VOL-1398: Adtran-ONU - Initial containerization commit

Change-Id: I7afcc1ad65b9ef80da994b0b0ddf74860911bb46
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/README.md b/adapters/adtran_onu/README.md
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+# adtran_onu
+VOLTHA ONU Device Adapter for Adtran ONU/ONTs
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+# Copyright 2019-present ADTRAN, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/adtran_onu.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/adtran_onu.py
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+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Adtran ONU adapter.
+import structlog
+import binascii
+from pyvoltha.adapters.iadapter import OnuAdapter
+from pyvoltha.protos import third_party
+from adtran_onu_handler import AdtranOnuHandler
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.openomci_agent import OpenOMCIAgent, OpenOmciAgentDefaults
+from omci.adtn_capabilities_task import AdtnCapabilitiesTask
+from omci.adtn_get_mds_task import AdtnGetMdsTask
+from omci.adtn_mib_sync import AdtnMibSynchronizer
+from omci.adtn_mib_resync_task import AdtnMibResyncTask
+from omci.adtn_mib_reconcile_task import AdtnMibReconcileTask
+from copy import deepcopy
+_ = third_party
+class AdtranOnuAdapter(OnuAdapter):
+    def __init__(self, core_proxy, adapter_proxy, config):
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger()
+        super(AdtranOnuAdapter, self).__init__(core_proxy=core_proxy,
+                                               adapter_proxy=adapter_proxy,
+                                               config=config,
+                                               device_handler_class=AdtranOnuHandler,
+                                               name='adtran_onu',
+                                               vendor='ADTRAN, Inc.',
+                                               version='2.0',
+                                               device_type='adtran_onu',
+                                               vendor_id='ADTN',
+                                               accepts_bulk_flow_update=True,
+                                               accepts_add_remove_flow_updates=False)  # TODO: Support flow-mods
+        # Customize OpenOMCI for Adtran ONUs
+        self.adtran_omci = deepcopy(OpenOmciAgentDefaults)
+        from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.database.mib_db_dict import MibDbVolatileDict
+        self.adtran_omci['mib-synchronizer']['database'] = MibDbVolatileDict
+        self.adtran_omci['mib-synchronizer']['state-machine'] = AdtnMibSynchronizer
+        self.adtran_omci['mib-synchronizer']['tasks']['get-mds'] = AdtnGetMdsTask
+        self.adtran_omci['mib-synchronizer']['tasks']['mib-audit'] = AdtnGetMdsTask
+        self.adtran_omci['mib-synchronizer']['tasks']['mib-resync'] = AdtnMibResyncTask
+        self.adtran_omci['mib-synchronizer']['tasks']['mib-reconcile'] = AdtnMibReconcileTask
+        self.adtran_omci['omci-capabilities']['tasks']['get-capabilities'] = AdtnCapabilitiesTask
+        # TODO: Continue to customize adtran_omci here as needed
+        self._omci_agent = OpenOMCIAgent(self.adapter_agent.core,
+                                         support_classes=self.adtran_omci)
+    @property
+    def omci_agent(self):
+        return self._omci_agent
+    def start(self):
+        super(AdtranOnuAdapter, self).start()
+        self._omci_agent.start()
+    def stop(self):
+        omci, self._omci_agent = self._omci_agent, None
+        if omci is not None:
+            omci.stop()
+        super(AdtranOnuAdapter, self).stop()
+    def download_image(self, device, request):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def activate_image_update(self, device, request):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def cancel_image_download(self, device, request):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def revert_image_update(self, device, request):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def get_image_download_status(self, device, request):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def process_inter_adapter_message(self, msg):
+        # Currently the only OLT Device adapter that uses this is the EdgeCore
+        self.log.info('receive_inter_adapter_message', msg=msg)
+        proxy_address = msg['proxy_address']
+        assert proxy_address is not None
+        # Device_id from the proxy_address is the olt device id. We need to
+        # get the onu device id using the port number in the proxy_address
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_child_device_with_proxy_address(proxy_address)
+        if device is not None:
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            handler.event_messages.put(msg)
+        else:
+            self.log.error("device-not-found")
+    def receive_proxied_message(self, proxy_address, msg):
+        self.log.debug('receive-proxied-message', proxy_address=proxy_address,
+                       device_id=proxy_address.device_id, msg=binascii.hexlify(msg))
+        # Device_id from the proxy_address is the olt device id. We need to
+        # get the onu device id using the port number in the proxy_address
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_child_device_with_proxy_address(proxy_address)
+        if device is not None:
+            handler = self.devices_handlers[device.id]
+            if handler is not None:
+                handler.receive_message(msg)
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/adtran_onu.yml b/adapters/adtran_onu/adtran_onu.yml
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index 0000000..91881a0
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+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/adtran_onu.yml
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+# Copyright 2019-present ADTRAN, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+    version: 1
+    formatters:
+      brief:
+        format: '%(message)s'
+      default:
+        format: '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-8s %(threadName)s %(module)s.%(funcName)s %(message)s'
+        datefmt: '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S'
+    handlers:
+        console:
+            class : logging.StreamHandler
+            level: DEBUG
+            formatter: default
+            stream: ext://sys.stdout
+        localRotatingFile:
+            class: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
+            filename: adtran_onu.log
+            formatter: default
+            maxBytes: 2097152
+            backupCount: 10
+            level: DEBUG
+        null:
+            class: logging.NullHandler
+    loggers:
+        amqp:
+            handlers: [null]
+            propagate: False
+        conf:
+            propagate: False
+        '': # root logger
+            handlers: [console, localRotatingFile]
+            level: DEBUG # this can be bumped up/down by -q and -v command line
+                        # options
+            propagate: False
+    event_bus_publisher:
+        topic_mappings:
+            'model-change-events':
+                kafka_topic: 'voltha.events'
+                filters:     [null]
+            'alarms':
+                kafka_topic: 'voltha.alarms'
+                filters:     [null]
+            'kpis':
+                kafka_topic: 'voltha.kpis'
+                filters:     [null]
+            'openomci-events':
+                kafka_topic: 'voltha.events'
+                filters:     [null]
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/adtran_onu_handler.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/adtran_onu_handler.py
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+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/adtran_onu_handler.py
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+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import structlog
+import ast
+from pon_port import PonPort
+from uni_port import UniPort
+from heartbeat import HeartBeat
+from omci.omci import OMCI
+from onu_traffic_descriptor import OnuTrafficDescriptor
+from onu_tcont import OnuTCont
+from onu_gem_port import OnuGemPort
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.alarms.adapter_alarms import AdapterAlarms
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.kpi.onu.onu_pm_metrics import OnuPmMetrics
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.kpi.onu.onu_omci_pm import OnuOmciPmMetrics
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredQueue, inlineCallbacks
+from twisted.internet.defer import returnValue
+from pyvoltha.common.utils.registry import registry
+from pyvoltha.protos import third_party
+from pyvoltha.protos.common_pb2 import OperStatus, ConnectStatus
+from pyvoltha.common.tech_profile.tech_profile import TechProfile
+from pyvoltha.adapters.common.kvstore.consul_client import Consul
+from pyvoltha.adapters.common.kvstore.etcd_client import EtcdClient
+import adtran_olt.resources.adtranolt_platform as platform
+from adapters.adtran_common.flow.flow_entry import FlowEntry
+from omci.adtn_install_flow import AdtnInstallFlowTask
+from omci.adtn_remove_flow import AdtnRemoveFlowTask
+from omci.adtn_tp_service_specific_task import AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask
+from pyvoltha.common.tech_profile.tech_profile import DEFAULT_TECH_PROFILE_TABLE_ID
+_ = third_party
+_MAXIMUM_PORT = 17        # Only one PON and UNI port at this time
+_ONU_REBOOT_MIN = 90      # IBONT 602 takes about 3 minutes
+class AdtranOnuHandler(object):
+    def __init__(self, adapter, device_id):
+        self.adapter = adapter
+        self.adapter_agent = adapter.adapter_agent
+        self.device_id = device_id
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=device_id)
+        self.logical_device_id = None
+        self.proxy_address = None
+        self._enabled = False
+        self.pm_metrics = None
+        self.alarms = None
+        self._openomci = OMCI(self, adapter.omci_agent)
+        self._in_sync_subscription = None
+        self._pon_port_number = 1
+        self._unis = dict()         # Port # -> UniPort
+        self._pon = PonPort.create(self, self._pon_port_number)
+        self._heartbeat = HeartBeat.create(self, device_id)
+        self._deferred = None
+        # Flow entries
+        self._flows = dict()
+        # OMCI resources               # TODO: Some of these could be dynamically chosen
+        self.vlan_tcis_1 = 0x900
+        self.mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id = self.vlan_tcis_1
+        self.gal_enet_profile_entity_id = 0
+        # Technology profile related values
+        self.incoming_messages = DeferredQueue()
+        self.event_messages = DeferredQueue()
+        self._tp_service_specific_task = dict()
+        self._tech_profile_download_done = dict()
+        # Initialize KV store client
+        self.args = registry('main').get_args()
+        if self.args.backend == 'etcd':
+            host, port = self.args.etcd.split(':', 1)
+            self.kv_client = EtcdClient(host, port,
+                                        TechProfile.KV_STORE_TECH_PROFILE_PATH_PREFIX)
+        elif self.args.backend == 'consul':
+            host, port = self.args.consul.split(':', 1)
+            self.kv_client = Consul(host, port,
+                                    TechProfile.KV_STORE_TECH_PROFILE_PATH_PREFIX)
+        else:
+            self.log.error('Invalid-backend')
+            raise Exception("Invalid-backend-for-kv-store")
+        # Handle received ONU event messages
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.handle_onu_events)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "AdtranOnuHandler: {}".format(self.device_id)
+    def _cancel_deferred(self):
+        d, self._deferred = self._deferred, None
+        try:
+            if d is not None and not d.called:
+                d.cancel()
+        except:
+            pass
+    @property
+    def enabled(self):
+        return self._enabled
+    @enabled.setter
+    def enabled(self, value):
+        assert isinstance(value, bool), 'enabled is a boolean'
+        if self._enabled != value:
+            self._enabled = value
+            if self._enabled:
+                self.start()
+            else:
+                self.stop()
+    @property
+    def openomci(self):
+        return self._openomci
+    @property
+    def heartbeat(self):
+        return self._heartbeat
+    @property
+    def uni_ports(self):
+        return self._unis.values()
+    def uni_port(self, port_no_or_name):
+        if isinstance(port_no_or_name, (str, unicode)):
+            return next((uni for uni in self.uni_ports
+                         if uni.name == port_no_or_name), None)
+        assert isinstance(port_no_or_name, int), 'Invalid parameter type'
+        return self._unis.get(port_no_or_name)
+    def pon_port(self, port_no=None):
+        return self._pon if port_no is None or port_no == self._pon.port_number else None
+    @property
+    def pon_ports(self):
+        return [self._pon]
+    def start(self):
+        assert self._enabled, 'Start should only be called if enabled'
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        # Register for adapter messages
+        self.adapter_agent.register_for_inter_adapter_messages()
+        # OpenOMCI Startup
+        self._subscribe_to_events()
+        self._openomci.enabled = True
+        # Port startup
+        if self._pon is not None:
+            self._pon.enabled = True
+        for port in self.uni_ports:
+            port.enabled = True
+        # Heartbeat
+        self._heartbeat.enabled = True
+    def stop(self):
+        assert not self._enabled, 'Stop should only be called if disabled'
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        # Drop registration for adapter messages
+        self.adapter_agent.unregister_for_inter_adapter_messages()
+        # Heartbeat
+        self._heartbeat.enabled = False
+        # OMCI Communications
+        self._unsubscribe_to_events()
+        # Port shutdown
+        for port in self.uni_ports:
+            port.enabled = False
+        if self._pon is not None:
+            self._pon.enabled = False
+        self._openomci.enabled = False
+    def receive_message(self, msg):
+        if self.enabled:
+            # TODO: Have OpenOMCI actually receive the messages
+            self.openomci.receive_message(msg)
+    def activate(self, device):
+        self.log.info('activating')
+        try:
+            # first we verify that we got parent reference and proxy info
+            assert device.parent_id, 'Invalid Parent ID'
+            assert device.proxy_address.device_id, 'Invalid Device ID'
+            # register for proxied messages right away
+            self.proxy_address = device.proxy_address
+            self.adapter_agent.register_for_proxied_messages(device.proxy_address)
+            # initialize device info
+            device.root = False
+            device.vendor = 'Adtran Inc.'
+            device.model = 'n/a'
+            device.hardware_version = 'n/a'
+            device.firmware_version = 'n/a'
+            device.reason = ''
+            device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.UNKNOWN
+            # Register physical ports.  Should have at least one of each
+            self.adapter_agent.add_port(device.id, self._pon.get_port())
+            def xpon_not_found():
+                self.enabled = True
+            # Schedule xPON 'not found' startup for 10 seconds from now. We will
+            # easily get a vONT-ANI create within that time if xPON is being used
+            # as this is how we are initially launched and activated in the first
+            # place if xPON is in use.
+            reactor.callLater(10, xpon_not_found)   # TODO: Clean up old xPON delay
+            # reference of uni_port is required when re-enabling the device if
+            # it was disabled previously
+            # Need to query ONU for number of supported uni ports
+            # For now, temporarily set number of ports to 1 - port #2
+            parent_device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(device.parent_id)
+            self.logical_device_id = parent_device.parent_id
+            self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            ############################################################################
+            # Setup PM configuration for this device
+            # Pass in ONU specific options
+            kwargs = {
+                'heartbeat': self.heartbeat,
+                OnuOmciPmMetrics.OMCI_DEV_KEY: self.openomci.onu_omci_device
+            }
+            self.pm_metrics = OnuPmMetrics(self.adapter_agent, self.device_id,
+                                           self.logical_device_id, grouped=True,
+                                           freq_override=False, **kwargs)
+            pm_config = self.pm_metrics.make_proto()
+            self.openomci.set_pm_config(self.pm_metrics.omci_pm.openomci_interval_pm)
+            self.log.info("initial-pm-config", pm_config=pm_config)
+            self.adapter_agent.update_device_pm_config(pm_config, init=True)
+            ############################################################################
+            # Setup Alarm handler
+            self.alarms = AdapterAlarms(self.adapter_agent, device.id, self.logical_device_id)
+            self.openomci.onu_omci_device.alarm_synchronizer.set_alarm_params(mgr=self.alarms,
+                                                                              ani_ports=[self._pon])
+            ############################################################################
+            # Start collecting stats from the device after a brief pause
+            reactor.callLater(30, self.pm_metrics.start_collector)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('activate-failure', e=e)
+            device.reason = 'Failed to activate: {}'.format(e.message)
+            device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE
+            device.oper_status = OperStatus.FAILED
+            self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+    def reconcile(self, device):
+        self.log.info('reconciling-ONU-device-starts')
+        # first we verify that we got parent reference and proxy info
+        assert device.parent_id
+        assert device.proxy_address.device_id
+        # assert device.proxy_address.channel_id
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        # register for proxied messages right away
+        self.proxy_address = device.proxy_address
+        self.adapter_agent.register_for_proxied_messages(device.proxy_address)
+        # Register for adapter messages
+        self.adapter_agent.register_for_inter_adapter_messages()
+        # Set the connection status to REACHABLE
+        device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.REACHABLE
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        self.enabled = True
+        # TODO: Verify that the uni, pon and logical ports exists
+        # Mark the device as REACHABLE and ACTIVE
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(device.id)
+        device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.REACHABLE
+        device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+        device.reason = ''
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        self.log.info('reconciling-ONU-device-ends')
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def handle_onu_events(self):
+        # TODO: Add 'shutdown' message to exit loop
+        event_msg = yield self.event_messages.get()
+        try:
+            if event_msg['event'] == 'download_tech_profile':
+                tp_path = event_msg['event_data']
+                uni_id = event_msg['uni_id']
+                self.load_and_configure_tech_profile(uni_id, tp_path)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.error("exception-handling-onu-event", e=e)
+        # Handle next event
+        reactor.callLater(0, self.handle_onu_events)
+    def _tp_path_to_tp_id(self, tp_path):
+        parts = tp_path.split('/')
+        if len(parts) > 2:
+            try:
+                return int(tp_path[1])
+            except ValueError:
+                return DEFAULT_TECH_PROFILE_TABLE_ID
+    def _create_tcont(self, uni_id, us_scheduler, tech_profile_id):
+        """
+        Decode Upstream Scheduler and create appropriate TCONT structures
+        :param uni_id: (int) UNI ID on the PON
+        :param us_scheduler: (Scheduler) Upstream Scheduler with TCONT information
+        :param tech_profile_id: (int) Tech Profile ID
+        :return (OnuTCont) Created TCONT
+        """
+        self.log.debug('create-tcont', us_scheduler=us_scheduler, profile_id=tech_profile_id)
+        q_sched_policy = {
+            'strictpriority': 1,        # Per TCONT (ME #262) values
+            'wrr': 2
+        }.get(us_scheduler.get('q_sched_policy', 'none').lower(), 0)
+        tcont_data = {
+            'tech-profile-id': tech_profile_id,
+            'uni-id': uni_id,
+            'alloc-id': us_scheduler['alloc_id'],
+            'q-sched-policy': q_sched_policy
+        }
+        # TODO: Support TD if shaping on ONU is to be performed
+        td = OnuTrafficDescriptor(0, 0, 0)
+        tcont = OnuTCont.create(self, tcont_data, td)
+        self._pon.add_tcont(tcont)
+        return tcont
+    # Called when there is an olt up indication, providing the gem port id chosen by the olt handler
+    def _create_gemports(self, upstream_ports, downstream_ports, tcont, uni_id, tech_profile_id):
+        """
+        Create GEM Ports for a specifc tech profile
+        The routine will attempt to combine upstream and downstream GEM Ports into bidirectional
+        ports where possible
+        :param upstream_ports: (list of IGemPortAttribute) Upstream GEM Port attributes
+        :param downstream_ports: (list of IGemPortAttribute) Downstream GEM Port attributes
+        :param tcont: (OnuTCont) Associated TCONT
+        :param uni_id: (int) UNI Instance ID
+        :param tech_profile_id: (int) Tech Profile ID
+        """
+        self.log.debug('create-gemports', upstream=upstream_ports,
+                       downstream_ports=downstream_ports,
+                       tcont=tcont, tech_id=tech_profile_id)
+        # Convert GEM Port lists to dicts with GEM ID as they key
+        upstream = {gem['gemport_id']: gem for gem in upstream_ports}
+        downstream = {gem['gemport_id']: gem for gem in downstream_ports}
+        upstream_ids = set(upstream.keys())
+        downstream_ids = set(downstream.keys())
+        bidirectional_ids = upstream_ids & downstream_ids
+        gem_port_types = {     # Keys are the 'direction' attribute value, value is list of GEM attributes
+            OnuGemPort.UPSTREAM: [upstream[gid] for gid in upstream_ids - bidirectional_ids],
+            OnuGemPort.DOWNSTREAM: [downstream[gid] for gid in downstream_ids - bidirectional_ids],
+            OnuGemPort.BIDIRECTIONAL: [upstream[gid] for gid in bidirectional_ids]
+        }
+        for direction, gem_list in gem_port_types.items():
+            for gem in gem_list:
+                gem_data = {
+                    'gemport-id': gem['gemport_id'],
+                    'direction': direction,
+                    'encryption': gem['aes_encryption'].lower() == 'true',
+                    'discard-policy': gem['discard_policy'],
+                    'max-q-size': gem['max_q_size'],
+                    'pbit-map': gem['pbit_map'],
+                    'priority-q': gem['priority_q'],
+                    'scheduling-policy': gem['scheduling_policy'],
+                    'weight': gem['weight'],
+                    'uni-id': uni_id,
+                    'discard-config': {
+                        'max-probability': gem['discard_config']['max_probability'],
+                        'max-threshold': gem['discard_config']['max_threshold'],
+                        'min-threshold': gem['discard_config']['min_threshold'],
+                    },
+                }
+                gem_port = OnuGemPort.create(self, gem_data, tcont.alloc_id,
+                                             tech_profile_id, uni_id,
+                                             self._pon.next_gem_entity_id)
+                self._pon.add_gem_port(gem_port)
+    def _do_tech_profile_configuration(self, uni_id, tp, tech_profile_id):
+        us_scheduler = tp['us_scheduler']
+        tcont = self._create_tcont(uni_id, us_scheduler, tech_profile_id)
+        upstream = tp['upstream_gem_port_attribute_list']
+        downstream = tp['downstream_gem_port_attribute_list']
+        self._create_gemports(upstream, downstream, tcont, uni_id, tech_profile_id)
+    def load_and_configure_tech_profile(self, uni_id, tp_path):
+        self.log.debug("loading-tech-profile-configuration", uni_id=uni_id, tp_path=tp_path)
+        if uni_id not in self._tp_service_specific_task:
+            self._tp_service_specific_task[uni_id] = dict()
+        if uni_id not in self._tech_profile_download_done:
+            self._tech_profile_download_done[uni_id] = dict()
+        if tp_path not in self._tech_profile_download_done[uni_id]:
+            self._tech_profile_download_done[uni_id][tp_path] = False
+        if not self._tech_profile_download_done[uni_id][tp_path]:
+            try:
+                if tp_path in self._tp_service_specific_task[uni_id]:
+                    self.log.info("tech-profile-config-already-in-progress",
+                                  tp_path=tp_path)
+                    return
+                tp = self.kv_client[tp_path]
+                tp = ast.literal_eval(tp)
+                self.log.debug("tp-instance", tp=tp)
+                tech_profile_id = self._tp_path_to_tp_id(tp_path)
+                self._do_tech_profile_configuration(uni_id, tp, tech_profile_id)
+                def success(_results):
+                    self.log.info("tech-profile-config-done-successfully")
+                    device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+                    device.reason = ''
+                    self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+                    if tp_path in self._tp_service_specific_task[uni_id]:
+                        del self._tp_service_specific_task[uni_id][tp_path]
+                    self._tech_profile_download_done[uni_id][tp_path] = True
+                def failure(_reason):
+                    self.log.warn('tech-profile-config-failure-retrying', reason=_reason)
+                    device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+                    device.reason = 'Tech Profile config failed-retrying'
+                    self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+                    if tp_path in self._tp_service_specific_task[uni_id]:
+                        del self._tp_service_specific_task[uni_id][tp_path]
+                    self._deferred = reactor.callLater(_STARTUP_RETRY_WAIT,
+                                                       self.load_and_configure_tech_profile,
+                                                       uni_id, tp_path)
+                self.log.info('downloading-tech-profile-configuration')
+                tp_task = AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask(self.openomci.omci_agent, self, uni_id)
+                self._tp_service_specific_task[uni_id][tp_path] = tp_task
+                self._deferred = self.openomci.onu_omci_device.task_runner.queue_task(tp_task)
+                self._deferred.addCallbacks(success, failure)
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception("error-loading-tech-profile", e=e)
+        else:
+            self.log.info("tech-profile-config-already-done")
+    def update_pm_config(self, _device, pm_config):
+        # TODO: This has not been tested
+        self.log.info('update_pm_config', pm_config=pm_config)
+        self.pm_metrics.update(pm_config)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def update_flow_table(self, flows):
+        if len(flows) == 0:
+            returnValue('nop')  # TODO:  Do we need to delete all flows if empty?
+        self.log.debug('bulk-flow-update', flows=flows)
+        valid_flows = set()
+        for flow in flows:
+            # Decode it
+            flow_entry = FlowEntry.create(flow, self)
+            # Already handled?
+            if flow_entry.flow_id in self._flows:
+                valid_flows.add(flow_entry.flow_id)
+            if flow_entry is None or flow_entry.flow_direction not in \
+                    FlowEntry.upstream_flow_types | FlowEntry.downstream_flow_types:
+                continue
+            is_upstream = flow_entry.flow_direction in FlowEntry.upstream_flow_types
+            # Ignore untagged upstream etherType flows. These are trapped at the
+            # OLT and the default flows during initial OMCI service download will
+            # send them to the Default VLAN (4091) port for us
+            if is_upstream and flow_entry.vlan_vid is None and flow_entry.etype is not None:
+                continue
+            # Also ignore upstream untagged/priority tag that sets priority tag
+            # since that is already installed and any user-data flows for upstream
+            # priority tag data will be at a higher level.  Also should ignore the
+            # corresponding priority-tagged to priority-tagged flow as well.
