[VOL-1866] Changed module dependency to v12.0.0 of k8s client-go and v1.15.4 of k8s api/apimachinery in sync with other voltha components

Had to use pseudo-version corresponding to v12.0.0 of k8s client-go
because golang proxy is no longer serving the modules not complying
to Semantic Import Versioning rules including client-go v12.0.0.
Refer to https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go/issues/631 and

Change-Id: I2e558bab7f0702f230761319eb5392a7d0532ea3
diff --git a/vendor/k8s.io/api/extensions/v1beta1/types_swagger_doc_generated.go b/vendor/k8s.io/api/extensions/v1beta1/types_swagger_doc_generated.go
index bce6036..9163226 100644
--- a/vendor/k8s.io/api/extensions/v1beta1/types_swagger_doc_generated.go
+++ b/vendor/k8s.io/api/extensions/v1beta1/types_swagger_doc_generated.go
@@ -27,6 +27,15 @@
 // Those methods can be generated by using hack/update-generated-swagger-docs.sh
+var map_AllowedCSIDriver = map[string]string{
+	"":     "AllowedCSIDriver represents a single inline CSI Driver that is allowed to be used.",
+	"name": "Name is the registered name of the CSI driver",
+func (AllowedCSIDriver) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string {
+	return map_AllowedCSIDriver
 var map_AllowedFlexVolume = map[string]string{
 	"":       "AllowedFlexVolume represents a single Flexvolume that is allowed to be used. Deprecated: use AllowedFlexVolume from policy API Group instead.",
 	"driver": "driver is the name of the Flexvolume driver.",
@@ -48,9 +57,9 @@
 var map_DaemonSet = map[string]string{
 	"":         "DEPRECATED - This group version of DaemonSet is deprecated by apps/v1beta2/DaemonSet. See the release notes for more information. DaemonSet represents the configuration of a daemon set.",
-	"metadata": "Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata",
-	"spec":     "The desired behavior of this daemon set. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
-	"status":   "The current status of this daemon set. This data may be out of date by some window of time. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
+	"metadata": "Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata",
+	"spec":     "The desired behavior of this daemon set. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
+	"status":   "The current status of this daemon set. This data may be out of date by some window of time. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
 func (DaemonSet) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string {
@@ -72,7 +81,7 @@
 var map_DaemonSetList = map[string]string{
 	"":         "DaemonSetList is a collection of daemon sets.",
-	"metadata": "Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata",
+	"metadata": "Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata",
 	"items":    "A list of daemon sets.",
@@ -270,10 +279,10 @@
 var map_Ingress = map[string]string{
-	"":         "Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the endpoints defined by a backend. An Ingress can be configured to give services externally-reachable urls, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer name based virtual hosting etc.",
-	"metadata": "Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata",
-	"spec":     "Spec is the desired state of the Ingress. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
-	"status":   "Status is the current state of the Ingress. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
+	"":         "Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the endpoints defined by a backend. An Ingress can be configured to give services externally-reachable urls, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer name based virtual hosting etc. DEPRECATED - This group version of Ingress is deprecated by networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 Ingress. See the release notes for more information.",
+	"metadata": "Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata",
+	"spec":     "Spec is the desired state of the Ingress. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
+	"status":   "Status is the current state of the Ingress. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
 func (Ingress) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string {
@@ -292,7 +301,7 @@
 var map_IngressList = map[string]string{
 	"":         "IngressList is a collection of Ingress.",
-	"metadata": "Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata",
+	"metadata": "Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata",
 	"items":    "Items is the list of Ingress.",
@@ -349,7 +358,7 @@
 var map_NetworkPolicy = map[string]string{
 	"":         "DEPRECATED 1.9 - This group version of NetworkPolicy is deprecated by networking/v1/NetworkPolicy. NetworkPolicy describes what network traffic is allowed for a set of Pods",
-	"metadata": "Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata",
+	"metadata": "Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata",
 	"spec":     "Specification of the desired behavior for this NetworkPolicy.",
@@ -379,7 +388,7 @@
 var map_NetworkPolicyList = map[string]string{
 	"":         "DEPRECATED 1.9 - This group version of NetworkPolicyList is deprecated by networking/v1/NetworkPolicyList. Network Policy List is a list of NetworkPolicy objects.",
-	"metadata": "Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata",
+	"metadata": "Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata",
 	"items":    "Items is a list of schema objects.",
@@ -413,7 +422,7 @@
 	"podSelector": "Selects the pods to which this NetworkPolicy object applies.  The array of ingress rules is applied to any pods selected by this field. Multiple network policies can select the same set of pods.  In this case, the ingress rules for each are combined additively. This field is NOT optional and follows standard label selector semantics. An empty podSelector matches all pods in this namespace.",
