VOL-4840 - Tracking ticket for release documentation.

  o Define more external link macros to shorten URLs.

  o Updated comments on version strings and misc items.

Change-Id: Ib4bc650e575bdc4b5c6a666c4147c8b93a41e797
diff --git a/howto/ssh_access.rst b/howto/ssh_access.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7d9120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/howto/ssh_access.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Gerrit SSH Access
+- `Gerrit Login <https://gerrit.opencord.org/login/%2Fq%2Fstatus%3Aopen%2B-is%3Awip>`_
+Generate an :ref:`SSH Key <gerrit-user-account>` for access
+.. sourcecode:: shell
+   $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f id_gerrit -C 'tux@opennetworking.org'
+- Login and configure gerrit
+- Verify your ssh connection (manual/explicit args)
+   - ssh -T -p 29419 -i ~/.ssh/id_gerrit tux@gerrit.opencord.org
+      - -T # disable pseudo terminal access, simple verify
+      - -p(port)
+      - -i(dentity) # ssh key
+   - Expect to see::
+      \*\*\*\*    Welcome to Gerrit Code Review    \*\*\*\*
+      Hi tux, you have successfully connected over SSH.
+      Unfortunately, interactive shells are disabled.
+Load your ssh key(s) to prompt for a passprase once
+.. sourcecode:: shell
+   # ssh-add will prompt for the passphrase for your key.
+   # This is a one-time operation per login session.
+   $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_gerrit
+   $ ssh-add -l
+Create ~/.ssh/config to simplify your connections
+.. sourcecode:: shell
+   FILE: ~/.ssh/config
+   # IdentitiesOnly yes      only use identity provided, no fallback
+   Host github.com
+      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github.com/id_ed25519
+      IdentitiesOnly yes
+      # (default) Port 22
+      User tux
+   Host gerrit.opencord.org
+      Hostname gerrit.opencord.org
+      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gerrit.opencord.org/id_ed25519
+      IdentitiesOnly yes
+      Port 29418
+      User tux@opennetworking.org
+With ~/.ssh/config setup simply connect to the target machine:
+   - ssh gerrit.opencord.org
+Secure permissions on ~/.ssh
+.. sourcecode:: shell
+  $ chown -R {my_login}:{my_login} ~/.ssh
+  $ chmod -R ~/.ssh u+rwx,og-rwx
+  $ find ~/.ssh -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod u=rwx
+  $ find ~/.ssh -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod u=r
+  $ find ~/.ssh -name '*.pub' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod u=rw
+  $ chmod u=rw ~/.ssh/config ~/.ssh/known_hosts* ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
+Debugging connection problems
+  - ssh [-v | -vv | -vvv ] to enable connection debugging.
+  - For conneciton problems be explicit when specifying arguments:
+     - ssh -p(ort) -i(dentity) {user}@{host}
+  - Use ssh-add -D to clear your keyring and force passphrase prompting.