+            if (flow_entry.vlan_vid == 0 and flow_entry.set_vlan_vid == 0) or \
+                    (flow_entry.vlan_vid is None and flow_entry.set_vlan_vid == 0
+                     and not is_upstream):
+                continue
+            # Add it to hardware
+            try:
+                def failed(_reason, fid):
+                    del self._flows[fid]
+                task = AdtnInstallFlowTask(self.openomci.omci_agent, self, flow_entry)
+                d = self.openomci.onu_omci_device.task_runner.queue_task(task)
+                d.addErrback(failed, flow_entry.flow_id)
+                valid_flows.add(flow_entry.flow_id)
+                self._flows[flow_entry.flow_id] = flow_entry
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('flow-add', e=e, flow=flow_entry)
+        # Now check for flows that were missing in the bulk update
+        deleted_flows = set(self._flows.keys()) - valid_flows
+        for flow_id in deleted_flows:
+            try:
+                del_flow = self._flows[flow_id]
+                task = AdtnRemoveFlowTask(self.openomci.omci_agent, self, del_flow)
+                self.openomci.onu_omci_device.task_runner.queue_task(task)
+                # TODO: Change to success/failure callback checks later
+                # d.addCallback(success, flow_entry.flow_id)
+                del self._flows[flow_id]
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('flow-remove', e=e, flow=self._flows[flow_id])
+    def remove_from_flow_table(self, _flows):
+        """
+        Remove flows from the device
+        :param _flows: (list) Flows
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def add_to_flow_table(self, _flows):
+        """
+        Remove flows from the device
+        :param _flows: (list) Flows
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def reboot(self):
+        self.log.info('rebooting', device_id=self.device_id)
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        reregister = False
+        try:
+            # Drop registration for adapter messages
+            reregister = True
+            self.adapter_agent.unregister_for_inter_adapter_messages()
+        except KeyError:
+            reregister = False
+        # Update the operational status to ACTIVATING and connect status to
+        # UNREACHABLE
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        previous_oper_status = device.oper_status
+        previous_conn_status = device.connect_status
+        device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVATING
+        device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE
+        device.reason = 'Attempting reboot'
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        # TODO: send alert and clear alert after the reboot
+        try:
+            ######################################################
+            # MIB Reset
+            yield self.openomci.onu_omci_device.reboot(timeout=1)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('send-reboot', e=e)
+            raise
+        # Reboot in progress. A reboot may take up to 3 min 30 seconds
+        # Go ahead and pause less than that and start to look
+        # for it being alive
+        device.reason = 'reboot in progress'
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        # Disable OpenOMCI
+        self.omci.enabled = False
+        self._deferred = reactor.callLater(_ONU_REBOOT_MIN,
+                                           self._finish_reboot,
+                                           previous_oper_status,
+                                           previous_conn_status,
+                                           reregister)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _finish_reboot(self, previous_oper_status, previous_conn_status,
+                       reregister):
+        # Restart OpenOMCI
+        self.omci.enabled = True
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        device.oper_status = previous_oper_status
+        device.connect_status = previous_conn_status
+        device.reason = ''
+        self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        if reregister:
+            self.adapter_agent.register_for_inter_adapter_messages()
+        self.log.info('reboot-complete', device_id=self.device_id)
+    def self_test_device(self, device):
+        """
+        This is called to Self a device based on a NBI call.
+        :param device: A Voltha.Device object.
+        :return: Will return result of self test
+        """
+        from pyvoltha.protos.voltha_pb2 import SelfTestResponse
+        self.log.info('self-test-device', device=device.id)
+        # TODO: Support self test?
+        return SelfTestResponse(result=SelfTestResponse.NOT_SUPPORTED)
+    def disable(self):
+        self.log.info('disabling', device_id=self.device_id)
+        try:
+            # Get the latest device reference
+            device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+            # Disable all ports on that device
+            self.adapter_agent.disable_all_ports(self.device_id)
+            # Update the device operational status to UNKNOWN
+            device.oper_status = OperStatus.UNKNOWN
+            device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE
+            device.reason = 'Disabled'
+            self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            # Remove the uni logical port from the OLT, if still present
+            parent_device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(device.parent_id)
+            assert parent_device
+            for uni in self.uni_ports:
+                # port_id = 'uni-{}'.format(uni.port_number)
+                port_id = uni.port_id_name()
+                try:
+                    logical_device_id = parent_device.parent_id
+                    assert logical_device_id
+                    port = self.adapter_agent.get_logical_port(logical_device_id,port_id)
+                    self.adapter_agent.delete_logical_port(logical_device_id, port)
+                except KeyError:
+                    self.log.info('logical-port-not-found', device_id=self.device_id,
+                                  portid=port_id)
+            # Remove pon port from parent and disable
+            if self._pon is not None:
+                self.adapter_agent.delete_port_reference_from_parent(self.device_id,
+                                                                     self._pon.get_port())
+                self._pon.enabled = False
+            # Unregister for proxied message
+            self.adapter_agent.unregister_for_proxied_messages(device.proxy_address)
+        except Exception as _e:
+            pass    # This is expected if OLT has deleted the ONU device handler
+        # And disable OMCI as well
+        self.enabled = False
+        self.log.info('disabled')
+    def reenable(self):
+        self.log.info('re-enabling', device_id=self.device_id)
+        try:
+            # Get the latest device reference
+            device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+            self._cancel_deferred()
+            # First we verify that we got parent reference and proxy info
+            assert device.parent_id
+            assert device.proxy_address.device_id
+            # assert device.proxy_address.channel_id
+            # Re-register for proxied messages right away
+            self.proxy_address = device.proxy_address
+            self.adapter_agent.register_for_proxied_messages(
+                device.proxy_address)
+            # Re-enable the ports on that device
+            self.adapter_agent.enable_all_ports(self.device_id)
+            # Add the pon port reference to the parent
+            if self._pon is not None:
+                self._pon.enabled = True
+                self.adapter_agent.add_port_reference_to_parent(device.id,
+                                                                self._pon.get_port())
+            # Update the connect status to REACHABLE
+            device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.REACHABLE
+            self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            # re-add uni port to logical device
+            parent_device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(device.parent_id)
+            self.logical_device_id = parent_device.parent_id
+            assert self.logical_device_id, 'Invalid logical device ID'
+            # reestablish logical ports for each UNI
+            multi_uni = len(self.uni_ports) > 1
+            for uni in self.uni_ports:
+                self.adapter_agent.add_port(device.id, uni.get_port())
+                uni.add_logical_port(uni.logical_port_number, multi_uni)
+            device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(device.id)
+            device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+            device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.REACHABLE
+            device.reason = ''
+            self.enabled = True
+            self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            self.log.info('re-enabled')
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.log.exception('error-re-enabling', e=e)
+    def delete(self):
+        self.log.info('deleting', device_id=self.device_id)
+        try:
+            for uni in self._unis.values():
+                uni.stop()
+                uni.delete()
+            self._pon.stop()
+            self._pon.delete()
+        except Exception as _e:
+            pass    # Expected if the OLT deleted us from the device handler
+        # OpenOMCI cleanup
+        omci, self._openomci = self._openomci, None
+        omci.delete()
+    def add_uni_ports(self):
+        """ Called after in-sync achieved and not in xPON mode"""
+        # TODO: We have to methods adding UNI ports.  Go to one
+        # TODO: Should this be moved to the omci.py module for this ONU?
+        # This is only for working WITHOUT xPON
+        pptp_entities = self.openomci.onu_omci_device.configuration.pptp_entities
+        device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        multi_uni = len(pptp_entities) > 1
+        uni_id = 0
+        for entity_id, pptp in pptp_entities.items():
+            intf_id = self.proxy_address.channel_id
+            onu_id = self.proxy_address.onu_id
+            uni_no = platform.mk_uni_port_num(intf_id, onu_id, uni_id=uni_id)
+            uni_name = "uni-{}".format(uni_no)
+            mac_bridge_port_num = uni_id + 1
+            uni_port = UniPort.create(self, uni_name, uni_no, uni_name)
+            uni_port.entity_id = entity_id
+            uni_port.enabled = True
+            uni_port.mac_bridge_port_num = mac_bridge_port_num
+            uni_port.add_logical_port(uni_port.port_number, multi_uni)
+            self.log.debug("created-uni-port", uni=uni_port)
+            self.adapter_agent.add_port(device.id, uni_port.get_port())
+            parent_device = self.adapter_agent.get_device(device.parent_id)
+            parent_adapter_agent = registry('adapter_loader').get_agent(parent_device.adapter)
+            if parent_adapter_agent is None:
+                self.log.error('olt-adapter-agent-could-not-be-retrieved')
+            parent_adapter_agent.add_port(device.parent_id, uni_port.get_port())
+            self._unis[uni_port.port_number] = uni_port
+            self.openomci.onu_omci_device.alarm_synchronizer.set_alarm_params(onu_id=self.proxy_address.onu_id,
+                                                                              uni_ports=self._unis.values())
+            # TODO: this should be in the PonPort class
+            pon_port = self._pon.get_port()
+            self.adapter_agent.delete_port_reference_from_parent(self.device_id,
+                                                                 pon_port)
+            # Find index where this ONU peer is (should almost always be zero)
+            d = [i for i, e in enumerate(pon_port.peers) if
+                 e.port_no == intf_id and e.device_id == device.parent_id]
+            if len(d) > 0:
+                pon_port.peers[d[0]].port_no = uni_port.port_number
+                self.adapter_agent.add_port_reference_to_parent(self.device_id,
+                                                                pon_port)
+            self.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            uni_port.enabled = True
+            uni_id += 1
+    def rx_inter_adapter_message(self, msg):
+        raise NotImplemented('Not currently supported')
+    def _subscribe_to_events(self):
+        from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.onu_device_entry import OnuDeviceEvents, \
+            OnuDeviceEntry
+        # OMCI MIB Database sync status
+        bus = self.openomci.onu_omci_device.event_bus
+        topic = OnuDeviceEntry.event_bus_topic(self.device_id,
+                                               OnuDeviceEvents.MibDatabaseSyncEvent)
+        self._in_sync_subscription = bus.subscribe(topic, self.in_sync_handler)
+    def _unsubscribe_to_events(self):
+        insync, self._in_sync_subscription = self._in_sync_subscription, None
+        if insync is not None:
+            bus = self.openomci.onu_omci_device.event_bus
+            bus.unsubscribe(insync)
+    def in_sync_handler(self, _topic, msg):
+        # Create UNI Ports on first In-Sync event
+        if self._in_sync_subscription is not None:
+            try:
+                from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.onu_device_entry import IN_SYNC_KEY
+                if msg[IN_SYNC_KEY]:
+                    # Do not proceed if we have not got our vENET information yet.
+                    if len(self.uni_ports) == 0:
+                        # Drop subscription....
+                        insync, self._in_sync_subscription = self._in_sync_subscription, None
+                        if insync is not None:
+                            bus = self.openomci.onu_omci_device.event_bus
+                            bus.unsubscribe(insync)
+                        # Set up UNI Ports. The UNI ports are currently created when the xPON
+                        # vENET information is created. Once xPON is removed, we need to create
+                        # them from the information provided from the MIB upload UNI-G and other
+                        # UNI related MEs.
+                        self.add_uni_ports()
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('in-sync', e=e)
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/flow/__init__.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/flow/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/flow/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/flow/flow_entry.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/flow/flow_entry.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3ec17d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/flow/flow_entry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Adtran, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from enum import IntEnum
+from pyvoltha.common.openflow.utils import *
+from pyvoltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import OFPP_MAX
+log = structlog.get_logger()
+# IP Protocol numbers
+_supported_ip_protocols = [
+    1,          # ICMP
+    2,          # IGMP
+    6,          # TCP
+    17,         # UDP
+class FlowEntry(object):
+    """
+    Provide a class that wraps the flow rule and also provides state/status for a FlowEntry.
+    When a new flow is sent, it is first decoded to check for any potential errors. If None are
+    found, the entry is created and it is analyzed to see if it can be combined to with any other flows
+    to create or modify an existing EVC.
+    Note: Since only E-LINE is supported, modification of an existing EVC is not performed.
+    """
+    class FlowDirection(IntEnum):
+        UPSTREAM = 0          # UNI port to ANI Port
+        DOWNSTREAM = 1        # ANI port to UNI Port
+        ANI = 2               # ANI port to ANI Port
+        UNI = 3               # UNI port to UNI Port
+        OTHER = 4             # Unable to determine
+    _flow_dir_map = {
+        (FlowDirection.UNI, FlowDirection.ANI): FlowDirection.UPSTREAM,
+        (FlowDirection.ANI, FlowDirection.UNI): FlowDirection.DOWNSTREAM
+    }
+    upstream_flow_types = {FlowDirection.UPSTREAM}
+    downstream_flow_types = {FlowDirection.DOWNSTREAM}
+    # Well known EtherTypes
+    class EtherType(IntEnum):
+        EAPOL = 0x888E
+        IPv4 = 0x0800
+        IPv6 = 0x86DD
+        ARP = 0x0806
+        LLDP = 0x88CC
+    # Well known IP Protocols
+    class IpProtocol(IntEnum):
+        IGMP = 2
+        UDP = 17
+    def __init__(self, flow, handler):
+        self._handler = handler
+        self.flow_id = flow.id
+        self._flow_direction = FlowEntry.FlowDirection.OTHER
+        self._is_multicast = False
+        self.tech_profile_id = None
+        # Selection properties
+        self.in_port = None
+        self.vlan_vid = None
+        self.vlan_pcp = None
+        self.etype = None
+        self.proto = None
+        self.ipv4_dst = None
+        self.udp_dst = None         # UDP Port #
+        self.udp_src = None         # UDP Port #
+        self.inner_vid = None
+        # Actions
+        self.out_port = None
+        self.pop_vlan = False
+        self.push_vlan_tpid = None
+        self.set_vlan_vid = None
+        self._name = self.create_flow_name()
+    def __str__(self):
+        return 'flow_entry: {}, in: {}, out: {}, vid: {}, inner:{}, eth: {}, IP: {}'.format(
+            self.name, self.in_port, self.out_port, self.vlan_vid, self.inner_vid,
+            self.etype, self.proto)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return str(self)
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self._name    # TODO: Is a name really needed in production?
+    def create_flow_name(self):
+        return 'flow-{}-{}'.format(self.device_id, self.flow_id)
+    @property
+    def handler(self):
+        return self._handler
+    @property
+    def device_id(self):
+        return self.handler.device_id
+    @property
+    def flow_direction(self):
+        return self._flow_direction
+    @property
+    def is_multicast_flow(self):
+        return self._is_multicast
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(flow, handler):
+        """
+        Create the appropriate FlowEntry wrapper for the flow.  This method returns a two
+        results.
+        The first result is the flow entry that was created. This could be a match to an
+        existing flow since it is a bulk update.  None is returned only if no match to
+        an existing entry is found and decode failed (unsupported field)
+        :param flow:   (Flow) Flow entry passed to VOLTHA adapter
+        :param handler: (DeviceHandler) handler for the device
+        :return: (FlowEntry) Created flow entry, None on decode failure
+        """
+        # Exit early if it already exists
+        try:
+            flow_entry = FlowEntry(flow, handler)
+            if not flow_entry.decode(flow):
+                return None
+            # TODO: Do we want to do the OMCI here ?
+            return flow_entry
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.exception('flow-entry-processing', e=e)
+            return None
+    def decode(self, flow):
+        """
+        Examine flow rules and extract appropriate settings
+        """
+        log.debug('start-decode')
+        status = self._decode_traffic_selector(flow) and self._decode_traffic_treatment(flow)
+        if status:
+            ani_ports = [pon.port_number for pon in self._handler.pon_ports]
+            uni_ports = [uni.port_number for uni in self._handler.uni_ports]
+            # Determine direction of the flow
+            def port_type(port_number):
+                if port_number in ani_ports:
+                    return FlowEntry.FlowDirection.ANI
+                elif port_number in uni_ports:
+                    return FlowEntry.FlowDirection.UNI
+                return FlowEntry.FlowDirection.OTHER
+            self._flow_direction = FlowEntry._flow_dir_map.get((port_type(self.in_port),
+                                                                port_type(self.out_port)),
+                                                               FlowEntry.FlowDirection.OTHER)
+        return status
+    def _decode_traffic_selector(self, flow):
+        """
+        Extract traffic selection settings
+        """
+        self.in_port = get_in_port(flow)
+        if self.in_port > OFPP_MAX:
+            log.warn('logical-input-ports-not-supported')
+            return False
+        for field in get_ofb_fields(flow):
+            if field.type == IN_PORT:
+                assert self.in_port == field.port, 'Multiple Input Ports found in flow rule'
+            elif field.type == VLAN_VID:
+                self.vlan_vid = field.vlan_vid & 0xfff
+                log.debug('*** field.type == VLAN_VID', value=field.vlan_vid, vlan_id=self.vlan_vid)
+                self._is_multicast = False  # TODO: self.vlan_id in self._handler.multicast_vlans
+            elif field.type == VLAN_PCP:
+                log.debug('*** field.type == VLAN_PCP', value=field.vlan_pcp)
+                self.vlan_pcp = field.vlan_pcp
+            elif field.type == ETH_TYPE:
+                log.debug('*** field.type == ETH_TYPE', value=field.eth_type)
+                self.etype = field.eth_type
+            elif field.type == IP_PROTO:
+                log.debug('*** field.type == IP_PROTO', value=field.ip_proto)
+                self.proto = field.ip_proto
+                if self.proto not in _supported_ip_protocols:
+                    log.error('Unsupported IP Protocol', ip_proto=self.proto)
+                    return False
+            elif field.type == IPV4_DST:
+                log.debug('*** field.type == IPV4_DST', value=field.ipv4_dst)
+                self.ipv4_dst = field.ipv4_dst
+            elif field.type == UDP_DST:
+                log.debug('*** field.type == UDP_DST', value=field.udp_dst)
+                self.udp_dst = field.udp_dst
+            elif field.type == UDP_SRC:
+                log.debug('*** field.type == UDP_SRC', value=field.udp_src)
+                self.udp_src = field.udp_src
+            elif field.type == METADATA:
+                log.debug('*** field.type == METADATA', value=field.table_metadata)
+                self.inner_vid = field.table_metadata
+                log.debug('*** field.type == METADATA', value=field.table_metadata,
+                          inner_vid=self.inner_vid)
+            else:
+                log.warn('unsupported-selection-field', type=field.type)
+                self._status_message = 'Unsupported field.type={}'.format(field.type)
+                return False
+        return True
+    def _decode_traffic_treatment(self, flow):
+        self.out_port = get_out_port(flow)
+        if self.out_port > OFPP_MAX:
+            log.warn('logical-output-ports-not-supported')
+            return False
+        for act in get_actions(flow):
+            if act.type == OUTPUT:
+                assert self.out_port == act.output.port, 'Multiple Output Ports found in flow rule'
+                pass           # Handled earlier
+            elif act.type == POP_VLAN:
+                log.debug('*** action.type == POP_VLAN')
+                self.pop_vlan = True
+            elif act.type == PUSH_VLAN:
+                log.debug('*** action.type == PUSH_VLAN', value=act.push)
+                tpid = act.push.ethertype
+                self.push_tpid = tpid
+                assert tpid == 0x8100, 'Only TPID 0x8100 is currently supported'
+            elif act.type == SET_FIELD:
+                log.debug('*** action.type == SET_FIELD', value=act.set_field.field)
+                assert (act.set_field.field.oxm_class == ofp.OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC)
+                field = act.set_field.field.ofb_field
+                if field.type == VLAN_VID:
+                    self.set_vlan_vid = field.vlan_vid & 0xfff
+            else:
+                log.warn('unsupported-action', action=act)
+                self._status_message = 'Unsupported action.type={}'.format(act.type)
+                return False
+        return True
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/heartbeat.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/heartbeat.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a29e8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/heartbeat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Adtran, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import structlog
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from pyvoltha.protos.common_pb2 import OperStatus, ConnectStatus
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_me import OntGFrame
+class HeartBeat(object):
+    """Wraps health-check support for ONU"""
+    INITIAL_DELAY = 60                      # Delay after start until first check
+    TICK_DELAY = 2                          # Heartbeat interval
+    def __init__(self, handler, device_id):
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=device_id)
+        self._enabled = False
+        self._handler = handler
+        self._device_id = device_id
+        self._defer = None
+        self._alarm_active = False
+        self._heartbeat_count = 0
+        self._heartbeat_miss = 0
+        self._alarms_raised_count = 0
+        self.heartbeat_failed_limit = 5
+        self.heartbeat_last_reason = ''
+        self.heartbeat_interval = self.TICK_DELAY
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "HeartBeat: count:{}, miss: {}".format(self._heartbeat_count,
+                                                      self._heartbeat_miss)
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(handler, device_id):
+        return HeartBeat(handler, device_id)
+    def _start(self, delay=INITIAL_DELAY):
+        self._defer = reactor.callLater(delay, self.check_pulse)
+    def _stop(self):
+        d, self._defeered = self._defeered, None
+        if d is not None and not d.called():
+            d.cancel()
+    @property
+    def enabled(self):
+        return self._enabled
+    @enabled.setter
+    def enabled(self, value):
+        if self._enabled != value:
+            self._enabled = value
+            # if value:
+            #     self._start()
+            # else:
+            #     self._stop()
+    @property
+    def check_item(self):
+        return 'vendor_id'
+    @property
+    def check_value(self):
+        # device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self._device_id)
+        # return device.serial_number
+        return 'ADTN'
+    @property
+    def alarm_active(self):
+        return self._alarm_active
+    @property
+    def heartbeat_count(self):
+        return self._heartbeat_count
+    @property
+    def heartbeat_miss(self):
+        return self._heartbeat_miss
+    @property
+    def alarms_raised_count(self):
+        return self._alarms_raised_count
+    def check_pulse(self):
+        if self.enabled:
+            try:
+                self._defer = self._handler.openomci.omci_cc.send(OntGFrame(self.check_item).get())
+                self._defer.addCallbacks(self._heartbeat_success, self._heartbeat_fail)
+            except Exception as e:
+                self._defer = reactor.callLater(5, self._heartbeat_fail, e)
+    def _heartbeat_success(self, results):
+        self.log.debug('heartbeat-success')
+        try:
+            omci_response = results.getfieldval("omci_message")
+            data = omci_response.getfieldval("data")
+            value = data[self.check_item]
+            if value != self.check_value:
+                self._heartbeat_miss = self.heartbeat_failed_limit
+                self.heartbeat_last_reason = "Invalid {}, got '{}' but expected '{}'".\
+                    format(self.check_item, value, self.check_value)
+            else:
+                self._heartbeat_miss = 0
+                self.heartbeat_last_reason = ''
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._heartbeat_miss = self.heartbeat_failed_limit
+            self.heartbeat_last_reason = e.message
+        self.heartbeat_check_status(results)
+    def _heartbeat_fail(self, failure):
+        self._heartbeat_miss += 1
+        self.log.info('heartbeat-miss', failure=failure,
+                      count=self._heartbeat_count,
+                      miss=self._heartbeat_miss)
+        self.heartbeat_last_reason = 'OMCI connectivity error'
+        self.heartbeat_check_status(None)
+    def on_heartbeat_alarm(self, active):
+        # TODO: Do something here ?
+        #
+        #  TODO: If failed (active = true) due to bad serial-number shut off the UNI port?
