VOL-4890 - Create a v2.11 release notes page.
Create a stub v2.11 release notes page to accumulate content.
Correct spelling in a few files.
Bump version string.
Change-Id: Ie303d239ccfdb6c8085656fafea59189ed32f508
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index b791a2f..bb4dd7b 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/conf.py b/conf.py
index fbde864..fc4b455 100644
--- a/conf.py
+++ b/conf.py
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@
+ r'../release_notes/voltha_2.11.html',
# -- Configure recommonmark to use AutoStructify -----------------------------
diff --git a/overview/release_process.rst b/overview/release_process.rst
index 98807f7..5bc12b1 100644
--- a/overview/release_process.rst
+++ b/overview/release_process.rst
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
* Click on "Staging repositories" (in the left side navigation)
* In the top right search for last part of the app name (eg: olt)
* Click release (top left bar, small button)
-5. Wait until artefacts are published https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:org.opencord
+5. Wait until the artifacts are published https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:org.opencord
6. Go in other apps, update the dependency of released from x.y.z-SNAPSHOT to x.y.z
7. Start over with new app
diff --git a/overview/releases.rst b/overview/releases.rst
index 8970f83..1e070ed 100644
--- a/overview/releases.rst
+++ b/overview/releases.rst
@@ -121,5 +121,9 @@
- December 30, 2022
+ * - `VOLTHA 2.11 <../release_notes/voltha_2.11.html>`_
+ - June 30, 2022
+ - December 30, 2022
+ -
+ -
diff --git a/release_notes/images/voltha.svg b/release_notes/images/voltha.svg
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/release_notes/images/voltha.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
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+ d="m 2306.15,107.27 h 79.54 V 86.6289 H 2329.2 V 65.2305 h 49.72 V 44.6016 H 2329.2 V 22.4609 h 57.26 V 1.80859 h -80.31 V 107.27" /><path
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+ d="m 2518.79,45.9492 -14.01,34.1992 -14.01,-34.1992 z m -24.4,62.0818 h 21.39 l 45.2,-106.22241 h -24.26 l -9.64,23.66021 h -44.59 l -9.65,-23.66021 h -23.65 l 45.2,106.22241" /><path
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+ d="m 2629.62,45.3594 h -26.83 v -23.211 h 27.57 c 10.25,0 16.43,3.6133 16.43,11.4414 v 0.3086 c 0,7.0899 -5.27,11.461 -17.17,11.461 z m 11.29,30.7304 c 0,6.9297 -5.42,10.8516 -15.21,10.8516 h -22.91 V 64.6406 h 21.4 c 10.24,0 16.72,3.3086 16.72,11.1407 z M 2580.2,107.27 h 48.96 c 12.06,0 21.55,-3.309 27.57,-9.3286 4.82,-4.832 7.24,-10.7109 7.24,-17.9297 v -0.3203 c 0,-11.9023 -6.33,-18.5117 -13.87,-22.7422 12.22,-4.6679 19.74,-11.75 19.74,-25.9179 v -0.293 c 0,-19.2891 -15.67,-28.92971 -39.48,-28.92971 H 2580.2 V 107.27" /><path
+ id="path54"
