[VOL-5016] - Build and deploy VOLTHA dep ONOS:sadis

  o Update component dep build docs from the latest attempt to build
  o and publish sadis v5.11.0 out into Maven Central.

Change-Id: I16a8855e01560dbadc60cd43a851306b1685e01e
diff --git a/howto/release/components/onos_components.rst b/howto/release/components/onos_components.rst
index 19775a6..cc2af3c 100644
--- a/howto/release/components/onos_components.rst
+++ b/howto/release/components/onos_components.rst
@@ -12,14 +12,51 @@
 - `Jenkins Release Job <https://jenkins.opencord.org/job/onos-app-release/>`_
+  - `MVN Plugin Upgrade <https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/sadis/+/34230>`_
+  - `5.11.0 (deploy) <https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/sadis/+/34231>`_
+  - `5.12.0-SNAPSHOT (dev) <https://gerrit.opencord.org/c/sadis/+/34232>`_
   - Initiate a build with parameters for the target component.
     - Use repository name not name of the app itself.
     - Specify appVersion and apiVersion stored in the pom.xml file.
-  - Job will modify pom.xml and create pull requests based on version strings.
+      - Files modified by jenkins: pom.xml, app/pom.xml, api/pom.xml
+.. list-table:: Job paramters
+   :widths: 10, 40
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Field
+     - Value
+   * - appRepo
+     - sadis
+   * - appName
+     - sadis
+   * - apiVersion
+     - 5.11.0 (pom.xml: 5.11.0-SNAPSHOT)
+   * - nextApiVersion
+     - 5.12.0
+   * - version
+     - 5.11.0
+   * - nextVersion
+     - 5.12.0
+   * - branch
+     - master (?)
+  - Jenkins jobs from `release matrix: v2.12 <https://wiki.opennetworking.org/display/VOLTHA/v2.12+-+Jenkins+jobs+and+failures>`_
+    - `changeset approval for job merge<https://gerrit.opencord.org/q/owner:do-not-reply%2540opennetworking.org>`_
+    - pom.xml non-SNAPSHOT (first approved changeset)
+      - `licensed <https://jenkins.opencord.org/job/verify_sadis_licensed/>`_
+      - `verify <https://jenkins.opencord.org/job/verify_sadis_maven-test/>`_
+    - pom.xml non-SNAPSHOT (second approved changeset)
+      - `publish <https://jenkins.opencord.org/job/maven-publish_sadis/>`_
+   - Job will modify pom.xml and create pull requests based on version strings.
     - NOTE: Two pull requests are created to modify pom.xml
       - One for release (x.y.z)
       - The second to revert to non-release version (x.(y+1).z-SNAPSHOT)
       - Approve and merge the release version while performing the release.
@@ -34,14 +71,21 @@
   - Wait for build to complete
   - Merge the patches here https://gerrit.opencord.org/q/owner:do-not-reply%2540opennetworking.org
-- Publish sonatype staging to maven central:
+- Artifact staging on sonatype, published to maven central:
   - Visit `https://oss.sonatype.org <https://oss.sonatype.org>`_
   - Login with ONF credentials
-    - Search for org.opencord
+    - In the Artifact Search box
+      - Search for org.opencord
+      - Find the package of interest (pkg, app, api)
+      - Click 'Show All Versions'
+      - Verify the released version exists
     - Click on "Staging repositories" (in the left side navigation)
     - In the top right search for last part of the app name (eg: olt)
+    - Enable checkbox for the versioned package (status: closed).
     - Click release (top left bar, small button)
     - `Wait until artifacts are published <https://search.maven.org/search?q=g:org.opencord>`_