+        pass
+    def heartbeat_check_status(self, results):
+        """
+        Check the number of heartbeat failures against the limit and emit an alarm if needed
+        """
+        device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self._device_id)
+        try:
+            from voltha.extensions.alarms.heartbeat_alarm import HeartbeatAlarm
+            if self._heartbeat_miss >= self.heartbeat_failed_limit:
+                if device.connect_status == ConnectStatus.REACHABLE:
+                    self.log.warning('heartbeat-failed', count=self._heartbeat_miss)
+                    device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.UNREACHABLE
+                    device.oper_status = OperStatus.FAILED
+                    device.reason = self.heartbeat_last_reason
+                    self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+                    HeartbeatAlarm(self._handler.alarms, 'onu', self._heartbeat_miss).raise_alarm()
+                    self._alarm_active = True
+                    self.on_heartbeat_alarm(True)
+            else:
+                # Update device states
+                if device.connect_status != ConnectStatus.REACHABLE and self._alarm_active:
+                    device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.REACHABLE
+                    device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+                    device.reason = ''
+                    self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+                    HeartbeatAlarm(self._handler.alarms, 'onu').clear_alarm()
+                    self._alarm_active = False
+                    self._alarms_raised_count += 1
+                    self.on_heartbeat_alarm(False)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('heartbeat-check', e=e)
+        # Reschedule next heartbeat
+        if self.enabled:
+            self._heartbeat_count += 1
+            self._defer = reactor.callLater(self.heartbeat_interval, self.check_pulse)
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/main.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/main.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e19f320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Adtran ONU Adapter main entry point"""
+import argparse
+import os
+import time
+import arrow
+import yaml
+from packaging.version import Version
+from simplejson import dumps
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from pyvoltha.common.structlog_setup import setup_logging, update_logging
+from pyvoltha.common.utils.asleep import asleep
+from pyvoltha.common.utils.deferred_utils import TimeOutError
+from pyvoltha.common.utils.dockerhelpers import get_my_containers_name
+from pyvoltha.common.utils.nethelpers import get_my_primary_local_ipv4, \
+    get_my_primary_interface
+from pyvoltha.common.utils.registry import registry, IComponent
+from pyvoltha.adapters.kafka.adapter_proxy import AdapterProxy
+from pyvoltha.adapters.kafka.adapter_request_facade import AdapterRequestFacade
+from pyvoltha.adapters.kafka.core_proxy import CoreProxy
+from pyvoltha.adapters.kafka.kafka_inter_container_library import IKafkaMessagingProxy, \
+    get_messaging_proxy
+from pyvoltha.adapters.kafka.kafka_proxy import KafkaProxy, get_kafka_proxy
+from adtran_onu import AdtranOnuAdapter
+from pyvoltha.protos import third_party
+from pyvoltha.protos.adapter_pb2 import AdapterConfig
+_ = third_party
+defs = dict(
+    version_file='./VERSION',
+    config=os.environ.get('CONFIG', './adapters-adtran_onu.yml'),
+    container_name_regex=os.environ.get('CONTAINER_NUMBER_EXTRACTOR', '^.*\.(['
+                                                                      '0-9]+)\..*$'),
+    consul=os.environ.get('CONSUL', 'localhost:8500'),
+    name=os.environ.get('NAME', 'adtran_onu'),
+    vendor=os.environ.get('VENDOR', 'Voltha Project'),
+    device_type=os.environ.get('DEVICE_TYPE', 'adtran_onu'),
+    accept_bulk_flow=os.environ.get('ACCEPT_BULK_FLOW', True),
+    accept_atomic_flow=os.environ.get('ACCEPT_ATOMIC_FLOW', True),
+    etcd=os.environ.get('ETCD', 'localhost:2379'),
+    core_topic=os.environ.get('CORE_TOPIC', 'rwcore'),
+    interface=os.environ.get('INTERFACE', get_my_primary_interface()),
+    instance_id=os.environ.get('INSTANCE_ID', os.environ.get('HOSTNAME', '1')),
+    kafka_adapter=os.environ.get('KAFKA_ADAPTER', ''),
+    kafka_cluster=os.environ.get('KAFKA_CLUSTER', ''),
+    backend=os.environ.get('BACKEND', 'none'),
+    retry_interval=os.environ.get('RETRY_INTERVAL', 2),
+    heartbeat_topic=os.environ.get('HEARTBEAT_TOPIC', "adapters.heartbeat"),
+    # Following are for debugging
+    debug_enabled=True,
+    debug_host='work.bcsw.net',
+    # debug_host='',
+    debug_port=5678,
+def parse_args():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    _help = ('Path to adapters-adtran_onu.yml config file (default: %s). '
+             'If relative, it is relative to main.py of Adtran ONU adapter.'
+             % defs['config'])
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
+                        dest='config',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['config'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'Regular expression for extracting container number from ' \
+            'container name (default: %s)' % defs['container_name_regex']
+    parser.add_argument('-X', '--container-number-extractor',
+                        dest='container_name_regex',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['container_name_regex'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> to consul agent (default: %s)' % defs['consul']
+    parser.add_argument('-C', '--consul',
+                        dest='consul',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['consul'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'name of this adapter (default: %s)' % defs['name']
+    parser.add_argument('-na', '--name',
+                        dest='name',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['name'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'vendor of this adapter (default: %s)' % defs['vendor']
+    parser.add_argument('-ven', '--vendor',
+                        dest='vendor',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['vendor'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'supported device type of this adapter (default: %s)' % defs[
+        'device_type']
+    parser.add_argument('-dt', '--device_type',
+                        dest='device_type',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['device_type'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'specifies whether the device type accepts bulk flow updates ' \
+            'adapter (default: %s)' % defs['accept_bulk_flow']
+    parser.add_argument('-abf', '--accept_bulk_flow',
+                        dest='accept_bulk_flow',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['accept_bulk_flow'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'specifies whether the device type accepts add/remove flow ' \
+            '(default: %s)' % defs['accept_atomic_flow']
+    parser.add_argument('-aaf', '--accept_atomic_flow',
+                        dest='accept_atomic_flow',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['accept_atomic_flow'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = '<hostname>:<port> to etcd server (default: %s)' % defs['etcd']
+    parser.add_argument('-e', '--etcd',
+                        dest='etcd',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['etcd'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('unique string id of this container instance (default: %s)'
+             % defs['instance_id'])
+    parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance-id',
+                        dest='instance_id',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['instance_id'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'ETH interface to recieve (default: %s)' % defs['interface']
+    parser.add_argument('-I', '--interface',
+                        dest='interface',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['interface'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'omit startup banner log lines'
+    parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-banner',
+                        dest='no_banner',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'do not emit periodic heartbeat log messages'
+    parser.add_argument('-N', '--no-heartbeat',
+                        dest='no_heartbeat',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = "suppress debug and info logs"
+    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet',
+                        dest='quiet',
+                        action='count',
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'enable verbose logging'
+    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',
+                        dest='verbose',
+                        action='count',
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('use docker container name as container instance id'
+             ' (overrides -i/--instance-id option)')
+    parser.add_argument('--instance-id-is-container-name',
+                        dest='instance_id_is_container_name',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=False,
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('<hostname>:<port> of the kafka adapter broker (default: %s). ('
+             'If not '
+             'specified (None), the address from the config file is used'
+             % defs['kafka_adapter'])
+    parser.add_argument('-KA', '--kafka_adapter',
+                        dest='kafka_adapter',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['kafka_adapter'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = ('<hostname>:<port> of the kafka cluster broker (default: %s). ('
+             'If not '
+             'specified (None), the address from the config file is used'
+             % defs['kafka_cluster'])
+    parser.add_argument('-KC', '--kafka_cluster',
+                        dest='kafka_cluster',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['kafka_cluster'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'backend to use for config persistence'
+    parser.add_argument('-b', '--backend',
+                        default=defs['backend'],
+                        choices=['none', 'consul', 'etcd'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'topic of core on the kafka bus'
+    parser.add_argument('-ct', '--core_topic',
+                        dest='core_topic',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['core_topic'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'Enable remote python debug'
+    parser.add_argument('-de', '--debug_enabled',
+                        dest='debug_enabled',
+                        action='store_true',
+                        default=defs['debug_enabled'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'remote debug hostname or IP address'
+    parser.add_argument('-dh', '--debug_host',
+                        dest='debug_host',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['debug_host'],
+                        help=_help)
+    _help = 'remote debug port number'
+    parser.add_argument('-dp', '--debug_port',
+                        dest='debug_port',
+                        action='store',
+                        default=defs['debug_port'],
+                        help=_help)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # post-processing
+    if args.instance_id_is_container_name:
+        args.instance_id = get_my_containers_name()
+    return args
+def setup_remote_debug(host, port, logger):
+    try:
+        import sys
+        sys.path.append('/voltha/pydevd/pycharm-debug.egg')
+        import pydevd
+        # Initial breakpoint
+        pydevd.settrace(host, port=port, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True, suspend=False)
+    except ImportError:
+        logger.error('Error importing pydevd package')
+        logger.error('REMOTE DEBUGGING will not be supported in this run...')
+        # Continue on, you do not want to completely kill VOLTHA, you just need to fix it.
+    except AttributeError:
+        logger.error('Attribute error. Perhaps try to explicitly set PYTHONPATH to'
+                     'pydevd directory and rlogger.errorun again?')
+        logger.error('REMOTE DEBUGGING will not be supported in this run...')
+        # Continue on, you do not want to completely kill VOLTHA, you just need to fix it.
+    except:
+        import sys
+        logger.error("pydevd startup exception: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0])
+        print('REMOTE DEBUGGING will not be supported in this run...')
+def load_config(args):
+    path = args.config
+    if path.startswith('.'):
+        dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+        path = os.path.join(dir, path)
+    path = os.path.abspath(path)
+    with open(path) as fd:
+        config = yaml.load(fd)
+    return config
+def print_banner(log):
+    log.info("           _____ _______ _____            _   _       ____  _   _______ ")
+    log.info("     /\   |  __ \__   __|  __ \     /\   | \ | |    / __ \| \ | | |  | |")
+    log.info("    /  \  | |  | | | |  | |__) |   /  \  |  \| |   | |  | |  \| | |  | |")
+    log.info("   / /\ \ | |  | | | |  |  _  /   / /\ \ | . ` |   | |  | | . ` | |  | |")
+    log.info("  / ____ \| |__| | | |  | | \ \  / ____ \| |\  |   | |__| | |\  | |__| |")
+    log.info(" /_/    \_\_____/  |_|  |_| _\_\/_/    \_\_| \_|    \____/|_| \_|\____/ ")
+    log.info("     /\      | |           | |                                          ")
+    log.info("    /  \   __| | __ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __                                ")
+    log.info("   / /\ \ / _` |/ _` | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__|                               ")
+    log.info("  / ____ \ (_| | (_| | |_) | ||  __/ |                                  ")
+    log.info(" /_/    \_\__,_|\__,_| .__/ \__\___|_|                                  ")
+    log.info("                     | |                                                ")
+    log.info("                     |_|                                                ")
+    log.info("")
+    log.info('(to stop: press Ctrl-C)')
+class Main(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.args = args = parse_args()
+        self.config = load_config(args)
+        verbosity_adjust = (args.verbose or 0) - (args.quiet or 0)
+        self.log = setup_logging(self.config.get('logging', {}),
+                                 args.instance_id,
+                                 verbosity_adjust=verbosity_adjust)
+        self.log.info('container-number-extractor',
+                      regex=args.container_name_regex)
+        if args.debug_enabled:
+            setup_remote_debug(args.debug_host, args.debug_port, self.log)
+        self.adtran_onu_adapter_version = self.get_version()
+        self.log.info('ADTRAN-ONU-Adapter-Version', version=self.adtran_onu_adapter_version)
+        if not args.no_banner:
+            print_banner(self.log)
+        self.adapter = None
+        self.core_proxy = None
+        self.adapter_proxy = None
+        # Create a unique instance id using the passed-in instance id and
+        # UTC timestamp
+        current_time = arrow.utcnow().timestamp
+        self.instance_id = self.args.instance_id + '_' + str(current_time)
+        self.core_topic = args.core_topic
+        self.listening_topic = args.name
+        self.startup_components()
+        if not args.no_heartbeat:
+            self.start_heartbeat()
+            self.start_kafka_cluster_heartbeat(self.instance_id)
+    def get_version(self):
+        path = defs['version_file']
+        if not path.startswith('/'):
+            dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+            path = os.path.join(dir, path)
+        path = os.path.abspath(path)
+        version_file = open(path, 'r')
+        v = version_file.read()
+        # Use Version to validate the version string - exception will be raised
+        # if the version is invalid
+        Version(v)
+        version_file.close()
+        return v
+    def start(self):
+        self.start_reactor()  # will not return except Keyboard interrupt
+    def stop(self):
+        pass
+    def get_args(self):
+        """Allow access to command line args"""
+        return self.args
+    def get_config(self):
+        """Allow access to content of config file"""
+        return self.config
+    def _get_adapter_config(self):
+        cfg = AdapterConfig()
+        return cfg
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def startup_components(self):
+        try:
+            self.log.info('starting-internal-components',
+                          consul=self.args.consul,
+                          etcd=self.args.etcd)
+            registry.register('main', self)
+            # Update the logger to output the vcore id.
+            self.log = update_logging(instance_id=self.instance_id,
+                                      vcore_id=None)
+            yield registry.register(
+                'kafka_cluster_proxy',
+                KafkaProxy(
+                    self.args.consul,
+                    self.args.kafka_cluster,
+                    config=self.config.get('kafka-cluster-proxy', {})
+                )
+            ).start()
+            config = self._get_adapter_config()
+            self.core_proxy = CoreProxy(
+                kafka_proxy=None,
+                core_topic=self.core_topic,
+                my_listening_topic=self.listening_topic)
+            self.adapter_proxy = AdapterProxy(
+                kafka_proxy=None,
+                core_topic=self.core_topic,
+                my_listening_topic=self.listening_topic)
+            self.adapter = AdtranOnuAdapter(core_proxy=self.core_proxy,
+                                            adapter_proxy=self.adapter_proxy,
+                                            config=config)
+            adtran_request_handler = AdapterRequestFacade(adapter=self.adapter)
+            yield registry.register(
+                'kafka_adapter_proxy',
+                IKafkaMessagingProxy(
+                    kafka_host_port=self.args.kafka_adapter,
+                    # TODO: Add KV Store object reference
+                    kv_store=self.args.backend,
+                    default_topic=self.args.name,
+                    group_id_prefix=self.args.instance_id,
+                    target_cls=adtran_request_handler
+                )
+            ).start()
+            self.core_proxy.kafka_proxy = get_messaging_proxy()
+            self.adapter_proxy.kafka_proxy = get_messaging_proxy()
+            # retry for ever
+            res = yield self._register_with_core(-1)
+            self.log.info('started-internal-services')
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('Failure-to-start-all-components', e=e)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def shutdown_components(self):
+        """Execute before the reactor is shut down"""
+        self.log.info('exiting-on-keyboard-interrupt')
+        for component in reversed(registry.iterate()):
+            yield component.stop()
+        import threading
+        self.log.info('THREADS:')
+        main_thread = threading.current_thread()
+        for t in threading.enumerate():
+            if t is main_thread:
+                continue
+            if not t.isDaemon():
+                continue
+            self.log.info('joining thread {} {}'.format(
+                t.getName(), "daemon" if t.isDaemon() else "not-daemon"))
+            t.join()
+    def start_reactor(self):
+        from twisted.internet import reactor
+        reactor.callWhenRunning(
+            lambda: self.log.info('twisted-reactor-started'))
+        reactor.addSystemEventTrigger('before', 'shutdown',
+                                      self.shutdown_components)
+        reactor.run()
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def _register_with_core(self, retries):
+        while 1:
+            try:
+                resp = yield self.core_proxy.register(
+                    self.adapter.adapter_descriptor(),
+                    self.adapter.device_types())
+                if resp:
+                    self.log.info('registered-with-core',
+                                  coreId=resp.instance_id)
+                returnValue(resp)
+            except TimeOutError as e:
+                self.log.warn("timeout-when-registering-with-core", e=e)
+                if retries == 0:
+                    self.log.exception("no-more-retries", e=e)
+                    raise
+                else:
+                    retries = retries if retries < 0 else retries - 1
+                    yield asleep(defs['retry_interval'])
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception("failed-registration", e=e)
+                raise
+    def start_heartbeat(self):
+        t0 = time.time()
+        t0s = time.ctime(t0)
+        def heartbeat():
+            self.log.debug(status='up', since=t0s, uptime=time.time() - t0)
+        lc = LoopingCall(heartbeat)
+        lc.start(10)
+    # Temporary function to send a heartbeat message to the external kafka
+    # broker
+    def start_kafka_cluster_heartbeat(self, instance_id):
+        # For heartbeat we will send a message to a specific "voltha-heartbeat"
+        #  topic.  The message is a protocol buf
+        # message
+        message = dict(
+            type='heartbeat',
+            adapter=self.args.name,
+            instance=instance_id,
+            ip=get_my_primary_local_ipv4()
+        )
+        topic = defs['heartbeat_topic']
+        def send_msg(start_time):
+            try:
+                kafka_cluster_proxy = get_kafka_proxy()
+                if kafka_cluster_proxy and not kafka_cluster_proxy.is_faulty():
+                    # self.log.debug('kafka-proxy-available')
+                    message['ts'] = arrow.utcnow().timestamp
+                    message['uptime'] = time.time() - start_time
+                    # self.log.debug('start-kafka-heartbeat')
+                    kafka_cluster_proxy.send_message(topic, dumps(message))
+                else:
+                    self.log.error('kafka-proxy-unavailable')
+            except Exception, err:
+                self.log.exception('failed-sending-message-heartbeat', e=err)
+        try:
+            t0 = time.time()
+            lc = LoopingCall(send_msg, t0)
+            lc.start(10)
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.log.exception('failed-kafka-heartbeat', e=e)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    Main().start()
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/README.md b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..babd884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#OMCI Support
+This directory contains classes to assist in the creation, transmission,
+and reception of OMCI frames on this ONU Adapter. A number of these files (but
+not all) could be moved into the common *.../voltha/extensions/omci* subdirectory.
+### omci_cc.py
+The *omci_cc.py* file contains the OMCI communications channel for sending and receiving
+OMCI messages.  For transmits, it will send the OMCI message to the proper proxy channel,
+but for received, OMCI frames, your device adapter will need to call the
+*receive_message()* method.
+The communications channel will return a deferred on a Tx request which will fire when
+a corresponding response is received or if a timeout or other error occurs. When a
+successful response is received, the *OMCI_CC* will also look at *Get, Set, Create*, and
+*Delete* messages prior to calling any additional callbacks so that the MIB Database can be
+checked or updated as needed.  Note that the MIB Database is not yet implemented.
+ONU Autonomous messages are also handled (Test Results messages are TBD) and these are
+A collection of statistics are available in case the ONU wishes to publish a
+PM group containing these statistics. The Adtran ONU does so in the *onu_pm_metrics.py*
+Finally, a list of vendor-specific ME's can be passed to the class initializer so that
+they are registered in the class_id map. This allows for successful decode of custom MEs.
+See the Adtran ONU's instantiation of the *OMCI_CC* class as an example of how to
+add vendor-specific MEs.
+### me_frame.py
+This file contains the base class implementation that helps to transform defined
+Managed EntityClasses into OMCI Frames with specific actions (*get, set, create, 
+delete, ...*). Prior this class, frames to do each action were hand created methods.
+Besides providing methods for creating OMCI frames, the ME attributes names, access
+attributes, and allowed operations are checked to verify that the action is valid
+for both the ME as well as the specific attribute.
+What is currently missing is other OMCI actions have not been coded:
+ - GetNext
+ - GetCurrentData
+ - GetAllAlarms
+ - GetAllAlarmsNext
+ - MibUpload
+ - MibUploadNext
+ - MibReset
+ - Test
+ - StartSoftwareDownload
+ - DownloadSection
+ - EndSoftwareDownload
+ - ActivateSoftware
+ - CommitSoftware
+ - SynchronizeTime
+ - Reboot
+For many of these actions, such as MibReset, these are only performed on a specific
+ME and it may be best to provide these as explicit static methods.
+### omci_me.py
+This file is a collection of ME classes derived from the MEFrame base class. For many
+of the currently defined ME's in *omci_entities.py*
+### omci_defs.py
+This file contains an additional status code enumeration which could be merged with
+the main OMCI extensions directory.
+### omci_entities.py
+This is an Adtran ONU specific file to add custom OMCI **OMCI_CC** entities and a function
+that can be called by the **OMCI_CC** class to install them into the appropriate locations
+such that OMCI frame decode works as expected during MIB uploads.
+Eventually I envision the **OMCI_CC** to be mostly hidden from an ONU device adapter, so
+a method to register these custom ME's needs to be provided.
+### deprecated.py
+This file contains some of the original _old-style_ OMCI frame creation and send
+commands for the Adtran ONU. These were originally copied over from the BroadCom
+ONU Device Adapter and modified for use in the Adtran ONU. After the **OMCI_CC** class
+was created to handle OMCI Tx/Rx, a reference to the **OMCI_CC** was passed in so that
+these methods could use the *OMCI_CC.send()* method
+If you look at the current Adtran ONU **pon_port.py** file, it still contains the original
+calls to these are still in place (commented out) next to how to do the same calls with
+the new **ME_Frame** and **OMCI_CC** classes.
+##Unit Tests
+After some peer review and any needed refactoring of code, the plan is to create unit tests
+to cover the **OMCI_CC** and **ME_Frame** classes with a target of _90%+_ line coverage.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/__init__.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/__init__.py
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index 0000000..b0fb0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_capabilities_task.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_capabilities_task.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dbed03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_capabilities_task.py
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from voltha.extensions.omci.tasks.onu_capabilities_task import OnuCapabilitiesTask
+from twisted.internet.defer import failure
+class AdtnCapabilitiesTask(OnuCapabilitiesTask):
+    """
+    OpenOMCI MIB Capabilities Task - ADTRAN ONUs
+    This task requests information on supported MEs via the OMCI (ME#287)
+    Managed entity.
+    This task should be ran after MIB Synchronization and before any MIB
+    Downloads to the ONU.
+    Upon completion, the Task deferred callback is invoked with dictionary
+    containing the supported managed entities and message types.
+    results = {
+                'supported-managed-entities': {set of supported managed entities},
+                'supported-message-types': {set of supported message types}
+              }
+    """
+    name = "Adtran ONU Capabilities Task"
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, device_id):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param omci_agent: (OpenOMCIAgent) OMCI Adapter agent
+        :param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
+        """
+        super(AdtnCapabilitiesTask, self).__init__(omci_agent, device_id)
+        self.name = AdtnCapabilitiesTask.name
+        self._omci_managed = False      # TODO: Look up capabilities/model number
+    @property
+    def supported_managed_entities(self):
+        """
+        Return a set of the Managed Entity class IDs supported on this ONU
+        None is returned if not MEs have been discovered
+        :return: (set of ints)
+        """
+        if self._omci_managed:
+            return super(AdtnCapabilitiesTask, self).supported_managed_entities
+        me_1287800f1 = [
+            2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 24, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 79, 84, 89, 130,
+            131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 148, 157, 158, 159, 171, 256, 257, 262,
+            263, 264, 266, 268, 272, 273, 274, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 297, 298,
+            299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312,
+            329, 330, 332, 334, 336, 340, 341, 342, 343, 348, 425, 426, 65300,
+            65400, 65401, 65402, 65403, 65404, 65406, 65407, 65408, 65409, 65410,
+            65411, 65412, 65413, 65414, 65420, 65421, 65422, 65423, 65424
+        ]
+        return frozenset(list(me_1287800f1))
+    @property
+    def supported_message_types(self):
+        """
+        Return a set of the Message Types supported on this ONU
+        None is returned if no message types have been discovered
+        :return: (set of EntityOperations)
+        """
+        if self._omci_managed:
+            return super(AdtnCapabilitiesTask, self).supported_message_types
+        from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_entities import EntityOperations
+        op_11287800f1 = [
+            EntityOperations.Create,
+            EntityOperations.CreateComplete,
+            EntityOperations.Delete,
+            EntityOperations.Set,
+            EntityOperations.Get,
+            EntityOperations.GetComplete,
+            EntityOperations.GetAllAlarms,
+            EntityOperations.GetAllAlarmsNext,
+            EntityOperations.MibUpload,
+            EntityOperations.MibUploadNext,
+            EntityOperations.MibReset,
+            EntityOperations.AlarmNotification,
+            EntityOperations.AttributeValueChange,
+            EntityOperations.Test,
+            EntityOperations.StartSoftwareDownload,
+            EntityOperations.DownloadSection,
+            EntityOperations.EndSoftwareDownload,
+            EntityOperations.ActivateSoftware,
+            EntityOperations.CommitSoftware,
+            EntityOperations.SynchronizeTime,
+            EntityOperations.Reboot,
+            EntityOperations.GetNext,
+        ]
+        return frozenset(op_11287800f1)
+    def perform_get_capabilities(self):
+        """
+        Perform the MIB Capabilities sequence.
+        The sequence is to perform a Get request with the attribute mask equal
+        to 'me_type_table'.  The response to this request will carry the size
+        of (number of get-next sequences).
+        Then a loop is entered and get-next commands are sent for each sequence
+        requested.
+        """
+        self.log.info('perform-get')
+        if self._omci_managed:
+            # Return generator deferred/results
+            return super(AdtnCapabilitiesTask, self).perform_get_capabilities()
+        # Fixed values, no need to query
+        try:
+            self._supported_entities = self.supported_managed_entities
+            self._supported_msg_types = self.supported_message_types
+            self.log.debug('get-success',
+                           supported_entities=self.supported_managed_entities,
+                           supported_msg_types=self.supported_message_types)
+            results = {
+                'supported-managed-entities': self.supported_managed_entities,
+                'supported-message-types': self.supported_message_types
+            }
+            self.deferred.callback(results)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('get-failed', e=e)
+            self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_get_mds_task.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_get_mds_task.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0de236f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_get_mds_task.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from voltha.extensions.omci.tasks.get_mds_task import GetMdsTask
+class AdtnGetMdsTask(GetMdsTask):
+    """
+    OpenOMCI Get MIB Data Sync value task - Adtran ONU
+    On successful completion, this task will call the 'callback' method of the
+    deferred returned by the start method and return the value of the MIB
+    Data Sync attribute of the ONT Data ME
+    """
+    name = "ADTN: Get MDS Task"
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, device_id):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param omci_agent: (OmciAdapterAgent) OMCI Adapter agent
+        :param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
+        """
+        super(AdtnGetMdsTask, self).__init__(omci_agent, device_id)
+        self.name = AdtnGetMdsTask.name
+        self._device = omci_agent.get_device(device_id)
+        self._omci_managed = False      # TODO: Look up capabilities/model number/check handler
+    def perform_get_mds(self):
+        """
+        Get the 'mib_data_sync' attribute of the ONU
+        """
+        self.log.info('perform-get-mds')
+        if self._omci_managed:
+            return super(AdtnGetMdsTask, self).perform_get_mds()
+        # Non-OMCI managed ADTN ONUs always return 0 for MDS, use the MIB
+        # sync value and depend on an accelerated mib resync to do the
+        # proper comparison
+        self.deferred.callback(self._device.mib_synchronizer.mib_data_sync)
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_install_flow.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_install_flow.py
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index 0000000..5d5a2f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_install_flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, failure, returnValue
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_me import *
+from voltha.extensions.omci.tasks.task import Task
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_defs import *
+from voltha.adapters.adtran_onu.flow.flow_entry import FlowEntry
+OP = EntityOperations
+RC = ReasonCodes
+class ServiceInstallFailure(Exception):
+    """
+    This error is raised by default when the flow-install fails
+    """
+class AdtnInstallFlowTask(Task):
+    """
+    OpenOMCI MIB Flow Install Task
+    Currently, the only service tech profiles expected by v2.0 will be for AT&T
+    residential data service and DT residential data service.
