Document VOLTHA Resources

  o Added a resources/ section in
  o Display links for docker URLs and gerrit/github repositories.
  o rst table generation is partly automated using a list of resource
    names and a makefile target that can generate line items.
  o This logic should be built out so docker.rst and resources.rst
    can be fully auto-generated.
  o resources::gerrit repository urls have been populated in the table.
    Strange: url syntax is fine (matches manual navigation), gitiles is
    able to digest the url but only displays a white screen.  Might be
    missing a cookie or context the UI passes.  Will debug this later.

Change-Id: I71ed0e3760ed597707a0abaf35b2e07a68e14ed7
diff --git a/resources/docker.rst b/resources/docker.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e4c977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/docker.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Docker Images
+- VOLTHA images released to and hosted on Docker.
+- Images are built by jenkins then consumed as dogfood by testing.
+.. list-table:: VOLTHA Docker Images
+   :widths: 20, 5, 40
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Image
+     - Date
+     - Description
+   * - `Search=voltha* <>`_
+     -
+     - All Docker images with prefix='voltha'
+   * - `voltha/bbsim <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/bbsim-sadis-server <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `volthacore/voltha-rw-core <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-adapter-simulated-olt <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-adapter-simulated-onu <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-afrouter <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-afrouterd <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-bbsim <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-ci-tools <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-cli <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-dashd <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-envoy <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-netconf <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-ofagent-go <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-ofagent <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-onos <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-openolt-adapter <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-openonu-adapter-go <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-ponsim <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-ro-core <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-rw-core <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-shovel <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-tester <>`_
+     -
+     -
+   * - `voltha/voltha-voltha <>`_
+     -
+     -