[VOL-5009] - Create a v2.12 release notes page.

  o Create a skeleton release notes area for v2.12

Change-Id: Ia74075131326e0254af236d9c9edbdf8f46fa430
diff --git a/release_notes/index.rst b/release_notes/index.rst
index 7c3ca31..498fdee 100644
--- a/release_notes/index.rst
+++ b/release_notes/index.rst
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
+   voltha_2.12.rst
diff --git a/release_notes/voltha_2.12.rst b/release_notes/voltha_2.12.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d473f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release_notes/voltha_2.12.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+.. figure:: images/voltha.svg
+   :alt: voltha- Release Notes
+   :width: 40%
+   :align: center
+VOLTHA 2.12 Release Notes
+Features & Improvements
+Bug Fixes
+As usual documentation is published on https://docs.voltha.org
+Known Issues
+.. list-table:: Known Issues
+   :widths: 10, 40
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Jira
+     - Description
+   * - Placeholder
+     - Placeholder
+Certification Program
+Thanks to the Continuous Certification program at ONF we can also ensure
+that the following ONF member products are compatible with the VOLTHA 2.11
+- Edgecore ASGVolt64 GPON OLT
+- Radisys 3200G GPON OLT
+- Radisys 1600G GPON OLT
+- Zyxel SDA3016SS Combo OLT
+Jira stories
+A full list of stories and bugs completed can be found under the
+`VOLTHA 2.12 <https://jira.opencord.org/projects/VOL/versions/12600>`_ (`formatted <https://jira.opencord.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=10106&version=12600>`_) release page in Jira.
+Component Versions in VOLTHA 2.12 release
+Helm Chart Versions
+This section refers to the macro charts to deploy the required infrastructure and a (or many) VOLTHA stacks:
+BAL Version
+Get Involved
+We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to the VOLTHA project, join the community!
+| Here are a few resources to get you started:
+Index/Entry points
+  - `https://docs.voltha.org <https://docs.voltha.org/master/index.html>`_
+  - `Getting Started <https://docs.voltha.org/master/overview/contributing.html>`_
+  - `Code, Documentation, Makefiles <https://docs.voltha.org/master/howto/index.html>`_
+  - `Setup a test pod <https://docs.voltha.org/master/overview/lab_setup.html>`_
+  - `Troubleshooting <https://docs.voltha.org/master/overview/troubleshooting.html>`_
+  - `Automation <https://docs.voltha.org/master/testing/voltha_test_automation.html>`_
+  - `Robot testing harness <https://docs.voltha.org/master/testing/index.html>`_
+  - `voltha-system-tests <https://docs.voltha.org/master/voltha-system-tests/README.html>`_
+CLI Tools
+  - `BBSIM <https://docs.voltha.org/master/bbsim/docs/source/index.html>`__
+  - `voltctl <https://docs.voltha.org/master/voltctl/README.html?highlight=voltctl>`__
+  - `voltha-dev <https://app.slack.com/client/T095Z193Q/C01D229FP2A>`_
+  - `community <https://app.slack.com/client/T095Z193Q/C0184DT7116>`_
+  - `general <https://app.slack.com/client/T095Z193Q/C095YQBLL>`_
+Mailing List
+  - `voltha-discuss@opennetworking.org <https://groups.google.com/a/opennetworking.org/g/voltha-discuss>`_.
+Weekly TST Meetings
+- `Zoom Meeting <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://onf.zoom.us/j/978447356?pwd%3DdS9WajNLam9ZeFExOHV3SXB2Nk1VZz09&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1686087684256971&usg=AOvVaw3dMQpIMYLlyjTTmkvW_edp>`_.
+- `Rolling Agenda <https://www.google.com/url?q=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mNqronCip_-tDjFI-ZoudNteC3AnOcVONPHz7HuW8Eg/edit?usp%3Dsharing&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1686087684256971&usg=AOvVaw3km2VVU2j1qa6JCGI0iSBx>`_.