+    """
+    task_priority = Task.DEFAULT_PRIORITY + 10
+    name = "ADTRAN MIB Install Flow Task"
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, handler, flow_entry):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param omci_agent: (OpenOMCIAgent) OMCI Adapter agent
+        :param handler: (AdtranOnuHandler) ONU Handler
+        :param flow_entry: (FlowEntry) Flow to install
+        """
+        super(AdtnInstallFlowTask, self).__init__(AdtnInstallFlowTask.name,
+                                                  omci_agent,
+                                                  handler.device_id,
+                                                  priority=AdtnInstallFlowTask.task_priority,
+                                                  exclusive=False)
+        self._handler = handler
+        self._onu_device = omci_agent.get_device(handler.device_id)
+        self._local_deferred = None
+        self._flow_entry = flow_entry
+        self._install_by_delete = True
+        # TODO: Cleanup below that is not needed
+        is_upstream = flow_entry.flow_direction in FlowEntry.upstream_flow_types
+        uni_port = flow_entry.in_port if is_upstream else flow_entry.out_port
+        pon_port = flow_entry.out_port if is_upstream else flow_entry.in_port
+        self._uni = handler.uni_port(uni_port)
+        self._pon = handler.pon_port(pon_port)
+        # Entity IDs. IDs with values can probably be most anything for most ONUs,
+        #             IDs set to None are discovered/set
+        #
+        # TODO: Probably need to store many of these in the appropriate object (UNI, PON,...)
+        #
+        self._ethernet_uni_entity_id = self._handler.uni_ports[0].entity_id
+        self._ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id = self._pon.ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id
+        # Next to are specific
+        self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id = handler.mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id
+    def cancel_deferred(self):
+        super(AdtnInstallFlowTask, self).cancel_deferred()
+        d, self._local_deferred = self._local_deferred, None
+        try:
+            if d is not None and not d.called:
+                d.cancel()
+        except:
+            pass
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start the flow installation
+        """
+        super(AdtnInstallFlowTask, self).start()
+        self._local_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.perform_flow_install)
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Shutdown flow install task
+        """
+        self.log.debug('stopping')
+        self.cancel_deferred()
+        super(AdtnInstallFlowTask, self).stop()
+    def check_status_and_state(self, results, operation=''):
+        """
+        Check the results of an OMCI response.  An exception is thrown
+        if the task was cancelled or an error was detected.
+        :param results: (OmciFrame) OMCI Response frame
+        :param operation: (str) what operation was being performed
+        :return: True if successful, False if the entity existed (already created)
+        """
+        omci_msg = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        status = omci_msg['success_code']
+        error_mask = omci_msg.get('parameter_error_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        failed_mask = omci_msg.get('failed_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        unsupported_mask = omci_msg.get('unsupported_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        self.log.debug(operation, status=status, error_mask=error_mask,
+                       failed_mask=failed_mask, unsupported_mask=unsupported_mask)
+        if status == RC.Success:
+            self.strobe_watchdog()
+            return True
+        elif status == RC.InstanceExists:
+            return False
+        elif status == RC.UnknownInstance and operation == 'delete':
+            return True
+        raise ServiceInstallFailure('{} failed with a status of {}, error_mask: {}, failed_mask: {}, unsupported_mask: {}'
+                                    .format(operation, status, error_mask, failed_mask, unsupported_mask))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def perform_flow_install(self):
+        """
+        Send the commands to configure the flow.
+        Currently this task uses the pre-installed default TCONT and GEM Port.  This will
+        change when Technology Profiles are supported.
+        """
+        self.log.info('perform-flow-install', vlan_vid=self._flow_entry.vlan_vid)
+        if self._flow_entry.vlan_vid == 0:
+            return
+        def resources_available():
+            # TODO: Rework for non-xpon mode
+            return (len(self._handler.uni_ports) > 0 and
+                    len(self._pon.tconts) and
+                    len(self._pon.gem_ports))
+        if self._handler.enabled and resources_available():
+            omci = self._onu_device.omci_cc
+            brg_id = self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id
+            vlan_vid = self._flow_entry.vlan_vid
+            if self._install_by_delete:
+                # Delete any existing flow before adding this new one
+                msg = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(brg_id, attributes=None)
+                frame = msg.delete()
+                try:
+                    results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                    self.check_status_and_state(results, operation='delete')
+                    attributes = dict(
+                        association_type=2,  # Assoc Type, PPTP Ethernet UNI
+                        associated_me_pointer=self._ethernet_uni_entity_id  # Assoc ME, PPTP Entity Id
+                    )
+                    frame = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(
+                        self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id + self._uni.mac_bridge_port_num,
+                        attributes=attributes
+                    ).create()
+                    results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                    self.check_status_and_state(results, 'flow-recreate-before-set')
+                    # TODO: Any of the following needed as well
+                    # # Delete bridge ani side vlan filter
+                    # msg = VlanTaggingFilterDataFrame(self._mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id)
+                    # frame = msg.delete()
+                    #
+                    # results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                    # self.check_status_and_state(results, 'flow-delete-vlan-tagging-filter-data')
+                    #
+                    # # Re-Create bridge ani side vlan filter
+                    # msg = VlanTaggingFilterDataFrame(
+                    #         self._mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id,  # Entity ID
+                    #         vlan_tcis=[vlan_vid],             # VLAN IDs
+                    #         forward_operation=0x10
+                    # )
+                    # frame = msg.create()
+                    #
+                    # results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                    # self.check_status_and_state(results, 'flow-create-vlan-tagging-filter-data')
+                except Exception as e:
+                    self.log.exception('flow-delete-before-install-failure', e=e)
+                    self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+                    returnValue(None)
+            try:
+                # Now set the VLAN Tagging Operation up as we want it
+                # Update uni side extended vlan filter
+                # filter for untagged
+                # probably for eapol
+                # TODO: lots of magic
+                # attributes = dict(
+                #         # This table filters and tags upstream frames
+                #         received_frame_vlan_tagging_operation_table=
+                #         VlanTaggingOperation(
+                #                 filter_outer_priority=15,     # This entry is not a double-tag rule (ignore out tag rules)
+                #                 filter_outer_vid=4096,        # Do not filter on the outer VID value
+                #                 filter_outer_tpid_de=0,       # Do not filter on the outer TPID field
+                #
+                #                 filter_inner_priority=15,     # This is a no-tag rule, ignore all other VLAN tag filter fields
+                #                 filter_inner_vid=4096,        # Do not filter on the inner VID
+                #                 filter_inner_tpid_de=0,       # Do not filter on inner TPID field
+                #                 filter_ether_type=0,          # Do not filter on EtherType
+                #
+                #                 treatment_tags_to_remove=0,   # Remove 0 tags
+                #
+                #                 treatment_outer_priority=15,  # Do not add an outer tag
+                #                 treatment_outer_vid=0,        # n/a
+                #                 treatment_outer_tpid_de=0,    # n/a
+                #
+                #                 treatment_inner_priority=0,    # Add an inner tag and insert this value as the priority
+                #                 treatment_inner_vid=vlan_vid,  # Push this tag onto the frame
+                #                 treatment_inner_tpid_de=4      # set TPID
+                #         )
+                # )
+                # msg = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(
+                #         self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id + self._uni.mac_bridge_port_num,  # Bridge Entity ID
+                #         attributes=attributes  # See above
+                # )
+                # frame = msg.set()
+                #
+                # results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                # self.check_status_and_state(results,
+                #                             'flow-set-ext-vlan-tagging-op-config-data-untagged')
+                # Update uni side extended vlan filter
+                # filter for vlan 0
+                # TODO: lots of magic
+                ################################################################################
+                # Update Extended VLAN Tagging Operation Config Data
+                #
+                # Specifies the TPIDs in use and that operations in the downstream direction are
+                # inverse to the operations in the upstream direction
+                # TODO: Downstream mode may need to be modified once we work more on the flow rules
+                attributes = dict(
+                    input_tpid=0x8100,   # input TPID
+                    output_tpid=0x8100,  # output TPID
+                    downstream_mode=0,   # inverse of upstream
+                )
+                msg = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(
+                        self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id +
+                        self._uni.mac_bridge_port_num,  # Bridge Entity ID
+                        attributes=attributes           # See above
+                )
+                frame = msg.set()
+                results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                self.check_status_and_state(results, 'set-extended-vlan-tagging-operation-configuration-data')
+                attributes = dict(
+                    received_frame_vlan_tagging_operation_table=
+                    VlanTaggingOperation(
+                        filter_outer_priority=15,  # This entry is not a double-tag rule
+                        filter_outer_vid=4096,     # Do not filter on the outer VID value
+                        filter_outer_tpid_de=0,    # Do not filter on the outer TPID field
+                        filter_inner_priority=15,  # This is a no-tag rule, ignore all other VLAN tag filter fields
+                        filter_inner_vid=0x1000,   # Do not filter on the inner VID
+                        filter_inner_tpid_de=0,    # Do not filter on inner TPID field
+                        filter_ether_type=0,         # Do not filter on EtherType
+                        treatment_tags_to_remove=0,  # Remove 0 tags
+                        treatment_outer_priority=15,  # Do not add an outer tag
+                        treatment_outer_vid=0,        # n/a
+                        treatment_outer_tpid_de=0,    # n/a
+                        treatment_inner_priority=0,    # Add an inner tag and insert this value as the priority
+                        treatment_inner_vid=vlan_vid,  # use this value as the VID in the inner VLAN tag
+                        treatment_inner_tpid_de=4,     # set TPID
+                    )
+                )
+                msg = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(
+                        self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id +
+                        self._uni.mac_bridge_port_num,  # Bridge Entity ID
+                        attributes=attributes           # See above
+                )
+                frame = msg.set()
+                results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                self.check_status_and_state(results,
+                                            'flow-set-ext-vlan-tagging-op-config-data-untagged')
+                self.deferred.callback('flow-install-success')
+            except Exception as e:
+                # TODO: Better context info for this exception output...
+                self.log.exception('failed-to-install-flow', e=e)
+                self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+        else:
+            # TODO: Provide better error reason, what was missing...
+            e = ServiceInstallFailure('Required resources are not available')
+            self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_download_task.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_download_task.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36289bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_download_task.py
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, TimeoutError, failure
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_me import *
+from voltha.extensions.omci.tasks.task import Task
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_defs import *
+OP = EntityOperations
+RC = ReasonCodes
+class MibDownloadFailure(Exception):
+    """
+    This error is raised by default when the download fails
+    """
+class MibResourcesFailure(Exception):
+    """
+    This error is raised by when one or more resources required is not available
+    """
+class AdtnMibDownloadTask(Task):
+    """
+    OpenOMCI MIB Download Example
+    This task takes the legacy OMCI 'script' for provisioning the Adtran ONU
+    and converts it to run as a Task on the OpenOMCI Task runner.  This is
+    in order to begin to decompose service instantiation in preparation for
+    Technology Profile work.
+    Once technology profiles are ready, some of this task may hang around or
+    be moved into OpenOMCI if there are any very common settings/configs to do
+    for any profile that may be provided in the v2.0 release
+    Currently, the only service tech profiles expected by v2.0 will be for AT&T
+    residential data service and DT residential data service.
+    """
+    task_priority = Task.DEFAULT_PRIORITY + 10
+    default_tpid = 0x8100
+    default_gem_payload = 1518
+    name = "ADTRAN MIB Download Task"
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, handler):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param omci_agent: (OpenOMCIAgent) OMCI Adapter agent
+        :param handler: (OnuHandler) ONU Device Handler
+        """
+        super(AdtnMibDownloadTask, self).__init__(AdtnMibDownloadTask.name,
+                                                  omci_agent,
+                                                  handler.device_id,
+                                                  priority=AdtnMibDownloadTask.task_priority,
+                                                  exclusive=False)
+        self._handler = handler
+        self._onu_device = omci_agent.get_device(handler.device_id)
+        self._local_deferred = None
+        # Frame size
+        self._max_gem_payload = AdtnMibDownloadTask.default_gem_payload
+        # Port numbers
+        self._pon_port_num = 0
+        self._uni_port_num = 0  # TODO Both port numbers are the same, is this correct?  See MacBridgePortConfigurationDataFrame
+        self._pon = handler.pon_port()
+        self._vlan_tcis_1 = self._handler.vlan_tcis_1
+        # Entity IDs. IDs with values can probably be most anything for most ONUs,
+        #             IDs set to None are discovered/set
+        #
+        # TODO: Probably need to store many of these in the appropriate object (UNI, PON,...)
+        #
+        self._ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id = self._pon.ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id
+        self._mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id = self._pon.mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id
+        self._gal_enet_profile_entity_id = self._handler.gal_enet_profile_entity_id
+        # Next to are specific     TODO: UNI lookups here or uni specific install !!!
+        self._ethernet_uni_entity_id = self._handler.uni_ports[0].entity_id
+        self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id = \
+            self._handler.mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id
+    def cancel_deferred(self):
+        super(AdtnMibDownloadTask, self).cancel_deferred()
+        d, self._local_deferred = self._local_deferred, None
+        try:
+            if d is not None and not d.called:
+                d.cancel()
+        except:
+            pass
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start the MIB Download
+        """
+        super(AdtnMibDownloadTask, self).start()
+        self._local_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.perform_mib_download)
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Shutdown MIB Synchronization tasks
+        """
+        self.log.debug('stopping')
+        self.cancel_deferred()
+        super(AdtnMibDownloadTask, self).stop()
+    def check_status_and_state(self, results, operation=''):
+        """
+        Check the results of an OMCI response.  An exception is thrown
+        if the task was cancelled or an error was detected.
+        :param results: (OmciFrame) OMCI Response frame
+        :param operation: (str) what operation was being performed
+        :return: True if successful, False if the entity existed (already created)
+        """
+        omci_msg = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        status = omci_msg['success_code']
+        error_mask = omci_msg.get('parameter_error_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        failed_mask = omci_msg.get('failed_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        unsupported_mask = omci_msg.get('unsupported_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        self.log.debug(operation, status=status, error_mask=error_mask,
+                       failed_mask=failed_mask, unsupported_mask=unsupported_mask)
+        if status == RC.Success:
+            self.strobe_watchdog()
+            return True
+        elif status == RC.InstanceExists:
+            return False
+        raise MibDownloadFailure('{} failed with a status of {}, error_mask: {}, failed_mask: {}, unsupported_mask: {}'
+                                 .format(operation, status, error_mask, failed_mask, unsupported_mask))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def perform_mib_download(self):
+        """
+        Send the commands to minimally configure the PON, Bridge, and
+        UNI ports for this device. The application of any service flows
+        and other characteristics are done once resources (gem-ports, tconts, ...)
+        have been defined.
+        """
+        self.log.info('perform-initial-download')
+        device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        def resources_available():
+            return len(self._handler.uni_ports) > 0
+        if self._handler.enabled and resources_available():
+            device.reason = 'Performing Initial OMCI Download'
+            self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            try:
+                # Lock the UNI ports to prevent any alarms during initial configuration
+                # of the ONU
+                for uni_port in self._handler.uni_ports:
+                    self.strobe_watchdog()
+                    yield self.enable_uni(uni_port, True)
+                    # Provision the initial bridge configuration
+                    yield self.perform_initial_bridge_setup(uni_port)
+                    # And re-enable the UNIs if needed
+                    yield self.enable_uni(uni_port, False)
+                    # If here, we are done with the generic MIB download
+                    device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+                    device.reason = 'Initial OMCI Download Complete'
+                    self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+                    self.deferred.callback('MIB Download - success')
+            except TimeoutError as e:
+                self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+        else:
+            # TODO: Provide better error reason, what was missing...
+            e = MibResourcesFailure('ONU is not enabled')
+            self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def perform_initial_bridge_setup(self, uni_port):
+        omci_cc = self._onu_device.omci_cc
+        frame = None
+        try:
+            ################################################################################
+            # Common - PON and/or UNI                                                      #
+            ################################################################################
+            # MAC Bridge Service Profile
+            #
+            #  EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #            - MAC Bridge Port Configuration Data (PON & UNI)
+            #  References:
+            #            - Nothing
+            attributes = {
+                'spanning_tree_ind': False,
+                'learning_ind': True
+            }
+            frame = MacBridgeServiceProfileFrame(
+                self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id,
+                attributes
+            ).create()
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'create-mac-bridge-service-profile')
+            ################################################################################
+            # PON Specific                                                                 #
+            ################################################################################
+            # IEEE 802.1 Mapper Service config - Once per PON
+            #
+            #  EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #            - MAC Bridge Port Configuration Data for the PON port
+            #  References:
+            #            - Nothing at this point. When a GEM port is created, this entity will
+            #              be updated to reference the GEM Interworking TP
+            frame = Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfileFrame(self._ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id +
+                                                       uni_port.mac_bridge_port_num).create()
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'create-8021p-mapper-service-profile')
+            ################################################################################
+            # Create MAC Bridge Port Configuration Data for the PON port via IEEE 802.1
+            # mapper service. Upon receipt by the ONU, the ONU will create an instance
+            # of the following before returning the response.
+            #
+            #     - MAC bridge port designation data
+            #     - MAC bridge port filter table data
+            #     - MAC bridge port bridge table data
+            #
+            #  EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #            - Implicitly by the VLAN tagging filter data
+            #  References:
+            #            - MAC Bridge Service Profile (the bridge)
+            #            - IEEE 802.1p mapper service profile for PON port
+            frame = MacBridgePortConfigurationDataFrame(
+                self._mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id,                    # Entity ID
+                bridge_id_pointer=self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id,  # Bridge Entity ID
+                # TODO: The PORT number for this port and the UNI port are the same. Correct?
+                port_num=self._pon_port_num,                            # Port ID
+                tp_type=3,                                              # TP Type (IEEE 802.1p mapper service)
+                tp_pointer=self._ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id +
+                           uni_port.mac_bridge_port_num                 # TP ID, 8021p mapper ID
+            ).create()
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'create-mac-bridge-port-config-data-part-1')
+            #############################################################
+            # VLAN Tagging Filter config
+            #
+            #  EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #            - Nothing
+            #  References:
+            #            - MacBridgePortConfigurationData for the ANI/PON side
+            #
+            # Set anything, this request will not be used when using Extended Vlan
+            frame = VlanTaggingFilterDataFrame(
+                self._mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id,  # Entity ID
+                vlan_tcis=[self._vlan_tcis_1],        # VLAN IDs
+                forward_operation=0x00
+            ).create()
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'create-vlan-tagging-filter-data')
+            #############################################################
+            # Create GalEthernetProfile - Once per ONU/PON interface
+            #
+            #  EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #            - GemInterworkingTp
+            #  References:
+            #            - Nothing
+            frame = GalEthernetProfileFrame(
+                self._gal_enet_profile_entity_id,
+                max_gem_payload_size=self._max_gem_payload
+            ).create()
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'create-gal-ethernet-profile')
+            ##################################################
+            # UNI Specific                                   #
+            ##################################################
+            # MAC Bridge Port config
+            # This configuration is for Ethernet UNI
+            #
+            #  EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #            - Nothing
+            #  References:
+            #            - MAC Bridge Service Profile (the bridge)
+            #            - PPTP Ethernet UNI
+            frame = MacBridgePortConfigurationDataFrame(
+                0x000,                                   # Entity ID - This is read-only/set-by-create !!!
+                bridge_id_pointer=self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id,  # Bridge Entity ID
+                port_num=self._uni_port_num,             # Port ID
+                tp_type=1,                               # PPTP Ethernet UNI
+                tp_pointer=self._ethernet_uni_entity_id  # TP ID, 8021p mapper Id
+            ).create()
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'create-mac-bridge-port-config-data-part-2')
+        except TimeoutError as _e:
+            self.log.warn('rx-timeout-download', frame=hexlify(frame))
+            raise
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('omci-setup-1', e=e)
+            raise
+        returnValue(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def enable_uni(self, uni, force_lock):
+        """
+        Lock or unlock one or more UNI ports
+        :param unis: (list) of UNI objects
+        :param force_lock: (boolean) If True, force lock regardless of enabled state
+        """
+        omci_cc = self._onu_device.omci_cc
+        ##################################################################
+        #  Lock/Unlock UNI  -  0 to Unlock, 1 to lock
+        #
+        #  EntityID is referenced by:
+        #            - MAC bridge port configuration data for the UNI side
+        #  References:
+        #            - Nothing
+        try:
+            state = 1 if force_lock or not uni.enabled else 0
+            frame = PptpEthernetUniFrame(uni.entity_id,
+                                         attributes=dict(administrative_state=state)).set()
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'set-pptp-ethernet-uni-lock-restore')
+        except TimeoutError:
+            self.log.warn('rx-timeout-uni-enable', uni_port=uni)
+            raise
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('omci-failure', e=e)
+            raise
+        returnValue(None)
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_reconcile_task.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_reconcile_task.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0892ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_reconcile_task.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet.defer import returnValue
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_defs import *
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_entities import Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile
+from voltha.extensions.omci.tasks.mib_reconcile_task import MibReconcileTask
+from voltha.extensions.omci.database.mib_db_api import ATTRIBUTES_KEY
+from twisted.internet.defer import  inlineCallbacks
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_defs import ReasonCodes, EntityOperations
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_me import MEFrame
+OP = EntityOperations
+RC = ReasonCodes
+AA = AttributeAccess
+class AdtnMibReconcileTask(MibReconcileTask):
+    """
+    Adtran ONU OpenOMCI MIB Reconcile Task
+    For some crazy reason, the ADTRAN ONU does not report the IEEE802.1p Mapper ME
+    in the ONU upload even though it does exists.  This results in an 'instance
+    exists' error when trying to create it on the ONU
+    """
+    name = "Adtran MIB Reconcile Task"
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, device_id, diffs):
+        super(AdtnMibReconcileTask, self).__init__(omci_agent, device_id, diffs)
+        self.name = AdtnMibReconcileTask.name
+        self._me_130_okay = False   # Set true once bug is fixed (auto detect)
+        self._omci_managed = False  # Set once ONU Data tracking of MIB-Data-Sync supported
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def fix_olt_only(self, olt, onu_db, olt_db):
+        """
+        Fix ME's that were only found on the OLT. For OLT only MEs there are
+        the following things that will be checked.
+            o ME's that do not have an OpenOMCI class decoder. These are stored
+              as binary blobs in the MIB database. Since the OLT will never
+              create these (all are learned from ONU), it is assumed the ONU
+              has removed them for some purpose. So delete them from the OLT
+              database.
+            o For ME's that are created by the ONU (no create/delete access), the
+              MEs 'may' not be on the ONU because of a reboot or an OLT created
+              ME was deleted and the ONU gratuitously removes it.  So delete them
+              from the OLT database.
+            o For ME's that are created by the OLT/OpenOMCI, delete them from the
+              ONU
+        :param olt: (list(int,int)) List of tuples where (class_id, inst_id)
+        :param onu_db: (dict) ONU Database snapshot at time of audit
+        :param olt_db: (dict) OLT Database snapshot at time of audit
+        :return: (int, int) successes, failures
+        """
+        # Has IEEE 802.1p reporting Bug fixed?
