VOL-1397: Adtran-OLT - Initial containerization commit
 - Need to move VERSION to base directory

Change-Id: I9d62d0607a011ce642e379fd92b35ec48b300070
diff --git a/adapters/adtran_olt/resources/adtran_resource_manager.py b/adapters/adtran_olt/resources/adtran_resource_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f2a0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/adtran_olt/resources/adtran_resource_manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+# Copyright 2018 the original author or authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Resource Manager will be unique for each OLT device.
+It exposes APIs to create/free alloc_ids/onu_ids/gemport_ids. Resource Manager
+uses a KV store in backend to ensure resiliency of the data.
+from bitstring import BitArray
+import json
+from pyvoltha.adapters.common.pon_resource_manager.resource_manager import PONResourceManager
+import adtranolt_platform as platform
+class AdtranPONResourceManager(PONResourceManager):
+    """Implements APIs to initialize/allocate/release alloc/gemport/onu IDs."""
+    # Constants for internal usage.
+    ONU_MAP = 'onu_map'
+    def init_device_resource_pool(self):
+        """
+        Initialize resource pool for all PON ports.
+        """
+        for pon_id in self.intf_ids:
+            self.init_resource_id_pool(
+                pon_intf_id=pon_id,
+                resource_type=PONResourceManager.ONU_ID,
+                start_idx=self.pon_resource_ranges[PONResourceManager.ONU_ID_START_IDX],
+                end_idx=self.pon_resource_ranges[PONResourceManager.ONU_ID_END_IDX])
+            alloc_id_map = dict()
+            for onu_id in range(platform.MAX_ONUS_PER_PON):
+                alloc_id_map[onu_id] = [platform.mk_alloc_id(pon_id, onu_id, idx)
+                                        for idx in xrange(platform.MAX_TCONTS_PER_ONU)]
+            self.init_resource_id_pool(pon_intf_id=pon_id,
+                                       resource_type=PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID,
+                                       resource_map=alloc_id_map)
+            self.init_resource_id_pool(
+                pon_intf_id=pon_id,
+                resource_type=PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID,
+                start_idx=self.pon_resource_ranges[PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID_START_IDX],
+                end_idx=self.pon_resource_ranges[PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID_END_IDX])
+    def clear_device_resource_pool(self):
+        """
+        Clear resource pool of all PON ports.
+        """
+        for pon_id in self.intf_ids:
+            self.clear_resource_id_pool(pon_intf_id=pon_id,
+                                        resource_type=PONResourceManager.ONU_ID)
+            self.clear_resource_id_pool(
+                pon_intf_id=pon_id,
+                resource_type=PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID,
+            )
+            self.clear_resource_id_pool(
+                pon_intf_id=pon_id,
+                resource_type=PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID,
+            )
+            self.clear_resource_id_pool(
+                pon_intf_id=pon_id,
+                resource_type=PONResourceManager.FLOW_ID,
+            )
+    def init_resource_id_pool(self, pon_intf_id, resource_type, start_idx=None,
+                              end_idx=None, resource_map=None):
+        """
+        Initialize Resource ID pool for a given Resource Type on a given PON Port
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :param resource_type: String to identify type of resource
+        :param start_idx: start index for onu id pool
+        :param end_idx: end index for onu id pool
+        :param resource_map: (dict) Resource map if per-ONU specific
+        :return boolean: True if resource id pool initialized else false
+        """
+        status = False
+        path = self._get_path(pon_intf_id, resource_type)
+        if path is None:
+            return status
+        try:
+            # In case of adapter reboot and reconciliation resource in kv store
+            # checked for its presence if not kv store update happens
+            resource = self._get_resource(path)
+            if resource is not None:
+                self._log.info("Resource-already-present-in-store", path=path)
+                status = True
+            else:
+                if resource_map is None:
+                    resource = self._format_resource(pon_intf_id, start_idx, end_idx)
+                    self._log.info("Resource-initialized", path=path)
+                else:
+                    resource = self._format_map_resource(pon_intf_id, resource_map)
+                # Add resource as json in kv store.
