VOL-4836 - Cosmetic edits to force a jenkins job.


   o Update document text to force trivial deltas.
   o For readability: reformat runon command output to fit 80cpl.

   o Copy in gendocs howto text from repo:infra-docs.

   o Update document text to force trivial deltas.
   o Change variable delimiter syntax $()-makefile into ${}-shell since context is the command line.
   o cat | grep command can be replaced by a single grep command to avoid the extra process.

   o Minor reformatting for readability.
   o Include URLs for both voltha-system-test repository access: gerrit & github.
   o Added a "See Also" section to hilight cord-* resources.

Change-Id: Ibf0881a6172abcb866f54dce57ce67a4c29b1bb1
diff --git a/howto/edit_voltha_docs.rst b/howto/edit_voltha_docs.rst
index 17beb08..fcbf98e 100644
--- a/howto/edit_voltha_docs.rst
+++ b/howto/edit_voltha_docs.rst
@@ -14,6 +14,39 @@
 - :vol-ger:`voltha-docs`
 - :vol-git:`voltha-docs`
+Documentation Guide
+Building the Docs
+Building requires python, creates a virtualenv (``doc_venv``) which has all the
+necessary tools.
+Run ``make html`` to generate html documentation in ``_build/html``.
+Run ``make reload`` to get a live reload in your browser (refreshes on document
+Run ``make latexpdf`` to generate html documentation in ``_build/latex``.
+Requires that you have a recent LaTeX installation and ``latexmk`` installed
+Writing Docs
+Docs written using sphinx: http://www.sphinx-doc.org
+Documentation is done in reStructuredText or Markdown, but only ``.rst`` files
+can contain embedded diagrams.
+Guides for RST:
+- https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html
+- http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/index.html
+RST has multiple heading formats possible, the ones we're using are in the
+order for the HTML h1-h5: ``=``, ``-`` ``"``, ``'``, ``^``.
 Checkout, modify and test