 	"ingress":     "List of ingress rules to be applied to the selected pods. Traffic is allowed to a pod if there are no NetworkPolicies selecting the pod OR if the traffic source is the pod's local node, OR if the traffic matches at least one ingress rule across all of the NetworkPolicy objects whose podSelector matches the pod. If this field is empty then this NetworkPolicy does not allow any traffic (and serves solely to ensure that the pods it selects are isolated by default).",
 	"egress":      "List of egress rules to be applied to the selected pods. Outgoing traffic is allowed if there are no NetworkPolicies selecting the pod (and cluster policy otherwise allows the traffic), OR if the traffic matches at least one egress rule across all of the NetworkPolicy objects whose podSelector matches the pod. If this field is empty then this NetworkPolicy limits all outgoing traffic (and serves solely to ensure that the pods it selects are isolated by default). This field is beta-level in 1.8",
-	"policyTypes": "List of rule types that the NetworkPolicy relates to. Valid options are Ingress, Egress, or Ingress,Egress. If this field is not specified, it will default based on the existence of Ingress or Egress rules; policies that contain an Egress section are assumed to affect Egress, and all policies (whether or not they contain an Ingress section) are assumed to affect Ingress. If you want to write an egress-only policy, you must explicitly specify policyTypes [ \"Egress\" ]. Likewise, if you want to write a policy that specifies that no egress is allowed, you must specify a policyTypes value that include \"Egress\" (since such a policy would not include an Egress section and would otherwise default to just [ \"Ingress\" ]). This field is beta-level in 1.8",
+	"policyTypes": "List of rule types that the NetworkPolicy relates to. Valid options are \"Ingress\", \"Egress\", or \"Ingress,Egress\". If this field is not specified, it will default based on the existence of Ingress or Egress rules; policies that contain an Egress section are assumed to affect Egress, and all policies (whether or not they contain an Ingress section) are assumed to affect Ingress. If you want to write an egress-only policy, you must explicitly specify policyTypes [ \"Egress\" ]. Likewise, if you want to write a policy that specifies that no egress is allowed, you must specify a policyTypes value that include \"Egress\" (since such a policy would not include an Egress section and would otherwise default to just [ \"Ingress\" ]). This field is beta-level in 1.8",
 func (NetworkPolicySpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string {
@@ -422,7 +431,7 @@
 var map_PodSecurityPolicy = map[string]string{
 	"":         "PodSecurityPolicy governs the ability to make requests that affect the Security Context that will be applied to a pod and container. Deprecated: use PodSecurityPolicy from policy API Group instead.",
-	"metadata": "Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata",
+	"metadata": "Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata",
 	"spec":     "spec defines the policy enforced.",
@@ -432,7 +441,7 @@
 var map_PodSecurityPolicyList = map[string]string{
 	"":         "PodSecurityPolicyList is a list of PodSecurityPolicy objects. Deprecated: use PodSecurityPolicyList from policy API Group instead.",
-	"metadata": "Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata",
+	"metadata": "Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata",
 	"items":    "items is a list of schema objects.",
@@ -461,9 +470,11 @@
 	"allowPrivilegeEscalation":        "allowPrivilegeEscalation determines if a pod can request to allow privilege escalation. If unspecified, defaults to true.",
 	"allowedHostPaths":                "allowedHostPaths is a white list of allowed host paths. Empty indicates that all host paths may be used.",
 	"allowedFlexVolumes":              "allowedFlexVolumes is a whitelist of allowed Flexvolumes.  Empty or nil indicates that all Flexvolumes may be used.  This parameter is effective only when the usage of the Flexvolumes is allowed in the \"volumes\" field.",
+	"allowedCSIDrivers":               "AllowedCSIDrivers is a whitelist of inline CSI drivers that must be explicitly set to be embedded within a pod spec. An empty value indicates that any CSI driver can be used for inline ephemeral volumes. This is an alpha field, and is only honored if the API server enables the CSIInlineVolume feature gate.",
 	"allowedUnsafeSysctls":            "allowedUnsafeSysctls is a list of explicitly allowed unsafe sysctls, defaults to none. Each entry is either a plain sysctl name or ends in \"*\" in which case it is considered as a prefix of allowed sysctls. Single * means all unsafe sysctls are allowed. Kubelet has to whitelist all allowed unsafe sysctls explicitly to avoid rejection.\n\nExamples: e.g. \"foo/*\" allows \"foo/bar\", \"foo/baz\", etc. e.g. \"foo.*\" allows \"foo.bar\", \"foo.baz\", etc.",
 	"forbiddenSysctls":                "forbiddenSysctls is a list of explicitly forbidden sysctls, defaults to none. Each entry is either a plain sysctl name or ends in \"*\" in which case it is considered as a prefix of forbidden sysctls. Single * means all sysctls are forbidden.\n\nExamples: e.g. \"foo/*\" forbids \"foo/bar\", \"foo/baz\", etc. e.g. \"foo.*\" forbids \"foo.bar\", \"foo.baz\", etc.",
 	"allowedProcMountTypes":           "AllowedProcMountTypes is a whitelist of allowed ProcMountTypes. Empty or nil indicates that only the DefaultProcMountType may be used. This requires the ProcMountType feature flag to be enabled.",
+	"runtimeClass":                    "runtimeClass is the strategy that will dictate the allowable RuntimeClasses for a pod. If this field is omitted, the pod's runtimeClassName field is unrestricted. Enforcement of this field depends on the RuntimeClass feature gate being enabled.",
 func (PodSecurityPolicySpec) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string {
@@ -472,9 +483,9 @@
 var map_ReplicaSet = map[string]string{
