[VOL-2875] Documentation update

- Updated the main landing page and overview documentation
- Added the lab setup (copied from CORD docs)
- Use forked sphinx-multiversion to publish docs, which allows versions
  to be listed at bottom of sidebar
- Updated logo and favicon, fixed CSS to make logo legible
- Use VERSION file to set the version in the sidebar
- Add more words to dictionary
- removed reload functionality that is nonworking in Sphinx 2.x
- Fixed lint/linkcheck issues

Change-Id: I032e67d76393778fc697944a6d5df9c8cdacbbc4
diff --git a/overview/ubuntu_dev_env.rst b/overview/ubuntu_dev_env.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36b9901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/overview/ubuntu_dev_env.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+Setting up an Ubuntu Development Environment
+These notes describe the checking out and building from the multiple
+gerrit repositories needed to run a VOLTHA 2.x environment with
+docker-compose. Starting point is a basic Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04
+installation with internet access.
+These notes are intended for iterative development only. The testing
+environments and production environments will run a Kubernetes and Helm
+based deployment.
+Install prerequisites
+Patch and updated
+.. code:: sh
+   sudo apt update
+   sudo apt dist-upgrade
+Add ``docker-ce`` apt repo and install docker and build tools
+.. code:: sh
+   curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
+   sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
+   sudo apt update
+   sudo apt install build-essential docker-ce git
+Install current ``docker-compose``. Older versions may cause docker
+build problems:
+.. code:: sh
+   sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.25.0/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
+   sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
+Install the Golang ppa apt repository and install **golang 1.13**.
+.. code:: sh
+   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
+   sudo apt update
+   sudo apt install golang-1.13
+Setup environment
+Setup a local Golang and docker-compose environment, verifying the
+golang-1.13 binaries are in your path. Also add your local ``GOPATH``
+bin folder to ``PATH`` Add export statements to your ``~/.profile`` to
+.. code:: sh
+   mkdir $HOME/source
+   mkdir $HOME/go
+   export GO111MODULE=on
+   export GOPATH=$HOME/go
+   export DOCKER_TAG=latest
+   export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/go-1.13/bin:$GOPATH/bin
+   go version
+Allow your current non-root user ``$USER`` docker system access
+.. code:: sh
+   sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
+Logout/Login to assume new group membership needed for running docker as
+non-root user and verify any environment variables set in
+Checkout source and build images
+VOLTHA 2.x Core Containers
+Checkout needed source from gerrit. Build the ``voltha-rw-core`` docker
+.. code:: sh
+   cd ~/source/
+   git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/voltha-go.git
+   cd ~/source/voltha-go
+   make build
+For more details regarding building and debugging the 2.x core outside
+of Docker refer to voltha-go BUILD.md.
+VOLTHA 2.x OpenOLT Container
+Checkout needed source from gerrit. Build the ``voltha-openolt-adapter``
+docker image.
+.. code:: sh
+   cd ~/source/
+   git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/voltha-openolt-adapter.git
+   cd ~/source/voltha-openolt-adapter/
+   make build
+VOLTHA 2.x OpenONU Container
+Checkout needed source from gerrit. Build the ``voltha-openonu-adapter``
+docker image.
+.. code:: sh
+   cd ~/source/
+   git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/voltha-openonu-adapter.git
+   cd ~/source/voltha-openonu-adapter/
+   make build
+VOLTHA 2.x OFAgent
+Checkout needed source from gerrit. Build the ``voltha-ofagent`` docker
+.. code:: sh
+   cd ~/source/
+   git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/ofagent-go.git
+   cd ~/source/ofagent-go/
+   make docker-build
+ONOS Container with VOLTHA Compatible Apps
+By default the standard ONOS docker image does not contain nor start any
+apps needed by VOLTHA. If you use the standard image then you need to
+use the ONOS restful API to load needed apps separately.
+For development convenience there is an ONOS docker image build that
+adds in the current compatible VOLTHA apps. Checkout and build the ONOS
+image with added ONOS apps (olt, aaa, sadis, dhcpl2relay, and kafka).