+                status = self._kv_store.update_to_kv_store(path, resource)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._log.exception("error-initializing-resource-pool", e=e)
+        return status
+    def _generate_next_id(self, resource, onu_id=None):
+        """
+        Generate unique id having OFFSET as start index.
+        :param resource: resource used to generate ID
+        :return int: generated id
+        """
+        if onu_id is not None:
+            resource = resource[AdtranPONResourceManager.ONU_MAP][str(onu_id)]
+        pos = resource[PONResourceManager.POOL].find('0b0')
+        resource[PONResourceManager.POOL].set(1, pos)
+        return pos[0] + resource[PONResourceManager.START_IDX]
+    def _release_id(self, resource, unique_id, onu_id=None):
+        """
+        Release unique id having OFFSET as start index.
+        :param resource: resource used to release ID
+        :param unique_id: id need to be released
+        :param onu_id: ONU ID if unique per ONU
+        """
+        if onu_id is not None:
+            resource = resource[AdtranPONResourceManager.ONU_MAP][str(onu_id)]
+        pos = ((int(unique_id)) - resource[PONResourceManager.START_IDX])
+        resource[PONResourceManager.POOL].set(0, pos)
+    def get_resource_id(self, pon_intf_id, resource_type, onu_id=None, num_of_id=1):
+        """
+        Create alloc/gemport/onu id for given OLT PON interface.
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :param resource_type: String to identify type of resource
+        :param num_of_id: required number of ids
+        :param onu_id: ONU ID if unique per ONU  (Used for Alloc IDs)
+        :return list/int/None: list, int or None if resource type is
+                               alloc_id/gemport_id, onu_id or invalid type
+                               respectively
+        """
+        result = None
+        if num_of_id < 1:
+            self._log.error("invalid-num-of-resources-requested")
+            return result
+        path = self._get_path(pon_intf_id, resource_type)
+        if path is None:
+            return result
+        try:
+            resource = self._get_resource(path, onu_id)
+            if resource is not None and \
+                    (resource_type == PONResourceManager.ONU_ID or
+                     resource_type == PONResourceManager.FLOW_ID):
+                result = self._generate_next_id(resource)
+            elif resource is not None and \
+                    resource_type == PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID:
+                if num_of_id == 1:
+                    result = self._generate_next_id(resource)
+                else:
+                    result = [self._generate_next_id(resource) for _ in range(num_of_id)]
+            elif resource is not None and \
+                    resource_type == PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID:
+                if num_of_id == 1:
+                    result = self._generate_next_id(resource, onu_id)
+                else:
+                    result = [self._generate_next_id(resource, onu_id) for _ in range(num_of_id)]
+            else:
+                raise Exception("get-resource-failed")
+            self._log.debug("Get-" + resource_type + "-success", result=result,
+                            path=path)
+            # Update resource in kv store
+            self._update_resource(path, resource, onu_id=onu_id)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._log.exception("Get-" + resource_type + "-id-failed",
+                                path=path, e=e)
+        return result
+    def free_resource_id(self, pon_intf_id, resource_type, release_content, onu_id=None):
+        """
+        Release alloc/gemport/onu id for given OLT PON interface.
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :param resource_type: String to identify type of resource
+        :param release_content: required number of ids
+        :param onu_id: ONU ID if unique per ONU
+        :return boolean: True if all IDs in given release_content released
+                         else False
+        """
+        status = False
+        path = self._get_path(pon_intf_id, resource_type)
+        if path is None:
+            return status
+        try:
+            resource = self._get_resource(path, onu_id=onu_id)
+            if resource is None:
+                raise Exception("get-resource-for-free-failed")
+            if resource_type == PONResourceManager.ONU_ID:
+                self._release_id(resource, release_content)
+            elif resource_type == PONResourceManager.ALLOC_ID:
+                for content in release_content:
+                    self._release_id(resource, content)
+            elif resource_type == PONResourceManager.GEMPORT_ID:
+                for content in release_content:
+                    self._release_id(resource, content, onu_id)
+            else:
+                raise Exception("get-resource-for-free-failed")
+            self._log.debug("Free-" + resource_type + "-success", path=path)
+            # Update resource in kv store
+            status = self._update_resource(path, resource, onu_id=onu_id)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self._log.exception("Free-" + resource_type + "-failed",
+                                path=path, e=e)
+        return status
+    def _update_resource(self, path, resource, onu_id=None):
+        """
+        Update resource in resource kv store.