+        if self._me_130_okay or Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile.class_id in onu_db:
+            self._me_130_okay = True
+            returnValue(super(AdtnMibReconcileTask, self).fix_olt_only(olt, onu_db, olt_db))
+        ############################
+        # Base class handles all but ME 130
+        local_mes = {Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile.class_id}
+        not_manual = [(cid, eid) for cid, eid in olt if cid not in local_mes]
+        results = yield super(AdtnMibReconcileTask, self).fix_olt_only(not_manual,
+                                                                       onu_db,
+                                                                       olt_db)
+        successes = results[0]
+        failures = results[1]
+        # If IEEE 802.1p mapper needs to be checked, do it manually as the IBONT 602
+        # manipulates it during MEF EVC/EVC-Map creation
+        for cid in local_mes:
+            class_entry = olt_db.get(cid, None)
+            if class_entry is not None:
+                entries = {k: v for k, v in class_entry.items() if isinstance(k, int)}
+                for eid, instance in entries.items():
+                    try:
+                        self.strobe_watchdog()
+                        results = yield self.manual_verification(cid, eid, instance[ATTRIBUTES_KEY])
+                        successes += results[0]
+                        failures += results[1]
+                    except Exception as _e:
+                        failures += 1
+        returnValue((successes, failures))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def update_mib_data_sync(self):
+        """ IBONT version does not support MDS"""
+        if self._omci_managed:
+            results = yield super(AdtnMibReconcileTask, self).update_mib_data_sync()
+            returnValue(results)
+        returnValue((1, 0))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def manual_verification(self, cid, eid, attributes):
+        # Trim off read-only attributes from ones passed in
+        me_map = self._device.me_map
+        ro_set = {AA.R}
+        ro_attrs = {attr.field.name for attr in me_map[cid].attributes
+                    if attr.access == ro_set}
+        attributes = {k: v for k, v in attributes.items() if k not in ro_attrs}
+        attributes_to_fix = dict()
+        try:
+            while len(attributes):
+                frame = MEFrame(me_map[cid], eid, attributes).get()
+                self.strobe_watchdog()
+                results = yield self._device.omci_cc.send(frame)
+                omci_message = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+                status = omci_message['success_code']
+                if status == RC.UnknownEntity.value:
+                    self.strobe_watchdog()
+                    results = yield self.create_instance(me_map[cid], eid, attributes)
+                    returnValue((results[0], results[1]))
+                if status != RC.Success.value:
+                    self.log.error('manual-check-get-failed', cid=cid, eid=eid,
+                                   attributes=attributes, status=status)
+                    returnValue((1, 0))
+                onu_attr = {k: v for k, v in omci_message['data'].items()}
+                attributes_to_fix.update({k: v for k, v in onu_attr.items()
+                                         if k in attributes and v != attributes[k]})
+                attributes = {k: v for k, v in attributes if k not in onu_attr.keys()}
+            if len(attributes_to_fix) > 0:
+                try:
+                    frame = MEFrame(me_map[cid], eid, attributes_to_fix).set()
+                    self.strobe_watchdog()
+                    yield self._device.omci_cc.send(frame)
+                    returnValue((1, 0))
+                except Exception as _e:
+                    returnValue((0, 1))
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('manual-check-failed', e=e, cid=cid, eid=eid)
+            raise
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def create_instance(self, cid, eid, attributes):
+        try:
+            me_map = self._device.me_map
+            frame = MEFrame(me_map[cid], eid, attributes).create()
+            self.strobe_watchdog()
+            results = yield self._device.omci_cc.send(frame)
+            status = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['success_code']
+            if status == RC.Success.value or status == RC.InstanceExists.value:
+                returnValue((1, 0))
+            self.log.error('manual-check-create-failed', cid=cid, eid=eid,
+                           attributes=attributes, status=status)
+            returnValue((0, 1))
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('manual-check-failed', e=e, cid=cid, eid=eid)
+            raise
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_resync_task.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_resync_task.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..500ee02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_resync_task.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright 2017 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from voltha.extensions.omci.tasks.mib_resync_task import MibResyncTask
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_entities import GalEthernetProfile, GemPortNetworkCtp, \
+    Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile
+class AdtnMibResyncTask(MibResyncTask):
+    """
+    ADTRAN MIB resynchronization Task
+    The ADTRAN IBONT 602 does not report the current value of the GAL Ethernet
+    Payload size, it is always 0.
+    Also, the MEF EVC/EVC-MAP code monitors GEM Port CTP ME
+    """
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, device_id):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param omci_agent: (OpenOMCIAgent) OMCI Adapter agent
+        :param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
+        """
+        super(AdtnMibResyncTask, self).__init__(omci_agent, device_id)
+        self.omci_fixed = False
+    def compare_mibs(self, db_copy, db_active):
+        """
+        Compare the our db_copy with the ONU's active copy
+        :param db_copy: (dict) OpenOMCI's copy of the database
+        :param db_active: (dict) ONU's database snapshot
+        :return: (dict), (dict), (list)  Differences
+        """
+        on_olt_only, on_onu_only, attr_diffs = super(AdtnMibResyncTask, self).\
+            compare_mibs(db_copy, db_active)
+        if not self.omci_fixed:
+            # Exclude 'max_gem_payload_size' in GAL Ethernet Profile
+            attr_diffs = [attr for attr in attr_diffs
+                          if attr[0] != GalEthernetProfile.class_id
+                          or attr[2] != 'max_gem_payload_size']
+            # Exclude any changes to GEM Port Network CTP
+            attr_diffs = [attr for attr in attr_diffs
+                          if attr[0] != GemPortNetworkCtp.class_id]
+            if on_olt_only is not None:
+                # Exclude IEEE 8021.p Mapper Service Profile from OLT Only as not
+                # reported in current IBONT 602 software
+                on_olt_only = [(cid, eid) for cid, eid in on_olt_only
+                               if cid != Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile.class_id]
+        return on_olt_only, on_onu_only, attr_diffs
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_sync.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_sync.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0d6b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_mib_sync.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from voltha.extensions.omci.state_machines.mib_sync import MibSynchronizer
+class AdtnMibSynchronizer(MibSynchronizer):
+    """
+    OpenOMCI MIB Synchronizer state machine for Adtran ONUs
+    """
+    ADTN_RESYNC_DELAY = 120     # Periodically force a resync (lower for debugging)
+    def __init__(self, agent, device_id, mib_sync_tasks, db, advertise_events=False):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param agent: (OpenOmciAgent) Agent
+        :param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
+        :param db: (MibDbVolatileDict) MIB Database
+        :param mib_sync_tasks: (dict) Tasks to run
+        :param advertise_events: (bool) Advertise events on OpenOMCI Event Bus
+        """
+        super(AdtnMibSynchronizer, self).__init__(agent, device_id, mib_sync_tasks, db,
+                                                  advertise_events=advertise_events,
+                                                  audit_delay=AdtnMibSynchronizer.ADTN_AUDIT_DELAY,
+                                                  resync_delay=AdtnMibSynchronizer.ADTN_RESYNC_DELAY)
+        self._first_in_sync = True
+        self._omci_managed = False      # TODO: Look up model number/check handler
+    def increment_mib_data_sync(self):
+        if self._omci_managed:
+            super(AdtnMibSynchronizer, self).increment_mib_data_sync()
+        # IBONT 602 does not support MDS
+        self._mib_data_sync = 0
+    def on_enter_in_sync(self):
+        """ Early first sync """
+        if not self._omci_managed:
+            # IBONT 602 does not support MDS, accelerate first forced resync
+            # after a MIB reset occurs or on first startup
+            if self._first_in_sync:
+                self._first_in_sync = False
+                # self._audit_delay = 10            # Re-enable after BBWF
+                # self._resync_delay = 10
+            else:
+                self._audit_delay = MibSynchronizer.DEFAULT_AUDIT_DELAY
+                self._resync_delay = AdtnMibSynchronizer.ADTN_RESYNC_DELAY
+        super(AdtnMibSynchronizer, self).on_enter_in_sync()
+    def on_enter_auditing(self):
+        """
+        Perform a MIB Audit.  If our last MIB resync was too long in the
+        past, perform a resynchronization anyway
+        """
+        # Is this a model that supports full OMCI management. If so, use standard
+        # forced resync delay
+        if not self._omci_managed and self._check_if_mib_data_sync_supported():
+            self._omci_managed = True
+            # Revert to standard timeouts
+            self._resync_delay = MibSynchronizer.DEFAULT_RESYNC_DELAY
+        super(AdtnMibSynchronizer, self).on_enter_auditing()
+    def _check_if_mib_data_sync_supported(self):
+        return False    # TODO: Look up to see if we are/check handler
+    def on_mib_reset_response(self, topic, msg):
+        self._first_in_sync = True
+        super(AdtnMibSynchronizer, self).on_mib_reset_response(topic, msg)
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_remove_flow.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_remove_flow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0fbf77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_remove_flow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, failure
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_me import *
+from voltha.extensions.omci.tasks.task import Task
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_defs import *
+from voltha.adapters.adtran_onu.flow.flow_entry import FlowEntry
+from voltha.adapters.adtran_onu.omci.omci import OMCI
+OP = EntityOperations
+RC = ReasonCodes
+class ServiceRemovalFailure(Exception):
+    """
+    This error is raised by default when the flow-install fails
+    """
+class AdtnRemoveFlowTask(Task):
+    """
+    OpenOMCI MIB Flow Remove Task
+    Currently, the only service tech profiles expected by v2.0 will be for AT&T
+    residential data service and DT residential data service.
+    """
+    task_priority = Task.DEFAULT_PRIORITY + 10
+    default_tpid = 0x8100                           # TODO: Locate to a better location
+    name = "ADTRAN MIB Install Flow Task"
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, handler, flow_entry):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param omci_agent: (OpenOMCIAgent) OMCI Adapter agent
+        :param handler: (AdtranOnuHandler) ONU Handler
+        :param flow_entry: (FlowEntry) Flow to install
+        """
+        super(AdtnRemoveFlowTask, self).__init__(AdtnRemoveFlowTask.name,
+                                                 omci_agent,
+                                                 handler.device_id,
+                                                 priority=AdtnRemoveFlowTask.task_priority,
+                                                 exclusive=False)
+        self._handler = handler
+        self._onu_device = omci_agent.get_device(handler.device_id)
+        self._local_deferred = None
+        self._flow_entry = flow_entry
+        # TODO: Cleanup below that is not needed
+        # self._vlan_tcis_1 = 0x900
+        # self._input_tpid = AdtnRemoveFlowTask.default_tpid
+        # self._output_tpid = AdtnRemoveFlowTask.default_tpid
+        is_upstream = flow_entry.flow_direction in FlowEntry.upstream_flow_types
+        uni_port = flow_entry.in_port if is_upstream else flow_entry.out_port
+        pon_port = flow_entry.out_port if is_upstream else flow_entry.in_port
+        self._uni = handler.uni_port(uni_port)
+        self._pon = handler.pon_port(pon_port)
+        self._vid = OMCI.DEFAULT_UNTAGGED_VLAN
+        # Entity IDs. IDs with values can probably be most anything for most ONUs,
+        #             IDs set to None are discovered/set
+        #
+        # TODO: Probably need to store many of these in the appropriate object (UNI, PON,...)
+        #
+        self._ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id = self._pon.ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id
+        self._mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id = self._pon.mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id
+        # Next to are specific
+        self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id = handler.mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id
+    def cancel_deferred(self):
+        super(AdtnRemoveFlowTask, self).cancel_deferred()
+        d, self._local_deferred = self._local_deferred, None
+        try:
+            if d is not None and not d.called:
+                d.cancel()
+        except:
+            pass
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start the flow installation
+        """
+        super(AdtnRemoveFlowTask, self).start()
+        self._local_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.perform_flow_removal)
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Shutdown flow install task
+        """
+        self.log.debug('stopping')
+        self.cancel_deferred()
+        super(AdtnRemoveFlowTask, self).stop()
+    def check_status_and_state(self, results, operation=''):
+        """
+        Check the results of an OMCI response.  An exception is thrown
+        if the task was cancelled or an error was detected.
+        :param results: (OmciFrame) OMCI Response frame
+        :param operation: (str) what operation was being performed
+        :return: True if successful, False if the entity existed (already created)
+        """
+        omci_msg = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        status = omci_msg['success_code']
+        error_mask = omci_msg.get('parameter_error_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        failed_mask = omci_msg.get('failed_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        unsupported_mask = omci_msg.get('unsupported_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        self.log.debug(operation, status=status, error_mask=error_mask,
+                       failed_mask=failed_mask, unsupported_mask=unsupported_mask)
+        if status == RC.Success:
+            self.strobe_watchdog()
+            return True
+        elif status == RC.InstanceExists:
+            return False
+        raise ServiceRemovalFailure(
+            '{} failed with a status of {}, error_mask: {}, failed_mask: {}, unsupported_mask: {}'
+            .format(operation, status, error_mask, failed_mask, unsupported_mask))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def perform_flow_removal(self):
+        """
+        Send the commands to configure the flow
+        """
+        self.log.info('perform-flow-removal')
+        # TODO: This has not been fully implemented
+        def resources_available():
+            return (len(self._handler.uni_ports) > 0 and
+                    len(self._pon.tconts) and
+                    len(self._pon.gem_ports))
+        if self._handler.enabled and resources_available():
+            omci = self._onu_device.omci_cc
+            try:
+                # TODO: make this a member of the onu gem port or the uni port
+                set_vlan_vid = self._flow_entry.set_vlan_vid
+                # # Delete bridge ani side vlan filter
+                # msg = VlanTaggingFilterDataFrame(self._mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id)
+                # frame = msg.delete()
+                #
+                # results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                # self.check_status_and_state(results, 'flow-delete-vlan-tagging-filter-data')
+                #
+                # # Re-Create bridge ani side vlan filter
+                # msg = VlanTaggingFilterDataFrame(
+                #         self._mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id,  # Entity ID
+                #         vlan_tcis=[self._vlan_tcis_1],  # VLAN IDs
+                #         forward_operation=0x10
+                # )
+                # frame = msg.create()
+                # results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                # self.check_status_and_state(results, 'flow-create-vlan-tagging-filter-data')
+                # Update uni side extended vlan filter
+                attributes = dict(
+                        received_frame_vlan_tagging_operation_table=
+                        VlanTaggingOperation(
+                                filter_outer_priority=15,    # This entry is not a double-tag rule
+                                filter_outer_vid=4096,       # Do not filter on the outer VID value
+                                filter_outer_tpid_de=0,      # Do not filter on the outer TPID field
+                                filter_inner_priority=15,    # This is a no-tag rule, ignore all other VLAN tag filter fields
+                                filter_inner_vid=0x1000,     # Do not filter on the inner VID
+                                filter_inner_tpid_de=0,      # Do not filter on inner TPID field
+                                filter_ether_type=0,         # Do not filter on EtherType
+                                treatment_tags_to_remove=0,  # Remove 0 tags
+                                treatment_outer_priority=15,  # Do not add an outer tag
+                                treatment_outer_vid=0,        # n/a
+                                treatment_outer_tpid_de=0,    # n/a
+                                treatment_inner_priority=0,     # Add an inner tag and insert this value as the priority
+                                treatment_inner_vid=self._vid,  # use this value as the VID in the inner VLAN tag
+                                treatment_inner_tpid_de=4,      # set TPID
+                        )
+                )
+                msg = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(
+                        self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id +
+                        self._uni.mac_bridge_port_num,  # Bridge Entity ID
+                        attributes=attributes           # See above
+                )
+                frame = msg.set()
+                results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                self.check_status_and_state(results,
+                                            'flow-set-ext-vlan-tagging-op-config-data-untagged')
+                self.deferred.callback('flow-remove-success')
+            except Exception as e:
+                # TODO: Better context info for this exception output...
+                self.log.exception('failed-to-remove-flow', e=e)
+                self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+        else:
+            # TODO: Provide better error reason, what was missing...
+            e = ServiceRemovalFailure('Required resources are not available')
+            self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_tp_service_specific_task.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_tp_service_specific_task.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a86b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/adtn_tp_service_specific_task.py
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, TimeoutError, failure, returnValue
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_me import *
+from voltha.extensions.omci.tasks.task import Task
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_defs import *
+from voltha.adapters.adtran_onu.omci.omci import OMCI
+from voltha.adapters.adtran_onu.uni_port import *
+from voltha.adapters.adtran_onu.onu_tcont import OnuTCont
+from voltha.adapters.adtran_onu.onu_gem_port import OnuGemPort
+OP = EntityOperations
+RC = ReasonCodes
+class TechProfileDownloadFailure(Exception):
+    """
+    This error is raised by default when the download fails
+    """
+class TechProfileResourcesFailure(Exception):
+    """
+    This error is raised by when one or more resources required is not available
+    """
+class AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask(Task):
+    """
+    Adtran OpenOMCI Tech-Profile Download Task
+    """
+    name = "Adtran Tech-Profile Download Task"
+    task_priority = Task.DEFAULT_PRIORITY + 10
+    default_tpid = 0x8100                       # TODO: Move to a better location
+    default_gem_payload = 48
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, handler, uni_id):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param omci_agent: (OmciAdapterAgent) OMCI Adapter agent
+        :param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
+        """
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=handler.device_id, uni_id=uni_id)
+        super(AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask, self).__init__(AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask.name,
+                                                        omci_agent,
+                                                        handler.device_id,
+                                                        priority=AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask.task_priority,
+                                                        exclusive=False)
+        self._onu_device = omci_agent.get_device(handler.device_id)
+        self._local_deferred = None
+        pon_port = handler.pon_port()
+        self._uni_port = handler.uni_ports[uni_id]
+        assert self._uni_port.uni_id == uni_id
+        self._input_tpid = AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask.default_tpid
+        self._output_tpid = AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask.default_tpid
+        self._vlan_tcis_1 = OMCI.DEFAULT_UNTAGGED_VLAN
+        self._cvid = OMCI.DEFAULT_UNTAGGED_VLAN
+        self._vlan_config_entity_id = self._vlan_tcis_1
+        self._max_gem_payload = AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask.default_gem_payload
+        # Entity IDs. IDs with values can probably be most anything for most ONUs,
+        #             IDs set to None are discovered/set
+        self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id = handler.mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id
+        self._ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id = pon_port.ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id
+        self._mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id = pon_port.mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id
+        self._gal_enet_profile_entity_id = handler.gal_enet_profile_entity_id
+        # Extract the current set of TCONT and GEM Ports from the Handler's pon_port that are
+        # relevant to this task's UNI. It won't change. But, the underlying pon_port may change
+        # due to additional tasks on different UNIs. So, it we cannot use the pon_port affter
+        # this initializer
+        self._tconts = [tcont for tcont in pon_port.tconts.itervalues()
+                        if tcont.uni_id == self._uni_port.uni_id]
+        self._gem_ports = [gem_port for gem_port in pon_port.gem_ports.itervalues()
+                           if gem_port.uni_id == self._uni_port.uni_id]
+        self.tcont_me_to_queue_map = dict()
+        self.uni_port_to_queue_map = dict()
+    def cancel_deferred(self):
+        self.log.debug('function-entry')
+        super(AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask, self).cancel_deferred()
+        d, self._local_deferred = self._local_deferred, None
+        try:
+            if d is not None and not d.called:
+                d.cancel()
+        except:
+            pass
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start the Tech-Profile Download
+        """
+        self.log.debug('function-entry')
+        super(AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask, self).start()
+        self._local_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.perform_service_specific_steps)
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Shutdown Tech-Profile download tasks
+        """
+        self.log.debug('function-entry')
+        self.log.debug('stopping')
+        self.cancel_deferred()
+        super(AdtnTpServiceSpecificTask, self).stop()
+    def check_status_and_state(self, results, operation=''):
+        """
+        Check the results of an OMCI response.  An exception is thrown
+        if the task was cancelled or an error was detected.
+        :param results: (OmciFrame) OMCI Response frame
+        :param operation: (str) what operation was being performed
+        :return: True if successful, False if the entity existed (already created)
+        """
+        self.log.debug('function-entry')
+        omci_msg = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        status = omci_msg['success_code']
+        error_mask = omci_msg.get('parameter_error_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        failed_mask = omci_msg.get('failed_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        unsupported_mask = omci_msg.get('unsupported_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        self.log.debug("OMCI Result: %s", operation, omci_msg=omci_msg, status=status, error_mask=error_mask,
+                       failed_mask=failed_mask, unsupported_mask=unsupported_mask)
+        if status == RC.Success:
+            self.strobe_watchdog()
+            return True
+        elif status == RC.InstanceExists:
+            return False           # For Creates issued during task retries
+        raise TechProfileDownloadFailure(
+            '{} failed with a status of {}, error_mask: {}, failed_mask: {}, unsupported_mask: {}'
+            .format(operation, status, error_mask, failed_mask, unsupported_mask))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def perform_service_specific_steps(self):
+        """
+        Install the Technology Profile specific ME instances into the ONU. The
+        initial bridge setup was performed after the capabilities were discovered.
+        This task is called near the end of the ONU Tech profile setup when the
+        ONU receives technology profile info from the OLT over the inter-adapter channel
+        """
+        self.log.debug('setting-up-tech-profile-me-instances')
+        if len(self._tconts) == 0:
+            self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(TechProfileResourcesFailure('No TCONTs assigned')))
+            returnValue('no-resources')
+        if len(self._gem_ports) == 0:
+            self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(TechProfileResourcesFailure('No GEM Ports assigned')))
+            returnValue('no-resources')
+        omci_cc = self._onu_device.omci_cc
+        self.strobe_watchdog()
+        try:
+            ################################################################################
+            # TCONTS
+            #
+            #  EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #            - GemPortNetworkCtp
+            #  References:
+            #            - ONU created TCONT (created on ONU tech profile startup)
+            tcont_idents = self._onu_device.query_mib(Tcont.class_id)
+            self.log.debug('tcont-idents', tcont_idents=tcont_idents)
+            for tcont in self._tconts:
+                if tcont.entity_id is not None:
+                    continue             # Already installed
+                free_alloc_ids = {OnuTCont.FREE_TCONT_ALLOC_ID,
+                                  OnuTCont.FREE_GPON_TCONT_ALLOC_ID}
+                free_entity_id = next((k for k, v in tcont_idents.items()
+                                       if isinstance(k, int) and
+                                       v.get('attributes', {}).get('alloc_id', 0) in
+                                       free_alloc_ids), None)
+                if free_entity_id is None:
+                    self.log.error('no-available-tconts')
+                    raise TechProfileResourcesFailure('No Available TConts')
+                try:
+                    prev_alloc_id = tcont_idents[free_entity_id].get('attributes').get('alloc_id')
+                    results = yield tcont.add_to_hardware(omci_cc, free_entity_id, prev_alloc_id=prev_alloc_id)
+                    self.check_status_and_state(results, 'create-tcont')
+                except Exception as e:
+                    self.log.exception('tcont-set', e=e, eid=free_entity_id)
+                    raise
+            ################################################################################
+            # GEMS  (GemPortNetworkCtp and GemInterworkingTp)
+            #
+            #  For both of these MEs, the entity_id is the GEM Port ID. The entity id of the
+            #  GemInterworkingTp ME could be different since it has an attribute to specify
+            #  the GemPortNetworkCtp entity id.
+            #
+            #        for the GemPortNetworkCtp ME
+            #
+            #  GemPortNetworkCtp
+            #    EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #              - GemInterworkingTp
+            #    References:
+            #              - TCONT
+            #              - Hardcoded upstream TM Entity ID
+            #              - (Possibly in Future) Upstream Traffic descriptor profile pointer
+            #
+            #  GemInterworkingTp
+            #    EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #              - Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile
+            #    References:
+            #              - GemPortNetworkCtp
+            #              - Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile
+            #              - GalEthernetProfile
+            #
+            #onu_g = self._onu_device.query_mib(OntG.class_id)
+            # If the traffic management option attribute in the ONU-G ME is 0
+            # (priority controlled) or 2 (priority and rate controlled), this
+            # pointer specifies the priority queue ME serving this GEM port
+            # network CTP. If the traffic management option attribute is 1
+            # (rate controlled), this attribute redundantly points to the
+            # T-CONT serving this GEM port network CTP.