+.. code:: sh
+   cd ~/source/
+   git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/voltha-onos.git
+   cd ~/source/voltha-onos
+   make build
+Install voltctl VOLTHA Command Line Management Tool
+A working Golang build environment is required as ``voltctl`` is build
+and run directly from the host. Build the ``voltctl`` executable and
+install in ~/go/bin which should already be in your $PATH
+.. code:: sh
+   cd ~/source/
+   git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/voltctl.git
+   cd ~/source/voltctl
+   make build
+   make install
+Configure the ``voltctl`` environment configuration files
+``~/.volt/config`` and ``~/.volt/command_options`` to point at the local
+``voltha-rw-core`` instance that will be running.
+.. code:: sh
+   mkdir ~/.volt/
+   cat << EOF > ~/.volt/config
+   apiVersion: v2
+   server: localhost:50057
+   tls:
+     useTls: false
+     caCert: ""
+     cert: ""
+     key: ""
+     verify: ""
+   grpc:
+     timeout: 10s
+   EOF
+   cat << EOF > ~/.volt/command_options
+   device-list:
+     format: table{{.Id}}\t{{.Type}}\t{{.Root}}\t{{.ParentId}}\t{{.SerialNumber}}\t{{.Address}}\t{{.AdminState}}\t{{.OperStatus}}\t{{.ConnectStatus}}\t{{.Reason}}
+     order: -Root,SerialNumber
+   device-ports:
+     order: PortNo
+   device-flows:
+     order: Priority,EthType
+   logical-device-list:
+     order: RootDeviceId,DataPathId
+   logical-device-ports:
+     order: Id
+   logical-device-flows:
+     order: Priority,EthType
+   adapter-list:
+     order: Id
+   component-list:
+     order: Component,Name,Id
+   loglevel-get:
+     order: ComponentName,PackageName,Level
+   loglevel-list:
+     order: ComponentName,PackageName,Level
+   EOF
+Install VOLTHA bbsim olt/onu Simulator (Optional)
+If you do not have physical OLT/ONU hardware you can build a simulator.
+.. code:: sh
+   cd ~/source/
+   git clone https://gerrit.opencord.org/bbsim.git
+   cd ~/source/bbsim
+   make docker-build
+Run the combined docker-compose yaml configuration file that starts the
+core, its dependent systems (etcd, zookeeper, and kafka) and the openonu
+and openolt adapters. Export the ``DOCKER_HOST_IP`` environment variable
+to your non-localhost IP address needed for inter-container
+communication. This can be the IP assigned to ``eth0`` or the
+``docker0`` bridge (typically
+For convenience you can also export ``DOCKER_TAG`` to signify the docker
+images tag you would like to use. Though for typical development you may
+have to edit ``compose/system-test.yml`` to override the specific docker
+image ``DOCKER_TAG`` needed. The ``DOCKER_REGISTRY`` and
+``DOCKER_REPOSITORY`` variables are not needed unless you wish to
+override the docker image path. See the ``system-test.yml`` file for
+details on the docker image path creation string.
+.. code:: sh
+   export DOCKER_HOST_IP=
+   export DOCKER_TAG=latest
+   cd ~/source/voltha-go
+   docker-compose -f compose/system-test.yml up -d
+   WARNING: The DOCKER_REGISTRY variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
+   WARNING: The DOCKER_REPOSITORY variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
+   Creating network "compose_default" with driver "bridge"
+   Pulling zookeeper (wurstmeister/zookeeper:latest)...
+   latest: Pulling from wurstmeister/zookeeper
+   a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
+   ef38b711a50f: Pull complete
+   e057c74597c7: Pull complete
+   666c214f6385: Pull complete
+   c3d6a96f1ffc: Pull complete
+   3fe26a83e0ca: Pull complete
+   3d3a7dd3a3b1: Pull complete
+   f8cc938abe5f: Pull complete
+   9978b75f7a58: Pull complete
+   4d4dbcc8f8cc: Pull complete
+   8b130a9baa49: Pull complete
+   6b9611650a73: Pull complete
+   5df5aac51927: Pull complete
+   76eea4448d9b: Pull complete
+   8b66990876c6: Pull complete
+   f0dd38204b6f: Pull complete
+   Digest: sha256:7a7fd44a72104bfbd24a77844bad5fabc86485b036f988ea927d1780782a6680
+   Status: Downloaded newer image for wurstmeister/zookeeper:latest
+   Pulling kafka (wurstmeister/kafka:2.11-2.0.1)...
