tree: 27df21bbae215dd38337c55e48cc40515eca5ab6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .gitignore
  2. .gitreview
  3. Dockerfile
  4. Makefile
  7. bbsim.go
  8. common/
  9. config/
  10. core/
  11. device/
  12. openolt.proto
  13. protos/

1. Overview & Features

The BBSim (Broadband Simulator) is for emulating the control message response (e.g. OLTInd, DHCP, EAPOL, OpenOMCI messages etc..) sent from OLT and ONUs which are connected to VOLTHA Adapter (OpenOLT Adapter). It is implemetend as a software process which runs outside VOLTHA, and acts as if it was a OLT connected to multiple ONUs. This enables the scalability test of VOLTHA / ONOS without actual hardware OLT / ONUs. The BBSim container contains wpa_supplicants and dhcp clients inside, so that you can try to test AAA/DHCPL2Relay Apps on ONOS using BBSim. The difference from the existing PONsim is to focus on emulating control messages, not data-path traffic which PONsim targets.

OpenOLT Adapter
 |  gRPC connections
BBSim containers
(Each BBSim container corresponds to a single olt)

2. Build, Run BBSim and VOLTHA-CLI commands

※ You need to configure SADIS before you start to run BBSim, if you want to test AAA/DHCP (Refer to section 3).

# Build and Run Docker container
git clone
cd voltha-bbsim
make docker
docker run -it --rm --privileged=true --expose=50060 --network=compose_default voltha/voltha-bbsim ./bbsim -n 16

# After this, execute the following commands from VOLTHA-CLI
(voltha) health
    "state": "HEALTHY"
(voltha) preprovision_olt -t openolt -H <BBSim Docker container IP>
success (device id = <deviceid>)
(voltha) enable
enabling <deviceid>
waiting for device to be enabled...
success (device id = <deviceid>)
(voltha) devices
## You can see the list of devices (OLT/ONUs) ##

3. Configuration of ONOS App side

You need to configure a few parameters for AAA/DHCPL2Relay app before running BBSim. You only need to set 1. device id assigned to BBSim (i.e. of:*********), 2. IP Address of BBSim container and 3. c/sTag with BBSim ONU instance device id, in .netconf file. (Please refer to about netconf support in ONOS)

    "org.opencord.dhcpl2relay" : {
           "dhcpl2relay" : {
               "dhcpServerConnectPoints" : [ "<device id assigned to BBSim>/65536" ],
               "useOltUplinkForServerPktInOut" : true

    "org.opencord.sadis" : {
        "sadis" : {
                "id" : "<IP Address of BBSim Container>:50060",
                "hardwareIdentifier" : "de:ad:be:ef:ba:11",
                "uplinkPort" : 65536
        //BBSim generates both device id and c/stag assigned to each ONU while incrementing them by 1 from BBSM00000100, 900.
        //The following lines are an example when we use for configuring 2 ONUs.
       {"id" : "BBSM00000100", "cTag" : 900, "sTag" : 900, "nasPortId" : "BBSM00000100"},
       {"id" : "BBSM00000101", "cTag" : 901, "sTag" : 901, "nasPortId" : "BBSM00000101"},


4. CLI options

Usage of ./bbsim:
  -H string
    	IP address:port (default ":50060")
  -aw int
    	Wait time (sec) for activation WPA supplicants (default 10)
  -d string
    	Debug Level(TRACE DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR) (default "DEBUG")
  -dw int
    	Wait time (sec) for activation DHCP clients (default 20)
  -i int
    	Number of PON-IF ports (default 1)
  -id int
  -k string
    	Kafka broker
  -m string
    	Emulation mode (default, aaa, both (aaa & dhcp)) (default "default")
  -n int
    	Number of ONUs per PON-IF port (default 1)
  -s string
    	DHCP Server IP Address (default "")
  -v int
    	Interval each Indication (ms) (default 1000)