+            # traffic_mgmt_opt = onu_g.get('attributes', {}).get('traffic_management_options', 0)
+            traffic_mgmt_opt = self._onu_device.configuration.traffic_management_option
+            self.log.debug("traffic-mgmt-option", traffic_mgmt_opt=traffic_mgmt_opt)
+            prior_q = self._onu_device.query_mib(PriorityQueueG.class_id)
+            for k, v in prior_q.items():
+                self.log.debug("prior-q", k=k, v=v)
+                self.strobe_watchdog()
+                try:
+                    _ = iter(v)
+                except TypeError:
+                    continue
+                if 'instance_id' in v:
+                    related_port = v['attributes']['related_port']
+                    if v['instance_id'] & 0b1000000000000000:
+                        tcont_me = (related_port & 0xffff0000) >> 16
+                        if tcont_me not in self.tcont_me_to_queue_map:
+                            self.log.debug("prior-q-related-port-and-tcont-me",
+                                           related_port=related_port,
+                                           tcont_me=tcont_me)
+                            self.tcont_me_to_queue_map[tcont_me] = list()
+                        self.tcont_me_to_queue_map[tcont_me].append(k)
+                    else:
+                        uni_port = (related_port & 0xffff0000) >> 16
+                        if uni_port == self._uni_port.entity_id:
+                            if uni_port not in self.uni_port_to_queue_map:
+                                self.log.debug("prior-q-related-port-and-uni-port-me",
+                                               related_port=related_port,
+                                               uni_port_me=uni_port)
+                                self.uni_port_to_queue_map[uni_port] = list()
+                            self.uni_port_to_queue_map[uni_port].append(k)
+            self.log.debug("ul-prior-q", ul_prior_q=self.tcont_me_to_queue_map)
+            self.log.debug("dl-prior-q", dl_prior_q=self.uni_port_to_queue_map)
+            for gem_port in self._gem_ports:
+                self.strobe_watchdog()
+                if gem_port.entity_id is not None:
+                    continue                        # Already installed
+                # TODO: Traffic descriptor will be available after meter bands are available
+                tcont = gem_port.tcont
+                if tcont is None:
+                    self.log.error('unknown-tcont-reference', gem_id=gem_port.gem_id)
+                    continue
+                ul_prior_q_entity_id = None
+                dl_prior_q_entity_id = None
+                if gem_port.direction in {OnuGemPort.UPSTREAM, OnuGemPort.BIDIRECTIONAL}:
+                    # Sort the priority queue list in order of priority.
+                    # 0 is highest priority and 0x0fff is lowest.
+                    self.tcont_me_to_queue_map[tcont.entity_id].sort()
+                    self.uni_port_to_queue_map[self._uni_port.entity_id].sort()
+                    # Get the priority queue associated with p-bit that is
+                    # mapped to the gem port.
+                    # p-bit-7 is highest priority and p-bit-0 is lowest
+                    # Gem port associated with p-bit-7 should be mapped to
+                    # highest priority queue and gem port associated with p-bit-0
+                    # should be mapped to lowest priority queue.
+                    # The self.tcont_me_to_queue_map and self.uni_port_to_queue_map
+                    # have priority queue entities ordered in descending order
+                    # of priority
+                    for i, p in enumerate(gem_port.pbit_map):
+                        if p == '1':
+                            ul_prior_q_entity_id = self.tcont_me_to_queue_map[tcont.entity_id][i]
+                            dl_prior_q_entity_id = self.uni_port_to_queue_map[self._uni_port.entity_id][i]
+                            break
+                    assert ul_prior_q_entity_id is not None and dl_prior_q_entity_id is not None
+                    # TODO: Need to restore on failure.  Need to check status/results
+                    results = yield gem_port.add_to_hardware(omci_cc,
+                                                             tcont.entity_id,
+                                                             self._ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id +
+                                                             self._uni_port.mac_bridge_port_num,
+                                                             self._gal_enet_profile_entity_id,
+                                                             ul_prior_q_entity_id, dl_prior_q_entity_id)
+                    self.check_status_and_state(results, 'create-gem-port')
+                elif gem_port.direction == OnuGemPort.DOWNSTREAM:
+                    # Downstream is inverse of upstream
+                    # TODO: could also be a case of multicast. Not supported for now
+                    pass
+            ################################################################################
+            # Update the IEEE 802.1p Mapper Service Profile config
+            #
+            #  EntityID was created prior to this call. This is a set
+            #
+            #  References:
+            #            - Gem Interwork TPs are set here
+            #
+            gem_entity_ids = [OmciNullPointer] * 8
+            for gem_port in self._gem_ports:
+                self.strobe_watchdog()
+                self.log.debug("tp-gem-port", entity_id=gem_port.entity_id, uni_id=gem_port.uni_id)
+                if gem_port.direction in {OnuGemPort.UPSTREAM, OnuGemPort.BIDIRECTIONAL}:
+                    for i, p in enumerate(gem_port.pbit_map):
+                        if p == '1':
+                            gem_entity_ids[i] = gem_port.entity_id
+                elif gem_port.direction == OnuGemPort.DOWNSTREAM:
+                    # Downstream gem port p-bit mapper is inverse of upstream
+                    # TODO: Could also be a case of multicast. Not supported for now
+                    pass
+            msg = Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfileFrame(
+                self._ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id +
+                self._uni_port.mac_bridge_port_num,   # 802.1p mapper Service Mapper Profile ID
+                interwork_tp_pointers=gem_entity_ids  # Interworking TP IDs
+            )
+            frame = msg.set()
+            self.log.debug('openomci-msg', omci_msg=msg)
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'set-8021p-mapper-service-profile-ul')
+            ################################################################################
+            # Create Extended VLAN Tagging Operation config (PON-side)
+            #
+            #  EntityID relates to the VLAN TCIS
+            #  References:
+            #            - VLAN TCIS from previously created VLAN Tagging filter data
+            #            - PPTP Ethernet or VEIP UNI
+            #
+            # TODO: do this for all uni/ports...
+            # TODO: magic.  static variable for assoc_type
+            # default to PPTP
+            # if self._uni_port.type is UniType.VEIP:
+            #     association_type = 10
+            # elif self._uni_port.type is UniType.PPTP:
+            #     association_type = 2
+            # else:
+            association_type = 2
+            attributes = dict(
+                association_type=association_type,                  # Assoc Type, PPTP/VEIP Ethernet UNI
+                associated_me_pointer=self._uni_port.entity_id,     # Assoc ME, PPTP/VEIP Entity Id
+                # See VOL-1311 - Need to set table during create to avoid exception
+                # trying to read back table during post-create-read-missing-attributes
+                # But, because this is a R/W attribute. Some ONU may not accept the
+                # value during create. It is repeated again in a set below.
+                input_tpid=self._input_tpid,    # input TPID
+                output_tpid=self._output_tpid,  # output TPID
+            )
+            msg = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(
+                self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id + self._uni_port.mac_bridge_port_num,  # Bridge Entity ID
+                attributes=attributes
+            )
+            frame = msg.create()
+            self.log.debug('openomci-msg', omci_msg=msg)
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'create-extended-vlan-tagging-operation-configuration-data')
+            attributes = dict(
+                # Specifies the TPIDs in use and that operations in the downstream direction are
+                # inverse to the operations in the upstream direction
+                input_tpid=self._input_tpid,    # input TPID
+                output_tpid=self._output_tpid,  # output TPID
+                downstream_mode=0,              # inverse of upstream
+            )
+            msg = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(
+                self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id + self._uni_port.mac_bridge_port_num,  # Bridge Entity ID
+                attributes=attributes
+            )
+            frame = msg.set()
+            self.log.debug('openomci-msg', omci_msg=msg)
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'set-extended-vlan-tagging-operation-configuration-data')
+            attributes = dict(
+                # parameters: Entity Id ( 0x900), Filter Inner Vlan Id(0x1000-4096,do not filter on Inner vid,
+                #             Treatment Inner Vlan Id : 2
+                # Update uni side extended vlan filter
+                # filter for untagged
+                # probably for eapol
+                # TODO: lots of magic
+                received_frame_vlan_tagging_operation_table=
+                VlanTaggingOperation(
+                    filter_outer_priority=15,  # This entry is not a double-tag rule
+                    filter_outer_vid=4096,     # Do not filter on the outer VID value
+                    filter_outer_tpid_de=0,    # Do not filter on the outer TPID field
+                    filter_inner_priority=15,  # This is a no-tag rule, ignore all other VLAN tag filter fields
+                    filter_inner_vid=0x1000,   # Do not filter on the inner VID
+                    filter_inner_tpid_de=0,    # Do not filter on inner TPID field
+                    filter_ether_type=0,         # Do not filter on EtherType
+                    treatment_tags_to_remove=0,  # Remove 0 tags
+                    treatment_outer_priority=15,  # Do not add an outer tag
+                    treatment_outer_vid=0,        # n/a
+                    treatment_outer_tpid_de=0,    # n/a
+                    treatment_inner_priority=0,      # Add an inner tag and insert this value as the priority
+                    treatment_inner_vid=self._cvid,  # use this value as the VID in the inner VLAN tag
+                    treatment_inner_tpid_de=4,       # set TPID
+                )
+            )
+            msg = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(
+                self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id + self._uni_port.mac_bridge_port_num,  # Bridge Entity ID
+                attributes=attributes
+            )
+            frame = msg.set()
+            self.log.debug('openomci-msg', omci_msg=msg)
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'set-extended-vlan-tagging-operation-configuration-data-table')
+            self.deferred.callback("tech-profile-download-success")
+        except TimeoutError as e:
+            self.log.warn('rx-timeout-2', e=e)
+            self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('omci-setup-2', e=e)
+            self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/deprecated/adtn_service_download_task.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/deprecated/adtn_service_download_task.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a272e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/deprecated/adtn_service_download_task.py
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, TimeoutError, failure
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_me import *
+from voltha.extensions.omci.tasks.task import Task
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_defs import *
+from voltha.adapters.adtran_onu.omci.omci import OMCI
+OP = EntityOperations
+RC = ReasonCodes
+class ServiceDownloadFailure(Exception):
+    """
+    This error is raised by default when the download fails
+    """
+class ServiceResourcesFailure(Exception):
+    """
+    This error is raised by when one or more resources required is not available
+    """
+class AdtnServiceDownloadTask(Task):
+    """
+    OpenOMCI MIB Download Example - Service specific
+    This task takes the legacy OMCI 'script' for provisioning the Adtran ONU
+    and converts it to run as a Task on the OpenOMCI Task runner.  This is
+    in order to begin to decompose service instantiation in preparation for
+    Technology Profile work.
+    Once technology profiles are ready, some of this task may hang around or
+    be moved into OpenOMCI if there are any very common settings/configs to do
+    for any profile that may be provided in the v2.0 release
+    Currently, the only service tech profiles expected by v2.0 will be for AT&T
+    residential data service and DT residential data service.
+    """
+    task_priority = Task.DEFAULT_PRIORITY + 10
+    default_tpid = 0x8100                       # TODO: Move to a better location
+    name = "ADTRAN Service Download Task"
+    free_tcont_alloc_id = 0xFFFF
+    free_gpon_tcont_alloc_id = 0xFF
+    def __init__(self, omci_agent, handler):
+        """
+        Class initialization
+        :param omci_agent: (OpenOMCIAgent) OMCI Adapter agent
+        :param device_id: (str) ONU Device ID
+        """
+        super(AdtnServiceDownloadTask, self).__init__(AdtnServiceDownloadTask.name,
+                                                      omci_agent,
+                                                      handler.device_id,
+                                                      priority=AdtnServiceDownloadTask.task_priority,
+                                                      exclusive=False)
+        self._handler = handler
+        self._onu_device = omci_agent.get_device(handler.device_id)
+        self._local_deferred = None
+        self._pon = handler.pon_port()
+        self._extended_vlan_me_created = False
+        self._input_tpid = AdtnServiceDownloadTask.default_tpid
+        self._output_tpid = AdtnServiceDownloadTask.default_tpid
+        # TODO: TCIS below is just a test, may need 0x900...as in the xPON mode
+        # self._vlan_tcis_1 = OMCI.DEFAULT_UNTAGGED_VLAN
+        self._vid = OMCI.DEFAULT_UNTAGGED_VLAN
+        # Entity IDs. IDs with values can probably be most anything for most ONUs,
+        #             IDs set to None are discovered/set
+        #
+        # TODO: Probably need to store many of these in the appropriate object (UNI, PON,...)
+        #
+        self._ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id = self._pon.ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id
+        self._gal_enet_profile_entity_id = self._handler.gal_enet_profile_entity_id
+        # Next to are specific
+        self._ethernet_uni_entity_id = self._handler.uni_ports[0].entity_id
+        self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id = self._handler.mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id
+    def cancel_deferred(self):
+        super(AdtnServiceDownloadTask, self).cancel_deferred()
+        d, self._local_deferred = self._local_deferred, None
+        try:
+            if d is not None and not d.called:
+                d.cancel()
+        except:
+            pass
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Start the MIB Service Download
+        """
+        super(AdtnServiceDownloadTask, self).start()
+        self._local_deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self.perform_service_download)
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        Shutdown MIB Service download
+        """
+        self.log.debug('stopping')
+        self.cancel_deferred()
+        super(AdtnServiceDownloadTask, self).stop()
+    def check_status_and_state(self, results, operation=''):
+        """
+        Check the results of an OMCI response.  An exception is thrown
+        if the task was cancelled or an error was detected.
+        :param results: (OmciFrame) OMCI Response frame
+        :param operation: (str) what operation was being performed
+        :return: True if successful, False if the entity existed (already created)
+        """
+        omci_msg = results.fields['omci_message'].fields
+        status = omci_msg['success_code']
+        error_mask = omci_msg.get('parameter_error_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        failed_mask = omci_msg.get('failed_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        unsupported_mask = omci_msg.get('unsupported_attributes_mask', 'n/a')
+        self.log.debug(operation, status=status, error_mask=error_mask,
+                       failed_mask=failed_mask, unsupported_mask=unsupported_mask)
+        if status == RC.Success:
+            self.strobe_watchdog()
+            return True
+        elif status == RC.InstanceExists:
+            return False
+        raise ServiceDownloadFailure('{} failed with a status of {}, error_mask: {}, failed_mask: {}, unsupported_mask: {}'
+                                     .format(operation, status, error_mask, failed_mask, unsupported_mask))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def perform_service_download(self):
+        """
+        Send the commands to minimally configure the PON, Bridge, and
+        UNI ports for this device. The application of any service flows
+        and other characteristics are done once resources (gem-ports, tconts, ...)
+        have been defined.
+        """
+        self.log.debug('perform-service-download')
+        device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+        def resources_available():
+            return (len(self._handler.uni_ports) > 0 and
+                    len(self._pon.tconts) and
+                    len(self._pon.gem_ports))
+        if self._handler.enabled and resources_available():
+            device.reason = 'Performing Service OMCI Download'
+            self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            try:
+                # Lock the UNI ports to prevent any alarms during initial configuration
+                # of the ONU
+                self.strobe_watchdog()
+                # Provision the initial bridge configuration
+                yield self.perform_service_specific_steps()
+                # And re-enable the UNIs if needed
+                yield self.enable_unis(self._handler.uni_ports, False)
+                # If here, we are done
+                device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self.device_id)
+                device.reason = ''
+                self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+                self.deferred.callback('service-download-success')
+            except TimeoutError as e:
+                self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+        else:
+            # TODO: Provide better error reason, what was missing...
+            e = ServiceResourcesFailure('Required resources are not available')
+            self.deferred.errback(failure.Failure(e))
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def perform_service_specific_steps(self):
+        omci_cc = self._onu_device.omci_cc
+        frame = None
+        try:
+            ################################################################################
+            # TCONTS
+            #
+            #  EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #            - GemPortNetworkCtp
+            #  References:
+            #            - ONU created TCONT (created on ONU startup)
+            tcont_idents = self._onu_device.query_mib(Tcont.class_id)
+            self.log.debug('tcont-idents', tcont_idents=tcont_idents)
+            for tcont in self._pon.tconts.itervalues():
+                if tcont.entity_id is None:
+                    free_ids = {AdtnServiceDownloadTask.free_tcont_alloc_id,
+                                AdtnServiceDownloadTask.free_gpon_tcont_alloc_id}
+                    free_entity_id = next((k for k, v in tcont_idents.items()
+                                           if isinstance(k, int) and
+                                           v.get('attributes', {}).get('alloc_id', 0) in
+                                           free_ids), None)
+                    if free_entity_id is None:
+                        self.log.error('no-available-tconts')
+                        raise ServiceResourcesFailure('No Available TConts')
+                    try:
+                        prev_alloc_id = tcont_idents[free_entity_id].get('attributes').get('alloc_id')
+                        yield tcont.add_to_hardware(omci_cc, free_entity_id, prev_alloc_id=prev_alloc_id)
+                    except Exception as e:
+                        self.log.exception('tcont-set', e=e, eid=free_entity_id)
+                        raise
+            ################################################################################
+            # GEMS  (GemPortNetworkCtp and GemInterworkingTp)
+            #
+            #  For both of these MEs, the entity_id is the GEM Port ID. The entity id of the
+            #  GemInterworkingTp ME could be different since it has an attribute to specify
+            #  the GemPortNetworkCtp entity id.
+            #
+            #  TODO: In the GEM Port routine to add, it has a hardcoded upstream TM ID of 0x8000
+            #        for the GemPortNetworkCtp ME
+            #
+            #  GemPortNetworkCtp
+            #    EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #              - GemInterworkingTp
+            #    References:
+            #              - TCONT
+            #              - Hardcoded upstream TM Entity ID
+            #              - (Possibly in Future) Upstream Traffic descriptor profile pointer
+            #
+            #  GemInterworkingTp
+            #    EntityID will be referenced by:
+            #              - Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile
+            #    References:
+            #              - GemPortNetworkCtp
+            #              - Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfile
+            #              - GalEthernetProfile
+            #
+            for gem_port in self._pon.gem_ports.itervalues():
+                if not gem_port.in_hardware:
+                    tcont = gem_port.tcont
+                    if tcont is None:
+                        raise Exception('unknown-tcont-reference', gem_id=gem_port.gem_id)
+                    try:
+                        yield gem_port.add_to_hardware(omci_cc,
+                                                       tcont.entity_id,
+                                                       self._ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id,
+                                                       self._gal_enet_profile_entity_id)
+                    except Exception as e:
+                        self.log.exception('gem-add-failed', e=e, gem=gem_port)
+                        raise
+            ################################################################################
+            # Update the IEEE 802.1p Mapper Service Profile config
+            #
+            #  EntityID was created prior to this call. This is a set
+            #
+            #  References:
+            #            - Gem Interworking TPs are set here
+            #
+            # TODO: All p-bits currently go to the one and only GEMPORT ID for now
+            gem_ports = self._pon.gem_ports
+            if len(gem_ports):
+                gem_entity_ids = [gem_port.entity_id for _, gem_port in gem_ports.items()]
+            else:
+                gem_entity_ids = [OmciNullPointer]
+            frame = Ieee8021pMapperServiceProfileFrame(
+                self._ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id,  # 802.1p mapper Service Mapper Profile ID
+                interwork_tp_pointers=gem_entity_ids          # Interworking TP IDs
+            ).set()
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'set-8021p-mapper-service-profile')
+            ################################################################################
+            # Create Extended VLAN Tagging Operation config (PON-side)
+            #
+            #  EntityID relates to the VLAN TCIS
+            #  References:
+            #            - VLAN TCIS from previously created VLAN Tagging filter data
+            #            - PPTP Ethernet UNI
+            #
+            # TODO: add entry here for additional UNI interfaces
+            attributes = dict(
+                association_type=2,                                 # Assoc Type, PPTP Ethernet UNI
+                associated_me_pointer=self._ethernet_uni_entity_id  # Assoc ME, PPTP Entity Id
+            )
+            frame = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(
+                self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id,
+                attributes=attributes
+            ).create()
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'create-extended-vlan-tagging-operation-configuration-data')
+            self._extended_vlan_me_created = True
+            ################################################################################
+            # Update Extended VLAN Tagging Operation Config Data
+            #
+            # Specifies the TPIDs in use and that operations in the downstream direction are
+            # inverse to the operations in the upstream direction
+            # TODO: Downstream mode may need to be modified once we work more on the flow rules
+            attributes = dict(
+                input_tpid=self._input_tpid,    # input TPID
+                output_tpid=self._output_tpid,  # output TPID
+                downstream_mode=0,              # inverse of upstream
+            )
+            frame = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(
+                self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id,
+                attributes=attributes
+            ).set()
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'set-extended-vlan-tagging-operation-configuration-data')
+            ################################################################################
+            # Update Extended VLAN Tagging Operation Config Data
+            #
+            # parameters: Entity Id ( 0x900), Filter Inner Vlan Id(0x1000-4096,do not filter on Inner vid,
+            #             Treatment Inner Vlan Id : 2
+            attributes = dict(
+                received_frame_vlan_tagging_operation_table=
+                VlanTaggingOperation(
+                    filter_outer_priority=15,  # This entry is not a double-tag rule
+                    filter_outer_vid=4096,     # Do not filter on the outer VID value
+                    filter_outer_tpid_de=0,    # Do not filter on the outer TPID field
+                    filter_inner_priority=15,  # This is a no-tag rule, ignore all other VLAN tag filter fields
+                    filter_inner_vid=0x1000,   # Do not filter on the inner VID
+                    filter_inner_tpid_de=0,    # Do not filter on inner TPID field
+                    filter_ether_type=0,         # Do not filter on EtherType
+                    treatment_tags_to_remove=0,  # Remove 0 tags
+                    treatment_outer_priority=15,  # Do not add an outer tag
+                    treatment_outer_vid=0,        # n/a
+                    treatment_outer_tpid_de=0,    # n/a
+                    treatment_inner_priority=0,      # Add an inner tag and insert this value as the priority
+                    treatment_inner_vid=self._vid,   # use this value as the VID in the inner VLAN tag
+                    treatment_inner_tpid_de=4,       # set TPID
+                )
+            )
+            frame = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(
+                self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id,  # Entity ID
+                attributes=attributes                        # See above
+            ).set()
+            results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+            self.check_status_and_state(results, 'set-extended-vlan-tagging-operation-configuration-data-untagged')
+            ###############################################################################
+        except TimeoutError as e:
+            self.log.warn('rx-timeout-download', frame=hexlify(frame))
+            self.cleanup_on_error()
+            raise
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('omci-setup-2', e=e)
+            self.cleanup_on_error()
+            raise
+        returnValue(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def enable_unis(self, unis, force_lock):
+        """
+        Lock or unlock one or more UNI ports
+        :param unis: (list) of UNI objects
+        :param force_lock: (boolean) If True, force lock regardless of enabled state
+        """
+        omci_cc = self._onu_device.omci_cc
+        frame = None
+        for uni in unis:
+            ################################################################################
+            #  Lock/Unlock UNI  -  0 to Unlock, 1 to lock
+            #
+            #  EntityID is referenced by:
+            #            - MAC bridge port configuration data for the UNI side
+            #  References:
+            #            - Nothing
+            try:
+                state = 1 if force_lock or not uni.enabled else 0
+                frame = PptpEthernetUniFrame(uni.entity_id,
+                                             attributes=dict(administrative_state=state)).set()
+                results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+                self.check_status_and_state(results, 'set-pptp-ethernet-uni-lock-restore')
+            except TimeoutError:
+                self.log.warn('rx-timeout-unis', frame=hexlify(frame))
+                raise
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('omci-failure', e=e)
+                raise
+        returnValue(None)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def cleanup_on_error(self):
+        omci_cc = self._onu_device.omci_cc
+        if self._extended_vlan_me_created:
+            try:
+                eid = self._mac_bridge_service_profile_entity_id
+                frame = ExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationDataFrame(eid).delete()
+                results = yield omci_cc.send(frame)
+                status = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['success_code']
+                self.log.debug('delete-extended-vlan-me', status=status)
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('extended-vlan-cleanup', e=e)
+                # Continue processing
+        for gem_port in self._pon.gem_ports.itervalues():
+            if gem_port.in_hardware:
+                try:
+                    yield gem_port.remove_from_hardware(omci_cc)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    self.log.exception('gem-port-cleanup', e=e)
+                    # Continue processing
+        for tcont in self._pon.tconts.itervalues():
+            if tcont.entity_id != AdtnServiceDownloadTask.free_tcont_alloc_id:
+                try:
+                    yield tcont.remove_from_hardware(omci_cc)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    self.log.exception('tcont-cleanup', e=e)
+                    # Continue processing
+        returnValue('Cleanup Complete')
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/omci.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/omci.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8469a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/omci.py
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# Copyright 2018-present Adtran, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import structlog
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, TimeoutError
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from voltha.protos.device_pb2 import Image
+from voltha.protos.common_pb2 import OperStatus, ConnectStatus
+from voltha.extensions.omci.onu_configuration import OMCCVersion
+from omci_entities import onu_custom_me_entities
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_me import *
+# abbreviations
+OP = EntityOperations
+class OMCI(object):
+    """
+    OpenOMCI Support
+    """
+    DEFAULT_UNTAGGED_VLAN = 4091      # To be equivalent to BroadCom Defaults
+    def __init__(self, handler, omci_agent):
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=handler.device_id)
+        self._handler = handler
+        self._openomci_agent = omci_agent
+        self._enabled = False
+        self._connected = False
+        self._deferred = None
+        self._bridge_initialized = False
+        self._in_sync_reached = False
+        self._omcc_version = OMCCVersion.Unknown
+        self._total_tcont_count = 0                    # From ANI-G ME
+        self._qos_flexibility = 0                      # From ONT2_G ME
+        self._in_sync_subscription = None
+        self._connectivity_subscription = None
+        self._capabilities_subscription = None
+        # self._service_downloaded = False
+        self._mib_downloaded = False
+        self._mib_download_task = None
+        self._mib_download_deferred = None
+        self._onu_omci_device = omci_agent.add_device(handler.device_id,
+                                                      handler.adapter_agent,
+                                                      custom_me_map=onu_custom_me_entities(),
+                                                      support_classes=handler.adapter.adtran_omci)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "OMCI"
+    @property
+    def omci_agent(self):
+        return self._openomci_agent
+    @property
+    def omci_cc(self):
+        # TODO: Decrement access to Communications channel at this point?  What about current PM stuff?
