other declarations easily discoverable. But these
+	// elements do not map to descriptors -- they are just stored as strings in
+	// the message descriptor.
+	reserved []*stringLiteralNode
+type enumElement struct {
+	// a discriminated union: only one field will be set
+	option   *optionNode
+	value    *enumValueNode
+	reserved *reservedNode
+	empty    *basicNode
+func (n *enumElement) start() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().start()
+func (n *enumElement) end() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().end()
+func (n *enumElement) leadingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().leadingComments()
+func (n *enumElement) trailingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().trailingComments()
+func (n *enumElement) get() node {
+	switch {
+	case n.option != nil:
+		return n.option
+	case n.value != nil:
+		return n.value
+	default:
+		return n.empty
+	}
+type enumValueNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	name    *identNode
+	options []*optionNode
+	// only one of these two will be set:
+	numberP *intLiteralNode         // positive numeric value
+	numberN *negativeIntLiteralNode // negative numeric value
+func (n *enumValueNode) getName() node {
+	return
+func (n *enumValueNode) getNumber() node {
+	if n.numberP != nil {
+		return n.numberP
+	}
+	return n.numberN
+type messageNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	name  *identNode
+	decls []*messageElement
+	// This field is populated after parsing, to make it easier to find them
+	// without searching decls. The parse result has a map of descriptors to
+	// nodes which makes the other declarations easily discoverable. But these
+	// elements do not map to descriptors -- they are just stored as strings in
+	// the message descriptor.
+	reserved []*stringLiteralNode
+func (n *messageNode) messageName() node {
+	return
+func (n *messageNode) reservedNames() []*stringLiteralNode {
+	return n.reserved
+type messageElement struct {
+	// a discriminated union: only one field will be set
+	option         *optionNode
+	field          *fieldNode
+	mapField       *mapFieldNode
+	oneOf          *oneOfNode
+	group          *groupNode
+	nested         *messageNode
+	enum           *enumNode
+	extend         *extendNode
+	extensionRange *extensionRangeNode
+	reserved       *reservedNode
+	empty          *basicNode
+func (n *messageElement) start() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().start()
+func (n *messageElement) end() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().end()
+func (n *messageElement) leadingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().leadingComments()
+func (n *messageElement) trailingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().trailingComments()
+func (n *messageElement) get() node {
+	switch {
+	case n.option != nil:
+		return n.option
+	case n.field != nil:
+		return n.field
+	case n.mapField != nil:
+		return n.mapField
+	case n.oneOf != nil:
+		return n.oneOf
+	case != nil:
+		return
+	case n.nested != nil:
+		return n.nested
+	case n.enum != nil:
+		return n.enum
+	case n.extend != nil:
+		return n.extend
+	case n.extensionRange != nil:
+		return n.extensionRange
+	case n.reserved != nil:
+		return n.reserved
+	default:
+		return n.empty
+	}
+type extendNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	extendee *identNode
+	decls    []*extendElement
+type extendElement struct {
+	// a discriminated union: only one field will be set
+	field *fieldNode
+	group *groupNode
+	empty *basicNode
+func (n *extendElement) start() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().start()
+func (n *extendElement) end() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().end()
+func (n *extendElement) leadingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().leadingComments()
+func (n *extendElement) trailingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().trailingComments()
+func (n *extendElement) get() node {
+	switch {
+	case n.field != nil:
+		return n.field
+	case != nil:
+		return
+	default:
+		return n.empty
+	}
+type serviceNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	name  *identNode
+	decls []*serviceElement
+type serviceElement struct {
+	// a discriminated union: only one field will be set
+	option *optionNode
+	rpc    *methodNode
+	empty  *basicNode
+func (n *serviceElement) start() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().start()
+func (n *serviceElement) end() *SourcePos {
+	return n.get().end()
+func (n *serviceElement) leadingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().leadingComments()
+func (n *serviceElement) trailingComments() []*comment {
+	return n.get().trailingComments()
+func (n *serviceElement) get() node {
+	switch {
+	case n.option != nil:
+		return n.option
+	case n.rpc != nil:
+		return n.rpc
+	default:
+		return n.empty
+	}
+type methodNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	name    *identNode
+	input   *rpcTypeNode
+	output  *rpcTypeNode
+	options []*optionNode
+func (n *methodNode) getInputType() node {
+	return n.input.msgType
+func (n *methodNode) getOutputType() node {
+	return n.output.msgType
+type rpcTypeNode struct {
+	basicCompositeNode
+	msgType       *identNode
+	streamKeyword node
+type noSourceNode struct {
+	pos *SourcePos
+func (n noSourceNode) start() *SourcePos {
+	return n.pos
+func (n noSourceNode) end() *SourcePos {
+	return n.pos
+func (n noSourceNode) leadingComments() []*comment {
+	return nil
+func (n noSourceNode) trailingComments() []*comment {
+	return nil
+func (n noSourceNode) getSyntax() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) getName() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) getValue() valueNode {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) fieldLabel() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) fieldName() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) fieldType() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) fieldTag() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) fieldExtendee() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) getGroupKeyword() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) rangeStart() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) rangeEnd() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) getNumber() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) messageName() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) reservedNames() []*stringLiteralNode {
+	return nil
+func (n noSourceNode) getInputType() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) getOutputType() node {
+	return n
+func (n noSourceNode) value() interface{} {
+	return nil