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+ d="m 2684.69,17.1797 13.71,16.4101 c 9.49,-7.8281 19.44,-12.789 31.49,-12.789 9.5,0 15.23,3.7578 15.23,9.9375 v 0.293 c 0,5.8906 -3.62,8.8984 -21.25,13.4179 -21.25,5.4219 -34.95,11.3008 -34.95,32.2422 v 0.2891 c 0,19.1484 15.37,31.8085 36.91,31.8085 15.35,0 28.48,-4.828 39.17,-13.4101 l -12.05,-17.4883 c -9.35,6.4883 -18.53,10.4102 -27.43,10.4102 -8.89,0 -13.56,-4.082 -13.56,-9.1914 v -0.3086 c 0,-6.9414 4.53,-9.1914 22.75,-13.8594 21.39,-5.5703 33.45,-13.2617 33.45,-31.6406 V 33 c 0,-20.9297 -15.98,-32.699219 -38.73,-32.699219 -15.95,0 -32.09,5.589849 -44.74,16.878919" /><path
+ id="path56"
+ style="fill:#5bc9f4;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ d="m 2815.88,85.8789 h -32.1 V 107.27 h 87.39 V 85.8789 h -32.1 V 1.80859 h -23.19 V 85.8789" /><path
+ id="path58"
+ style="fill:#5bc9f4;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ d="m 2938.6,56.0391 c 11.31,0 17.79,6.0312 17.79,14.9218 v 0.3204 c 0,9.9296 -6.93,15.039 -18.24,15.039 H 2915.1 V 56.0391 Z m -46.7,51.2309 h 48.21 c 13.41,0 23.81,-3.77 30.74,-10.6919 5.87,-5.8789 9.03,-14.1679 9.03,-24.0976 v -0.3203 c 0,-17.0196 -9.19,-27.711 -22.59,-32.6797 l 25.76,-37.67191 h -27.12 l -22.6,33.75001 H 2915.1 V 1.80859 h -23.2 V 107.27" /><path
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+ id="path126"
+ style="fill:#63b6e4;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:nonzero;stroke:none"
+ d="m 3384.57,229.41 c -8.3,-9.969 -18.56,-14.961 -30.74,-14.961 -11.08,0 -20.49,3.883 -28.24,11.629 -7.77,7.754 -11.63,17.16 -11.63,28.25 0,9.973 2.76,18 8.3,24.094 l 201.88,271.668 c 9.41,12.738 21.87,23.121 37.38,31.16 15.5,8.012 32.12,12.051 49.84,12.051 16.62,0 32.41,-3.621 47.37,-10.801 14.95,-7.211 27.13,-17.18 36.55,-29.918 l 201.88,-270 c 3.32,-3.883 6.09,-8.184 8.31,-12.883 2.21,-4.711 3.33,-9.84 3.33,-15.371 0,-11.09 -3.89,-20.496 -11.64,-28.25 -7.77,-7.746 -17.17,-11.629 -28.24,-11.629 -13.3,0 -23.83,5.262 -31.57,15.789 l -193.58,258.371 c -3.87,4.422 -8.72,9.282 -14.54,14.551 -5.82,5.25 -11.76,7.891 -17.87,7.891 -6.09,0 -12.03,-2.641 -17.85,-7.891 -5.81,-5.269 -10.39,-10.129 -13.71,-14.551 L 3384.57,229.41" /><g
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/release_notes/voltha_2.11.rst b/release_notes/voltha_2.11.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac932b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release_notes/voltha_2.11.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+.. figure:: images/voltha.svg
+ :alt: voltha- Release Notes
+ :width: 40%
+ :align: center
+VOLTHA 2.11 Release Notes
+Features & Improvements
+Bug Fixes
+Design Discussions
+As usual documentation is published on https://docs.voltha.org
+Known Issues
+Certification Program
+Jira stories
+A full list of stories and bugs completed can be found under the
+`VOLTHA 2.11 <https://jira.opencord.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10106&version=12300>`_ release page in Jira.