+        return self.onu_omci_device.omci_cc if self._onu_omci_device is not None else None
+    def receive_message(self, msg):
+        if self.enabled:
+            # TODO: Have OpenOMCI actually receive the messages
+            self.omci_cc.receive_message(msg)
+    def _start(self):
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        # Subscriber to events of interest in OpenOMCI
+        self._subscribe_to_events()
+        self._onu_omci_device.start()
+        device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self._handler.device_id)
+        device.reason = 'Performing MIB Upload'
+        self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        if self._onu_omci_device.mib_db_in_sync:
+            self._deferred = reactor.callLater(0, self._mib_in_sync)
+    def _stop(self):
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        # Unsubscribe to OpenOMCI Events
+        self._unsubscribe_to_events()
+        self._onu_omci_device.stop()        # Will also cancel any running tasks/state-machines
+        self._mib_downloaded = False
+        self._mib_download_task = None
+        self._bridge_initialized = False
+        self._in_sync_reached = False
+    def _cancel_deferred(self):
+        d1, self._deferred = self._deferred, None
+        d2, self._mib_download_deferred = self._mib_download_deferred, None
+        for d in [d1, d2]:
+            try:
+                if d is not None and not d.called:
+                    d.cancel()
+            except:
+                pass
+    def delete(self):
+        self.enabled = False
+        agent, self._openomci_agent = self._openomci_agent, None
+        device_id = self._handler.device_id
+        self._onu_omci_device = None
+        self._handler = None
+        if agent is not None:
+            agent.remove_device(device_id, cleanup=True)
+    @property
+    def enabled(self):
+        return self._enabled
+    @enabled.setter
+    def enabled(self, value):
+        if self._enabled != value:
+            self._enabled = value
+            if value:
+                self._start()
+            else:
+                self._stop()
+    @property
+    def connected(self):
+        return self._connected
+    @property
+    def onu_omci_device(self):
+        return self._onu_omci_device
+    def set_pm_config(self, pm_config):
+        """
+        Set PM interval configuration
+        :param pm_config: (OnuPmIntervalMetrics) PM Interval configuration
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.onu_omci_device.set_pm_config(pm_config)
+    def _mib_in_sync(self):
+        """
+        This method is ran whenever the ONU MIB database is in-sync. This is often after
+        the initial MIB Upload during ONU startup, or after it has gone out-of-sync and
+        then back in. This second case could be due a reboot of the ONU and a new version
+        of firmware is running on the ONU hardware.
+        """
+        self.log.info('mib-in-sync')
+        device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self._handler.device_id)
+        device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+        device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.REACHABLE
+        device.reason = ''
+        self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+        omci_dev = self._onu_omci_device
+        config = omci_dev.configuration
+        # In Sync, we can register logical ports now. Ideally this could occur on
+        # the first time we received a successful (no timeout) OMCI Rx response.
+        try:
+            device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self._handler.device_id)
+            ani_g = config.ani_g_entities
+            uni_g = config.uni_g_entities
+            pon_ports = len(ani_g) if ani_g is not None else 0
+            uni_ports = len(uni_g) if uni_g is not None else 0
+            # For the UNI ports below, they are created after the MIB Sync event occurs
+            # and the onu handler adds the ONU
+            assert pon_ports == 1, 'Expected one PON/ANI port, got {}'.format(pon_ports)
+            assert uni_ports == len(self._handler.uni_ports), \
+                'Expected {} UNI port(s), got {}'.format(len(self._handler.uni_ports), uni_ports)
+            # serial_number = omci_dev.configuration.serial_number
+            # self.log.info('serial-number', serial_number=serial_number)
+            # Save entity_id of PON ports
+            self._handler.pon_ports[0].entity_id = ani_g.keys()[0]
+            self._total_tcont_count = ani_g.get('total-tcont-count')
+            self._qos_flexibility = config.qos_configuration_flexibility or 0
+            self._omcc_version = config.omcc_version or OMCCVersion.Unknown
+            # vendorProductCode = str(config.vendor_product_code or 'unknown').rstrip('\0')
+            host_info = omci_dev.query_mib(IpHostConfigData.class_id)
+            mgmt_mac_address = next((host_info[inst].get('attributes').get('mac_address')
+                                     for inst in host_info
+                                     if isinstance(inst, int)), 'unknown')
+            device.mac_address = str(mgmt_mac_address)
+            device.model = str(config.version or 'unknown').rstrip('\0')
+            equipment_id = config.equipment_id or " unknown    unknown "
+            eqpt_boot_version = str(equipment_id).rstrip('\0')
+            # eqptId = eqpt_boot_version[:10]         # ie) BVMDZ10DRA
+            boot_version = eqpt_boot_version[12:]     # ie) CML.D55~
+            images = [Image(name='boot-code',
+                            version=boot_version.rstrip('\0'),
+                            is_active=False,
+                            is_committed=True,
+                            is_valid=True,
+                            install_datetime='Not Available',
+                            hash='Not Available')] + \
+                config.software_images
+            del (device.images.image[:])       # Clear previous entries
+            device.images.image.extend(images)
+            # Save our device information
+            self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            # Start MIB download  TODO: This will be replaced with a MIB Download task soon
+            self._in_sync_reached = True
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('device-info-load', e=e)
+            self._deferred = reactor.callLater(_STARTUP_RETRY_WAIT, self._mib_in_sync)
+    def _subscribe_to_events(self):
+        from voltha.extensions.omci.onu_device_entry import OnuDeviceEvents, \
+            OnuDeviceEntry
+        from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_cc import OMCI_CC, OmciCCRxEvents
+        # OMCI MIB Database sync status
+        bus = self._onu_omci_device.event_bus
+        topic = OnuDeviceEntry.event_bus_topic(self._handler.device_id,
+                                               OnuDeviceEvents.MibDatabaseSyncEvent)
+        self._in_sync_subscription = bus.subscribe(topic, self.in_sync_handler)
+        # OMCI Capabilities (MEs and Message Types
+        bus = self._onu_omci_device.event_bus
+        topic = OnuDeviceEntry.event_bus_topic(self._handler.device_id,
+                                               OnuDeviceEvents.OmciCapabilitiesEvent)
+        self._capabilities_subscription = bus.subscribe(topic, self.capabilities_handler)
+        # OMCI-CC Connectivity Events (for reachability/heartbeat)
+        bus = self._onu_omci_device.omci_cc.event_bus
+        topic = OMCI_CC.event_bus_topic(self._handler.device_id,
+                                        OmciCCRxEvents.Connectivity)
+        self._connectivity_subscription = bus.subscribe(topic, self.onu_is_reachable)
+        # TODO: Watch for any MIB RESET events or detection of an ONU reboot.
+        #       If it occurs, set _service_downloaded and _mib_download to false
+        #       and make sure that we get 'new' capabilities
+    def _unsubscribe_to_events(self):
+        insync, self._in_sync_subscription = self._in_sync_subscription, None
+        connect, self._connectivity_subscription = self._connectivity_subscription, None
+        caps, self._capabilities_subscription = self._capabilities_subscription, None
+        if insync is not None:
+            bus = self._onu_omci_device.event_bus
+            bus.unsubscribe(insync)
+        if connect is not None:
+            bus = self._onu_omci_device.omci_cc.event_bus
+            bus.unsubscribe(connect)
+        if caps is not None:
+            bus = self._onu_omci_device.event_bus
+            bus.unsubscribe(caps)
+    def in_sync_handler(self, _topic, msg):
+        if self._in_sync_subscription is not None:
+            try:
+                from voltha.extensions.omci.onu_device_entry import IN_SYNC_KEY
+                if msg[IN_SYNC_KEY]:
+                    # Start up device_info load from MIB DB
+                    reactor.callLater(0, self._mib_in_sync)
+                else:
+                    # Cancel any running/scheduled MIB download task
+                    try:
+                        d, self._mib_download_deferred = self._mib_download_deferred, None
+                        d.cancel()
+                    except:
+                        pass
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('in-sync', e=e)
+    def capabilities_handler(self, _topic, _msg):
+        """
+        This event occurs after an ONU reaches the In-Sync state and the OMCI ME has
+        been queried for supported ME and message types.
+        At this point, we can act upon any download device and/or service Technology
+        profiles (when they exist).  For now, just run our somewhat fixed script
+        """
+        if self._capabilities_subscription is not None:
+            from adtn_mib_download_task import AdtnMibDownloadTask
+            self._mib_download_task = None
+            def success(_results):
+                dev = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self._handler.device_id)
+                dev.reason = ''
+                self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(dev)
+                self._mib_downloaded = True
+                self._mib_download_task = None
+            def failure(reason):
+                self.log.error('mib-download-failure', reason=reason)
+                self._mib_download_task = None
+                dev = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self._handler.device_id)
+                self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(dev)
+                self._mib_download_deferred = reactor.callLater(_STARTUP_RETRY_WAIT,
+                                                                self.capabilities_handler,
+                                                                None, None)
+            if not self._mib_downloaded:
+                device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self._handler.device_id)
+                device.reason = 'Initial MIB Download'
+                self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+                self._mib_download_task = AdtnMibDownloadTask(self.omci_agent,
+                                                              self._handler)
+            if self._mib_download_task is not None:
+                self._mib_download_deferred = \
+                    self._onu_omci_device.task_runner.queue_task(self._mib_download_task)
+                self._mib_download_deferred.addCallbacks(success, failure)
+    def onu_is_reachable(self, _topic, msg):
+        """
+        Reach-ability change event
+        :param _topic: (str) subscription topic, not used
+        :param msg: (dict) 'connected' key holds True if reachable
+        """
+        from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_cc import CONNECTED_KEY
+        if self._connectivity_subscription is not None:
+            try:
+                connected = msg[CONNECTED_KEY]
+                # TODO: For now, only care about the first connect occurrence.
+                # Later we could use this for a heartbeat, but may want some hysteresis
+                # Cancel any 'reachable' subscriptions
+                if connected:
+                    evt_bus = self._onu_omci_device.omci_cc.event_bus
+                    evt_bus.unsubscribe(self._connectivity_subscription)
+                    self._connectivity_subscription = None
+                    self._connected = True
+                    device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self._handler.device_id)
+                    device.oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+                    device.connect_status = ConnectStatus.REACHABLE
+                    self._handler.adapter_agent.update_device(device)
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('onu-reachable', e=e)
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/omci_entities.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/omci_entities.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..654078d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/omci/omci_entities.py
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Adtran, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+""" Adtran vendor-specific OMCI Entities"""
+import inspect
+import sys
+import json
+from binascii import hexlify
+from bitstring import BitArray
+from scapy.fields import ByteField, ShortField,  BitField
+from scapy.fields import IntField, StrFixedLenField, FieldListField, PacketLenField
+from scapy.packet import Packet
+from voltha.extensions.omci.omci_entities import EntityClassAttribute, \
+    AttributeAccess, EntityOperations, EntityClass
+# abbreviations
+ECA = EntityClassAttribute
+AA = AttributeAccess
+OP = EntityOperations
+class OntSystem(EntityClass):
+    class_id = 65300
+    attributes = [
+        ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+        ECA(StrFixedLenField("time_of_day", None, 8), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+    ]
+    mandatory_operations = {OP.Get}
+class VerizonOpenOMCI(EntityClass):
+    class_id = 65400
+    attributes = [
+        ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+        ECA(IntField("supported_specification_version", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ShortField("pon_device_type", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(IntField("specification_in_use", None), {AA.R, AA.W})
+    ]
+    mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+class TwdmSystemProfile(EntityClass):
+    class_id = 65401
+    attributes = [
+        ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+        ECA(ByteField("total_twdm_channel_number", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ByteField("channel_partition_index", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(IntField("channel_partion_waiver_timer", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(IntField("lods_re_initialization_timer", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(IntField("lods_protection_timer", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(IntField("downstream_tuning_timer", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(IntField("upstream_tuning_timer", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(StrFixedLenField("location_label_1", None, 24), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(StrFixedLenField("location_label_2", None, 24), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+    ]
+    mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set}
+class TwdmChannel(EntityClass):
+    class_id = 65402
+    attributes = [
+        ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+        ECA(ByteField("active_channel_indication", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ByteField("operational_channel_indication", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ByteField("downstream_wavelength_channel", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ByteField("upstream_wavelength_channel", None), {AA.R}),
+    ]
+    mandatory_operations = {OP.Get}
+class WatchdogConfigData(EntityClass):
+    class_id = 65403
+    attributes = [
+        ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+        ECA(IntField("upstream_transmission_timing_drift_self_monitoring_capability", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(IntField("upstream_transmission_wavelength_drift_self_monitoring_capability", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(IntField("upstream_transmission_optical_power_self_monitoring_capability", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(IntField("mean_out_of_channel_optical_power_spectral_density_self_monitoring_capability", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(IntField("mean_optical_power_spectral_density_self_monitoring_capability", None), {AA.R}),
+    ]
+    mandatory_operations = {OP.Get}
+class FlexibleConfigurationStatusPortal(EntityClass):
+    class_id = 65420
+    attributes = [
+        ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+        ECA(IntField("service_instance", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(ShortField("configuration_method", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(ShortField("network_address", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(ByteField("administrative_state", None), {AA.R, AA}),
+        ECA(ByteField("operational_state", None), {AA.R}, avc=True),
+        ECA(ShortField("cause_for_last_abnormal_halt", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ShortField("configuration_portal_update_available", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(StrFixedLenField("configuration_portal_table", None, 25), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(ByteField("configuration_portal_result", None), {AA.R, AA.W}, avc=True),
+        ECA(ShortField("status_message_available", None), {AA.R, AA.W}, avc=True),
+        ECA(ByteField("status_message", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(ByteField("status_message_result", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(ShortField("associated_me_class", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ShortField("associated_me_class_instance", None), {AA.R}),
+    ]
+    mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set, OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.GetNext, OP.SetTable}
+class Onu3G(EntityClass):
+    class_id = 65422
+    attributes = [
+        ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+        ECA(ByteField("flash_memory_performance_value", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ByteField("latest_restart_reason", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ShortField("total_number_of_status_snapshots", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ShortField("number_of_valid_status_snapshots", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ShortField("next_status_snapshot_index", None), {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ByteField("status_snapshot_record_table", None), {AA.R}),      # TODO: MxN field
+        ECA(ByteField("snap_action", None), {AA.W}),
+        ECA(ByteField("most_recent_status_snapshot", None), {AA.R}),        # TODO: N field
+        ECA(ByteField("reset_action", None), {AA.W}),
+    ]
+    mandatory_operations = {OP.Get, OP.Set, OP.GetNext}
+class AdtnVlanTaggingOperation(Packet):
+    name = "VlanTaggingOperation"
+    fields_desc = [
+        BitField("filter_outer_priority", 0, 4),
+        BitField("filter_outer_vid", 0, 13),
+        BitField("filter_outer_tpid_de", 0, 3),
+        BitField("pad1", 0, 12),
+        BitField("filter_inner_priority", 0, 4),
+        BitField("filter_inner_vid", 0, 13),
+        BitField("filter_inner_tpid_de", 0, 3),
+        BitField("pad2", 0, 8),
+        BitField("filter_ether_type", 0, 4),
+        BitField("treatment_tags_to_remove", 0, 2),
+        BitField("pad3", 0, 10),
+        BitField("treatment_outer_priority", 0, 4),
+        BitField("treatment_outer_vid", 0, 13),
+        BitField("treatment_outer_tpid_de", 0, 3),
+        BitField("pad4", 0, 12),
+        BitField("treatment_inner_priority", 0, 4),
+        BitField("treatment_inner_vid", 0, 13),
+        BitField("treatment_inner_tpid_de", 0, 3),
+    ]
+    def to_json(self):
+        return json.dumps(self.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
+    @staticmethod
+    def json_from_value(value):
+        bits = BitArray(hex=hexlify(value))
+        temp = AdtnVlanTaggingOperation(
+            filter_outer_priority=bits[0:4].uint,         # 4  <-size
+            filter_outer_vid=bits[4:17].uint,             # 13
+            filter_outer_tpid_de=bits[17:20].uint,        # 3
+                                                          # pad 12
+            filter_inner_priority=bits[32:36].uint,       # 4
+            filter_inner_vid=bits[36:49].uint,            # 13
+            filter_inner_tpid_de=bits[49:52].uint,        # 3
+                                                          # pad 8
+            filter_ether_type=bits[60:64].uint,           # 4
+            treatment_tags_to_remove=bits[64:66].uint,    # 2
+                                                          # pad 10
+            treatment_outer_priority=bits[76:80].uint,    # 4
+            treatment_outer_vid=bits[80:93].uint,         # 13
+            treatment_outer_tpid_de=bits[93:96].uint,     # 3
+                                                          # pad 12
+            treatment_inner_priority=bits[108:112].uint,  # 4
+            treatment_inner_vid=bits[112:125].uint,       # 13
+            treatment_inner_tpid_de=bits[125:128].uint,   # 3
+        )
+        return json.dumps(temp.fields, separators=(',', ':'))
+    def index(self):
+        return '{:02}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_outer_priority',0)) + \
+               '{:03}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_outer_vid',0)) + \
+               '{:01}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_outer_tpid_de',0)) + \
+               '{:03}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_inner_priority',0)) + \
+               '{:04}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_inner_vid',0)) + \
+               '{:01}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_inner_tpid_de',0)) + \
+               '{:02}'.format(self.fields.get('filter_ether_type',0))
+    def is_delete(self):
+        return self.fields.get('treatment_tags_to_remove',0) == 0x3 and \
+            self.fields.get('pad3',0) == 0x3ff and \
+            self.fields.get('treatment_outer_priority',0) == 0xf and \
+            self.fields.get('treatment_outer_vid',0) == 0x1fff and \
+            self.fields.get('treatment_outer_tpid_de',0) == 0x7 and \
+            self.fields.get('pad4',0) == 0xfff and \
+            self.fields.get('treatment_inner_priority',0) == 0xf and \
+            self.fields.get('treatment_inner_vid',0) == 0x1fff and \
+            self.fields.get('treatment_inner_tpid_de',0) == 0x7
+    def delete(self):
+        self.fields['treatment_tags_to_remove'] = 0x3
+        self.fields['pad3'] = 0x3ff
+        self.fields['treatment_outer_priority'] = 0xf
+        self.fields['treatment_outer_vid'] = 0x1fff
+        self.fields['treatment_outer_tpid_de'] = 0x7
+        self.fields['pad4'] = 0xfff
+        self.fields['treatment_inner_priority'] = 0xf
+        self.fields['treatment_inner_vid'] = 0x1fff
+        self.fields['treatment_inner_tpid_de'] = 0x7
+        return self
+class AdtnExtendedVlanTaggingOperationConfigurationData(EntityClass):
+    class_id = 171
+    attributes = [
+        ECA(ShortField("managed_entity_id", None), {AA.R, AA.SBC}),
+        ECA(ByteField("association_type", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC},
+            range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 11),
+        ECA(ShortField("received_vlan_tagging_operation_table_max_size", None),
+            {AA.R}),
+        ECA(ShortField("input_tpid", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(ShortField("output_tpid", None), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(ByteField("downstream_mode", None), {AA.R, AA.W},
+            range_check=lambda x: 0 <= x <= 8),
+        ECA(StrFixedLenField("received_frame_vlan_tagging_operation_table",
+                             AdtnVlanTaggingOperation, 16), {AA.R, AA.W}),
+        ECA(ShortField("associated_me_pointer", None), {AA.R, AA.W, AA.SBC}),
+        ECA(FieldListField("dscp_to_p_bit_mapping", None,
+                           BitField('',  0, size=3), count_from=lambda _: 64),
+            {AA.R, AA.W}),
+    ]
+    mandatory_operations = {OP.Create, OP.Delete, OP.Set, OP.Get, OP.GetNext}
+    optional_operations = {OP.SetTable}
+# entity class lookup table from entity_class values
+_onu_entity_classes_name_map = dict(
+    inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], lambda o:
+    inspect.isclass(o) and issubclass(o, EntityClass) and o is not EntityClass)
+_onu_custom_entity_classes = [c for c in _onu_entity_classes_name_map.itervalues()]
+_onu_custom_entity_id_to_class_map = dict()
+def onu_custom_me_entities():
+    if len(_onu_custom_entity_id_to_class_map) == 0:
+        for entity_class in _onu_custom_entity_classes:
+            assert entity_class.class_id not in _onu_custom_entity_id_to_class_map, \
+                "Class ID '{}' already exists in the class map".format(entity_class.class_id)
+            _onu_custom_entity_id_to_class_map[entity_class.class_id] = entity_class
+    return _onu_custom_entity_id_to_class_map
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/onu_gem_port.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/onu_gem_port.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de8ba04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/onu_gem_port.py
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Adtran, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import structlog
+from adapters.adtran_common.xpon.gem_port import GemPort
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_me import GemPortNetworkCtpFrame, GemInterworkingTpFrame
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_defs import ReasonCodes
+class OnuGemPort(GemPort):
+    """
+    Adtran ONU specific implementation
+    """
+    UPSTREAM = 1
+    def __init__(self, handler, gem_data, alloc_id, tech_profile_id,
+                 uni_id, entity_id,
+                 multicast=False, traffic_class=None, is_mock=False):
+        gem_id = gem_data['gemport-id']
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=handler.device_id, gem_id=gem_id)
+        encryption = gem_data['encryption']
+        super(OnuGemPort, self).__init__(gem_id, alloc_id, uni_id,
+                                         tech_profile_id,
+                                         encryption=encryption,
+                                         multicast=multicast,
+                                         traffic_class=traffic_class,
+                                         handler=handler,
+                                         is_mock=is_mock)
+        try:
+            self._gem_data = gem_data
+            self._entity_id = entity_id
+            self._tcont_entity_id = None
+            self._interworking = False
+            self.uni_id = gem_data['uni-id']
+            self.direction = gem_data.get('direction', OnuGemPort.BIDIRECTIONAL)
+            # IEEE 802.1p Mapper ME (#130) related parameters
+            self._pbit_map = None
+            self.pbit_map = gem_data.get('pbit-map', '0b00000011')
+            # Upstream priority queue ME (#277) related parameters
+            self.priority_q = gem_data.get('priority-q', 3)
+            self._max_q_size = None
+            self.max_q_size = gem_data.get('max-q-size', 'auto')
+            self.weight = gem_data.get('weight', 8)
+            self._discard_config = None
+            self.discard_config = gem_data.get('discard-config',  None)
+            self._discard_policy = None
+            self.discard_policy = gem_data.get('discard-policy', 'TailDrop')
+            # Traffic scheduler ME (#278) related parameters
+            self._scheduling_policy = None
+            self.scheduling_policy = gem_data.get('scheduling-policy', 'WRR')
+        except Exception as _e:
+            raise
+    @property
+    def entity_id(self):
+        return self._entity_id
+    @property
+    def discard_config(self):
+        return self._discard_config
+    @discard_config.setter
+    def discard_config(self, discard_config):
+        assert isinstance(discard_config, dict), "discard-config not dict"
+        assert 'max-probability' in discard_config, "max-probability missing"
+        assert 'max-threshold' in discard_config, "max-hreshold missing"
+        assert 'min-threshold' in discard_config, "min-threshold missing"
+        self._discard_config = discard_config
+    @property
+    def discard_policy(self):
+        self.log.debug('function-entry')
+        return self._discard_policy
+    @discard_policy.setter
+    def discard_policy(self, discard_policy):
+        dp = ("TailDrop", "WTailDrop", "RED", "WRED")
+        assert (isinstance(discard_policy, str))
+        assert (discard_policy in dp)
+        self._discard_policy = discard_policy
+    @property
+    def max_q_size(self):
+        return self._max_q_size
+    @max_q_size.setter
+    def max_q_size(self, max_q_size):
+        if isinstance(max_q_size, str):
+            assert (max_q_size == "auto")
+        else:
+            assert (isinstance(max_q_size, int))
+        self._max_q_size = max_q_size
+    @property
+    def pbit_map(self):
+        return self._pbit_map
+    @pbit_map.setter
+    def pbit_map(self, pbit_map):
+        assert (isinstance(pbit_map, str))
+        assert (len(pbit_map[2:]) == 8)  # Example format of pbit_map: "0b00000101"
+        try:
+            _ = int(pbit_map[2], 2)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise Exception("pbit_map-not-binary-string-{}".format(pbit_map))
+        # remove '0b'
+        self._pbit_map = pbit_map[2:]
+    @property
+    def scheduling_policy(self):
+        return self._scheduling_policy
+    @scheduling_policy.setter
+    def scheduling_policy(self, scheduling_policy):
+        sp = ("WRR", "StrictPriority")
+        assert (isinstance(scheduling_policy, str))
+        assert (scheduling_policy in sp)
+        self._scheduling_policy = scheduling_policy
+    @property
+    def in_hardware(self):
+        return self._tcont_entity_id is not None and self._interworking
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(handler, gem_data, alloc_id, tech_profile_id, uni_id, entity_id):
+        return OnuGemPort(handler, gem_data, alloc_id,
+                          tech_profile_id, uni_id, entity_id)
+    @property
+    def tcont(self):
+        """ Get the associated TCONT object """
+        return self._handler.pon_port.tconts.get(self.alloc_id)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def add_to_hardware(self, omci,
+                        tcont_entity_id,
+                        ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id,