+   2.11-2.0.1: Pulling from wurstmeister/kafka
+   4fe2ade4980c: Pull complete
+   6fc58a8d4ae4: Pull complete
+   819f4a45746c: Pull complete
+   a3133bc2e3e5: Pull complete
+   72f0dc369677: Pull complete
+   1e1130fc942d: Pull complete
+   Digest: sha256:20d08a6849383b124bccbe58bc9c48ec202eefb373d05e0a11e186459b84f2a0
+   Status: Downloaded newer image for wurstmeister/kafka:2.11-2.0.1
+   Pulling etcd (quay.io/coreos/etcd:v3.2.9)...
+   v3.2.9: Pulling from coreos/etcd
+   88286f41530e: Pull complete
+   2fa4a2c3ffb5: Pull complete
+   539b8e6ccce1: Pull complete
+   79e70e608afa: Pull complete
+   f1bf8f503bff: Pull complete
+   c4abfc27d146: Pull complete
+   Digest: sha256:1913dd980d55490fa50640bbef0f4540d124e5c66d6db271b0b4456e9370a272
+   Status: Downloaded newer image for quay.io/coreos/etcd:v3.2.9
+   Creating compose_kafka_1           ... done
+   Creating compose_cli_1             ... done
+   Creating compose_adapter_openolt_1 ... done
+   Creating compose_rw_core_1         ... done
+   Creating compose_adapter_openonu_1 ... done
+   Creating compose_etcd_1            ... done
+   Creating compose_onos_1            ... done
+   Creating compose_ofagent_1         ... done
+   Creating compose_zookeeper_1       ... done
+Verify containers have continuous uptime and no restarts
+.. code:: sh
+   $ docker-compose -f compose/system-test.yml ps
+   WARNING: The DOCKER_REGISTRY variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
+   WARNING: The DOCKER_REPOSITORY variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
+             Name                         Command               State                                             Ports
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   compose_adapter_openolt_1   /app/openolt --kafka_adapt ...   Up>50062/tcp
+   compose_adapter_openonu_1   /voltha/adapters/brcm_open ...   Up
+   compose_etcd_1              etcd --name=etcd0 --advert ...   Up>2379/tcp,>2380/tcp,>4001/tcp
+   compose_kafka_1             start-kafka.sh                   Up>9092/tcp
+   compose_ofagent_1           /app/ofagent --controller= ...   Up
+   compose_onos_1              ./bin/onos-service server        Up      6640/tcp,>6653/tcp,>8101/tcp,>8181/tcp, 9876/tcp
+   compose_rw_core_1           /app/rw_core -kv_store_typ ...   Up>50057/tcp
+   compose_zookeeper_1         /bin/sh -c /usr/sbin/sshd  ...   Up>2181/tcp, 22/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp
+.. code:: sh
+   $ docker ps
+   CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                                        NAMES
+   08a0e7a1ee5c        voltha-openolt-adapter:latest   "/app/openolt --kafk…"   31 seconds ago      Up 27 seconds>50062/tcp                                                                     compose_adapter_openolt_1
+   1f364cf7912d        wurstmeister/zookeeper:latest   "/bin/sh -c '/usr/sb…"   31 seconds ago      Up 27 seconds       22/tcp, 2888/tcp, 3888/tcp,>2181/tcp                                           compose_zookeeper_1
+   ab1822baed41        wurstmeister/kafka:2.11-2.0.1   "start-kafka.sh"         31 seconds ago      Up 24 seconds>9092/tcp                                                                       compose_kafka_1
+   22a4fe4b2eb4        voltha-ofagent-go:latest        "/app/ofagent --cont…"   31 seconds ago      Up 23 seconds                                                                                                    compose_ofagent_1
+   d34e1c976db5        voltha-rw-core:latest           "/app/rw_core -kv_st…"   31 seconds ago      Up 26 seconds>50057/tcp                                                                     compose_rw_core_1
+   f6ef52975dc0        voltha-openonu-adapter:latest   "/voltha/adapters/br…"   31 seconds ago      Up 29 seconds                                                                                                    compose_adapter_openonu_1
+   7ce8bcf7436c        voltha-onos:latest              "./bin/onos-service …"   31 seconds ago      Up 25 seconds>6653/tcp,>8101/tcp, 6640/tcp, 9876/tcp,>8181/tcp   compose_onos_1
+   60ac172726f5        quay.io/coreos/etcd:v3.4.1      "etcd --name=etcd0 -…"   31 seconds ago      Up 28 seconds>2379/tcp,>2380/tcp,>4001/tcp                     compose_etcd_1
+Verify Cluster Communication
+Use ``voltctl`` commands to verify core and adapters are running.