+Component Versions in VOLTHA 2.10 release
+ONOS and Atomix:
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "Component", "Version"
+ :widths: 30, 10
+ "`ONOS 2.5 LTS <https://github.com/opennetworkinglab/onos/releases/tag/2.5.8>`_", "``2.5.8``"
+ "`ATOMIX <https://github.com/atomix/atomix/releases/tag/atomix-3.1.9>`_", "``3.1.9``"
+ONOS Apps:
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "Component", "Version"
+ :widths: 30, 10
+ "`aaa <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=aaa.git;a=summary>`_", "``2.6.0``"
+ "`dhcpl2relay <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=dhcpl2relay.git;a=summary>`_", "``2.6.0``"
+ "`igmpproxy <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=igmpproxy.git;a=summary>`_", "``2.5.0``"
+ "`kafka <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=kafka-onos.git;a=summary>`_", "``2.9.0``"
+ "`mcast <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=mcast.git;a=summary>`_", "``2.6.0``"
+ "`olt <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=olt.git;a=summary>`_", "``5.1.2``"
+ "`sadis <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=sadis.git;a=summary>`_", "``5.6.0``"
+ "`bng <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=bng.git;a=summary>`_", "``2.2.0``"
+ "`pppoeagent <https://gerrit.opencord.org/plugins/gitiles/pppoeagent/>`_", "``1.2.0``"
+ "`olttopology <https://gerrit.opencord.org/plugins/gitiles/olttopology/>`_", "``1.2.0``"
+VOLTHA Components:
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "Component", "Version", "Chart", "Version"
+ :widths: 30, 10, 10, 10
+ "`Helm Charts (voltha-helm-charts) <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltha-helm-charts.git;a=tree>`_", "``3.1.4``", "", ""
+ "`bbsim <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=bbsim.git;a=tree>`_", "``1.12.10``", "`chart <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=helm-charts.git;a=tree;f=bbsim>`_", "``4.8.6``"
+ "`Bbsim-sadis-server <https://github.com/opencord/bbsim-sadis-server/releases/tag/v0.3.4>`_", "``0.3.4``", "?", "``0.3.1``"
+ "`ofagent-go <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=ofagent-go.git;a=tree>`_", "``2.1.2``", "?", "``2.11.3``"
+ "`openolt agent <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=openolt.git;a=tree>`_", "``3.7.5``", "?", ""
+ "`voltctl <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltctl.git;a=tree>`_", "``1.7.6``", "?", ""
+ "`voltha-go <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltha-go.git;a=tree>`_", "``3.1.5``", "?", "``2.11.3``"
+ "`voltha-lib-go <https://github.com/opencord/voltha-lib-go/releases/tag/v7.1.7>`_", "``7.1.7``", "?", ""
+ "`voltha-onos <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltha-onos.git;a=tree>`_", "``5.1.1``", "?", "``0.1.27``"
+ "`voltha-openolt-adapter <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltha-openolt-adapter.git;a=tree>`_", "``4.2.6``", "?", "``2.11.3``"
+ "`voltha-openonu-adapter-go <https://gerrit.opencord.org/gitweb?p=voltha-openonu-adapter-go.git;a=tree>`_", "``2.2.8``", "?", "``2.10.3``"
+ "`voltha-protos <https://github.com/opencord/voltha-protos/releases/tag/v5.2.5>`_", "``5.2.5``", "?", ""
+ "`voltha-system-tests <https://github.com/opencord/voltha-system-tests/releases/tag/2.9.0>`_", "``2.10.1``", "?", ""
+Helm Chart Versions:
+This section refers to the macro charts to deploy the required infrastructure and a (or many) VOLTHA stacks:
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "Component", "Version"
+ :widths: 30, 10
+ "Voltha-infra", "``2.10.7``"
+ "Voltha-stack", "``2.10.5``"
+BAL Version:
+.. csv-table::
+ :header: "Component", "Version"
+ :widths: 30, 10
+ "Broadcom abstraction layer (BAL)", "````"
+Openolt Agent packages:
+Get access credentials for https://edgecore.quickconnect.to from Edgecore.
+Then login and navigate to ``File_Station`` -> ``EdgecoreNAS``, and then the folder
+``/ASXvOLT16/OpenOLT_Agent/From_ONF_Distribution/voltha-2.10`` or
+``/ASGvOLT64/OpenOLT_Agent/From_ONF_Distribution/voltha-2.10`` based on ``ASXvOLT16`` or ``ASGvOLT64`` platform,
+and pick the suitable OLT debian package based on ``BAL`` applicable for you.
+Please make sure to use the ONL
+for running ``BAL``.
+Please write to `Cameron Lundberg <cameron.lundberg@radisys.com>`_
+to get the OLT debian package validated on 3200G, 1600x and 1600G platforms for VOLTHA-2.10 release
+Please write to `Emanuel Villalobos <Emanuel.Villalobos@zyxel.com.tw>`_
+to get the OLT debian package validated on the SDA3016SS for VOLTHA-2.10 release.