+                        gal_enet_profile_entity_id):
+        if self._is_mock:
+            returnValue('mock')
+        self.log.debug('add-to-hardware', gem_id=self.gem_id,
+                       gem_entity_id=self.entity_id,
+                       tcont_entity_id=tcont_entity_id,
+                       ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id=ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id,
+                       gal_enet_profile_entity_id=gal_enet_profile_entity_id)
+        if self._tcont_entity_id is not None and self._tcont_entity_id != tcont_entity_id:
+            raise KeyError('GEM Port already assigned to TCONT: {}'.format(self._tcont_entity_id))
+        results = None
+        if self._tcont_entity_id is None:
+            try:
+                direction = "downstream" if self.multicast else "bi-directional"
+                assert not self.multicast, 'MCAST is not supported yet'
+                frame = GemPortNetworkCtpFrame(
+                        self.entity_id,          # same entity id as GEM port
+                        port_id=self.gem_id,
+                        tcont_id=tcont_entity_id,
+                        direction=direction,
+                        upstream_tm=0x8000      # TM ID, 32768 unique ID set in TD set  TODO: Parameterize
+                                                # This is Priority Queue ME with this entity ID
+                                                # and the ME's related port value is 0x01.00.0007
+                                                # which is  slot=0x01, tcont# = 0x00, priority= 0x0007
+                ).create()
+                results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                status = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['success_code']
+                error_mask = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['parameter_error_attributes_mask']
+                self.log.debug('create-gem-port-network-ctp', status=status, error_mask=error_mask)
+                if status == ReasonCodes.Success or status == ReasonCodes.InstanceExists:
+                    self._tcont_entity_id = tcont_entity_id
+                else:
+                    raise Exception('GEM Port create failed with status: {}'.format(status))
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('gemport-create', e=e)
+                raise
+        if not self._interworking:
+            try:
+                extra = {'gal_loopback_configuration': 0}   # No loopback
+                frame = GemInterworkingTpFrame(
+                    self.entity_id,          # same entity id as GEM port
+                    gem_port_network_ctp_pointer=self.entity_id,
+                    interworking_option=5,                             # IEEE 802.1
+                    service_profile_pointer=ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id,
+                    interworking_tp_pointer=0x0,
+                    pptp_counter=1,
+                    gal_profile_pointer=gal_enet_profile_entity_id,
+                    attributes=extra
+                ).create()
+                results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                status = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['success_code']
+                error_mask = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['parameter_error_attributes_mask']
+                self.log.debug('create-gem-interworking-tp', status=status, error_mask=error_mask)
+                if status == ReasonCodes.Success or status == ReasonCodes.InstanceExists:
+                    self._interworking = True
+                else:
+                    raise Exception('GEM Interworking create failed with status: {}'.format(status))
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('interworking-create', e=e)
+                raise
+        returnValue(results)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def remove_from_hardware(self, omci):
+        if self._is_mock:
+            returnValue('mock')
+        self.log.debug('remove-from-hardware',  gem_id=self.gem_id)
+        results = None
+        if self._interworking:
+            try:
+                frame = GemInterworkingTpFrame(self.entity_id).delete()
+                results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                status = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['success_code']
+                self.log.debug('delete-gem-interworking-tp', status=status)
+                if status == ReasonCodes.Success:
+                    self._interworking = False
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('interworking-delete', e=e)
+                raise
+        if self._tcont_entity_id is not None:
+            try:
+                frame = GemPortNetworkCtpFrame(self.entity_id).delete()
+                results = yield omci.send(frame)
+                status = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['success_code']
+                self.log.debug('delete-gem-port-network-ctp', status=status)
+                if status == ReasonCodes.Success:
+                    self._tcont_entity_id = None
+            except Exception as e:
+                self.log.exception('gemport-delete', e=e)
+                raise
+        returnValue(results)
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/onu_tcont.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/onu_tcont.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c314dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/onu_tcont.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Adtran, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import structlog
+from twisted.internet.defer import  inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from adapters.adtran_common.xpon.tcont import TCont
+from adapters.adtran_common.xpon.traffic_descriptor import TrafficDescriptor
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_me import TcontFrame
+from pyvoltha.adapters.extensions.omci.omci_defs import ReasonCodes
+class OnuTCont(TCont):
+    """
+    Adtran ONU specific implementation
+    """
+    FREE_GPON_TCONT_ALLOC_ID = 0xFF     # SFU may use this to indicate a free TCONT
+    def __init__(self, handler, alloc_id, sched_policy, tech_profile_id, uni_id, traffic_descriptor, is_mock=False):
+        super(OnuTCont, self).__init__(alloc_id, tech_profile_id, traffic_descriptor, uni_id, is_mock=is_mock)
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=handler.device_id, alloc_id=alloc_id)
+        self._handler = handler
+        self.sched_policy = sched_policy
+        self._entity_id = None
+        self._free_alloc_id = OnuTCont.FREE_TCONT_ALLOC_ID
+    @property
+    def entity_id(self):
+        return self._entity_id
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(handler, tcont, td):
+        assert isinstance(tcont, dict), 'TCONT should be a dictionary'
+        assert isinstance(td, TrafficDescriptor), 'Invalid Traffic Descriptor data type'
+        return OnuTCont(handler,
+                        tcont['alloc-id'],
+                        tcont['q-sched-policy'],
+                        tcont['tech-profile-id'],
+                        tcont['uni-id'],
+                        td)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def add_to_hardware(self, omci, tcont_entity_id, prev_alloc_id=FREE_TCONT_ALLOC_ID):
+        self.log.debug('add-to-hardware', tcont_entity_id=tcont_entity_id)
+        if self._is_mock:
+            returnValue('mock')
+        if self._entity_id == tcont_entity_id:
+            returnValue('Already set')
+        elif self.entity_id is not None:
+            raise KeyError('TCONT already assigned: {}'.format(self.entity_id))
+        try:
+            # TODO: Look up ONU2-G QoS flexibility attribute and only set this
+            #       if q-sched-policy  can be supported
+            self._free_alloc_id = prev_alloc_id
+            frame = TcontFrame(tcont_entity_id, self.alloc_id).set()
+            results = yield omci.send(frame)
+            status = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['success_code']
+            if status == ReasonCodes.Success:
+                self._entity_id = tcont_entity_id
+            failed_attributes_mask = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['failed_attributes_mask']
+            unsupported_attributes_mask = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['unsupported_attributes_mask']
+            self.log.debug('set-tcont', status=status,
+                           failed_attributes_mask=failed_attributes_mask,
+                           unsupported_attributes_mask=unsupported_attributes_mask)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('tcont-set', e=e)
+            raise
+        returnValue(results)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def remove_from_hardware(self, omci):
+        self.log.debug('remove-from-hardware', tcont_entity_id=self.entity_id)
+        if self._is_mock:
+            returnValue('mock')
+        try:
+            frame = TcontFrame(self.entity_id, self._free_alloc_id).set()
+            results = yield omci.send(frame)
+            status = results.fields['omci_message'].fields['success_code']
+            self.log.debug('delete-tcont', status=status)
+            if status == ReasonCodes.Success:
+                self._entity_id = None
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('tcont-delete', e=e)
+            raise
+        returnValue(results)
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/onu_traffic_descriptor.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/onu_traffic_descriptor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f5b59b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/onu_traffic_descriptor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Adtran, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from adapters.adtran_common.xpon.traffic_descriptor import TrafficDescriptor
+from adapters.adtran_common.xpon.best_effort import BestEffort
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue, succeed
+class OnuTrafficDescriptor(TrafficDescriptor):
+    """
+    Adtran ONU specific implementation
+    """
+    def __init__(self, fixed, assured, maximum,
+                 additional=TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.DEFAULT,
+                 best_effort=None):
+        super(OnuTrafficDescriptor, self).__init__(fixed, assured, maximum,
+                                                   additional=additional,
+                                                   best_effort=best_effort)
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(traffic_disc):
+        assert isinstance(traffic_disc, dict), 'Traffic Descriptor should be a dictionary'
+        additional = TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.from_value(
+            traffic_disc['additional-bw-eligibility-indicator'])
+        if additional == TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.BEST_EFFORT_SHARING:
+            best_effort = BestEffort(traffic_disc['maximum-bandwidth'],
+                                     traffic_disc['priority'],
+                                     traffic_disc['weight'])
+        else:
+            best_effort = None
+        return OnuTrafficDescriptor(traffic_disc['fixed-bandwidth'],
+                                    traffic_disc['assured-bandwidth'],
+                                    traffic_disc['maximum-bandwidth'],
+                                    best_effort=best_effort,
+                                    additional=additional)
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def add_to_hardware(self, omci):
+        results = succeed('TODO: Implement me')
+        # from ..adtran_olt_handler import AdtranOltHandler
+        #
+        # uri = AdtranOltHandler.GPON_TCONT_CONFIG_URI.format(pon_id, onu_id, alloc_id)
+        # data = json.dumps({'traffic-descriptor': self.to_dict()})
+        # name = 'tcont-td-{}-{}: {}'.format(pon_id, onu_id, alloc_id)
+        # try:
+        #     results = yield session.request('PATCH', uri, data=data, name=name)
+        #
+        # except Exception as e:
+        #     log.exception('traffic-descriptor', td=self, e=e)
+        #     raise
+        #
+        # if self.additional_bandwidth_eligibility == \
+        #         TrafficDescriptor.AdditionalBwEligibility.BEST_EFFORT_SHARING:
+        #     if self.best_effort is None:
+        #         raise ValueError('TCONT is best-effort but does not define best effort sharing')
+        #
+        #     try:
+        #         results = yield self.best_effort.add_to_hardware(session, pon_id, onu_id, alloc_id)
+        #
+        #     except Exception as e:
+        #         log.exception('best-effort', best_effort=self.best_effort, e=e)
+        #         raise
+        returnValue(results)
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/pon_port.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/pon_port.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd0d0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/pon_port.py
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Adtran, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import structlog
+from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
+from pyvoltha.protos.common_pb2 import AdminState, OperStatus
+from pyvoltha.protos.device_pb2 import Port
+class PonPort(object):
+    """Wraps northbound-port/ANI support for ONU"""
+    MIN_GEM_ENTITY_ID = 0x4900
+    def __init__(self, handler, port_no):
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=handler.device_id, port_no=port_no)
+        self._enabled = False
+        self._valid = True
+        self._handler = handler
+        self._deferred = None
+        self._port = None
+        self._port_number = port_no
+        self._entity_id = None                  # ANI entity ID
+        self._next_entity_id = PonPort.MIN_GEM_ENTITY_ID
+        self._admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+        self._oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+        self._gem_ports = {}                           # gem-id -> GemPort
+        self._tconts = {}                              # alloc-id -> TCont
+        # OMCI resources
+        # TODO: These could be dynamically chosen (can be most any value)
+        self.ieee_mapper_service_profile_entity_id = 0x100
+        self.mac_bridge_port_ani_entity_id = 0x100
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "PonPort"      # TODO: Encode current state
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(handler, port_no):
+        port = PonPort(handler, port_no)
+        return port
+    def _start(self):
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        self._admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+        self._oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+        self._update_adapter_agent()
+    def _stop(self):
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        self._admin_state = AdminState.DISABLED
+        self._oper_status = OperStatus.UNKNOWN
+        self._update_adapter_agent()
+        # TODO: stop h/w sync
+    def _cancel_deferred(self):
+        d1, self._deferred = self._deferred, None
+        for d in [d1]:
+            try:
+                if d is not None and not d.called:
+                    d.cancel()
+            except:
+                pass
+    def delete(self):
+        self.enabled = False
+        self._valid = False
+        self._handler = None
+    @property
+    def enabled(self):
+        return self._enabled
+    @enabled.setter
+    def enabled(self, value):
+        if self._enabled != value:
+            self._enabled = value
+            if value:
+                self._start()
+            else:
+                self._stop()
+    @property
+    def port_number(self):
+            return self._port_number
+    @property
+    def entity_id(self):
+        """
+        OMCI ANI_G entity ID for port
+        """
+        return self._entity_id
+    @entity_id.setter
+    def entity_id(self, value):
+        assert self._entity_id is None or self._entity_id == value, 'Cannot reset the Entity ID'
+        self._entity_id = value
+    @property
+    def next_gem_entity_id(self):
+        entity_id = self._next_entity_id
+        self._next_entity_id = self._next_entity_id + 1
+        if self._next_entity_id > PonPort.MAX_GEM_ENTITY_ID:
+            self._next_entity_id = PonPort.MIN_GEM_ENTITY_ID
+        return entity_id
+    @property
+    def tconts(self):
+        return self._tconts
+    @property
+    def gem_ports(self):
+        return self._gem_ports
+    def get_port(self):
+        """
+        Get the VOLTHA PORT object for this port
+        :return: VOLTHA Port object
+        """
+        if self._port is None:
+            device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self._handler.device_id)
+            self._port = Port(port_no=self.port_number,
+                              label='PON port',
+                              type=Port.PON_ONU,
+                              admin_state=self._admin_state,
+                              oper_status=self._oper_status,
+                              peers=[Port.PeerPort(device_id=device.parent_id,
+                                                   port_no=device.parent_port_no)])
+        return self._port
+    def _update_adapter_agent(self):
+        """
+        Update the port status and state in the core
+        """
+        self.log.debug('update-adapter-agent', admin_state=self._admin_state,
+                       oper_status=self._oper_status)
+        if self._port is not None:
+            self._port.admin_state = self._admin_state
+            self._port.oper_status = self._oper_status
+        # adapter_agent add_port also does an update of port status
+        try:
+            self._handler.adapter_agent.add_port(self._handler.device_id, self.get_port())
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('update-port', e=e)
+    def add_tcont(self, tcont, reflow=False):
+        """
+        Creates/ a T-CONT with the given alloc-id
+        :param tcont: (TCont) Object that maintains the TCONT properties
+        :param reflow: (boolean) If true, force add (used during h/w resync)
+        :return: (deferred)
+        """
+        if not self._valid:
+            return      # Deleting
+        if not reflow and tcont.alloc_id in self._tconts:
+            return      # already created
+        self.log.info('add', tcont=tcont, reflow=reflow)
+        self._tconts[tcont.alloc_id] = tcont
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def remove_tcont(self, alloc_id):
+        tcont = self._tconts.get(alloc_id)
+        if tcont is None:
+            returnValue('nop')
+        try:
+            del self._tconts[alloc_id]
+            results = yield tcont.remove_from_hardware(self._handler.openomci.omci_cc)
+            returnValue(results)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.log.exception('delete', e=e)
+            raise
+    def gem_port(self, gem_id):
+        return self._gem_ports.get(gem_id)
+    @property
+    def gem_ids(self):
+        """Get all GEM Port IDs used by this ONU"""
+        return sorted([gem_id for gem_id, gem in self._gem_ports.items()])
+    def add_gem_port(self, gem_port, reflow=False):
+        """
+        Add a GEM Port to this ONU
+        :param gem_port: (GemPort) GEM Port to add
+        :param reflow: (boolean) If true, force add (used during h/w resync)
+        :return: (deferred)
+        """
+        if not self._valid:
+            return  # Deleting
+        if not reflow and gem_port.gem_id in self._gem_ports:
+            return  # nop
+        self.log.info('add', gem_port=gem_port, reflow=reflow)
+        self._gem_ports[gem_port.gem_id] = gem_port
+    @inlineCallbacks
+    def remove_gem_id(self, gem_id):
+        """
+        Remove a GEM Port from this ONU
+        :param gem_port: (GemPort) GEM Port to remove
+        :return: deferred
+        """
+        gem_port = self._gem_ports.get(gem_id)
+        if gem_port is None:
+            returnValue('nop')
+        try:
+            del self._gem_ports[gem_id]
+            results = yield gem_port.remove_from_hardware(self._handler.openomci.omci_cc)
+            returnValue(results)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            self.log.exception('gem-port-delete', e=ex)
+            raise
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_onu/uni_port.py b/adapters/adtran_onu/uni_port.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96cd353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_onu/uni_port.py
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# Copyright 2017-present Adtran, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import structlog
+from pyvoltha.protos.common_pb2 import OperStatus, AdminState
+from pyvoltha.protos.device_pb2 import Port
+from pyvoltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import OFPPF_10GB_FD
+from pyvoltha.protos.logical_device_pb2 import LogicalPort
+from pyvoltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import OFPPS_LIVE, OFPPF_FIBER
+from pyvoltha.protos.openflow_13_pb2 import ofp_port
+import adtran_olt.resources.adtranolt_platform as platform
+class UniPort(object):
+    """Wraps southbound-port(s) support for ONU"""
+    def __init__(self, handler, name, port_no, ofp_port_no):
+        self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=handler.device_id, port_no=port_no)
+        self._enabled = False
+        self._handler = handler
+        self._name = name
+        self.uni_id = platform.uni_id_from_uni_port(port_no)
+        self._port = None
+        self._port_number = port_no
+        self._ofp_port_no = ofp_port_no         # Set at by creator (vENET create)
+        self._logical_port_number = None        # Set at time of logical port creation
+        self._entity_id = None                  # TODO: Use port number from UNI-G entity ID
+        self._mac_bridge_port_num = 0
+        self._admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+        self._oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+        # TODO Add state, stats, alarm reference, ...
+        pass
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "UniPort: {}:{}".format(self.name, self.port_number)
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(handler, name, port_no, ofp_port_no):
+        port = UniPort(handler, name, port_no, ofp_port_no)
+        return port
+    def _start(self):
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        self._admin_state = AdminState.ENABLED
+        self._oper_status = OperStatus.ACTIVE
+        self._update_adapter_agent()
+        # TODO: start h/w sync
+        # TODO: Enable the actual physical port?
+        pass
+    def _stop(self):
+        self._cancel_deferred()
+        self._admin_state = AdminState.DISABLED
+        self._oper_status = OperStatus.UNKNOWN
+        self._update_adapter_agent()
+        # TODO: Disable/power-down the actual physical port?
+        pass
+    def delete(self):
+        self.enabled = False
+        self._handler = None
+    def _cancel_deferred(self):
+        pass
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self._name
+    @property
+    def enabled(self):
+        return self._enabled
+    @enabled.setter
+    def enabled(self, value):
+        if self._enabled != value:
+            self._enabled = value
+            if value:
+                self._start()
+            else:
+                self._stop()
+    @property
+    def port_number(self):
+        """
+        Physical device port number
+        :return: (int) port number
+        """
+        return self._port_number
+    @property
+    def mac_bridge_port_num(self):
+        """
+        Port number used when creating MacBridgePortConfigurationDataFrame port number
+        :return: (int) port number
+        """
+        self.log.debug('function-entry')
+        return self._mac_bridge_port_num
+    @mac_bridge_port_num.setter
+    def mac_bridge_port_num(self, value):
+        self.log.debug('function-entry')
+        self._mac_bridge_port_num = value
+    @property
+    def entity_id(self):
+        """
+        OMCI UNI_G entity ID for port
+        """
+        return self._entity_id
+    @entity_id.setter
+    def entity_id(self, value):
+        assert self._entity_id is None, 'Cannot reset the Entity ID'
+        self._entity_id = value
+    @property
+    def logical_port_number(self):
+        """
+        Logical device port number (used as OpenFlow port for UNI)
+        :return: (int) port number
+        """
+        return self._logical_port_number
+    def _update_adapter_agent(self):
+        """
+        Update the port status and state in the core
+        """
+        self.log.debug('update-adapter-agent', admin_state=self._admin_state,
+                       oper_status=self._oper_status)
+        if self._port is not None:
+            self._port.admin_state = self._admin_state
+            self._port.oper_status = self._oper_status
+        try:
+            # adapter_agent add_port also does an update of existing port
+            self._handler.adapter_agent.add_port(self._handler.device_id,
+                                                 self.get_port())
+        except KeyError:  # Expected exception during ONU disabling
+            pass
+        except Exception as e:  # Expected exception during ONU disabling
+            self.log.exception('update-port', e=e)
+    def get_port(self):
+        """
+        Get the VOLTHA PORT object for this port
+        :return: VOLTHA Port object
+        """
+        if self._port is None:
+            self._port = Port(port_no=self.port_number,
+                              label=self.port_id_name(),
+                              type=Port.ETHERNET_UNI,
+                              admin_state=self._admin_state,
+                              oper_status=self._oper_status)
+        return self._port
+    def port_id_name(self):
+        return 'uni-{}'.format(self._port_number)
+    def add_logical_port(self, openflow_port_no, multi_uni_naming,
+                         capabilities=OFPPF_10GB_FD | OFPPF_FIBER,
+                         speed=OFPPF_10GB_FD):
+        if self._logical_port_number is not None:
+            # delete old logical port if it exists
+            try:
+                port = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_logical_port(self._handler.logical_device_id,
+                                                                    self.port_id_name())
+                self._handler.adapter_agent.delete_logical_port(self._handler.logical_device_id, port)
+            except Exception as e:
+                # assume this exception was because logical port does not already exist
+                pass
+            self._logical_port_number = None
+        # Use vENET provisioned values if none supplied
+        port_no = openflow_port_no or self._ofp_port_no
+        if self._logical_port_number is None and port_no is not None:
+            self._logical_port_number = port_no
+            device = self._handler.adapter_agent.get_device(self._handler.device_id)
+            def mac_str_to_tuple(mac):
+                """
+                Convert 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx' MAC address string to a tuple of integers.
+                Example: mac_str_to_tuple('00:01:02:03:04:05') == (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+                """
+                return tuple(int(d, 16) for d in mac.split(':'))
+            openflow_port = ofp_port(
+                port_no=port_no,
+                hw_addr=mac_str_to_tuple('08:00:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x' %
+                                         ((device.parent_port_no >> 8 & 0xff),
+                                          device.parent_port_no & 0xff,
+                                          (port_no >> 8) & 0xff,
+                                          port_no & 0xff)),
+                name=device.serial_number + ['', '-' + str(self._mac_bridge_port_num)][multi_uni_naming],
+                config=0,
+                state=OFPPS_LIVE,
+                curr=capabilities,
+                advertised=capabilities,
+                peer=capabilities,
+                curr_speed=speed,
+                max_speed=speed
+            )
+            self._handler.adapter_agent.add_logical_port(self._handler.logical_device_id,
+                                                         LogicalPort(
+                                                             id=self.port_id_name(),
+                                                             ofp_port=openflow_port,
+                                                             device_id=device.id,
+                                                             device_port_no=self._port_number))
diff --git a/compose/adapters-adtran_onu.yml b/compose/adapters-adtran_onu.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..839d206
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compose/adapters-adtran_onu.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+version: '2'
+  ponsim_onu:
+    image: "${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-adapter-adtran-onu${TAG}"
+    logging:
+      driver: "json-file"
+      options:
+        max-size: "10m"
+        max-file: "3"
+    entrypoint:
+      - /app/adtran_onu
+      - -device_type
+      - "OLT"
+      - -internal_if
+      - "eth0"
+      - -external_if
+      - "eth0"
+      - -verbose
+    ports:
+      - "50061:50061"
+    networks:
+      - default
+  default:
+    driver: bridge
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_adtran_onu b/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_adtran_onu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3484dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_adtran_onu
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright 2019 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ARG TAG=latest
+FROM ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-adtran-base:${TAG}
+MAINTAINER Voltha Community <info@opennetworking.org>
+# Adtran specific
+COPY adapters/adtran_olt /voltha/adapters/adtran_onu
+# Exposing process and default entry point
+CMD ["python", "/voltha/adapters/adtran_onu/main.py"]
diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_adtranonu_pyvoltha b/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_adtranonu_pyvoltha
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fcea60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/Dockerfile.adapter_adtranonu_pyvoltha
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright 2016 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ARG TAG=latest
+FROM ${REGISTRY}${REPOSITORY}voltha-adtran-base-local:${TAG}
+MAINTAINER Voltha Community <info@opennetworking.org>
+# Adtran specific
+COPY adapters/adtran_olt /voltha/adapters/adtran_onu
+# Exposing process and default entry point
+CMD ["python", "/voltha/adapters/adtran_onu/main.py"]
\ No newline at end of file