+.. code:: sh
+   voltctl adapter list
+   ID                   VENDOR            VERSION      SINCELASTCOMMUNICATION
+   brcm_openomci_onu    VOLTHA OpenONU    2.3.2-dev    UNKNOWN
+   openolt              VOLTHA OpenOLT    2.3.5-dev    UNKNOWN
+List “devices” to verify no devices exist.
+.. code:: sh
+   voltctl device list
+At this point create/preprovision and enable an olt device and add flows
+via onos and ofagent.
+Physical OLT/ONU Testing with Passing Traffic
+Start a physical OLT and ONU. Tested with Edgecore OLT, Broadcom based
+ONU, and RG capable of EAPoL. Create/Preprovision the OLT and enable.
+The create command returns the device ID needed for enable and
+subsequent commands.
+**Add device to VOLTHA**
+.. code:: sh
+   $ voltctl device create -t openolt -H
+   db87c4b48843bb99567d3d94
+   $ voltctl device enable db87c4b48843bb99567d3d94
+   db87c4b48843bb99567d3d94
+**Verify device state**
+.. code:: sh
+   $ voltctl device list
+   ID                          TYPE                 ROOT     PARENTID                    SERIALNUMBER    ADDRESS             ADMINSTATE    OPERSTATUS    CONNECTSTATUS    REASON
+   db87c4b48843bb99567d3d94    openolt              true     a82bb53678ae                EC1721000221    ENABLED       ACTIVE        REACHABLE
+   082d7c2e628325ccc3336275    brcm_openomci_onu    false    db87c4b48843bb99567d3d94    ALPHe3d1cf57    unknown             ENABLED       ACTIVE        REACHABLE        omci-flows-pushed
+.. code:: sh
+   $ voltctl device port list db87c4b48843bb99567d3d94
+   1048576      nni-1048576      ETHERNET_NNI    ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870912    pon-536870912    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    [{082d7c2e628325ccc3336275 536870912}]
+   536870913    pon-536870913    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870914    pon-536870914    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870915    pon-536870915    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870916    pon-536870916    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870917    pon-536870917    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870918    pon-536870918    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870919    pon-536870919    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870920    pon-536870920    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870921    pon-536870921    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870922    pon-536870922    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870923    pon-536870923    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870924    pon-536870924    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870925    pon-536870925    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870926    pon-536870926    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   536870927    pon-536870927    PON_OLT         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+.. code:: sh
+   $ voltctl device port list 082d7c2e628325ccc3336275
+   16           uni-16      ETHERNET_UNI    ENABLED       ACTIVE                    []
+   17           uni-17      ETHERNET_UNI    ENABLED       DISCOVERED                []
+   18           uni-18      ETHERNET_UNI    ENABLED       DISCOVERED                []
+   19           uni-19      ETHERNET_UNI    ENABLED       DISCOVERED                []
+   20           uni-20      ETHERNET_UNI    ENABLED       DISCOVERED                []