 	"":         "DEPRECATED - This group version of ReplicaSet is deprecated by apps/v1beta2/ReplicaSet. See the release notes for more information. ReplicaSet ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time.",
-	"metadata": "If the Labels of a ReplicaSet are empty, they are defaulted to be the same as the Pod(s) that the ReplicaSet manages. Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata",
-	"spec":     "Spec defines the specification of the desired behavior of the ReplicaSet. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
-	"status":   "Status is the most recently observed status of the ReplicaSet. This data may be out of date by some window of time. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
+	"metadata": "If the Labels of a ReplicaSet are empty, they are defaulted to be the same as the Pod(s) that the ReplicaSet manages. Standard object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata",
+	"spec":     "Spec defines the specification of the desired behavior of the ReplicaSet. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
+	"status":   "Status is the most recently observed status of the ReplicaSet. This data may be out of date by some window of time. Populated by the system. Read-only. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status",
 func (ReplicaSet) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string {
@@ -496,7 +507,7 @@
 var map_ReplicaSetList = map[string]string{
 	"":         "ReplicaSetList is a collection of ReplicaSets.",
-	"metadata": "Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#types-kinds",
+	"metadata": "Standard list metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds",
 	"items":    "List of ReplicaSets. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/replicationcontroller",
@@ -559,7 +570,7 @@
 var map_RollingUpdateDeployment = map[string]string{
 	"":               "Spec to control the desired behavior of rolling update.",
 	"maxUnavailable": "The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during the update. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of desired pods (ex: 10%). Absolute number is calculated from percentage by rounding down. This can not be 0 if MaxSurge is 0. By default, a fixed value of 1 is used. Example: when this is set to 30%, the old RC can be scaled down to 70% of desired pods immediately when the rolling update starts. Once new pods are ready, old RC can be scaled down further, followed by scaling up the new RC, ensuring that the total number of pods available at all times during the update is at least 70% of desired pods.",
-	"maxSurge":       "The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of desired pods (ex: 10%). This can not be 0 if MaxUnavailable is 0. Absolute number is calculated from percentage by rounding up. By default, a value of 1 is used. Example: when this is set to 30%, the new RC can be scaled up immediately when the rolling update starts, such that the total number of old and new pods do not exceed 130% of desired pods. Once old pods have been killed, new RC can be scaled up further, ensuring that total number of pods running at any time during the update is atmost 130% of desired pods.",
+	"maxSurge":       "The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods. Value can be an absolute number (ex: 5) or a percentage of desired pods (ex: 10%). This can not be 0 if MaxUnavailable is 0. Absolute number is calculated from percentage by rounding up. By default, a value of 1 is used. Example: when this is set to 30%, the new RC can be scaled up immediately when the rolling update starts, such that the total number of old and new pods do not exceed 130% of desired pods. Once old pods have been killed, new RC can be scaled up further, ensuring that total number of pods running at any time during the update is at most 130% of desired pods.",
 func (RollingUpdateDeployment) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string {
@@ -586,6 +597,16 @@
 	return map_RunAsUserStrategyOptions
+var map_RuntimeClassStrategyOptions = map[string]string{
+	"":                         "RuntimeClassStrategyOptions define the strategy that will dictate the allowable RuntimeClasses for a pod.",
+	"allowedRuntimeClassNames": "allowedRuntimeClassNames is a whitelist of RuntimeClass names that may be specified on a pod. A value of \"*\" means that any RuntimeClass name is allowed, and must be the only item in the list. An empty list requires the RuntimeClassName field to be unset.",
+	"defaultRuntimeClassName":  "defaultRuntimeClassName is the default RuntimeClassName to set on the pod. The default MUST be allowed by the allowedRuntimeClassNames list. A value of nil does not mutate the Pod.",
+func (RuntimeClassStrategyOptions) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string {
+	return map_RuntimeClassStrategyOptions
 var map_SELinuxStrategyOptions = map[string]string{
 	"":               "SELinuxStrategyOptions defines the strategy type and any options used to create the strategy. Deprecated: use SELinuxStrategyOptions from policy API Group instead.",
 	"rule":           "rule is the strategy that will dictate the allowable labels that may be set.",
@@ -598,9 +619,9 @@
 var map_Scale = map[string]string{
 	"":         "represents a scaling request for a resource.",
-	"metadata": "Standard object metadata; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#metadata.",
-	"spec":     "defines the behavior of the scale. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status.",
-	"status":   "current status of the scale. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status. Read-only.",
+	"metadata": "Standard object metadata; More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata.",
+	"spec":     "defines the behavior of the scale. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status.",
+	"status":   "current status of the scale. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#spec-and-status. Read-only.",
 func (Scale) SwaggerDoc() map[string]string {