+        :param path: path to update resource
+        :param resource: resource need to be updated
+        :return boolean: True if resource updated in kv store else False
+        """
+        if 'alloc_id' in path.lower():
+            assert onu_id is not None
+            poolResource = resource[AdtranPONResourceManager.ONU_MAP][str(onu_id)]
+            poolResource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = \
+                poolResource[PONResourceManager.POOL].bin
+        else:
+            resource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = \
+                resource[PONResourceManager.POOL].bin
+        return self._kv_store.update_to_kv_store(path, json.dumps(resource))
+    def _get_resource(self, path, onu_id=None):
+        """
+        Get resource from kv store.
+        :param path: path to get resource
+        :return: resource if resource present in kv store else None
+        """
+        # get resource from kv store
+        result = self._kv_store.get_from_kv_store(path)
+        if result is None:
+            return result
+        self._log.info("dumping-resource", result=result)
+        resource = result
+        if resource is not None:
+            # decode resource fetched from backend store to dictionary
+            resource = json.loads(resource)
+            if 'alloc_id' in path.lower():
+                assert onu_id is not None
+                poolResource = resource[AdtranPONResourceManager.ONU_MAP][str(onu_id)]
+                poolResource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = \
+                    BitArray('0b' + poolResource[PONResourceManager.POOL])
+            else:
+                # resource pool in backend store stored as binary string whereas to
+                # access the pool to generate/release IDs it need to be converted
+                # as BitArray
+                resource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = \
+                    BitArray('0b' + resource[PONResourceManager.POOL])
+        return resource
+    def _format_resource(self, pon_intf_id, start_idx, end_idx):
+        """
+        Format resource as json.
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :param start_idx: start index for id pool
+        :param end_idx: end index for id pool
+        :return dictionary: resource formatted as dictionary
+        """
+        # Format resource as json to be stored in backend store
+        resource = dict()
+        resource[PONResourceManager.PON_INTF_ID] = pon_intf_id
+        resource[PONResourceManager.START_IDX] = start_idx
+        resource[PONResourceManager.END_IDX] = end_idx
+        # resource pool stored in backend store as binary string
+        resource[PONResourceManager.POOL] = BitArray(end_idx-start_idx).bin
+        return json.dumps(resource)
+    def _format_map_resource(self, pon_intf_id, resource_map):
+        """
+        Format resource as json.
+        # TODO: Refactor the resource BitArray to be just a list of the resources.
+        #       This is used to store available alloc-id's on a per-onu/pon basis
+        #       which in BitArray string form, is a 768 byte string for just 4 possible
+        #       alloc-IDs.  This equates to 1.57 MB of storage when you take into
+        #       account 128 ONUs and 16 PONs pre-provisioneed
+        :param pon_intf_id: OLT PON interface id
+        :param resource_map: (dict) ONU ID -> Scattered list of IDs
+        :return dictionary: resource formatted as dictionary
+        """
+        # Format resource as json to be stored in backend store
+        resource = dict()
+        resource[PONResourceManager.PON_INTF_ID] = pon_intf_id
+        onu_dict = dict()
+        for onu_id, resources in resource_map.items():
+            start_idx = min(resources)
+            end_idx = max(resources) + 1
+            onu_dict[onu_id] = {
+                PONResourceManager.START_IDX: start_idx,
+                PONResourceManager.END_IDX: end_idx,
+            }
+            # Set non-allowed values as taken
+            resource_map = BitArray(end_idx - start_idx)
+            not_available = {pos for pos in xrange(end_idx-start_idx)
+                             if pos + start_idx not in resources}
+            resource_map.set(True, not_available)
+            onu_dict[onu_id][PONResourceManager.POOL] = resource_map.bin
+        resource[AdtranPONResourceManager.ONU_MAP] = onu_dict
+        return json.dumps(resource)