#OMCI Support
This directory contains classes to assist in the creation, transmission, and reception of OMCI frames on this ONU Adapter. A number of these files (but not all) could be moved into the common .../voltha/extensions/omci subdirectory.
The omci_cc.py file contains the OMCI communications channel for sending and receiving OMCI messages. For transmits, it will send the OMCI message to the proper proxy channel, but for received, OMCI frames, your device adapter will need to call the receive_message() method.
The communications channel will return a deferred on a Tx request which will fire when a corresponding response is received or if a timeout or other error occurs. When a successful response is received, the OMCI_CC will also look at Get, Set, Create, and Delete messages prior to calling any additional callbacks so that the MIB Database can be checked or updated as needed. Note that the MIB Database is not yet implemented.
ONU Autonomous messages are also handled (Test Results messages are TBD) and these are placed
A collection of statistics are available in case the ONU wishes to publish a PM group containing these statistics. The Adtran ONU does so in the onu_pm_metrics.py file.
Finally, a list of vendor-specific ME's can be passed to the class initializer so that they are registered in the class_id map. This allows for successful decode of custom MEs. See the Adtran ONU's instantiation of the OMCI_CC class as an example of how to add vendor-specific MEs.
This file contains the base class implementation that helps to transform defined Managed EntityClasses into OMCI Frames with specific actions (get, set, create, delete, ...). Prior this class, frames to do each action were hand created methods.
Besides providing methods for creating OMCI frames, the ME attributes names, access attributes, and allowed operations are checked to verify that the action is valid for both the ME as well as the specific attribute.
What is currently missing is other OMCI actions have not been coded:
For many of these actions, such as MibReset, these are only performed on a specific ME and it may be best to provide these as explicit static methods.
This file is a collection of ME classes derived from the MEFrame base class. For many of the currently defined ME's in omci_entities.py
This file contains an additional status code enumeration which could be merged with the main OMCI extensions directory.
This is an Adtran ONU specific file to add custom OMCI OMCI_CC entities and a function that can be called by the OMCI_CC class to install them into the appropriate locations such that OMCI frame decode works as expected during MIB uploads.
Eventually I envision the OMCI_CC to be mostly hidden from an ONU device adapter, so a method to register these custom ME's needs to be provided.
This file contains some of the original old-style OMCI frame creation and send commands for the Adtran ONU. These were originally copied over from the BroadCom ONU Device Adapter and modified for use in the Adtran ONU. After the OMCI_CC class was created to handle OMCI Tx/Rx, a reference to the OMCI_CC was passed in so that these methods could use the OMCI_CC.send() method
If you look at the current Adtran ONU pon_port.py file, it still contains the original calls to these are still in place (commented out) next to how to do the same calls with the new ME_Frame and OMCI_CC classes.
##Unit Tests
After some peer review and any needed refactoring of code, the plan is to create unit tests to cover the OMCI_CC and ME_Frame classes with a target of 90%+ line coverage.