+   536870912    PON port    PON_ONU         ENABLED       ACTIVE                    [{db87c4b48843bb99567d3d94 536870912}]
+Verify ONOS device state and eventual EAPoL authentication. ONOS default
+Username is ``karaf``, Password is ``karaf``
+.. code:: sh
+   ssh -p 8101 karaf@localhost
+Display the device and ports discovered
+.. code:: sh
+   karaf@root > ports
+   id=of:0000a82bb53678ae, available=true, local-status=connected 4m27s ago, role=MASTER, type=SWITCH, mfr=VOLTHA Project, hw=open_pon, sw=open_pon, serial=EC1721000221, chassis=a82bb53678ae, driver=voltha, channelId=, managementAddress=, protocol=OF_13
+     port=16, state=enabled, type=fiber, speed=0 , adminState=enabled, portMac=08:00:00:00:00:10, portName=ALPHe3d1cf57-1
+     port=17, state=disabled, type=fiber, speed=0 , adminState=enabled, portMac=08:00:00:00:00:11, portName=ALPHe3d1cf57-2
+     port=18, state=disabled, type=fiber, speed=0 , adminState=enabled, portMac=08:00:00:00:00:12, portName=ALPHe3d1cf57-3
+     port=19, state=disabled, type=fiber, speed=0 , adminState=enabled, portMac=08:00:00:00:00:13, portName=ALPHe3d1cf57-4
+     port=20, state=disabled, type=fiber, speed=0 , adminState=enabled, portMac=08:00:00:00:00:14, portName=ALPHe3d1cf57-5
+     port=1048576, state=enabled, type=fiber, speed=0 , adminState=enabled, portMac=a8:2b:b5:36:78:ae, portName=nni-1048576
+EAPoL may take up to 30 seconds to complete.
+.. code:: sh
+   karaf@root > aaa-users
+   of:0000a82bb53678ae/16: AUTHORIZED_STATE, last-changed=4m22s ago, mac=94:CC:B9:DA:AB:D1, subid=PON 1/1/3/1:2.1.1, username=94:CC:B9:DA:AB:D1
+**Provision subscriber flows**
+.. code:: sh
+   karaf@root > volt-add-subscriber-access of:0000a82bb53678ae 16
+   karaf@root > volt-programmed-subscribers
+   location=of:0000a82bb53678ae/16 tagInformation=UniTagInformation{uniTagMatch=0, ponCTag=20, ponSTag=11, usPonCTagPriority=-1, usPonSTagPriority=-1, dsPonCTagPriority=-1, dsPonSTagPriority=-1, technologyProfileId=64, enableMacLearning=false, upstreamBandwidthProfile='Default', downstreamBandwidthProfile='Default', serviceName='', configuredMacAddress='A4:23:05:00:00:00', isDhcpRequired=true, isIgmpRequired=false}
+After about 30 seconds the RG should attempt DHCP which should be
+visible in onos. At this point the RG should be able to pass database
+traffic via the ONU/OLT.
+.. code:: sh
+   karaf@root > dhcpl2relay-allocations
+   SubscriberId=ALPHe3d1cf57-1,ConnectPoint=of:0000a82bb53678ae/16,State=DHCPREQUEST,MAC=94:CC:B9:DA:AB:D1,CircuitId=PON 1/1/3/1:2.1.1,IP Allocated=,Allocation Timestamp=2020-02-17T15:34:31.572746Z
+BBSIM Simulated OLT/ONU Testing Control Plane Traffic
+If you do not have physical OLT/ONU hardware you can start VOLTHA
+containers and the bbsim olt/onu hardware simulator using a different
+docker-compose yaml file. Verify containers are running as above with
+the addition of the bbsim and radius server containers.
+.. code:: sh
+   export DOCKER_HOST_IP=
+   export DOCKER_TAG=latest
+   cd ~/source/voltha-go
+   docker-compose -f compose/system-test-bbsim.yml up -d
+Create/Preprovision and enable similarly to the physical OLT above,
+providing the local bbsim IP and listening port
+.. code:: sh
+   voltctl device create -t openolt -H
+   ece94c86e93c6e06dd0a544b
+   voltctl device enable ece94c86e93c6e06dd0a544b
+   ece94c86e93c6e06dd0a544b
+Proceed with the verification and ONOS provisioning commands similar to
+the physical OLT described above.